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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid ran to the SUV and got in the front seat. He just waited for the others to get in so they could go back to their...headquarters.
Ashlynn stumbled off the motorcycle and leaned on Grayson for support. "I will never get used to that 'Thing'." Grayson shrugged, "Not my problem, but are you sure this is the right place?" Ash looked at the mansion with the busted in door. "Yeah, it is. I wonder what happened?" She murmured as she walked into the mansion and soaked in all the damage. "Well, it could be worse." Ash walked into the living room and saw an unconscious Max, Evelynn, and Helena. 'Well at least they're okay' She thought tiredly as she sat in another of the chairs and fell asleep to Gray watching TV.
Adelina's stomach churned as she heard the conversation between Ryan and Ace. She had stopped behind a tree at the edge of the forest, and peeking out behind the tree, she noticed that there was no manticore to be seen. She thought back to the blurry images that lingered in her mind from after she had found herself kissing Ryan - at the thought of this she felt like she would throw up - and just as she was running into the woods. Looking back to her actions, she must have seemed so dramatic, but what else could she have done? Just stand there awkwardly? A sudden rage filled her and she felt a longing desire to hurt Cupid, the same way he had burdened her.

She then realized that her thoughts had trailed off from her focus. It was a habit of hers; in her complicated mind, one disturbing thought led to another and then another yet again. She was thinking about the images she saw. Max was there, as was the manticore; now both were gone. Although she had never met Max in person, the thought that the manticore might have killed him brought her mood down tremendously, which was surprising because it had already been at a terrible state. Adelina returned to listening to Ryan's and Ace's conversation. She never minded eavesdropping; in fact, at Camp Half-Blood, she had made it a sport to spy on her enemies. She cringed as she heard Ace scoff at Ryan's forced relationship with Adelina. It made her feel like she was just punched in the gut.

It caught her ear when Ace mentioned that no one else was in the area, although his voice was quiet. She heard a thud as Ace flung Ryan against a tree nearby. This is when you run. She spotted the SUV from across the clearing. It made her feel guilty not to break the fight, but she just wanted to get back to the mansion and fall asleep to enter the world of dreams, where of course there would be monsters and nightmares, but at least there wouldn't be a constant reminder of her humiliation. However, it was her nature to be curious, so she remained where she was for the time being. Once she had made sure that everything was alright between them, she would follow the manticore's tracks and help save whomever the manticore had injured.
Ryan stood up and quickly looked around. No one was around, but he didn't want to take any chances. He kept his enhanced physical abilities hidden and just looked at Ace, "Yeah I do." Ryan turned around and started to walk away. Ace said, "What's wrong Ryan? Don't want to flash your "secret power"? I mean that's how you threw me at the tree so you can't really hide that "secret" from me. Why are you even hiding it huh?"

Ryan kept walking and didn't answer Ace. Ace said, "Okay walk away. Walk away like you always do. The way you did before you discovered your other power! Cause all you could do back then was fight and all the rest of us could do something cool AND fight! You've become accustomed to your little wimpy ways wonderkid. Why are you hiding it?"

Ryan suddenly turned around, "Cause I don't want to show it. I don't want to try it then lose control of it!"
Jason, looked around for Ace remembering he had the keys. "Ace!! Where are you, I need the keys!!" He called out looking around waiting for a response.

Jerika followed Jason and the others, hopping into the back seat. She felt ashamed, fearful, and confused. She remebered Vitus' predictions before the party, she had heard him but didn't really believe what se heard. "Could I really change?" she muttered t herself sddely waning to help these kids istead of her mother.
"...Mason..." The weak voice of the daughter of Hades hissed out of her split lips, her eyes barely open. She could see nothing but red... Oh wait, thats just her body. She was drenched in her own blood... Great. "...Masooonn... You're going the wrong way... Left, right, upstairs... on the left... just bring me-" She coughed some, gritting her teeth, then hissed out, "Just... Just bring my bag... to me..." She watched the stabbed manticore dissolve into a pile of sickly yellow dust and blow away on an unseen gust of wind....

Alec came charging out of the woods astride the huge Hellhound, then jumped off. "GUYS! GUYS!....Sh*t..." He was breathing hard, trying to catch his breathe, then stood up straight, flailing his arms, "MANTICORE! BLEEDING! STABBY STAB, FIRE PSSSSSSSSHHH," He made a gesture similar to the one Mason had, "HELENA, DYING, MANTICORE, BLOOD EVERYWHERE, ON THE WALLS, ON THE FLOOR, HEEEELP!"
Ryan continued, "I mean look at Mason! He just starts randomly bursting to flames! His emotions take a large part of his control of his fire power. Me? Emotions do too, but if some regular human were to come up to me and make me shake their hand, then I just might-"

Ryan got interrupted by Jason's call. Ace looked at Ryan, "Time to go pipsqueek." Ryan clenched his fists. Ace started walking to the SUV.
Adelina froze in shock as she apprehended Ace's words. Secret power? Ryan used a secret power to throw Ace against a tree in fourth grade? There was another ability that he possessed, apparently - one that was obviously perilous, too dangerous to be used carelessly. It wasn't Adelina's business, though. Casually, she strolled out of the woods, walking to the SUV as well. She would ride shotgun, as long as she was fortunate enough to arrive at the SUV before anyone claimed the seat. She would not have to suffer the humiliation and awkwardness of being beside another demigod that knew about what had happened, other than the driver who, with hope, would be too concentrated on driving to notice her. Adelina immediately wished that invisibility was one of her powers.
Ryan went to the SUV and immediately sat in the last row. He looked out the window and kept his gaze at the trees.

Ace sat in the middle row and patted Cupid's back. Cupid turned around and looked at Ace then at Ryan "At least we have the same target" Cupid thought to himself.
Adelina opened the door to the shotgun seat and stopped in her tracks, petrified. Cupid was sitting at the driver's seat. Instantly, her hand moved to the side of her belt, where her dagger was concealed in a sheath that always camouflaged with its background. Her finger just barely touched the hilt. No, absolutely not. She would not sit in the car next to the person who had wronged her so immensely. Most of all, sitting there would be risky. It was unlikely that she would be able to resist the urge of drawing her Stygian iron blade and use it to inflict some mightily devastating harm. She climbed into the seat anyways. She wouldn't be able to stand sitting next to either Ryan or Ace, not after Adelina's most embarrassing hour and a half of her life combined with her overhearing of their conversation. She closed the door and, avoiding Cupid's eye, stared out of the window as her cheeks began to redden with a mixture of humiliation and animosity towards Cupid.
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Jason looked a Gray then at Alec as he registered what was being sad, he nodded to Gray then hurried to the van, "Everyone in now!!" He hopped the driver's seat and turned to face Ace, "Keys." he looked a Gray through the window. "If you want to talk just meet us back at the mansion. We'll talk privately. Alec can you ride Fred back behind us I'll be peeling off asap." He looked at everyone dumbstruck as to how he became a momentary leader.

Jerika Watced everything taking in how they cared for one another, that was something she wated to be apart of. Even if sme of them cearly were at odds right now.
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Gray saluted Jason and walked back over to his motorcycle and hopped on, starting and revving the engine before taking off.
Ace gave Jason the keys and stayed silent.

Ryan didn't even remove his gaze from the window.

Cupid sat there not saying a word. He knew it wasn't the time for him to say one of his remarks because there were some demigods suffering back at the mansion.
Jason put he keys in the ignition and started the van he put it in gear and tore of speeding back the way they had come. It was a smooth ride but brisk and full of tension. He hoped Alec was following, then again it was his neighborhood so not much worry. Jason drove so fast, he coud see Gray's tail light up ahead. Jason pulled up in front, and stopped the van before ripping the keys out and plopping them in his pocket. He hopped out activating his bracelet, noticing they had made a single more complex bracelet when he deactivated it with the sword in the shield's sheath. He drew his sword and hurried through the doorway.

He stopped seeing all the blood, and damage. He followed the trail and saw Max's staff in a smoldering pile of monster ash he sighed in relief, and deactivated his weapons seperately. "I can always count on you." He smiled little bit before heading to the living room and seeing the mess there and where the Hell was Jaycee during all this carnage and destruction, even Eve looked tore up. "We gotta lot of work ahead of us."
...Helena's blue eyes scanned her surroundings... She could only her eyes open to slits... She looked up at an approaching figure... "Mason.... Mason, it's dead, you're shooting at nothing...." she hissed, and tried to sit up, but gave that up and flopped on her side, unable to escape the everexpanding pool of red around her. "...Theres... t-theres a little vial, the front p-p-pocket... picture of a manticore..." She coughed out, staring at her reflecion in the blood... "Damn.... I'm a mess..."
Cupid glanced at Adelina then at Ryan, "You two seem fairly quiet." He got out of the car and ran to one of the injured people.

Ryan looked at Adelina then got out of the car, "It wasn't that bad you know." He started walking to the mansion.
As he rounded the corner, he ran into one of the many hallways in the giant mansion. He ran across many rooms and couldn't find a single maid or person to help him find the right place. He had forgotten he had a 3D portable gps navigation device in his bracers with all this 'Save Everyone From Dying' mode he was in. He just kept running and kicking doors in trying to find her damned bag.
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Gray walked over to Ash and shook her hard. "Go away..." "Ashlynn wake up." Ashlynn groaned in protest but opened her eyes. "What?" Gray just shook his head. "I told you to stop overusing your powers like that when you haven't practiced." Ash rolled her eyes and shoved him away. "Shut up Chance." "Not a chance Dearborn." Ashlynn stood up and stretched.
Adelina opened her door and stepped out of the car, wondering what Ryan meant. Of course it was bad. She could not imagine being able to live through the smothering of affection, the humiliation, the awkwardness, the guilt of turning someone down. Perhaps he was one of the guys that enjoyed being liked, whether he felt the same way or not, but it was unlikely. He was just trying to make her feel better, and Adelina appreciated the effort, but she didn't need it.

She pushed her thoughts aside as she sprinted into the mansion, her heart pounding as she found Helena on the floor. Adelina knelt beside her. Ambrosia. There was ambrosia in her backpack - where was it? Desperately, her gaze flickered across the room, but it was nowhere to be found. She must have left it somewhere . . . Did her love-crazed self take it off at the party or something? She retraced herself from two hours and about fifteen minutes ago. Perhaps it had fallen off with all of the commotion of being shot by the arrow. The arrow. She pushed the thought aside again and rushed to the mansion's door, pushing them open. Her eyes darted around, and after a few seconds of squinting to make out the misshapen figures in the dark, they came across a bulky silhouette.

Adelina ran toward the figure and picked it up, making sure it was hers. She bolted inside and once again knelt by Helena, quickly unzipping her backpack and from it extracting a flask of ambrosia. She unscrewed the cap and tilted the savory liquid into Helena's mouth. "Drink," she said simply.
Helena looked at an unfamiliar figure, but recognized the vial instantly, the Greek letters floating off the label, spelling out,"manticore anti poison". She struggled to grab onto the vial, but once that was down, she chugged the bitter liquid like her life depended on it, which it basically did. Once the antidote began to take affect, she breathed out a sigh, and tried to get up, using the wall to help herself up, only to have her eyes roll back in her head and collapse...

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Ace shoved Cupid over in attempts to quiet him down.
Adelina grabbed her arm as Helena collapsed and set her down gently. She took the vial and screwed the cap back on, looking at the front of it. This wasn't ambrosia, it was . . manticore poison antidote? She hadn't noticed she had kept that in her backpack, and was grateful for her luck that she had picked the wrong container. Hopefully it was only the poison that was causing her so much pain and suffering, as she knew manticore poison was not fatal. But where was all the blood coming from?
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Ryan quickly rushed to his brother once he saw him, "Max!" He gently shook him, "Max!" 
Ryan looked around to make sure no one was looking and he picked Max up. He used his super speed and ran to Noah's satchel thing. While still performing tasks at the same high speed, Ryan took out the ambrosia, poured it down Max's throat, ran back out the room with Max in his arms, and put Max back where he found him.

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