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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina picked up her glass of milk from the counter and had just pulled out a chair from the kitchen table to sit in when she noticed the back of Ryan's shirt stained dark red as he walked away. She knew that he hadn't been injured by the manticore, and what appeared to be blood seemed to have seeped through the shirt fully. She tilted her head quizzically and her lips parted slightly as she was about to ask him about it, but felt uncomfortable and invasive to interrogate him, and her mouth closed momentarily as she lifted her glass of milk. She gulped the refreshing beverage down eagerly before standing up, pushing her chair in and walking to the sink to deposit her empty glass.

As she flicked off the lights to the kitchen and walked to the staircase, passing the place where she had tossed her hair elastic to the ground hours ago, she recalled the moment earlier today when she had seen Ryan wearing a sash that seemed to be formed from the T-shirt he was wearing earlier. The sash had covered the exact spot that the blood had spread from on Ryan's back. He had been hiding a wound, but why? She climbed the staircase and trudged down the hallway with her backpack, noticing the sticky notes on each door that had not been there before. They had the names of the rest of the demigods in the group on them. She had yet to select a room, so she opened the door to the nearest unoccupied room to assess it.
Ryan groggily made his way to the couch, "I've never been so excited to sleep on a couch." He rubbed his eyes again as he lied down on it.
'The sound of welding pieces of metal together. . . The beauty of creating life from the refuse of the world. . . To feel the pride in craftsmanship. . . That is the true meaning of my life.' he mumbled as he finished the terminal he was making out of the scrapped motorcycle and photography equipment. He heard someone at the door and stood upright and closed his fist, calling in his flame. He looked over at the door as he lifted his goggles over his red hair. He rubbed the bridge of his nose and began walking forward. He was having a bad day. He wanted nothing to do with any mythological nonsense for the night. He had his fill with the manticores and the almost dying a horrible death things. He was halfway over the glass and he heard a thump on the door. He was thinking of a manticore as it happened and his body went wild. He unconsciously threw a bolt of blue plasma into the door, melting the door off it's hinges. He swore and ran towards it, hoping he didn't just melt someone's face off.
Max was sitting on a stump in the forest when he thought he heard a noise. He got up and turned around staring into the forest. Then all of a sudden a pair of hands reached out from behind him a covered hims eyes. He felt another persons presence behind him when a voice pieced the silence. "Guess who?" Said the feminine voice behind Max, and he instantly froze. The voice was familiar, because he had heard in not a few hours ago. "No S-Sam why are you here?!" Max said to Sam who held his eyes closed. "Yay you guessed correctly" She said uncovering his eyes "Now heres you prize." Sam pulled a knife and slashed a cut into Max's cheek. Putting his hand on the cut Max backed away. "What the hell do you want from me?" He said putting his back to a tree. "I just wanted to chat Max. Its been so long since i last talked to you, and plus you are gonna help me." Sam said smiling at Max. "What do you mean help you, like i'd help a crazy Siren like you!" Max said with worry building inside him. "Thing is you don't have a choice. Max I know you better than anyone, and that means i know your secrets. So if you don't want everyone to know about what you've done." Sam said with a devilish smile on her face. "No you wouldn't. Please don't." Max said "Leave me the **** alone!" She fazed in front of him. "Now Max don't shout." She said lacing her arms around his shoulders "I just want you to do a few things for me. Then ill leave you alone." Max looked at his Ex "Like what?" He asked. "I want you to figure out who the strongest members of you group are. And that means figuring out their powers and their limits." She said leaning in close "Will you do this for me? I swear on the Styx i will leave you alone if you do." Max thought to himself and weighed the consequences of each actions. "Fine… I'll do it. Just give me time." Max responded. Sam kissed his cheek "Thanks sweetie. Ill give you all the time you need, but when the time comes that i can't give you anymore time." She raised her knife to his throat "Ill be here to collect my info." Sheathing her knife she backed away from him. "Oh, also one more thing if you tell anyone about our little meeting here, ill let everyone in that house know of everything you've done. Now Bye Bye!" She walked back into the forest and disappeared into the woods. "What the hell have i gotten myself into" Max said turning to leave the forest. "S*** I need to get back and get some sleep i don't want to be out of it tomorrow. Especially since this happened." Max then sprinted to the house and climbed back into the mansion throughout the window. He slid into his bed and focused on sleep rather than what had just happened to him.
Adelina snapped on the lights to the room. She instantly froze in her tracks, gaping at it for a few moments. It was almost as if it had been designed especially for her. The walls were a calm, serene blue, the kind of blue that invoked her thinking. The floor was carpeted in white. Massive windows, revealing the starry night sky, screened part of the wall to her right, leaving about one and a half feet of empty wall on either side. Just below the windows lay her queen-size bed, covered with a blue - the same shade as the walls - blanket decorated with ornate silver patterns, as well as a matching pillow. Next to the bed was a side table in the same relaxing blue, a lamp that matched the blanket and pillow resting on top of it. Facing the windows, a few feet from the bed, was a fabulous silver desk with drawers whose handles were blue, a swivel chair to go with it as well as a PC on top of it.

She gasped as her gaze turned to the back wall. An enormous bookcase completely covered it, and instantly Adelina was in love. The bookcase contained novels of all different sizes, and her eyes gleamed as she imagined the hours she would spend reading every single book that it held. To the left was an extremely comfortable-looking plush blue chair that was closer to the center of the room than the wall, as well as a closed closet, which Adelina would look through in the following morning. Removing her shoes, she flung herself onto the bed without bothering to change into pajamas, leaving her backpack on the floor after she unzipped it and took her laptop from it. She had planned to do research, anything she could to find information about the scientists and their progress. She opened the laptop and began.

A half hour later, close to midnight, she collapsed and fell asleep with her laptop still on her lap.
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"AH, sh*t!" Helena shouted with a hand to the side of her head. "Gods of Olympus, Mason! It's me!" She turned to look at him as he peered through the hole, running a hand over her ear. "You nicked my ear! How did you even do that!?" She rubbed the side of her head, then blinked, and started to fall over, "head rush... Timber..."

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Jason muttered, "Downstairs. Dining room. Been waiting

...for you, she's pretty pissed at you....still." Jason struggled to get his thoughts out dozing in between words. He only put a thumbs up to Ryan's suggestion to distract everyone while he cleaned up. "Could try training in backyard....or, basement." He finally finoshed his thoughts then drifted away into sleep but soon felt he was sinking, his eyes snapped open and he was sinking in saltwater, after coming into the dream his speed picked up until he rocketed down to the depths of the ocean. A large palace came into sight and he knew he was going to see his father. "Grreeaaat." He thought not as excited as he should be. He was swept into a large hall lined with coral and fishman warriors, he looked around and noticed they were meeting his eyes. He grew nervous and felt his fingers tingle which was always a sign he was using his powers. Outside his dream water droplets were coalescing out of nowhere and disappearing just as fast before abruptly ceasing as his dream self touched the floor below and began half walking half drifting towards towards his fathers throne. Poseidon smiled down at him and Jason felt a warm current flow around him and he smirked a little bit, "What's up pops." A few of the mermen were surprised at their leader beong called "Pops" Poseidon didn't seem to mind. The massive god just smiled and pointed at Jason's wrist. He noticed a new bracelet that had a wave design. "What's this?" Jason looked at his dad in confusion, "Oh my messenger forgot one see the original one you used goes with the shield as you saw this one is meant to be your main weapon, also you should try tinkering with it. Just a suggestion." His dad winked and he waved his hand. Jason felt himself being tugged back by a current he was surprised but was willing to go with it until he remembered something. "OH wait, one thing." His father slowed the current an eyebrow raised. "Max and Helena both have sweet pets...do I get one?" Poseidon laughed and smiled, "I'll think about but you will have to take good care of him" Jason saluted grinning and waved to everyone, his smile widend as he saw a merman wave back. He turned, and saw the surface coming at him fast. He woke up as he broke through and sat upright in bed eyes wide and energy buzzing through him he was so attuned with his power he could see, water sources everywhere from pipes, to the pool. "That was one hell of a dream."

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Time Skip

Ryan woke up and got up from the couch. He made his way to the restroom and cleaned himself up. Remembering the blood on his shirt, he used his super speed and ran to a store, bought a shirt, disposed the old shirt, wore the new shirt, and went back to the mansion. Ryan walked back into the restroom and took his shirt off again to check his wound. Ryan unwrapped the gauze and threw it away. "Yes Noah's cream worked!"He thought to himself as he viewed his wound. His wound's depth decreased and now only looked like a long diagonal scratch across his back. Ryan put his new shirt back on, walked out of the restroom, and went to the kitchen. He grabbed a fruit and started to eat it.
Ashlynn and Gray had been up for a while training. The were going back and forth through practicing their powers to hand-to-hand combat and sword fighting. "Uh, I don't know about this Ash..." "Oh come on Gray, I'll be gentle." She said as she used her powers to make Gray imagine he was floating and that the only stable part of ground was a small twisting platform in front of him.
Cupid fell out of his bed. Ace quickly sat up when he heard the thud sound in the room, "What the-"

"Can you not?" Cupid interrupted. He pulled himself up and glared at Ace. Ace just looked at Cupid with a straight face. Cupid complained, "You took the whole blanket last night! Why? WHY?!" Ace responded, "Cause I'm used to sleeping alone and I'm bigger than you." Cupid flailed his arms in the air, "You know I get cold easily!" Ace lied back down and turned the other way, "Yep I know."

Cupid clenched his fists, "Argh! YOU!....youuu".
Gray let out a low moan as he began to rock. "Gray, you all right?" "I'm fine." "Can you tell me what you see? Is it working?" Gray rolled his eyes. "Of course It's working Ashlynn! And all I see is a bunch of emptiness and the platform I'm standing on." I smiled at Grayson's response before making him feel like he was in danger.

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The sound of singing filled Adelina's ears. It was absolutely the most beautiful sound she had ever heard, and she found herself unable to breathe, her breath catching in her throat. It made her heart melt, and she yearned for more of the singing. There were no words to it, but it didn't matter - the melodic voices warbled and vibrated through Adelina's heart with passion and meaning, enticing her, drawing her towards the sound. She ran through the woods that she found herself in, desperately searching for the source of the harmony of truly exquisite voices. Her despair grew and she burst into tears just as she encountered an enchanting clearing that was veiled with a warm, pleasant glow.

In the middle of the clearing stood her dad. She recognized his chestnut brown hair, combed back roughly, his forest green eyes that Adelina had inherited. He was wearing jeans with one of his favorite plaid shirts, burgundy and black. His arm was around a stunningly beautiful woman with blonde hair that fell over her shoulders, and although she was dressed in a denim jacket, jeans, and hiking boots, power emanated from her. Behind the couple was a colossal library, and Adelina had to squint to see the top. Written above the door were the words "ADELINA'S LIBRARY." Adelina felt herself fill with excitement, then diverted her attention to her parents. The two adults had been looking at each other lovingly, the blonde woman laughing uncontrollably at a joke Adelina's dad had just said. "M- Mom?"

As Adelina approached the clearing, their faces turned to her, and their eyes illuminated with delight and warmth. The music had been radiating from them. Her dad beckoned for her to join them, and Athena looked at Adelina proudly and affectionately. Adelina sprinted towards them, her arms held out to embrace them both, a future of joy and success awaiting her. Her parents' arms enclosed around her. "One day you will be powerful," Athena whispered in her ear.

Suddenly, the figures of her dad and Athena became distorted. Adelina's heart pounded as they grew, transforming into monstrous vultures with the heads of women. Adelina found it especially strange when her dad's face became that of an attractive female. "Or not!" The Siren that had taken the appearance of her mother cackled. The Sirens' talons outstretched and unexpectedly, instead of talons, they became the various dissecting tools of scientists, gleaming with silver as one of the human-headed vultures held her down as she squirmed, and the other drew back a sharp metallic utensil to stab Adelina. The tool had been millimeters from her upper arm when she sat up in her bed, breathing heavily.
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As he ate the fruit, Ryan looked out the window and thought of the mumbling he heard yesterday. Who were they? He finished his fruit and got a glass of water.

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Adelina sat, petrified, in her bed for several minutes, pondering over her dream. The Sirens in her dream had revealed to her her fatal flaw - ambition. She replayed her mother's words in her head, and had to remind herself constantly that it was not actually Athena, but the dream Sirens manipulating her, exposing her fatal flaw through the seemingly kind words in the voice of her mom. She coveted power and success, although she knew it was unnecessary. It would have been perfect. She imagined her parents back together, basking in the idea of her dad once again in elation and satisfaction after all those years of loneliness. She pictured spending hours reading, and yet more in fierce combat with monsters. If only they weren't Sirens . . .

She closed her laptop, regarding the fact that she had fallen asleep with it still in her lap. She rolled out of bed, still shaken by the nightmare, and put it on her desk, the colossal bookcase on the back wall stealing her focus as she recalled the tremendous library. Although she was tempted to randomly choose a novel from a shelf of the bookcase and become absorbed by it, she felt grimy and smelly, so decided to take a shower.
The nectar worked it's magic on Evelynn's shredded side, broken ribs, and burned flesh. She had remained unconscious all this time, b,it finally began to stir. A cold sweat started to appear on her body. It glistened in light of dawn that crawled through the window of her room. She felt aware, but would not wake. Behind her eyelids a vision slowly formed. The bed on which she lay agitated her, it felt like a thousand sharp pins constantly pressing against her bare skin. The soft pillow that supported her head felt like a weight, dragging her downwards, and the thin sheet that covered her felt as if it was simultaneously smothering her and keeping her forced onto the needles while the weight of the pillow dragged her down.

A vision slowly began to form behind her fluttering eyelids. Only a dry, barren landscape at first, it quickly darkens as the sky turned black. Dark clouds laced with red lightning moved in, casting an ominous light on everything in sight. The ground became cracked as fissures formed, hissing with noxious gasses. The vision slowly panned to the side one hundred and eighty degrees. In the distance stood a magnificent castle, one out of a storybook nearly. With a rush, the castle enlarged as the vision moved forward rapidly. The details of the castle came into view, radiating beauty and regality. She knew this place. It was her place, the only place she ever was truly at peace. Here, she was a much more serene person, often simply gazing out over the clear waters of the lake for hours at a time. The rumble of the thunder sounded and her heart began to race. "No, no, NO!" Her mind screamed for her to do something, but it was a vision. She could do less here than within a dream. A great bolt of lightning lashed down from the sky, making the vision go all white for several moments. As color and sight returned, the once glorious castle stood as a shadow of it's former self. It still had the air of a storybook, but much more Brother's Grimm. The previously white stone was now a dull, lifeless grey. The ramparts were shattered, large pieces of the wall, crumbled into the moat of blood surrounding it. The once glistening lake was a putrid bog of green and brown and the balcony above it ran red with a waterfall of blood. A second rush led her inside the walls of the castle to the large stained glass that over looked the throne room. It represented her, clothed in robes of lavender and with a scepter of platinum, adorned with a thousand shades of jewels. The glass was intact. She was not. The piece of red glass that had shown her kind heart was smashed, blood flowing down the purple of her robes to swamp the throne room, bones floating on the red liquid. The scene zoomed out back to where it had started to give a full view of the disturbing vision. Chains of rusted iron glanced the sky and ground, binding them together in a twisted inseparable form.On the chains, a thousand demigods, all alive, but powerless to escape this hell.A dark chuckle resounded across the field as red spider lilies sprouted up to cover the ground, giving moment of apparent beauty befre they burst into flames.

She wanted to throw up. She wanted to cry, scream, curse and fight, but as the vision faded, so to did her awareness, and once again she was locked into sleep.


"Man, did you see that one?" John asked with a laugh. "She was squealing like a pig. These demigods aren't that tough once you get a few abilities of your own, huh?" John was the reckless soldier type, but efficient at what he did. He was ruthless and brutal and didn't mind making the 'hard' decisions for the team. Next to him was Ezekial, ace scientist. He held a master's in almost every field relevant to their current mission, capture the demigods, and his position, chief engineer of weapons. He shook his head at John's brashness. "You're quite lucky we had already dealt with the songstress girl, or her 'squealing' would've made you like ol Frank here." He kicked the boot of a man laying on the floor, a mook of a soldier compared to them. The man was dead, blood trickling from his eyes, nose, mouth and ears. "Yeah, yeah." John waved a hand dismissively. "You keep saying ghat, bu-" he was cut off from finishing his sentence by a sharp blow to the back of his head. "You talk to **** much, John." From the shadows emerged the third member of their group, Anivia, aka Strife. John rubbed his head and flipped her off as she sat down, taking a drink before speaking. "I saved your *** a dozen times and all you can do is brag about how big your **** is. Shut up for once." John looked kissed, a look he almost always wore when Anivia was around him and speaking. He opened his mouth to fire back, but was again cut off by Bruce before he got even a word out. "What's our next move, Boss?" Bruce was the heavy weapons brawler, preferring to beat his opponents physically rather than with wit or fire power. This didn't mean he was against using augments and enhancements to boost his capabilities though. His question was directed at the figure perched on the cliff half a dozen yards away. "We move onto our next target, as always." A feminine voice said. Her voice was one of unquestionable authority, but managed to never sound demanding. She clenched her fist silently for a moment before turning back to her group. Her face was soft and her features gentle, unsuitable for a high ranking commander. seeing her face was rare as she was generally equipped with a full body suit and armor, but now her wavy ebony hair fell loosely around her face until she swept it back with a hand. "A day of rest and celebration and then we move. Any complaints?" Her light brown, almost golden, eyes surveyed her elites they shook their heads. "None, Zairah." Anivia spoke. "As always. But where will we be going?" Her question was one on all of their minds, and Zairah had an answer already. Double checking the GPS locations on the multi-tool one final time, she said, "Florida. I hope you brought your bathing suit." The three men cheered and Anivia shook her head with a smirk. "I was just going to make you buy me one." Their bickering and joking continued as they left clean up to the section eight group and left the area.
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Jerika woke with a start having had a nightmare about being killed and sent back to Tartarus....again. She eased her way out of the chair and went outside to get some air. She looked over to her house wondering if their mother was watching them now, which she probably was. Jerika took a few moments to relax, then went back inside, not wanting her pother to take the chance to isolate her. She went straight to the dining room not knowing what else to do with herself.

Jason slipped out of bed and went to the bathroom to start his routine. Rummaging through his bag he grabbed his things and ran in taking a ten minute shower. He came out wearing a black sleeveless shirt that fit loosely and had a playboy logo on it but was colored to look like Pikachu, he also wore khaki cargo shorts. He put his things away and he went downstairs. The staircase he used looked out to the backnear the pool, he was about to turn away when a voice echoed in his head, "You gonna keep me waiting or are you gonna say hello." Jason only realized that he uderstood what was said, forgetting that it was a whinny. He turned and through the glass he saw a large black pegasus, with red streaks in his tail and on the edges of his wings. On it's front right leg a trident shaped white patch of fur could be seen. Jason nearly fell on his but amazed by the pegasus's appearance. "Oh, hey. Are you who my dad sent?" He pegasus nodded a bit, "Yup I'm your partner, not pet but partner. My name is Nautilus." Jason nodded slowly, "Okay, pleasure to meet you." Jason walked outside sliding the doors open then closing them, not aware that Jerika had been out there moments before. "You been out here long?" The pegasus looked at him blankly, "Actually I just flew in saw a pretty little thing just a few moments ago." Jason laughed and sat down in front of him, ready to get to know his new partner better.

Alec looked at Evelynn, and raised an eyebrow. "Uhhh.. Evelynn?" He had brought her up here, and personally needing a break, he decided to sit with her till she finally woke up. Now he crossed he floor to her bedside and shook her lightly, "uh... Evelynn?" With no response, he felt her forehead. "Gods of Olympus, she's burning up.." He looked at her, worried, then pulled the sheet off of her, hoping that would help while he rushed off to find help.

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Ash's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as Gray began to curse in Greek. 'I wonder what he sees?' She thought as Gray held out his hands in front of him. 'Sorry Gray, I'm not trying to rip a gaping hole to Tartarus in the floor.' Ashlynn thought as she made him think his powers weren't working. Gray growled in frustration tugging at his hair his dark brown -clouded at the moment- looking distressed. Her strength was already waning and it had only been a few minutes of practicing. That wasn't good. Gray yelled in surprise and Ashlynn looked into the illusion to find that the platform Grayson was standing on was cracking and shaking. That was even worse. She hadn't yet learned what would happen when someone gets injured in her illusions, and she didn't want to. Ash cried out as the floor began to fall away -she was getting weak and fast-. She quickly dropped the illusion and keeled over panting.
Helena looked at Mason after righting herself, then rubbed her arm, shyly," I uhh.... I guess I'll just go..." She looked at him, then turned and walked away with a sigh, her eyes on the floor in front of her, watching her feet as she walked away from Mason.

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The door to Adelina's bathroom was to the right of her closet. Awesome, a personal bathroom! She brushed her teeth, took a quick shower, and dried herself, then, wrapped in a cozy towel, examined the contents of her closet. All of the attire she discovered in the closet seemed comfortable and wearable, as that was the single attribute of clothing that she cared about, provided that it was not hideous. She selected a plain white T-shirt under a dark green hoodie, along with navy blue jeggings, then donned them hastily. She spent a while searching for socks, and instead decided to retrieve a pair from her backpack, which held much more than it appeared to. After pulling her socks and sneakers on, she exited the room, casting one last look at it as she left.
"You know," Ashlynn said weakly. "We'll do this some other time. Breakfast?" Gray nodded. His face was a tad pale and there was a sheen of sweat on his forehead. "Let's go." The two walked downstairs together silently.

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Helena headed downstairs, shaking with the effort of standing. She had heard there was talk of a meeting, and there was no way she would miss it. So down she went, despite being lightheaded, dizzy, weak and tired. She walked into the kitchen, her eyes barely open.

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After the hole in the wall incident, he had watched Helena hit the floor. He was confused and went to pick her up but she kinda preferred to walk away. He rubbed his hair slowly and thought he messed up pretty bad. He looked at the molten space where the door was... 'I'm getting worse....' He turned around and walked to the workbench he set up. He made sure his bracers were fully functional and that his warhammer was still in his pack. He clipped it to his belt loop and slipped the compact terminal inside his pack. Mason strapped his pack on his back and made sure he was good before heading out in the night. He walked to where the melted door was and looked back into the room and saw his beautiful display in the floor as it glittered the ceiling with dancing stars. He spun his finger in the air as he followed their dance and saw his sign on the floor mangled and unreadable. 'I'm a danger to everyone in this home. I almost incinerated Evelynn... Burned Helena's ear... caused Ryan to break me after I seared his wrist.. destroyed the mansion practically... ya no puedo quedar aqui... ' he muttered softly before burning his message into the wall in the garage.


Too dangerous here.

Sorry. . .


After he seared his message into the cement, it glowed blue like the stars he left behind. His flame was getting hotter when used it... He wasn't in control of it at all since the manticore attack. He left the garage and went down the hallway leading through the kitchen. He exited the front doorway and looked at the moon and felt the wind's breeze on his face. He wasn't so excited to be venturing out without saying goodbye but the others didn't really understand him. He made a few connections, granted they were a short and abrupt, he couldn't endanger them again. He started walking down the street until he reached the main causeway, which was farther than he expected it to be.

He looked down the streets under the dim yellow street lighting that was beyond bothersome. He touched the post and saw the input of power in the High Intensity Discharge lamps and configured the amperage to pull more current from the grid and the lights along the street grew bright and shiny.
"AH! Bright, too bright." he said. He shoved his goggles over his eyes and kept walking. A bus and the infrequent passing of a car would startle him as he though of home. But home was far away from Florida, he didn't exactly know where he was heading. He walked and thought of a place that was secluded and away from a lot of people and still enough for him to focus on controlling himself. He thought of a volcano and he laughed as it was the smartest idea he had yet. He searched on his bracer's using Atlas' Burden, finding the nearest one would be Wakulla Volcano. He laughed at the name and pinpointed the location and groaned on how far it was. He adjusted the weight on his shoulders and began walking like he was used to back in the day. He hummed to himself as he began his trek towards Wakulla Volcano.
Ryan saw Jerika in the dining room and looked around. Why was she here? The last time he saw her was when Manny attacked. He didn't really know what happened next.

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