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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Actually no he isn't." pointing to where Evelynn was laying. "Mason just kinda dropped her and then stormed off." Max moved over to where she laid "Here help me get her onto Manny and we can take her up to her room… does anyone know where her room is?" He said stopping in front of Evelynn.
Adelina watched, aghast, as Mason marched angrily past her, seeming not to have heard her message from Helena. Why should transferring a very simple message to two people take so long? She shook her head, exhaling, and followed him to the entrance to the garage. She tried to turn the doorknob, but it seemed as though Mason had locked it. Strange, I didn't know the door to the garage could be locked from the garage. Adelina leaned forward so that her mouth was a centimeter from the door. "HELENA SAYS THANKS," she yelled and, with the thought fresh in her mind, decided to go back upstairs to check on Helena. She had left her backpack there anyway.
"Ok then" Max said as Ace walked away with Evelynn "Who pissed him off." Turning towards Cupid "Yeah nobody knows where Jerika went, but I'm pretty sure she won't tell anyone. And." Hearing a yell from the direction Mason went. "Adelina must be upstairs, that sounded like it came from the stairway."
Cupid said, "That girl Jerika is so....you know I TRIED to shoot an arrow at her. It didn't work at all! And my arrow definitely didn't miss! Though it didn't seem like she needed an arrow to fall in love with one of us anyway..so eh whatever. But before you all get mad at me and start asking why I tried it's because...POWER WITHDRAWALS! They're real to me." 
Ace put Evelynn on her bed and went out of her room as he closed the door behind him. Ryan just waited for Helena to respond to any, hopefully all of his questions.
"You helped me and Manny become friends" Max said and Manny nuzzled Max's side "So your good in my book. And It does't matter Cupid whether you hit her or not. But if your arrow didn't affect her it makes me wonder if she isn't pure human."
"I wouldn't be surprised with all the craziness going on." Ash groaned.
Cupid, yes Romeo "Cupid" Lovett, can be crazy yet quite intellectual. Let's just say that at one point everyone realizes that you can't live with him, and that you can't live without him. Sometimes even his crazy actions can lead to unique discoveries.

Cupid responded, "Hm at one point I actually started wondering the same thing. I have come to the conclusion that she just might not be human. Humans are always affected by my arrows! So I thought that I should see how she further treated her love interest." He looked around, "The only types of living things that are not affected by my arrows are either my siblings, or some other romantic creature thing."
Ashlynn perked up and raised an eyebrow at Cupid. "Things just got a little more interesting..."
Adelina's laptop was in that backpack. A plan formed in her mind as she ascended the left staircase. After she talked to Helena and made sure she was alright, she would find Alec and ask where she would sleep. Adelina yawned involuntarily at the thought of sleeping, but before she dozed off, perhaps she could do some research on what the scientists found about us, the demigods. She turned to the right as she reached the second floor and gently knocked on the first door. "Helena?" she called softly.
Cupid started thinking of all the possibilities, "I can't really specify...there's just too many possibilities; however, I did manage to narrow it down to Aphrodite in disguise, which I highly doubt, or a siren, yet one of the creatures that are partially forgotten in this earth."
Ashlynn raised an eyebrow. "It seems unlikely that she's Aphrodite, so let's go with Siren."
Vitus rolled over in his sleep to close to the edge of the couch and ended up rolling right off the side. As he fell he got yet another knock to the head, but something was different about this one. Vitus sat straight up suddenly and placed a hand to his head to stop the spinning. He felt wetness and looked at his hand there was blood on it. "Ahhh! I've been attacked!" He shouted unable to remember anything this time. The added damage from each hit and fall finally resulting in a huge memory loss. He sat there staring at his now bloody hand, to shocked to do anything else.
Cupid said, "Eh let's remember though that the possibilities are endless! In order for her to be accurately accused of being a siren, she would need to sed- um get close with her interest. I'm pretty sure she's not an original siren...probably a demi-siren if it exists. Otherwise, she would have been able to capture all the guys in the house instead of aim for one."
Max shudder at the word siren. "I never liked sirens and they never liked me." Max said thinking about his previous trip to Hawaii. "Stupid little b******." Max mumbled to himself

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Gray walked over to Vitus and laid a hand on his shoulder awkwardly. "Hey, you all right?"
Ryan turned around and opened Helena's door. Oh great it's Adelina the girl who's apparently trying to avoid him. What a surprise...no really what a surprise. He stayed silent and moved out of Adelina's way.
"Ah!" Vitus jumped again looking back. Was this the guy that attacked him? No if it was he wouldn't ask if I were alright. He thought. "I think I've been mugged. Did you see the guy?" He asked the kind person talking to him.
Gray shook his head and removed his hand from Vitus' shoulder. "Nope, all I saw was a dude freaking out so I came over to see if he was alright." He replied bluntly shoving his hands in his pockets.
"I haven't seen- oh, you meant me." Vitus realized. "You wouldn't happen to know who I am, or if this is my house would you?" He asked hoping the guy would know something that would help him. "And perhaps where medical supplies and the nearest working phone are?"
Gray looked at Vitus impassively. "Well I couldn't help you even if I wanted to, but I know someone who could. Hey Matt, or Max, whatever your name is. Come here real quick." Gray called over his shoulder.

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