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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Hey without me you would know what she had done." Max said to Evette. "At least you haven't tried to kill me. Like some of the other Amazons I've met. And for the record YES, I do talk this much."

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Evette glared at the son of Zeus. "The only reason I haven't ripped your spine from your skinny little back son of Zeus is because you are friends of my goddaughter's." She hissed in a dangerously quiet voice tilting down towards Max. "Also I would have felt the presence of the blade without your help, and then I would have taken and snapped your neck no matter what your relation to Ash was." Evette growled before standing up and waking out the door like nothing had happened.

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"Sheesh! Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed." Max said watching Evette leave "Is she always that pissy? And." Max looked himself over. "I'm not that skinny!"

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Ryan started to walk to the nearest restroom with Noah's medicine bag. He accidentally hit the bag on the wall as he was turning and dropped it. Reaching down with his left arm to pick the bag up, Ryan felt pain as his cut stretched and held in a yell. He quickly picked the bag back up and continued to walk away from the others.
Ashlynn rolled her eyes grinning. "She's pissy because she had to find out about the whereabouts of one of her best Amazons through a male, and couldn't kill him for it." Ash looked Max over. "You are a little skinny."

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"Thanks." Max said sarcastically "She really hates males huh. I'm surprised that her second in command would be able tolerate me. Especially with her leading." Max then remembered something "WAIT! Why was she nice to Jason at the Park!!" Max said angrily "Argh! No offense or anything but I don't like your Godmother."

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Ashlynn grinned. "Well if it makes you feel any better, I don't think she likes you either."

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"No doesn't really help." Max said to Ash "why is it that EVERY adventure I go on end horribly!" Max put his head onto the table. "And I though that she'd be happy when I have her the dagger. Now I know I would've died... Great. This adventure is now over and it's just like the rest."

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Ashlynn patted Max on the back. "Hey, you didn't die so this adventure actually turned out better than it was supposed to. And as long as you're on good terms with Felice, Evette wouldn't dare kill you no matter how much she wanted to."

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"I guess your right." Max's stomach growled "oh... Umm hopefully foods done soon. I'm dying of starvation like Ace... You know minus the bad rap and threats." Max said sitting back up.

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Ashlynn removed her hand from Max's back in her seat continuing to make illusion fireballs. "I wonder where the others are at?"

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"Probably in the car or in their rooms." Max said. He heard a yelp come from the hallway. "I'm pretty sure Ryan just ran into a wall over there. Anyways when food is ready everyone will come charging in." Max then noticed a mix of smells coming from the kitchen "What exactly are we having anyways?" Max asked Ash

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"Well, you guys are having steak. I'm having lasagna."Ash tossed one.of the fireballs at Max yelling. "Think fast!"

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Ryan walked into the restroom and kept the door ajar since the whole treatment would take a little time anyway. He took his shirt off and hung it on top of the towel hanger. As he dug through the bag he started to think about what he would do with his shirt. Ryan found the medicine and rubbed it on the cut. He could always steal one of Cupid's shirts, though it would be a little small on him since Cupid had such a thin and weak figure.
"What!" Max said as a fireball suddenly materialized in front of him "AHHHHH!!!" He said as he fell backwards on the chair. He hit the ground and put a hand on his chest trying to calm his heart. "OH MY GODS ASH!" Max shouted still on the ground "what the hell was that!"

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Ashlynn burst out laughing as the fireball disappeared. "I said... Think fast..." She gasped still laughing.

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"You little..." Max said trying to catch his breath "I though you didn't pull pranks?!" Max sat up rubbing the back of his head. "I'll get you for this Ash." Max said "you have awoken the pranking demon that rests inside me. Watch your back."

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Ashlynn smiled innocently. "I did warn you, and who said I didn't pull pranks?" She asked in a teasing tone making the other 5 fireballs float tauntingly in circles around Max.

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Ryan face palmed himself and just used his super speed and bought another shirt. He ran back to the restroom and picked up his old shirt. As he closed Noah's bag and lifted it out the room, Ryan walked past Cupid who ran across the room to get to the table. Cupid sat down next to Ash, "Did you hear what we're going to eat?" Ryan put his slightly bloodied shirt and Noah's bag behind the couch.
"Ash I should let you know I REALLY don't like fire. It scares me and I've had some bad memories with it in the past." Max said as he watched the fireballs circle him. He noticed Ash's shoes were laced, so secretly using his powers untied her shoes and tied them to each other. The he saw the flour sack sitting on a counter a little bit away. He lifted it with the air and moved it over Ash's head. Max flattened himself on the ground so if the fireballs moved he wouldn't be hit and quickly flipped over the flour sack and let it fall onto Ash.

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Ashlynn nodded leaning back in her seat sticking her tongue out at Max as the fireballs continued to circle him.

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"MAX!" Ashlynn yelled angrily as she was coated in flour. "You Little- You are so going to pay for that!"

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Max using his powers quickly blew the chair out from under Ash and pooled the remaining flour under where Ash's head would land. He did it all in a few seconds and smiled the whole time.

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Ashlynn yelped as her chair flew from under her and she landed in pile of flour that coated her curly black hair. "Okay, you just messed with the hair, and now it's personal." Ash growled trying to shake the flour out of her hair.

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Max started laughing "you ever think to dye your hair white. You could pull it off." He said still laughing. "Payback is a b**** ain't it. Anyways you need help cleaning up? I'll help you considering I did this."

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