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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Go figure." Max said "That's just like him." Max then notice Mason shielding Evelynn with his body. "Mason why are you..." Then Max remembered That Mason wasn't there when Manny became his friend. "Oh don't worry about him. He's friendly." Hearing this Manny plopped himself on Max's legs and started licking his face. "Down boy, down. Your crushing my legs." Manny got down off if him and laid down in front of Max. Max then noticed they were missing someone. "Where's Jerika? Did we scare her off?" Max asked Ryan

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Ryan shrugged, "Last time I saw her was before Adelina turned back to normal." He looked around, "I'm guessing that you guys saw her more recently than I did."

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Adelina turned around as she heard someone say Mason's name. The voice had come from Max, who she noticed had woken up, and she sighed with relief. He had been looking in her direction, where she stood in front of the two unfamiliar people, although she thought she recognized the girl with the reddish-brown hair. Adelina concluded that the demigod he was talking to was indeed Mason, as he was the only boy in the direction that Max had been looking at when he was talking to Mason.

She turned back to Mason. "Sorry," she said. "You're Mason. Anyway, Helena, for some anonymous reason, wanted me to thank you for her."
"I haven't seen her, and everyone but Mason was unconscious when I got here and I passed out shortly after that." Max said to him "And how is Adelina now? I mean is she ok?"

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Alec looked at Adelina, and gestured at Mason. "This is Mason and Evelynn. They were here for the attack. " Alec looked at her some more, "You're Adelina, right? I'm Alec, son of Aphrodite. This is my dad's mansion. " He held out a hand, waiting for a handshake.

* * * * * * *

Meanwhile upstairs, Helena twitched in her sleep, groaning in pain. Her facial expression showed torment.

In her mind, she was falling. Falling forever into darkness. She was screaming as she fell, arms flailing in a pinwheel, trying desperately to grab onto something. Soon the bottom of the hole came into view- it appeared to be... Black marble, with white swirled in. It would be pretty if her face didn't smash directly into it. Surprisingly, it didn't hurt. In fact, she didn't feel any of the impact. Instead, simply sat up and looked around. A man with hair as black as night (with matching beard) sat at a table made of bones, the legs made if skulls, his cloak, a deep burgundy color seemed to shift with tortured faces embedded in. He held what looked like a newspaper, except it said on the front, "OLYMPUS TRIBUNE! LOCAL SAFE HOUSE OF DEMIGODS ATTACKED!" When he flipped down the newspaper, she only stared.

"...the hell?"

The man grumbled, "You could say that."

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"Oh." After a moment's hesitation, she shook his hand. She had seen him at Camp Half-Blood, but not at the party, and hopefully not when she had first entered the mansion. "Yeah, that's me. Um . . . Is Evelynn awake?" It was quite obvious that she was unconscious, but she wanted to get over with telling her thank you from Helena, so she figured it wouldn't hurt to make sure.
Vitus spotted the mansion up ahead and ceased his grumbling so that nobody else would hear. Though he shot a final venomous look at the mansion before wiping the emotion from his face. Had he been one to storm into the house he would have flung the door open and stomped his way up to a room, but as he was not he simply opened the door closing it behind as he came in and stood a moment.

After a few minutes of wondering aimlessly through the mansion, Vitus found what appeared to be the living room. Not bothering to go any further he walked over and plopped down on the couch. Closing his eyes he quickly fell into a light sleep.
Ash yawned and sat back down in the chair leaning back and closing her eyes. She really needed to learn how to limit her powers and stop over using them. 'Maybe Grayson will be willing to help me out' She thought tiredly trying to stay awake.

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"Evelynn? Oh, she's out like a light. But, we gave her some nectar, so she'll be fine. So... Is Helena okay? I'm seriously worried. If she's dead... I don't know what I'll do..." Alec muttered, looking sad.

* * * * * * *


Hades shrugged and put the newspaper down. "You could call me that. I don't particularly care." And he didn't. He looked so indifferent, as if he couldn't care less if she was there. He held up a wine glass, and a skeleton clad in army threads appeared and refilled his glass with red wine, then disappeared again. She stared at where it had been, then looked at Hades, before standing up. "Soooo, did you-"

"Call you here? No. Your subconscious just kind of brought you here." Hades sipped from his glass idly, running his finger around the rim of the glass. "....really. Of all places to bring me. Why not Hawaii, or Jamaica? No, I get the palace of Hades."

When she looked at him again, he refused to look at her. ".... Would you f***ing look at me?!"

That got his attention.

"I don't know why I expected a warm welcome from the God of the Underworld! No, 'Hi, Helena, how are you?' No, 'I'm sorry about your mother's dYING IN A CAR CRASH!" She was getting angry now. "Not even a f***ing hello to your daughter!" At this time, Hades rose from his seat and towered over his daughter, face remaining neutral. "It is against the gods rules." This enraged her even more. She was about to retort when he sat again, a sudden smile on his face, and he sighed, arms open. "AHHH, Persephone."

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Adelina nodded. She would have to talk to Evelynn once she woke up then, unless Helena rose from her sleep first. "Helena's fine," she said, observing how troubled Alec was about Helena's health conditions. They must have been exceptionally close friends. "She drank my entire vial of manticore poison antidote and passed out before I carried her upstairs to feed her some nectar and two cubes of ambrosia." Adelina wasn't sure if it would be enough. She hadn't been able to ask Helena where it hurt, so she didn't find each of her injuries yet.
The woman that walked out of the shadows stopped Helena dead. The woman was drop-dead gorgeous, in a beautiful figure hugging dressing, lush red lips, and a gorgeous figure. Helena felt her jaw drop, and he eyes followed the woman the entire way.... "This... This is Persephone?" The name ended in a high pitched squeak, which made Persephone laugh coldly, and Helena replied with a stupid laugh, like love struck fool.

"Stop looking at your stepmother like that." Hades chimed in.

"How did you end up marrying Hades and not me...! Wait what?"

"I have that effect on people." Persephone muttered.

Helena just continued to stare, mouth hanging open, then she slapped her jaw shut. "You're sure you have nothing to tell me!" She said at Hades.

"Do you want the truth? You're vital to the survival of your friends. You are doomed to more pain then the others for your fearlessness. Your fatal flaw is bravery. You will be the first of your friends to die."

"My what? Wait- WHAT?" She shouted, but the images began to fade- she was being sucked back up. "Wait- Father! HADES! HADESSS!"

* * * * * *

With a gasp and a scream, Helen jerked upright, clutching her chest, breathing hard. "HADES!" She shouted, angrily.

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Ash woke to a hard slap to the face. "Ow! What the Hades Gray!?" Gray shrugged. "I needed to wake you up." "You couldn't have just shook me." Gray shook his head smirking. "Thats wouldn't have been as fun." Ash sighed and stood up glaring at him. "Well did you get a laugh out of it?" Gray shrugged his shoulders becoming serious. "It wasn't as funny as I'd hoped it would be." Ashlynn rolled her eyes at her friend and looked to the group. "So what do we do now?"

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Ryan said, "Yeah she's okay, but I noticed that she has this weird feeling whenever she's around Ace or me...I don't know bro I really thought putting her in a room would work. I didn't know it would end up creating this weird tension between us. Well actually probably whenever just whenever she notices me around. Anyway, can I talk to you later? Like just us?...ya know a brother talk?"

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Alec looked at Mason, then carefully pried Evelynn from his grip. "I'm just gonna take her to bed and tuck her into bed... Okay? I'll be back, then maybe we can talk to Helena, I heard her cursing at her father." With that, he hauled Evelynn up and walked off, struggling with Evelynn, as per he wasn't nearly as strong as other demigods.

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Cupid bumped into Ryan, "And what is this-"

Ryan heard a scream somewhere in the mansion. Was it Helena? Ryan asked, "Did you hear that?"

Cupid was saying, "-tal- What? No! You weren't listening to me? Are you turning crazy now?"

Ace looked at Ryan and shook his head. Maybe his hearing was considered a physical ability.

Ryan said, "I'll be back." He walked up the stairs and knocked on a door where he assumed he heard the sound from.
"LITTLE CRAZED- SKULL ENCRUSTED SICK F***ING PIECE OF S***! .... the door is open..." The screaming died down at the knocking on the door, and Helena flopped on the bed, tired still.

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Ryan walked in and closed the door behind him, "I heard you scream Hades. Is everything okay? Do you need anything? What happened?..sorry for all the questions." 
Cupid's eyes started to mist, "I'm worried Ace! What if Helena visited her dad? NO!!! Why? THIS IS CRAY!"
Ash removed Cupid's hands from her shoulders. "Of course I don't want her to die! But I can't actually relate with how you're feeling Cupid because I don't know her."
"Cupid calm down." Max said to Him "She'll be fine, plus why are you so worried about her? Evelynn's pretty beat up to and so am I." Using Manny to balance himself Max got up out of the chair. "You know I've never seen you this worked up over someone else before Cupid. You felling ok?"
With all the confusing and frustrating things going on, Mason let Evelynn go and threw his arms in the air and walked away flipping everyone off. 'Fuck this, I'm gonna mess with my toys.' he muttered as he walked by everyone and went to the door leading to the garage. He opened and slammed the door shut securing the lock to the door before shoving his goggles over his eyes and igniting a few embers in his hands. Behind the lenses, they were green orbs the size of oranges and he lifted them in the air. Without the lenses, they would have been blue not green. He twiddled with the photography equipment he found and planned on salvaging all the parts to work on his terminal like the one back at camp. He looked for his pack and rummaged it looking for his tools. He found his things and went to work.
Ash put her hands up and sighed. "I don't even know what's going on anymore, everyone's just being so...." Ashlynn trailed off making a series of frustrated noises to get her point across.

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