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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max rolled out of the bed and hit his cheek on the table on the way down. Putting his hand up to his face he noticed the fall had reopened the cut on his face. "now i have an excuse." He said getting up. Walking Into the bathroom he went through his daily routine. He came out a few minutes later and changed into a dark green T-shirt and a pair of grey cargo pants. Manny woke up at the time and walked out the door and waited for Max to follow. Max made his way to the stairs and drowsily went to grab the railing. Max missed the railing and fell down the stairs. Manny coming down the stairs after Max just sat there and pushed him trying to get him him to move. "One second Manny. Let the world stop spinning and let my head not hurt." Max said sitting at the bottom of the stairs. He got up and made his way into the kitchen with Manny behind him.
Ryan saw Max enter the kitchen, "Goo- what happened to your face?...I mean there's a cut on it."

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"Did you not hear me fall down the stairs?" Max said "And I rolled out of the bed and hit the stand next to it. Manny's a cover hog." Manny looked up at Max at that statement as to call out his lie. "Anyways whats for breakfast" Max asked stretching "And *sniff* why do i smell a horse?"
Grayson and Ashlynn stumbled into the kitchen next. "Hey...." Ash said tiredly sitting on a bar stool in front of the counter. "What's shakin'?"

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Ryan shrugged his shoulders, "I don't know, and I don't know. I already had a fruit though. You want one?" He held up a fruit. "Hey why is Jerika here?" Ryan asked. 
Ryan looked at Ash and...that one kid, "Hey just talking. Um I don't mean to sound rude but who are you?"
Grayson shrugged. "Doesn't bug me, I've been getting asked that ever since I arrived. The name's Grayson, son of Hades, friend of Ashlynn." Ash smiled cheekily but it instantly turned into a scowl as Gray added quietly, "don't know why though."

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Adelina arrived at the kitchen, startled to find most of her fellow demigods there. She had not been informed of a meeting. She spotted a small crate of kiwis on the counter at the other side of the kitchen, and her mouth watered as she envisioned herself biting into the sweet green flesh of one of the fruits. Awkwardly, she made her way through the kitchen to take one, evading eye contact with any of the other individuals that were there; although she did not feel uncomfortable with Helena - she was one of the few individuals in the mansion that only knew Adelina for herself instead of a girl driven insane with love - she appeared to be almost as if she were sleepwalking.

At the mention of a horse, Adelina immediately thought of Nutmeg, the pegasus she had left behind in New York. She remembered how true of a companion she was, how kindly and compassionately she had helped Adelina, and decided to converse with Nutmeg telepathically after slicing the kiwi. She reached for the handles of a hanging cabinet in pursuit of a plate, but found only various sauces and oils, then found the jackpot in the cabinet on its right. She retrieved a plate from it and closed it, as well as a knife and fork from one of the counter's drawers, and began to peel and dice the kiwi with the kitchen knife.
"Thanks" Max said taking the fruit "And Jerika. I dunno i went out for a bit off fresh air and i saw her walk into the house. Thought she might've went home to check up on things then come back." he took a bite of the fruit "So i heard something about a meeting? What about?"
Ashlynn laid her head on the counter and shrugged trying desperately not to fall asleep. "I dunno... I'm just tired..." She let a loud yawn, snuggling her face underneath her arm.

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Ryan responded, "Nice to meet you I'm Ryan" He mumbled, "Zeus child." Ryan looked around, "Um Jason said we will talk about how we will repair the damages here." He continued, "Since not everyone is here....does anyone know how to hack into security systems? I was planning to find the scientists' hidden headquarters."
Jason jumped when he heard the sound of someone crashing down he stairs. He looked backwards towards, the inside of the house he saw someone moving towards the kitchen. he stood up and, opened the door, poking his head in, "Seems like everyone's waking up." He looked back outside at the neighboring backyards. "Come on Nautilus, we should get you out of mortal view. "Sure kid, though I might just be seen as a horse." Jason looked back, "Well, as far as I know Alec doesn't own any horses, so it would still be fishy." The large pegasus, just let out a quiet whinny, as he followed Jason inside. Jason, led Nautilus to the kitchen, aware of his hooves clicking against the tile. "Not exactly quiet, but whatever." He turned into the kitchen and waved to everyone, "Sup guys, meet Nautilus, my dad kinda...sent him to be my partner." As he mentioned this the pegasus entered behind him. "Yo." He nodded his head, his red and black mane, looking like flame as it shook. Jason went for some apples rolling three Nautilus' way on the counter, he took one and took a bite, chewing and swallowing before looking over the group again. "Meeting time then?"
Ashlynn smirked at Gray at the mention of hacking and he glared at her. She had sworn not to mention it, but this was Ash... He could never be to sure.

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Ryan turned around and looked at Jason, "Wait where's Mason, Evelynn, Helena, Alec, Cupid, Vitus, and Ace?"

Cupid quickly cleaned himself up and ran down the stairs, "What a morning!" He ran into the kitchen and looked at everyone, "Eh...hi."
"Cool. is everyone just gonna be getting pets now?" Max said finishing his fruit. "Well we wont be getting much from Vitus... He kinda has Amnesia. It might be best that we let him sleep. The others probably will be walking up sooner or later."
Jerika heard the commotion then almost, fell back out of the chair as the large black Pegasus followed Jason to the kitchen. She ran over, hiding behind the large black pegasus, before yelping, she had been touching his tail, which burned her proving that the flames that appeared when he moved were real, though they were often under control he burned her so avoid being used to aid in someone's spying. She stepped out rubbing her hand, "Stupid flaming pegasus, what type of pegasus has flames anyway." She nodded to Cupid, who ran in. "So, may I be included in this aswell?" She asked bashfully, but she looked at Ryan, putting a little charm into her gaze, hoping to avoid having to warp people too much to be part of the group.
Ryan responded, "Uh....um Jason is in charge of this thing. You should probably ask him." Ryan thought for awhile then said, "Hold on I'm pretty sure Mason is in the garage. I'll be back." He left the kitchen and passed the dining room. Ryan paused as he saw the melted hole in the wall where a door used to be. He found the message to the right of the door inside the garage.
Ashlynn perked up excitedly at the word pets. "Well, now that you've mentioned it my ma sent me a Sphinx. It's in the backyard."
Adelina's ears caught at the mention of a meeting as she bit into the sweet and succulent kiwi. She had not known of the meeting before now, and, leaving the sliced kiwi on the table, she slipped out of the kitchen, racing up the stairs to her room. This was an opportunity to share the information she had found about the scientists. Quickly, she shoved the door open, grabbing her laptop on her desk. Forgetting to close the door behind her, she returned to the kitchen, her laptop under her arm. She guessed that the meeting would be held in the dining room. She took another mouthful of savory kiwi, shifting her plate back and forth clumsily on the counter as she did so, since she had only one free hand at the time.
"was that a joke Ash?" Max said looking at her like she was crazy. " I was kidding by saying that everyone should get pets." Max grabbed another fruit. "Hey Ryan you find Mason in there?!" Max shouted to Ryan.
Ash shrugged and smiled innocently at Max before bounding out of the kitchen and into the dining room after Adelina.
Jerika turned on Jason and he shrugged, "Sure be my guest, you seem to already know what's going on." Jerika looked stunned, didn't he at least think she could be a spy,(Like she was supposed to be) or maybe a threat to them, whatever it was this kid was either pretty smart or really stupid, so far he seemed to be the latter. "Ok cool, thanks. Where will it be?"

Jason looked at the group, not liking that he was leader again he took a deep breath and stepped forward. Time to put on a brave face. "Well i doubt everyone wants to stand so let's go to the table. More room there anyway." He walked out Nautilus following, the pegasus, weaved through the house finding a large enough space to stand without having to avoid breaking something. Jason sat at the end of
Ryan said silently, "He left? Mason left? The awesome waffle lover Mason left? What?" He clenched his fists and looked around again at the damage, "No...this isn't right! Gah if the camp hadn't been destroyed then he would have been able to train well there." Ryan gripped a table, "NO! The scientists are out there what if?....." He threw the table at a wall, "NO! That won't happen...Mason can burn them." Ryan started getting too worried and he grabbed onto a chair, "Burning....always the answer DAMN IT!" He swung around and threw the chair at the garage. Looking at the broken table and chair, Ryan thought about the time when he broke Mason, "Sssorry..." Ryan kneeled down on the floor and picked a broken chair leg up, "Who knows where he is now." Electricity started forming in Ryan's hands and he dropped the chair leg, "Get off!" He kept hitting his hands on his lap, "AH!" His lightning katanas came out and he held them in his hands, "Frickin get away." He made them disappear, "So the lightning hands are a sign something's wrong eh? So that the stupid katanas can randomly come out? I know somethings wrong cause Mason's not here and the scientists are searching for us all!" Ryan furrowed his brows and quickly walked back to the kitchen, "Guys Mason's not here. We need to find him!" He looked at Adelina and the laptop she had with her, "What are you searching up?" Ryan moved his hands through his hair and walked around the room in deep thought, "Do you think that we can search for Mason AND take those scientists camps down at the same time?" 
Ace quickly got up and cleaned himself up. He walked down the stairs and yawned, "What's going on?" Ace stretched and fixed his shirt.
Ashlynn looked up and stared at Ryan in surprise. "What? Is this a joke? Mason's gone...."
For some reason Ryan felt a great feeling of anger within him.

Cupid eyed Ryan and thought to himself "Maybe power withdrawals? He can't keep his power hidden forever. It has to come out." He noticed Ryan's clenched fists and tensed up body. Cupid thought to himself "Well...I'm not standing near him. Oh no I won't."

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