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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Well I guess we have to trust Evelynn." Max said going to get in the car. Max noticed the woman standing next to Ash. He went to say something and then shrugged it off. He got in the car and sat next to Jerika in the back.

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Ryan looked at the SUV and examined where each person sat. So Alec was driving, Cupid and Ace were in the second row, and Helena, Max, and Jerika were in the third row. Ryan looked around at the people who had not taken their seats in the SUV. Jason, Adelina, Grayson, Ash, and himself were still outside. Ryan concluded that Evy and Mason might travel in Evy's corvette. Great they were all going to be squished again. His eyes shifted to the trunk. Maybe Ryan could sit there.

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Ashlynn thanked the gods for Max not saying anything and quickly climbed onto Isis and flew up in the air. "I'll contact you later Evette." She called down. 'You'll be waiting quite a while though.' She thought to herself stroking Isis' hair.

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Ryan suddenly remembered how Jason and Ash had their creatures to transport them. So was he going to sit next to Ace or in the front seat? He opened the door to the middle row and slid in. The rain was still pouring and he wondered how the people with their creatures would look when they arrived at the mansion.

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Evelynn remained mentally silent for a moment. She had forgot to take into account the fact that she and Mason would need a vehicle to get home if they wanted to avoid walking. Right. That makes sense, thinking about it. She answered, relieved Adelina seemed to be able to receiver her thoughts. It wasn't necessarily the strongest ability, especially considering some of the abilities she knew others had, but it sure was a nice utility skill to have around. Keep alert though. I doubt we're fully out of the woods yet. Not with how the rest of the group is. With a sigh she rested her hand on the Corvette, and after taking a breath, moved it into her armory for storage. A white hot pain shot up her spine and she stifled a gasp, holding the base of her neck. She stumbled and caught herself on a tree as the feeling intensified and faded, leaving her cringing in pain. "What the heck . . ." She grumbled unhappily, dabbing at the spot on her neck to check for blood. There was none. The taste of it, however, filled her mouth and blurry visions flashed behind her eyelids. Blinking several times, the visions seemed to fade and disappear, but she couldn't chase the taste from her mouth. With a sigh, she returned to the cyclops and entered the portal she had previously been somewhat wary of with nary a thought.

Within the portal was something similar to what she expected, but it still jarred her to go from the green of the park to the grey of stone so quickly. She didn't have much time to admire, or otherwise consider, the area further as her eyes searched for Mason. She couldn't help but think having her go into a volcano to help someone and then giving her no direction as to where that person was exactly was a great plan, but she would have to make due. She headed forward through the garden. While she would have liked to take a closer look at the exquisite workmanship of each of the sculptures, she passed them by with nothing but a sideways glance as she continued in her attempts to find Mason. She spied a large doorway within the area and headed that way, having no indication what way might be the right way. The area, luckily, didn't seem too complex. She headed down a path that felt much longer than it was, peering within different areas. Eventually, she spied the prone figure of Mason lying on the stone tablet.

Moving quickly to the side of the stone and looked him over closer. She felt a cold fear rise up within her chest. Questions of why she had volunteered to go within the volcano raced through her mind. She was no Noah, she lacked nectar, and ambrosia, and slept through her first aid classes; those were a tad too tame for what was needed here anyways. Her hand clenched and she shouted within her mind. Now was not the time for such thoughts. Pulling upon her knowledge of battle medicine, she got to work on Mason's wounds, using items from her armory to patch him up. She tended the less serious ones quickly as she debated how best to deal with the large fragment of wood lodged within his hip. Pulling it out seemed like a bad idea, but she could think of no other options. Before she removed it, she ready some materials. She grasped what she could of the wood and carefully pulled it out, hoping she didn't cause him too much pain. She wasted no time in covering the wound liberally in alcohol, though she was unsure how important that was to demigods, and then quickly went to stitching the wound together. Perfect wasn't the word for the resulting stitches, good was a stretch, but they were functional, and that's what mattered at this point. She covered the stitches and wounds with a liquid seal to keep out any contaminants and hopefully keep him from losing further blood. A standard cloth bandage went over top of that to prevent the stitches from being messed with. When she was finished, she looked at his hip with worry. She knew what she had done, but had little idea if she should have done it all together. She would keep an eye on it, and if worse came to worse, he might be making himself a mechanical leg. She hoped it wouldn't come to that, as much for her sake as his. The guilt would crush her. "How are you feeling, Mason?" She asked carefully, unsure if he had managed to maintain consciousness fur the full time of her ministrations.
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Jason hopped back onto Nautilus, glacing up as Isis and Ash too off. He looed back atthe woman wo hadapproached Ash. "Well It seems like we're leaving but it was nice meeting you, I'm Jason son of Poseidon, and this is Nautilus. Well I better take of before I'm left or scolded, see you around." Nautilus took a step and pumed his wings flying up and circling around Isis investigating this other flying creature. "Hey Jason, who's this chick?" Jason shrugged "I dunno but I doubt her names is chick, why don't you ask her?" Nautilus snorted, "Me? Nice? You been din drugs?? but asking woldn't hurt..much." Nautilus got closer, "Hey lady, what's your name?"

Jerika was glad the fighting was over and her meekness disappeared, now leaving her pretty upset with Cupid after he tried using that intimidation tactic on her. “That little jerk!” She thought, she knew if she did use her powers on him he wouldn’t want to fight, but it all depended on if she could get him wrapped around her finger or not. When Max sat down she had an idea. Maybe it was time for some practice, she looked at him with a cheery smile. “Hey Max, think you could get that little boy to lay off?” Jerika laced her voice with a desire to do what she wanted, of course she added a little bit of lust just to solidify the spell. She smiled liking the title of her powers, she thought up a dozen different spells each of varying strengths that she would try out later. “Oh I may still be able to have some fun.”
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Ashlynn groaned. Why Jason? You just had to say something?

Evette raised and eyebrow at Ashlynn mouthing "Son of Poseidon?" Ashlynn pretended like she hadnt seen her says anything. Evette gave Ashlynn a glare only an Amazon could pull off and turned to Jason with a regal stare saying proudly. "I am Evette, Queen of the Amazons, and Ashlynn's godmother. It seems that Ash didnt not deem it necessary to inform you of me."

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Jason looked at Evette a little puzzled, “Queen of the Amazons? Doesn’t that mean you dislike men, if so how have I not been told to shut up yet?” He adjusted his dreads again, before looking to Ash. “And your godmother is a queen, c’mon you gotta tell us these things!”
Ashlynn shook her head for Jason to stop talking. Evette was only nice to guys when they knew Ashlynn and there was something she wanted to learn.

"Ashlynn's ashamed of me, and Im always nice to a friend of Ashy's. So what have you lot been doing?" She asked looking at the injured demigods.

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"huh" he said hearing Jerika. Max realized she was using her Siren powers. He had experience with Sirens before, so he knew how there powers worked. "Sure, ill se what i could do. Ill talk to him when we get back to the mansion." Max said trying to mimic what a person under a Sirens control would act like. "Her powers were strong" Max though "Im glad I've had experience with them in the past." Max saw Jason and Ash talking outside with the strange woman and quickly slide to the door, so Jerika couldn't try to pull anything again. "Hey" Max said to them "We kind are in a hurry." Looking to the woman standing next to Ash "If you want to meet up and talk to Ash or any of us later you could meet us at Alec's Mansion." Max said "follow Ash. She'll lead you there… Wait…. Ash is the woman next to you… an Amazon?"
Ashlynn held back a shriek of frustration. She just wanted to yell at Max to take his offer back. This was definitely a bad day for her. She gritted her teeth. "Yes Max, she's an Amazon."

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Ace forced Cupid to put the window down. Ace yelled, "SO ARE WE LEAVING YET?!" Cupid covered his ears as Ace yelled. The Ares child continued, "I'M GETTING HUNGRY! NO ONE LIKES A HUNGRY ACE!" Ace turned to Ryan, "No one".
Ashlynn yelled back irritability. "CHILL YOUR ARSE OUT ACE WE'RE F****** LEAVING!" She was a special one when pissed off. Ashlynn looked at Evette. "Well if you want to chat, follow us Eve." And with that she took off towards Alec's.

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Ryan turned around and looked at Jerika, "How's Helena doing? Any movements?" He shifted his eyes to Helena while he put on his seat belt.
Adelina nodded as she heeded Evelynn's advice. She added to her metaphor about her telepathic abilities; it was also as if, when she used the file of each person she had met to send thoughts to them, she had transferred a file of her own along with it. However, this file would be sealed. It would make sending thoughts to Adelina far easier than Adelina contacting another individual, whose file, in Adelina's mind, would most likely not yet be fully established. It was satisfying that Adelina was capable of receiving telepathic messages as well, from anyone she had previously contacted, but she remained unaware of whether or not the recipient of the thought would know whom it was from. It would be useful if Adelina possessed that advantage, but she was uncertain of whether she did, due to Evelynn's knowledge of whom to respond to; however, Adelina had informed Evelynn of her ability, so it was possible that Evelynn had puzzled that out without knowing that it had been Adelina who had dispatched the message. Adelina watched as Alec, without responding to her query, lifted Helena into the car and settled into the driver's seat. Alec was quite a perplexing demigod; either this was a result of his ignorance, or he had been aware of her discomfort with the subject and had changed it. Adelina slung her backpack over her shoulder and stood. Her legs felt it was sustaining an unusually large amount of weight. She glanced at Ashlynn, Jason, and their pets soaring into the sky. Darn. This would force Adelina to sit in the SUV with the rest of the group, which seemed to fill the vehicle completely. It would not be a pleasant ride, and a selfish part of her wished that she had accepted Evelynn's offer to take the Corvette. But it would be much more delightful than walking through the deluge of rain that cascaded from the sky. It did not help that she would presumably be the last person into a car that already contained seven people. The one that caused the discomfort of the rest. Sighing, she trudged to the SUV, relieved to see that the shotgun seat was vacant. In a slightly quicker pace, she treaded around the front of the car and opened the front door to sit in the SUV. Closing the door, she sank into the seat as she recalled the considerably more luxurious black leather of Evelynn's Corvette.
Alec glared at Ace, then threw a granola bar at him, "Just be quiet Ace. Is everyone in the car?" He looked around. "Max, make sure Helena doesn't fall off the seat, please."

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Ace quickly unwrapped the wrapper and started rapping, "Dang this bar looks so good. Eating it like I should. So come on taste well as I eat you and-" Ace ate the whole granola bar in one bite, "Say that again Max! Max...it rhymes with Axe. It's something I'll bring out if you don't drive really fast".
"Ace- shut up, you can't rap.." Alec nodded at Max before driving off. He kept his eyes trained on the road.

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Felicia, her face blank and expressionless as all of the other maids' faces were, removed the juicy steaks from the oven, while the other maids put finishing touches on the steamed vegetables and sprinkled shredded garlic on the mashed potatoes. This would be a glorious lunch, too tempting to resist. Unfortunately, the miniscule yet extremely effective tracking devices were too expensive to unnecessarily use on each of the demigods, considering all of the money they had spent on studying them and trying to capture them, as well as building the headquarters and the technology required. As Felicia sliced the steaks into fractions for each demigod to have, she lifted the flap on the pocket of her blazer underneath her apron while none of the other maids were looking and extracted her glass vial. The microscopic tracking device was nearly imperceptible as it rattled hardly audibly in the vial. Felicia unscrewed the cap of the container and, with a tweezer that also came from her blazer pocket, clamped delicately on the tracking device and pulled it from the vial. Hastily, before any of the other maids had time to turn around and spot this action, she inserted it into the center of one of the steaks. The device was designed to hinge onto the lining of the esophagus. Whether or not it would cause an infection was irrelevant. It had been cruelly tested on rats before, though, and Felicia had known that the rats had died about two weeks after the experimenting. Perhaps it was different for demigods. The person that would consume the device, though, would be random. Hopefully someone that stayed with the majority of the group, so it would be simpler for the scientists to track the group of demigods.
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Laying on the slab in his room, Mason stared at the obsidian ceiling and thought of cauterizing his wound. He reached down and the tip of his finger went white. He touched his skin and it felt chilly and wet with blood. He looked down and noticed he didn't affect his wound. The wood was smoking for where the heat had slightly effected the area but his skin was untouched. He started banging his head against the stone slab he was going to call a 'bed'. He continued and the sounds muffled the footsteps of someone walking in. He felt someone feeling his hip and quickly looked up at a girl yanking out the piece of wood out of his body. He muffled his scream from the pain searing through his body. He looked down and saw a clear bottle she uncapped and threw it over his wound. He bit his lip and smacked his head on the slab hard trying to hold back the sensation he felt in his wound. 'THIS IS HOW BEING BURNED FEELS LIKE?! COMO DUELE!' He shouted in his head. He didn't feel the needle break the skin so the wound could be sealed. He felt numb from the pain. He heard something soft and he smiled. His eyes blurred and he blinked a couple of times and saw the face come into focus. He was a bit shocked at first but he smiled wide, "Hey. . .yea. . . Thanks, Evelynn. Glad you could return the favor. Ha. . ."
Cupid was pretty impatient so he decided to make the most of his time "How much longer will it take till we arrive at the mansion?!....I can't believe I live in a mansion!...well sort of live in it. How long have I lived? 16 years I think! So many things have happened in 16 years! I wonder where Beyonce was 16 years ago?" Cupid felt the car shift to the left a little "To the left to the left everything you own in the box to the leeeeft! Woo I love that song! What's the best song ever? Wait isnt' t that a title of a One Direction song? Why are they called One Direction? Isn't there more than a member in that group? Which direction are they going in?! Which direction are WE going in?" Cupid looked at the electronic SUV direction at the board of the SUV "NORTH! Isn't Kanye West's child named North? North West! I get it! Why North West and not South West? I remember when I was in the South West! Wait that was the North East. OOOOOOh I want to go to the East! I want to travel the world! Why is the world round and our ground flat? THE SHAPES ARE CONFUSING ME! Oh like how an orange is round then when you open it and take it apart it's like a smile! Why do people call smile...smile? MAYBE BECAUSE when someone smiled he or she stretched his or her mouth to look like it took up a mile!.....that can't be right."

Ryan glanced at Cupid and saw that he was in deep thought. "Oh great I wonder what this guy is thinking of now" He thought in his head then turned to look out the window again. Time to plan ahead. The scientists known head quarter is in Brazil, and according to a friend back at the camp there were more head quarters spread around the world. The search will be interesting.
Alec pulled up the driveway to the mansion, and turned the car off. "Alright lunch should be ready, just head right in. Who's taking Helena to her room?"

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