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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Might as well double task" Max said hearing about the situation. "That stupid hotheaded idiot!" Max ran into the garage. "There must be a clue and hint, something to tell us where he went." Max thought to himself as he looked around. "D***** nothing." Max exited the Garage, and walked back into the Kitchen. He saw Ryan and he looked mad. "Ryan if we want to go find Mason we need to go now!" Max said to him. Ryan looked distant, like he couldn't hear him. "RYAN!" Max said and he grabbed Ryan's arm.

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Ace noticed Ryan's anger and looked at the rest of the demigods, "Give it two hours...he'll cool down."

Ryan shifted his gaze at Ace, "No more parties for now. We NEED to get moving. If you want, I can go ahead while you guys fix these walls." He looked at Jason and Max hoping he remembered what they talked about last night regarding Ryan quickly fixing the place up so they could get moving. Ryan shook Max's grip from his arm and took a deep breath, but remained mad. He had to contain himself. He can't start showing his other power to them.
Jason turne in his seat and looked at Ryan in disbelief. "Well. The meeting can wait till we have everyone, let's find him." Jason hoped logic would calm Ryan sincehas obviously pissed. Attitude is everything right.

Jerika, saw Ryan's rage and wanted to calm him down but didn't know how. "C'mon Ry calm dowwn." Jerika's voice was loaded with power to actually have an effect.

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Tensely, Adelina took a seat in one of the dining room chairs, placing her laptop in front of her. She stared at it as she listened to Ryan's meltdown, worried that Mason had left, as the group could not afford to lose another demigod. They would have to look for him now, before the radius of the distance that he could have possibly gone extended. She looked up as Ryan asked someone what they were searching up, and glanced around the room before she calculated that it was she that he had been inquiring. "Oh," she said, a little overly loudly. "Just something I discovered about the scientists last night," she added in a voice that was quieter by a large interval.
Ryan heard Jerika and immediately felt a little calm. He quickly looked around, "No wasting time!" Ryan directed his attention back to Adelina once she spoke. He attempted to sound a little more calm, "What did you discover?"
Ashlynn sighed and slumped down in a chair. She was already worn out from training, and this was just making it worse. "I apologize in advance to all of you if I fall asleep randomly." Ash announced before laying her head down on the table.
Adelina caught a glimpse of Ashlynn as she spoke and the slight smile returned to her face for only a moment. In her mind, Adelina reviewed the information she had digested last night, drumming her fingertips on the dining table, before responding. "There was some really well-hidden website about demigods - sort of like one of those sites about UFO or Bigfoot sightings. It talked about the prospect of beings that were half human and half Greek god, and how they could potentially be dangerous to the mortal world, and they should be controlled. They . . mentioned their ambition to capture all of the existent demigods, and claimed they had already successfully captured four groups of demigods. They said that Florida was their next destination, and there was an address to send a letter to in case anyone saw someone that matched their descriptions of us. I had to use this system so that I was completely incognito in order to view the page, though." She recollected the memory of designing the system back at Camp Half-Blood and programming it to her laptop.
Cupid started to think about places Mason could have had ran off to, "His mom, a family member, a friend....environments..eh suburbs, cities, forest, country..doubt it. Um extremes let's see volcano, IHOP...yes pretty extreme....Mexico! Nah."

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Adelina gave a small, uncertain shake of her head. "No, it didn't say anything about any headquarters, but the address that it said to send letters to was, um, Avenida Ca . . ." She hesitated, straining her brain to pull the piece of information from her memory. She had been too exhausted when she was researching during the previous night. Hastily, she opened her laptop, logging into her account while she glanced over her shoulder to make sure that no one could see her keystrokes. She maximized the website page, skimming the text until she relocated the scientists' request for letters along with the address. She wondered why they hadn't offered an e-mail address. "Avenida Cândido Hartmann, 570. Right, it used to be Edifício Champagnat I before it became abandoned a while ago."
Ryan gave Adelina a confused look. Cupid stopped mentioning random locations, "What?" Ryan asked, "Where's Aven-...that place?"

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"Um." Adelina considered her thought of one city in particular that she recalled from her expansive study of geography, but felt skeptical of herself, so quickly opened a new tab on her browser and Googled the address of the building, then, when coming up with no results, searched "Edificio Champagnat," too lazy to add the accent on the second "i" in "Edifício." All information on either of the searches seemed to have been deleted, entirely wiped out. She looked up from her laptop. "I didn't exactly find anything, but I'm pretty sure that it's in Curitiba, Brazil."
Ryan said, "Curitiba, Brazil? Hm looks like we have to travel a long distance again."

Cupid said, "As for Mason I've narrowed the locations down to family place, Mexico, California, Texas, volcano, IHOP, and Denny's...I don't think I'm anywhere close though." 
Cupid thought then said, "Wait a minute can Evelynn find him with her power, or am I not thinking about the right power?"
Adelina tilted her head, a quizzical expression on her face. "We're going to Brazil?" She looked away, wondering for what reason they would have to journey to Brazil; if the scientists' headquarters was located there, which was not even to be sure of, wouldn't that make it easier for them to snare the demigods and take them hostage? What if this was their plan, to lure the demigods to Brazil so that they would be able to capture them more easily? However, she knew that it might be necessary to infiltrate or destroy the headquarters, or whatever cause Ryan had to travel to Brazil, which she apparently had not been notified of.

She glimpsed Cupid at the side, puzzled as to what power he was speaking of. Apparently, the girl named Evelynn, whom Adelina had seen unconscious earlier in the protective arms of Mason, possessed an ability that might allow her to find the boy who had run away. Adelina was curious as to what this power might be.
Ryan responded, "Well...I know I am. I don't know if you guys want to, but I want to end this. You can come if you want." He looked at Cupid and shrugged. Ryan fixed his sleeve and added, "By the way Adelina what powers do you have?"
Instantly, Adelina's shoulders tensed and she felt herself become defensive of the amount of knowledge that people had about her. Why was he asking her about her powers, when she had unwillingly revealed one of them yesterday, in return for survival? "I thought you know that." Her voice was barely audible, controlled so that the sound waves dissolved before it had traveled more than a few feet away from her. She was merely half lying - only Chiron and Dionysus were informed of her other power, her ability to rapidly become familiar with any weapon. It wasn't much; her gifts obviously weren't as powerful as those of some other demigods, but it was nonetheless confidential information - the kind of information she didn't like to share. She thought of the proposition of going to Brazil, assuming that the goal was to destroy the headquarters, which may or may not be a headquarters. She wondered whether or not she was destined to go - her fatal flaw was ambition, as she had discovered from her dream of the Sirens, and although she desperately wanted to take part in defeating the scientists, she would have to learn to control her fatal flaw.
Jason leaned back in his chair glad that Ryan was taking over. He looked at him when suggested going to the scientists' supposed headquarters. "Well, if you're going then you can count me in, no one should try facing them alone espacially if they have gotten four groups of us." He slid his hand through his hair worry on his face. "If anything we need to get our friends out of there, who knows what those maden are doing to them." Jason's look intensified as he thought of something else that worried him, "We'll have to tran hard to be able to fight a our best, those guys have to have some skill to take down all of those campers."

Nautilus could practically see the gears turning in Jason's head and concluded that the kid was smarter than he seemed. He nudged Jason with his snout. "Hey kid, don't get too stressed out we may have a lot to do, but Brazil is a long ways away. We can train as we go." Jason absent mindedly placed a hand on Nautilus' snout rubbing it gently, "Yeah." His voice sounded hollow, and his slight nod only helped to show his mindset.
Ashlynn nodded in agreement with Jason. "We really need to train and work on controlling and strengthening out powers."

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Then she turned to face Jerika. "And I didn't forget Jerika, how do you know about us being demigods?" She asked, all the tiredness wiping away from her face.

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Helena was gone. She was long gone. She had noticed Mason's absence immediately. She didn't know where he was, but she would damn near follow him to the bottom of Tartarus. Even if It killed her. Right now, she rose the back of Fred the hellhound, too physically weak to walk on her own. "MASON! Mason!" She had been calling to him since she left. Her voice was beginning to crack from the screaming.

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Cupid interrupted, "I'm pretty sure they would take half of our group if we tried splitting up to find Mason and take down hqs at the same time." Cupid paused then continued, "Ryan I don't mean to sound eh mean, but your power hardly stands a chance against all those other cool powers. Don't get to confident that you can take down some crazy scientists. Oh and I suggest we try to find Mason as a group first".

By this time Ryan was calm. He looked around the room and tried to recall who knew about his enhanced physical abilities. Ryan sorted out the important stuff now that his mind was straight again and said, "I guess we can train as we find Mason to make the most out of that trip. That way we could condition ourselves to go against the scientists. So any specific ideas as to where Mason could be?"

Cupid replied, "I've narrowed the ideas down to a volcano because that's the only place that could handle his fire."

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Ryan looked back at Adelina when he heard her voice, "Um...sorry if the question made you feel somewhat uncomfortable." He looked down then Cupid punched Ryan in the shoulder, "You know any volcanos?" Ryan looked at Cupid.

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Adelina didn't respond and instead stared at the cherry wood of the dining table as its shiny surface reflected the light that filtered through the windows. She suddenly was not in the mood for talking at all and felt guilty, worried that she had made Ryan feel bad. She thought that the idea of Mason fleeing to a volcano was a bit far off, but she contemplated the idea anyway. Her memory produced the fact that there was only one volcano in Florida - Wakulla Volcano, which she estimated was not far from the mansion, though at least several miles away. However, Wakulla was only a mystery; people from Florida many years ago had seen smoke rising from the swamps where they believed Wakulla was and had established a myth of a volcano, though no real evidence had been found. Adelina found it highly unlikely that a normal would attempt to travel to a location whose existence was not even sure of, but from what she could tell, Mason was not a normal person. Abruptly, she noticed the absence of Helena. She had seen her in the kitchen earlier this morning, feeble and fatigued, but she was not present here in the dining room, where the meeting was being held. "Where's Helena?" she murmured softly, not expecting anyone to hear her.
Ryan heard Adelina and didn't know how quietly she murmured her words, "Aw don't tell me she's missing too...unless she went to look for Mason."

Ace gave a weird look at Ryan, "Who's missing too?" Ryan looked away when he realized that he was probably the only one who heard it with his abilities, "Um.."He looked back at Ace, "Helena. I just thought of Helena now so.."
Vitus woke up from his plenty long nap and looked out the window, it look to be a pleasant day so he headed down stairs to go out for a walk. There were people talking in one of the nearby rooms but he ignored them and headed out. In the yard he found several odd looking creatures. He paused a moment to take them in before continuing on his way. He headed into the woods where he could enjoy the day by himself.

As he walked though something began to bother him. There was something it the tall grass of the area ahead of him. But before he could make up his mind about weather or not he wanted to check out the sound it dashed towards him. It looked something like a really big lizard with several heads, Vitus turned on his heel running and weaving through the trees. He began jamming his hands in his pockets looking for something to defend himself with as if on instinct. Though his in his mind he seemed to be searching for something else, but he wasn't sure what or even really what he was doing. Just as his hand closed around his pocket knife he heard a screech form the lizard thing and foot falls. Was someone really attacking the thing?

After a moment he couldn't resist looking any longer and dodging behind a tree he peeked around. Forest creatures were biting, tearing, and attacking anyway they could. It was a bizzare sight, but odder still wasn't what they were doing but the animals themselves. They all looked off in one way or another. In fact they all looked like they had been dead before this. The lizard thing was quick enough with disspatching the horrendous creatures attacking it.

Vitus turned to run again but the creature screeched in fury and something sent a searing pain across his back and he fell to the ground. The creature was over him in moments raking it's huge claws across his chest, warm blood seeping out he knew it was going to be the last day he saw. Even the walking dead forest animals seemed not to bother the monster anymore. Vitus heard a voice in his head, a voice that seemed slightly familier. Now, is your chance. Kill the beast. The voice commanded. Taking his pocket knife he thrust it up carving into the creature's chest more blood coated him, this time it was the monster's though. The beast let out a strangled surprised noise as it began to collapse on top of Vitus, but before it landed it turned to dust mixing with the blood that covered him making a disgusting sort of paste.

Vitus closed his eyes hearing the voice again as his conciousness left him. You did well warrior. You have avenged my death, as it was that very beast that had slain me, thank you. And as the voice stopped so did Vitus' heart.

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