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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ashlynn walked over to Max and checking to make sure he was alright and alive.

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Vitus woke his head throbbing and he was having trouble remembering things. Looking around slowly as to avoid aggrevating his head injury that he knew was certainly there when he prodded at the sorest spot only to find blood. He was at what seemed like e remains of a party in the forest. And he struggled to remember what had happened, he'd been here with some people and he'd hit his head. But those were the only things he could remember from recently.

"Wait," He croaked out in a ruff voice, scowling at the ground. "If I was here with people, then why am I now alone? They . . .they left me?" He asked in tones of astonishment. But the ground did not seem inclined to answer. So getting carefully up he headed off following the direction most of the foot prints and such went hoping it was the correct way to get back.

As Vitus walked he had time to think and the more he thought the less he liked how his day had gone. He'd been knocked out, forgotten, and lost several times just today, not to mention camp blowing up just before and the recent gap in his memory. "Stupid thrice cursed buildings, and builders, and people, and furniture," His list streatched on. "Interior designers, head wounds, blood, bloody head wounds," Soon his list began to include random nearby objects. "Trees, SUVs, sticks, that blasted mansion, and . . .and . . .and--" He tripped and rolling over pointed at the offending rock near his foot. "And that rock!"

Getting back up after a minute he went on with his thoughts. Normally he would not go on about feeling sorry for himself, considering his day and the lack of people about he felt it was perfectly with in his rights to sulk a little.
At the words 'he should be okay' Manny popped his head out from behind the chair Max was sitting in. Going up to the boy Manny propped himself up on the armrest and nuzzled Max. Hoping he would wake up soon.

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Ace saw people getting taken care of so he decided to think of what to do next. He went to Ryan, "Hey wha-" Ryan interrupted Ace, "As soon as they're healed I'm going to their headquarters." Ace furrowed his brows, "Who's?" Ryan responded, "The scientists. I'm done with this stuff. The only reason why a monster would attack us probably because we aren't where we're supposed to be. Or because.." Ryan paused then thought for a moment, "Nevermind, but I'm going and you can come if you want I don't care." Ace gave a satisfied look when he heard Ryan's response, "Sounds good."
Adelina looked at the pool of blood in which Helena lay. She would have to get Helena to her room. She was too smothered in blood for Adelina to figure out the exact locations of her wounds. Was there, with her luck, an infirmary in this mansion? She had absolutely no clue about the layout of the building, as the only time she, as her real self, spent in the mansion before now was with her vision obscured. She walked toward Ryan, Ace, and Ashlynn as they stood in a cluster around Max. She would just ask them plainly if there was an infirmary in the mansion and then walk back to Helena. Adelina could not have herself be so self-centered that she would avoid awkwardness, even if that discomfort could save Helena's life. She noticed the manticore reveal itself from behind the chair and nuzzle him fondly, and she wondered how long Cupid's arrow would last this time.

She approached the three other demigods casually. Ryan and Ace looked like they were going somewhere, so she hoped Ashlynn knew the mansion well. "Is there an infirmary here?" she asked nonchalantly, avoiding eye contact with any of them.
Ace shrugged his shoulder, "I don't think so..."

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Ryan noticed Adelina's action of avoiding eye contact, "What exactly would you need from the infirmary?"
As Ace responded to her question, Adelina tensed her muscles and was about to turn back when she noticed Ryan's query. Adelina looked over her shoulder at Helena. "I don't think that -" She realized that she did not know the girl's name. "I don't think that she would do very well if she spent the rest of the night on the floor." Was it just Adelina, or was the pool of blood expanding? Sparing herself the uneasiness of talking again, Adelina turned abruptly and walked back to Helena. She would have to find a room where Helena could stay in herself. Adelina hoisted Helena into her arms, her left arm supporting her back and head, while her right arm hooked through the bend in her knee. Adelina wasn't used to carrying people that weighed about as much as her, but she often liked to carry her younger cousins from back at home. They were twin boys, children of her dad's sister.

She carried Helena up the spiraling staircase, trying not to bump her head or feet against the railing. Once Adelina had reached the second floor, she looked around. The mansion split into multiple hallways. It's like a maze, she thought enthusiastically, and she began to explore. Her hands were not free, but if she crouched so that her right hand, carrying Helena, was level with the doorknob, she could, without disrupting Helena's position, open a door. Before turning each doorknob, she would knock a few times first. Fortunately, no room that she had come across so far was being currently occupied, but not all of them were bedrooms, and those that were seemed to have other people's possessions in them. Surely there would be an empty room somewhere.
Ryan just sat down next to Max and waited for him to wake up. As he sat down, Ryan remembered Jerika. Where was she? And what happened to her after he had been harshly pushed away from Cupid's latest victim?

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"Romeo, shut the f*** up, I'm trying to sleep here...Wait, am I moving?" Helena looked up, glancing around. She was moving... Was someone carrying her somewhere? When she looked down, she didn't recognize the face. "Uh... Take a left, then up the stairs... F-first door on the right... W-who are you..?" She was struggling between muscle spasms, her breathing weak.

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Jay said, "So we move to the south first then cover the rest of the US."

A scientist responded, "Yeah that's what we said!"

Jay nodded, "Well it's a good thing we've cleared the states to Virginia then and captured 4 demigod groups already. I'll fly back to hq quickly and upgrade our armor and weapons so that they have the ability to go against the some powers of the demigods we have now. You guys go ahead and continue on...I'll meet you in Georgia."

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Ace looked around, "Hey Alec do you have a room filled with technology....like a control center or something of that sort?"

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Running into the final room in the hallway, mason was frustrated. He smacked the wall with his first activating his bracers again and blowing a hole through the drywall. He muttered a curse and remembered he could bring up the layout of the mansion. He brought it up using his ability to channel through the data in his head. He ran down the hall and pinpointed her rooms location. He made it there faster than he did getting lost. He kicked the door open and found her bag dangling on the bed. He snatched it and ran back down the stairs.

He didn't see Helena but he did find Evelynn still breathing heavily. Everyone was busy working about their family members and their closest friends. Evelynn laid on the ground in the living room. He was focusing on keeping her alive, so he rummaged through the bag and grabbed the thermos with the nectar. He scrambled trying to open the thing without dropping it. His hands held the cup and poured it over her lips and watched it go down her throat. He waited and focused on her heart source. It was still shaky and it was slowly rebuilding. He then sensed another familiar heat that made him look around startled. He grabbed Evelynn and stepped away from the manticore yards away from him. He yelled out to everyone, "What the hell? How's it still alive! Kill it." He was holding onto Evelynn's body, shielding it from the manticore.
Adelina regarded the blank expression on Helena's face. Phew. She wasn't there to see me plunge into a love craze for Ryan. "Adelina," she replied reluctantly as she turned left and walked down the hallway. She didn't like sharing information about herself. "Unfortunately," she said, "you drained all the manticore poison antidote I had." As Adelina reached the stairs on the left side of the mansion, she turned left to face a door and crouched so that she could turn the doorknob. She pushed the door open gently and carried Helena into her room, setting her down as lightly as she could on the queen-sized bed.
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Alec looked around, and at Mason. "Mason... Calm down, okay? Everyone is fine.. We're looking some ambrosia, Helena is fine, I hope.."

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Ace mumbled, "Thanks for answering my question."

Cupid looked at Alec, "Who still needs ambrosia?"

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Adelina swung off her backpack and put it on the edge of the bed, past Helena's feet. She unzipped one of the pockets and rummaged through it, withdrawing a plastic bag filled to the brim with cubes of ambrosia and taking another moment to find the flask of nectar as well. "Nectar and ambrosia?" she offered, looking at Helena.
Helena looked at Adelina with tired eyes, then nodded weakly,"either will work I guess...." Her eyes turned up to the ceiling, only sound coming from her was her breathing.

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Adelina nodded. "Just breathe deeply," she advised. She unsealed the bag and from it plucked two cubes of ambrosia, then handed it to Helena. She remembered being fed ambrosia the first time she had came to Camp Half-Blood, one year ago. She had been wounded by an Erymanthian Boar, and the ambrosia that had been given to her reminded her blissfully of the homemade apple pies her dad would make. She was surprised when she found herself feeling tempted to eat a cube for herself, and she realized that she had not eaten a morsel of food since just before noon. Forgetting her hunger, she unscrewed the cap on the flask of nectar and let only a small amount of it pour into Helena's mouth. Too much nectar would put her in danger of being incinerated.
Helena didn't really react to the taste- Gordon's homemade chocolate chip cookies- she only felt herself lulling into a sleepy daze, her pains, her aches all fading with the powers of god food- and slowly, she gave in to the sleep. "Thank... Thank Mason and Evelynn for..me..."

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Adelina stared at her as she fell asleep. Mason? Evelynn? She assumed that they must be Helena's friends. She recognized the names from somewhere in Camp Half-Blood. She decided to return to the first floor and, while averting conversation with anyone that could have been at the party, talk to the first person she saw that she was absolutely sure she did not see there; although she was aware that the humiliation had begun before they left the mansion, she could never get rid of that revolting feeling she felt when she had exited her daze at the party. Gosh, Adelina, just get over it. She swallowed the taste of bile as she stowed the Ziploc bag of ambrosia and flask of nectar back into her backpack and zipped it up, trying not to make a sound. Carefully and slowly, she walked to the door and stepped into the hallway, closing the door quietly behind her.
Regaining consciousness Max felt something nuzzling him. "Uhh, what happened" he said sitting up in the chair. As he did so Manny let out a cheerful noise that sounded like a mix of a bark and a roar. "Happy to see you too Manny" Max said scratching him behind his ears. Max then thought of something. Cupid spell must have worn off by now. "I guess you really do like me now." he thought to himself as he patted his new pets head. Noticing everyone was back in the house Max turned his attention to Ryan who was sitting next to him. "I'm guessing Ace didn't drive, cause you guys are still alive." Max said weakly with a chuckle.

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Adelina descended to the first floor and glanced around, absorbing the commotion that encompassed her. She perceived a slightly older boy with tan skin and black hair (Mason) who appeared to be holding onto a girl with reddish brown hair and paler skin (Evelynn). The girl did not seem to be conscious. These two people she was sure she did not see before. She strode toward them briskly. "Excuse me," she said as she approached. "Do you happen to know where I can find Evelynn and Mason?"

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