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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Adelina's glower hardened as Jerika offered no response. Her voice rose. "Did you just say you're a Siren?" Adelina's hand slowly left the table to clutch the hilt of her Stygian iron dagger. Her stomach churned as anger built up inside her. Perhaps she had been hallucinating; perhaps Jerika had said something else, and Adelina was merely drowsy from last night, still shaken by her dream. If she was really a Siren, this would have to be quickly solved - Adelina could have smacked herself when she remembered that she had left her backpack upstairs. Her backpack contained what she would need for pretty much any situation, including several sets of highly effective wax earplugs, and it would be remarkably easy for Jerika (assuming Adelina had heard her correctly) to assault the demigods right now, with all of them seated in the same room. Adelina wondered why a Siren would confess to that - perhaps to gain their trust.
A Cyclops comes lumbering out from the trees, a deer hauled over its shoulder- no wait.... That's a satyr. She swallowed as she listened to it mumble to itself. "Another trap go off... Today be good eating!" It growled, looking around with it's milky brown eye. Helena looked up at it, struggling harder now. "Smells like half-blood." It mumbled.

Helena was panicking now, ignoring all the pain of jerking her leg around, she had to get out, get away, she was not going to be eaten by a Cyclops, not today, not tomorrow, NOT EVER, damnit!

"MASON! FRED, HELP! Back off, you one-eyed creep, I will cut your head off and send you straight to the darkest part of Tartarus, you f***ing monster!"

"Half-blood have big mouth. But half-blood be good eating, so half-blood I take!" It lumbered forward towards her. Her eyes widened, as she continued to back away from it, she grabbed her sword and pointed the tip at it, the blade shaking with her arm, "Back off, before I slice your foot off!"

The cyclops laughed, the laughing exploding in the air, and Helena's screaming joined it soon enough, in a horrifying chorus.

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Ashlynn walked upstairs and ran into Gray. She sighed as he gave her a look. " It's time to train already?" "Yes, now get the weapons and meet me in the backyard. Ash saluted him mockingly. "Yes sir."

"So what are we doing first captain Gray?" Gray threw a sword at her and she caught it. She watched as he took another sword and positioned himself to strike at her. "Guess." Ash groaned loudly tilting her head back. "Of all things, why sword fighting first?" Gray ignored her question.

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Lightning moved through Ryan's fingers. He hid his hands behind his back and said, "Easy...if Jerika wanted to harm us then she could have easily done it while we were sleeping." Lightning kept traveling through his fingers and he thought to himself "Why do my hands keep doing this? Shoot Helena and/or Mason might be in trouble". Ryan looked around then focused his attention on the damage Mason did to the masion, "Mason wouldn't go out of state, but is there a volcano in this state?"
Ashlynn panted lightly and moved her hair out of her face. Grayson and her were practically evenly matched whenever they sparred against each other, but one of them always tended to outsmart the other and come out on top. Ash was determined for that to be her. She kept a keen eye on Gray's body movements, to see if he was going to strike or play it off. His right foot was sliding forward, but with a slight hesitation. He was planning to fake it. Ashlynn quickly made her move striking but stopping right before the hit and slamming her foot into Grayson's stomach and catching his sword as it flew out of his hand. "Ha, I win." Ashlynn helped Grayson onto his feet as he bent over catching his breath. "So what's next." "Break." Gray replied quietly. "Alright, I'm chill with that!" Ashlynn replied escaping towards the kitchen to get some water.

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Adelina turned to Ryan, noticing his hands awkwardly behind his back, though she watched Jerika carefully from her peripheral vision. How many secrets did this guy possess? "Don't you see? The scientists aren't trying to kill us, they're trying to capture us, to study us. So far, that spy has heard everything about our finding the website, about our mission to go to Brazil. If she's really what she says she is, there is absolutely no way we can trust her with this kind of information. We shouldn't have even had a mortal take part in the meeting anyway - when she was pretending to be a mortal, that is. Assuming she's even a Siren like she says." Over and over in her mind, she envisioned her parents, the beautiful, loving couple, as they transformed into the grotesque, vulture-like creatures . . their talons, pinning her down, transfiguring into tools of scientists, instruments that would absorb everything about Adelina, expose the demigods' secrets. Repeatedly, she visualized the sharp point of a tool as it just nearly penetrated her skin. Desperately, she attempted to drive the thought away, even though it constantly revived. "And . . . there's only one volcano in Florida, Wakulla Volcano, and that's not even known to be existent."
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Ryan responded, "So what do you want to do with her? Kill her? Hurt her? Then what? Have the scientists come investigate this area and let them find us? Or do you want to leave her? Because if we leave her then she'll tell the scientists everything since we wouldn't have our eyes on her." The lightning stopped and he brought his hands back to his sides.

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Waving her hand dismissively, Evelynn shook her head. "I'm fine, Ryan. Though I would kill for a glass of water, or milk, or any liquid substance, actually . . ." She wiped her face on her shoulder and moved to the table, slumping into the nearest seat. She looked around the table again and grew further confused as her ability came into play and revealed what exactly she was sitting around the table with. "Why is there a siren at our table?" She asked coolly. "Is she the reason Helena and Mason are missing? Why are we talking about non-existent volcanoes?" She was curious as to her what was going on, yet all of her words came out in the same cold, emotionless tone, regardless of what they were.
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Ryan grabbed a clean glass and put water in it. He gave the cup to Evelynn and said, "I don't know. No. Because Mason might be at one."

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"We'll keep her hostage for now, have her trapped, while at least two or three of us keep watch over her," Adelina replied promptly. "And maybe we should talk about it later, when she's not here to listen and form a plan of escape." The demigods would have to consistently insert earplugs into their ears, and they would interrogate her about the scientists and everything about why Jerika was here. Her confinement would have to be ensured. Jerika carried the potential of killing every single person in the mansion at once, the possibility of the scientists discovering the demigods. Her head turned to look at Evelynn curiously. She added to Ryan's response. "How do you know she's a Siren? And she's here to spy on us. Mason left because he didn't want his power to get too out of control, and I think that Helena went after him."
Cupid blurted out, "Jerika has no effect on me, because my arrows have no effect on her." Cupid added, "I'm pretty sure Aphrodite children are not effected by sirens."

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Jerika leaned back in her chair stiffly, wanting to get distance between her and the menacing girl. "Yes, I'm a Siren and I'm no longer a spy little girl, I wish to help." Her words were, filled with anger, though she used her power to add a hypnotic quality to it directed at the girl she wanted to calm down. She looked at Evelynn, "Jason, allowed me to be here, since he kinda organized it. but he went off to help find Mason, who by the way I did nothing too, or Helena for that matter." He looked at Adelina from the corner of her eye, a look of comtempt spreading across her face, she hated, being called a liar, even when she did lie.
Ashlynn walked into the dining room with a sore Grayson. "So what did I miss. Do we have an idea where Mason's at?" She sat down in the chair next to Adelina and moved up towards the table.

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With a small nod of thanks, she took the glass and drained it. She held it back out to Ryan. "More please." The water helped soothe her throat and she could focus a bit better now. "So Mason is at a possibly imaginary volcano and Helena is gallivanting off after him. How predictable . . ." Her gaze turned to rest fully on Adelina as the girl questioned her. "It's part of my abilities." She responded simply, pointing to her eyes. "I can see what cannot be seen. It's more of a tactical ability, but in this case it allows me to see her race along with a wealth of other knowledge." Her attention turned to Jericka as she added, "I've been known to see truths and lies as well . . ." It was a pointed statement that told the girl she shouldn't try anything with her.
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Ryan took the glass back in his hands and refilled it with water. He gave it back to Evelynn.

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Jerika rolled her eyes, this was a lot more frustrating than she thought it would be. "Well if you all, don't like me that much why don't you just kill me, I'd go to tartarus, and reform in a couple months." She look at Adelina looking directly into her eyes, she filled her words, with contempt wondering how much she would have to prod to get her to snap. Judging by her words, not too much more.
Ashlynn scowled. "Hey, everyone deserves a chance if they're willing to change their ways." Ash replied only looking at Jerika. "And I will not partake in sending you Tartarus. IF that happens."

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Jerika looked at Ashlynn, her expression softening, "Thank you, I appreciate that." she didn't need to use her powers for everyone to know how relieved she felt, Tartarus was horrid on a level no demigod could understand.
Adelina clenched her teeth at the words "little girl." It was one of the insults she despised the most, but gradually she felt herself grow calmer with Jerika's words. She stared, unwavering, back into Jerika's eyes. "We won't kill you because it's wrong. You didn't even attack us yet. But we definitely won't let you anywhere from our sight. You have a long way to go before gaining our - or at least my - trust. How do you even expect us to believe that you're no longer a spy?" She looked away momentarily to glance around the room, her eyes lingering slightly on Evelynn, a subtle signal that meant not to mention that Adelina was lying about letting the Siren live. Jerika would remain alive, although it was a risk, because she knew about the scientists. The group would interrogate her not only of the scientists, but of what they knew about the demigods.

Adelina felt relieved as she noticed Ashlynn sit next to her, although she did not display her feeling of reassurance. She felt relatively comfortable around Ashlynn, who was always joking and smiling - especially considering the presence of Jerika, as well as Cupid. No, she was quite sure that a Siren's powers could affect anyone; Cupid's arrow most likely did not impact Jerika because she was an immortal being. Adelina had not known previously of Cupid's attempt to shoot Jerika with his arrow. If it is true that Cupid's arrows do not work on immortals, then how did it work on the manticore? Perhaps the manticore truly had a genuine bond with Max after all.
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Ash smiled at Jerika and leaned back away from the table. "So what's the plan? Do we at least have an idea of where Mason is?"

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Evelynn gave an almost imperceptible nod to the girl across the table. She knew a lot of things the others might not be keen on her knowing, but she always kept a policy of keeping silent unless either 'A', she felt it very necessary, or 'B', she was asked about it. The second didn't guarantee a response either. She personally didn't care whether Jericka lived or died at this point. She didn't know her, but it appeared everyone else had already formed opinions on the siren. She made a mental note to keep an eye on things. "Anyways, what's the plan currently? Sitting around talking doesn't accomplish much." She gave a more distinct nod of thanks to Ryan and took a few sips of water, placing the glass on the table within easy reach.
Ryan looked away and thought for a moment. He looked back at them, "We're going to Wakulla volcano."

Ace interrupted, "Are you making me go to a place that we're not even sure exists?!" He glared at Ryan.

Ryan responded, "It's a start."

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"There's a Wakula HOT SPRINGS nearby. Go there to relax sometimes..." Alec chimed in, "are we driving? 'Cause I ban the Ares kids from driving."

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Ashlynn nodded and stood up. "And that's better than nothing. I've gotta go back to training with Grayson." Ash gave a small salute to the group before walking back outside to where Gray stood. "Now what?" "Grayson pulled out his personal sword Alistaire and tossed her her scythe. "Now, it's anything goes." Ashlynn smiled widely and flicked her wrist downwards making her scythe grow in length. "Wonderful."

Ash lept back as a gaping hole appeared in the ground in front of her. "Nice try Chance." "I'm just getting warmed up Dearborn."
"It's my SUV. I'll be driving." Evelynn said in response to Alec's words. You can find some other way there if you're unhappy with that." She paused. "Actually, no, go ahead and take the SUV. I'll get something else." She finished her water and stood, gripping the table tightly for support until her legs cooperated. She left the table and then exited the house. She'd seen her car on the drive up here and she had only now remembered it. She went across the street and up the way a bit to the next house down. There it was, her car. The dark green of the Corvette Stingray quickened her pace. It was beautiful. She dug through her armory and lit up at finding what she was looking for. Her hand came back with an odd looking key. She had received it a year or so back for helping out another demigod. It wasn't perfect, she had found, but here out worked like a charm, unlocking the door with ease. She slid inside and closed the door, sighing as she sat in the black leather seat. After a moment of taking it all in. Evelynn placed the key in the ignition and cranked it up, hearing the engine roar to life. It took her no time at all to be out of the drive way and back in front of the manor. She knew she was a little too shaky to simply drive off on her own. If she ran into trouble it wouldn't be good. She remained seated in the car, making sure no one tied to steal her keys like they had the SUV.

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