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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jason's dreads had been smacking him in the face as he flew until he finally remembered he had a tie in his pocket. He put them in a ponytail and looked around again, he and Nautilus had been doing large spirals from the house, and they had found nothing. they were currently over what looked like a park, but he couldn't really tell.They were high enough to not get a second, look but he could hear, the excited screeches of little kids in their backyards or car horns whenever they randomly blared, but now he heard a much more unsettling sound, the air was filled with screams and horrid laughter. "That's gotta be....dammit, HELENA!!!" Nautilus swerved his bright red flames flaring up Jason put his arms out and activated his weapons his shield spiraled out, and his shortsword expanded into the sheath, in his right hand a greek kopis snapped forward, like a whip, solidifying into a outwardly curved blade. Jason didn't have time to admire the new sword, since he and Nautilus were, plunging towards the bellowing at very near top speed, Nautilus leveled out and they zoomed forward. A Cyclops stood in front of them fighting..Max?!?! Nautilus let out a disgusted snort, he pumped his wings again and was in the Cyclops face before it knew what was coming taking a few hard steps against it's forehead. He flew over it's head and flew around it, taking opportunities to scorch it as he flew by. "Hold on girlie, we'll getchya outta there!" of course Nautilus' words only sounded like whinnies to the girl but hopefully she got the message. Jason sashed at the Cyclops missing the first time. "I got your back, let's get 'im!"

(Greek Kopis

Cupid floored it and avoided all the obstacles. Ace yelled, "GODS DAMN IT CUPID!" Cupid yelled back, "Hey I drive waaay better than you!" He swerved pass a car and saw a squirrel running across the road. Ace was yelling, "SQUIRREL SQUIRREL SQU-" Cupid dodged the squirrel and drove onto the opposite lane. Ace screamed, "TRUCK!" Cupid yelled at Ace, "SHUT UP! Why do you have to yell about a squirrel? You're a son of Ares!" Ace quickly responded, "...Because."
Isis sped up and Ashlynn gripped her fur tightly whooping. It was different than riding in the car with Ace driving, but just as dangerous.

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There were marble and obsidian statues outlying the courtyard past the willow trees. The arrangement of flowers and the statues of the gods were beyond what anyone could even imagine. The full bodied statues of the gods were surreal. The creases where the cloth folded looked as if they were made of silk not stone. The faces that stood along the path were just as magnificent. He didn't know the exact gods they depicted but he could tell two of them outright. Poseidon's was a tall and strong imposing figure holding, of course, his trident in one hand and a wave with the other. And his father's statue, Hephaestus, was not like the others standing strong and magnificent. He sat on what looked to be a table and his legs wrapped in cloth, his arms enormous compared to the others by far. His arm wielding a giant hammer and the other a slab of metal across the table. These two statues laid before the grand door leading into a giant rock face. Mason looked baffled at the skill it took to make these masterpieces. He walks closer to the door and it starts to slowly open and stops leaving a small crack for him to enter.

Mason looks around and notices the dark surroundings barely lit by the flames lining the walls like a serpent. He notices the declining slope in which the marble stone path was leading him. He wandered in deeper and the path began to spiral. The inner wall began to diminish as he went deeper into the cavernous hall. The light had become far brighter and he felt a massive heat source at the bottom. It felt alive and it drew him to peek over the edge. Mason gasped as he saw the bubbling magma floating not far below him. The red orange streaks of a volcano still awake underneath the earth. He could hear echoes of the pings and dings of what sounded of metal being worked. He felt two enormous heat sources below him and he felt a bit shaken at what it could be. He had never seen any monsters that would be working a forge. He crept as he continued down the path with the sounds getting louder as he went.

Mason reached the bottom and the magma was at eye level with it plopping and swirling in its pool. He saw hulking shadows lingering on the walls and he walked closer and stopped immediately as he saw the two giants hovering over the forge. The one on the right had a strap over his right arm and the left had a strap over his left arm. He thought it was odd but he didn't want to ask them what the deal was. He watched as they moved the metal around and pulled on the bellows to start their work again. He moved forward slowly and accidentally kicked a piece of iron that was close against the outer wall. The one on the right let go off the bellows and looked around where the noise came from. Mason got closer to the wall, 'Cyclops...' He muttered under his breath. The one on the left placed the metal back on the anvil and looked to his counterpart, "What is it, Righty?" He stammered out. Righty looked out and sniffed the air, "I dunno, Lefty. I shmells somethings. Shmells like... master." He replied, with a heavy lisp. Righty stepped towards Mason and the floor shook underneath each step. Lefty followed Righty carrying his enormous hammer with him. "How do you know this? I can't smells him." Lefty said. Lefty had no sense in smell being that he inhaled too much brimstone searing his sensory palate. Righty saw red hair poking out of behind a shield, "HA, Shee I knows I shmells something." He said reaching for Mason. Mason turned his arms to a red flame and kept his arms up at the Cyclops. "Don't touch or or... I'll burn you." He called out hoping that would save him. The Cyclops looked at each other and laughed heavily.

Righty stopped to look at small boy with flames around his arms. He knelt down and smiled, "You can't hurt Righty or Lefty wif fires. Master woulds not keeps us if it hurt." He laughed again. Lefty walked towards Mason and reached out to him, "You do kinda looks like master... And you have his fires. Maybes... you're his sons?" He asked Mason. Mason looked confused and his hands quit burning as he thought of what they told him.

"You mean... My dad is your master? As in, Hephaestus, your master, Cyclops king?" Mason gestured with his hands as he said all of that.

Lefty nodded and Righty nodded as well. "Yeps. He's master and nows your kinda master. Why you heres?" Righty asked as he sat down.

Mason looked troubled and leaned against the shield along the wall. "Well if that's the case... you guys wouldn't mind if I stayed here would you? I've had trouble keeping my powers in control." Mason asked softly hoping the two would let him stay.

Lefty grabbed Mason and threw him on his shoulder strap and laughed, "YES! I always wanted half-blood as pet." he looked at Righty and put on a puppy dog... eye and said, "Can I keeps it, pleases? I wills feeds it and keeps it clean...."

Righty shoved his brother with a forceful right arm, "NO! Master woulds eat you. You don't wants Master to eats you like Ripguage sister... " he said as he shuddered at the thought.

Mason fell off of Lefty and landed on the wall holding the basin of magma. He shrieked as he thought he was going to fall in. He scampered over the edge and fell over to the floor. "So, did Dad build all this?" He asked as he was on the floor making sure his things were still together.

Righty got up and lifted Mason on his shoulder strap, "Yes. Master builds all fires. He best builders. Makes things for gods. And... hehehe" he paused as he giggled, "He makes first woman... Here. I shee hers. Pandora shoo pretty." He said as he walked him up the marble path way. Lefty stayed back to finish his work as the pings and dings continued. Righty walked a lot faster than Mason would've if he walked back up again. Righty turned down a corridor Mason must have missed when he walked in. The flames on the walls had turned a lighter blue and slithered along the bottom and top of the wall. He looked at the walls and the granite and obsidian were carved from within the volcano. He walked into a grand space and Mason only saw a stone slab in the center and a large pool on the back wall. Righty placed him on the slab, "Bed. Back is baf. And bafrooms is theres." He said as he pointed to an opening beside the large bath. "I go nows. Must work." He said as he stomped away humming to himself.

Mason sat on the slab and looked at the things he was going to need if he was going to stay there. He looked around the cavernous room and pictured himself having another workbench by the opening to the main hall. Then he looked at the bed, missing everything a bed was supposed to be. And he thought of something and whisked it away. He walked out the room and went back towards the courtyard to sit in the lovely garden and think of what he wanted to do next.
"Ahhhh, more half-bloods! This good!" It sneered, holding onto a bronze chain and flinging it over one shoulder. There Helena hung by her now thoroughly mutilated ankle, her teeth grit to stop screaming. Best to play dead then have him think she was still alive. She could see her Stygian Iron sword on the ground meters below her. If she could just get to it, she would slice this little f***er to monster dust.

The Cyclops looked at Jason and almost squeaked, "FIERY PONY!" And started to swipe at Nautillus, smiling goofily.

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There was the faintest trace of a smile on Adelina's face as she sealed the Ziploc bag of earplugs and stowed them away in the small pocket of her backpack from which it was drawn, though the pocket was crammed, and it was difficult to secure it even though the backpack was enchanted to hold far more than it appeared to. She then unzipped one of the larger pockets and rummaged inside for nearly a minute before withdrawing a GPS and holding it up. "This is why. It holds, like, everything. Except not everything." That made no sense. She shrugged and slid the switch on the top to the right, where the power symbol was depicted. It took a moment for the dark screen to illuminate. Buttons emerged on the screen of the GPS, and Adelina tapped the one labeled "Points of Interest." She navigated to the "Parks" section of "Points of Interest." The attractions were numerated by distance and number of visits. It did not take long for her to espy the option identified as "Wakulla Springs."
Cupid was honking the horn at Evelynn's car, "COME ON!" Ace was gripping the seat tight and swing back and forth as Cupid tried to swerve past Evelynn. Ace questioned, "Wait a minute don't we have to follow them because they know where it is?" Cupid stopped swerving and responded, "Oh yeah...hehe sorry I haven't played Need for Speed in a while." Ace shook his head, "All about Tokyo Drift."
Evelynn smirked as she glanced over at her passenger digging through her bag. When she originally heard of these sort of bags of holding she was severely offended. She considered them to be infringing on her own ability. In time though, as her powers grew, she started to mock them and then came her silent amusement. Nothing simply made would ever over take her natural gift, not while she was alive at least. She have Adelina a half smile, her facial muscles objecting to the position since they had been locked in a mix of pain and distress for some time. "Good. I tried to keep a GPS, but I always manage to break them somehow." She took a wide turn as Adelina prepared the GPS. "Also, as a sincere note, don't leave your bag around me." Evelynn was a bit of a klepto, sometimes taking things without even realizing, and she preferred not to give people ssb easy reason to hate her. If nothing else, she could always say that she told them. Once the coordinates and route lit up on the screen, Evelynn quickly moved into the right most lane and took the upcoming exit. "So, uhh, how'd you find us anyways? I thought all the other groups were pretty spread out." She asked the girl, simply wanting to talk without the ever present drama and danger present. Her finger rose in a silent one fingered salute to the vehicle behind her, though she did speed up, time was of the essence after all.
Jerika's grip was tight around, Ashlynns waist, she didn't not like flying if she wasn't in control. She squeaked, when Isis sped up and buried her face in Ash's hair, "Sorry, just not used to flying under someone else's control. Mind if I just follow??"

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Cupid stuck his head out of the SUV and yelled, "Hey Evelynn how much farther?" Cupid drove up next to the Corvette, "How much farther?"

Ace pulled down the window and stuck his head out as well, "How many more minutes?" Ryan just sat back and looked out the window. He was gripping the door handle then he suddenly felt it go loose. Quickly moving his hand back to his side, Ryan noticed that he had taken the handle off the door.
Isis slowed down and Ashlynn looked back at Jerika. "Well you can fly Isis if you want, I don't mind." Isis watched Jerika curiously to see how she would respond.

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Jerika smiled, "That's not exactly what I meant, I can fly, I've ever learned to control my form so only my wings show."

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Adelina glanced over the back of the luxurious leather seat, appreciating Evelynn's invitation to join her in the splendidly exquisite Corvette. The car that had been just behind them was no longer there, but, twisting herself forward once more, she viewed a familiar SUV from outside the window (assuming it was the right window, because the wheel is placed on the left side of the car). The driver of the vehicle was Cupid, who had driven precariously next to Evelynn's sports car, and appeared to be shouting something while his head protruded from the window, although nothing came through. Leftover anger from last night swelled inside her, and after one glance, she turned away. Her eyes glinted with amusement as she looked back at Evelynn. "Um. I called for help," she answered simply. It wasn't a lie, at least. Adelina hesitated for a moment. There was something that made her feel like she could trust the girl. "I, like, telepathically talked to Ryan or something." She glimpsed out of the window again, sighing and at last ceasing resistance to Cupid's bellowing. The muscles in his neck seemed to strain with every time he opened his mouth, and Ace, in the back seat, appeared to be yelling as well. She fumbled for the switch that would roll down the window. She had never enjoyed the pleasure of being in such a futuristic car.
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Cupid kept repeating his question. He was almost singing it out of boredom as he added a various tones to his voice each time he repeated, "Hey Evelynn hoooow much farther?"

Ryan put his hands on his ears as an attempt to block out Cupid's cacophonous voice.
Ashlynn nodded. "Alright, fly on girl."

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"Holy ******* ****, you ***** *****! If you don't ******* shut your *******mouth, I will ******* strangle you with your own ********* intestines!" Evelynn speed out across the road. She could easily be hard over the roar of the engine, despite it's loudness. "We'll be there quicker of you shut the**** up for five ******** minu-" Evelynn started coughing hard, swerving across the road as her body was wracked with shakes. "T-the w-wheel . . ." She managed to get out to Adelina as she became short of breath.
Ace smiled, "Oddly enough I kind of miss my sister's rage." Cupid looked back at Ace and gave him a cold look. Ryan noticed Evelynn's Corvette swerving around, "Um...that's not supposed to be happening is it?" Cupid and Ace widened their eyes as they turned to see the nice car swerving across the road.
Adelina flinched at Evelynn's extensive string of curses and immediately leaned over Evelynn to clutch the wheel with her left hand. Adelina's experience in driving was not adequate, but at least she had been somewhat educated in it. She steadied the wheel with one hand, narrowly veering away from the threat of a vehicle that zoomed past them, while gawkily attempting to unzip her backpack with the other. She threw an icy glare at Cupid before redirecting her attention back to the road, temporarily abandoning her mission to unseal the zipper of her backpack in order to blindly increase the volume on the GPS. She should never have opened the window for Cupid to speak. Hastily, she tried, over and over, to unzip her backpack in the hunt for a water bottle before realizing that there was one in the cup holder, regaining its stability from the swerve of the car as the tremble in its liquid began to calm. She thrust it into Evelynn's arms, panicking slightly as the monotone voice from the GPS instructed her to turn right. She gripped the wheel with her other hand and roughly swiveled it sideways at the upcoming intersection.
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Evelynn grasped the object thrust into her hands. Feeling the familiar crush of the plastic bottle she struggled to rend the cap from its place. Eventually succeeding, she thrust the bottle to her lips and drank, coughing and spluttering a bit until she drank enough to calm her fit of coughs. She lowered the bottle, gasping for air h happily as she could properly breathe once more. She didn't relish the feeling too long as Adelina was looking somewhat distessed as they made a hard right at the intersection. She grabbed onto the wheel and nodded to the other demigod. "T-thanks . . ." She sighed, regaining herself. "Sorry. I don't know what's up with me recently." She was sweating again, but had a firm grip on the wheel and locked her eyes on the road for the time being after a quick glance at the GPS. Seven minutes until arrival. She hoped nothing bad had happened.
Ace gripped Cupid's shoulders, "You! If you hadn't sang with your manitee mating call voice then they would have not done that!"

Cupid yelled, "Ah! Ace let go of me!" Ace let go and folded his hands together, "Just wait until we get out of this SUV..."

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Ashlynn saw what was going down below and flew down on Isis hovering alongside Evelynn's car. " Hey, you all right Evelynn?"

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With a glance to the window, Evelynn have a nod. "Yeah. I'm all right now. Sorry for the worry. Just haven't been feeling 100% since the attack." She admitted somewhat begrudgingly. She didn't know the girl, well but get concern was appreciated.
The SUV was overcome by silence. Ryan was actually surprised that none of them were talking. Not even Cupid was talking!

Cupid was getting impatient. He wanted to shoot someone with an arrow at the moment since it was dead silent in the SUV. There was a faint sound quite a distance away that Ryan began to hear. Ryan rolled the window down and listened. A low voice was screaming something. "Fiery pony? Did I hear that correctly? Eh maybe I didn't because who has a fiery po-..." Ryan thought to himself. Ryan remembered Jason walking with his new pet, "Nautilus?" Cupid looked at Ryan, "What about that burning horse?" Ryan pretended not to hear Cupid's question and hoped to return to the dead silence that the SUV had a few seconds earlier.
"Fiery pony...? Nautillus? Like, Jason's Pegasus?" Alec looked out the window. "Did anyone else hear that, or am I going crazy?" Alec looked at the others, "Jason was going after Helena and Mason. They're in trouble!"

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Ryan smiled a little. Okay so Alec heard that too, now he could bring it up with no worries of his other power being further exposed. Ryan responded, "Yeah I heard that." Cupid nodded and kept driving. Looks like there's another monster waiting for them to arrive. The monsters and other creatures just don't stop. Cupid's mind started to drift off as he drove "What if we had a "mythical" zoo? Wait, then what would those creatures eat? Ooh what if we could travel the world and pick some creatures up along the way? That would be so cool. Speaking of cool I hope the weather isn't too cold when we start fighting the thing. Hold on...." Cupid put his window down and felt the air outside. He thought to himself again "Darn it! It's kind of cold. Cold rhymes with bold. Why does cold rhyme with bold? Well it also rhymes with old. Like the appearance of this SUV that's starting to look old with all the driving it's going through...FOCUS CUPID DRIVE!"

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