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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid said, "So did Cupid and Ash save the rest of us or what?" He smiled.

Ace looked at Cupid, "Maybe just this once."
Ash released her best friend to cheer out, "Yes! Ashlynn and Cupid saving the day!"
The manticore (focusing on mansion manticore now) was slowing down, but it kept it's stride till it came to a dead end. There it stopped, and dropped the daughter of Hades in a bloody mess. The girl groaned, mumbling something along the lines of, "Stop it..." And then her whole body went slack...

Meanwhile, Alec was running out the door, calling for the other demigods he knew. Instead, Fred the Hellhound came loping out of the woods, running next to him long enough for Alec to jump onto his back, before disappearing into shadows.

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Grayson smirked at his friend, but it instantly turned into a scowl as she dragged him over to her friends. "Guys, this is a friend of my mine. He's a demigod from Camp Half-Blood like us."
Max heard Ash say something about another Demigod an he lifted his head off the Manticore. " Hello friend of Ash, Im Max." Max said before the Manticore kicked his lower half of his body up to make Max hug it again. "You really like hugs don't you?" He said to the Manticore before giving it another squeeze.
As Evelynn struck down with her blade, Mason released the plasma burning through the corner of the wall and hitting center mass. It burned a hole through the manticore's frame and hit the wall behind it. The plasma slagged and charred around the manticores body searing it and incinerating the repulsive flesh. Mason ran forward and watched the manticore catch fire from the intense heat and went for Helena's body before the raging beast collapsed on her. The tail lashed around and Mason dodged it by using his bracers to propel himself forward and snag Helena's bloody body. He held onto her tightly and activated the magnetic coils and raised his arm towards the stainless steel refrigerator. 'I hope this works.....' he mumbled as he saw the manticore close to toppling over him. His entire body shot forward at an incredible speed and he shrieked as the fridge was getting closer. He flicked his wrist to power off the bracers and he flew into the fridge and bounced off of it with Helena in his arm. He skidded along the kitchen tile and laid there in pain.

Mason got on his knees and searched for a Helena's heat source. He saw it flickering and fading. He also felt Evelynn's fading in and out as well. He was confused and worried. He had to stop the bleeding and thought of something. His hands went red and his fingers went over Helena's wound, cauterizing the wound shut with a fine touch. He took a breath as he smelt the burned flesh reach his nostrils. "I'm sorry..." he mumbled to her. He looked up at the manticore still flailing on the ground with nowhere to go as Evelynn's sword pinned it to the floor. He looked for Evelynn and found her laying limp against the wall. He ran over slipping and skidding on the blood covering the floor. He made it to her and looked around for her wounds. He apologized in advance as he looked around her chest and waist to see if there were punctures or gashes. He found what he could and cauterized her wounds until he could find the thermos of nectar Helena had stashed in her room. He got up and ran around getting himself lost looking for Helena's room.
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Adelina's focus returned. She found a familiar face absorbing the concentration of her vision. Ryan. They were in an impassioned kiss, and her arms were around him. Her eyes widened. Instantaneously, she shoved him harshly and backed away. "Oh my gods." She frantically looked around for somewhere to go, somewhere to hide herself for eternity, and despite all the chaos and commotion that surrounded her, she sprinted towards the woods, bumping into the manticore on her way. She ran into the woods with her hands covering her face, although she wasn't crying. She stumbled on a log and fell to her knees. "Oh my gods oh my gods oh my gods."
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Grayson waved at Max before shooting Ashlynn a glare. "Aw, don't look at me like that you need to be more social anyways." Ashlynn patted Gray on the head and walked over to the now unoccupied DJ SpinTable and posed. "Now what...." She trailed off at the sight of a flustered Adelina running away

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Jason stood shakily, blood was steadily flowing from his back, "Can I kill it just a little bit. He dropped to one knee, slamming his sword into the ground and using it for support to avoid falling flat on his face. His head was spinning and he barely remembered that water healed him. He reached weakly, his fingertips faintly buzzing, he only managed, to raise the water a bit. "Water." He croaked, still managing to stay up.

Jerika's eyes widened, and she walked inside. "So you really are demi-gods, I mean they told me but." She stopped abruptly knowing she had said too much. She looked around anxiously hoping they didn't catch her slip up like she caught Jason's.
The Manticore growled when Adelina bumped into it, and it nearly shook Max off of it. "Woah there boy its ok, she's friendly be calm." Max heard Jason and went to respond to him wanting to kill it, but he saw him faceplant and weakly ask for water. Remembering his water bottle he called out to Ryan "Here Pour this on Jason" and he threw the bottle at Ryan
Ashlynn stared at Jerika. "What?" She surely didn't hear what she thinks she heard.
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Ryan said, "Woah. Well looks like she's back." He caught the bottle and quickly poured it on Jason. Ryan looked around and decided to go after Adelina, "This drama queen..." He went into the woods.
Ash quickly maneuvered herself around the SpinTable until she was standing directly in front of Jerika glaring at her suspiciously. "Who told you what?"
"I suggest you tell us." Max said riding over on the Manticore "Cause i do have a friend here who could tear you apart." Max patted the Manticore on its head as he talked.
What have I done? Adelina sat on the forest floor, concealed by the shade of the trees, and even though on normal circumstances, she would have felt disturbed by the idea of spiders crawling toward her from every which direction, she ignored it. Heat rose to her cheeks and she felt sweaty. No, no. She was a daughter of Athena. Daughters of Athena stayed calm in dangerous situations.

But this wasn't a dangerous situation; to Adelina, it was worse. The last thing she remembered was being told by a soothing voice to open her eyes. A flood of memories returned to her. Cupid had shot her. Immediately, she felt a wave of panic go through her. She had opened her eyes to Ryan's face. There was something about a plan. Whatever that plan was, it obviously didn't succeed. In her mind, she went through a list of all the possible ways she could have embarrassed herself during the time that she had been under the spell. Each thought made her feel twice as much like throwing up. How long had the spell lasted? If she had been told before opening her eyes, she didn't remember.
Jerika looked at the girl, then at Max, "Y-you wouldn't I mean, Aren't you supposed to protect people, I." She stepped back. "I don't even know that much."

Jason yelped then sighed in relief as his wounds started to heal turning into minor scratches. "Gods that's good." He stood erect and sheathed his sword in his shield not trusting the manticore. "Chill Max, she still has to ride with us we have plenty of time to interrogate her later. let's get home." He looked at Jerika coldly, "This doesn't mean your off the hook, it just means we're rescheduling the interrogation, 'kay neighbor." He grinned menacingly and pat her on the back sending a shiver down her spine. "Alright let's roll, I'll drive."
Ryan said, "Adelina! Adelina where are you? I don't think you should stay in the woods alone at this hour especially after a manticore just attacked." He continued to look around.
"Jason you know me i wouldn't harm a human unless they try to kill me." Max said to Jason "Also I'm gonna ride Manny home, cause my legs are torn up and i don't have magical healing abilities like you. Plus Evelynn will kill me if i Get blood in her car."
Ash grinned. "You named him Manny? Manny the Manticore?" 
Grayson watched the group silently playing with his sword. "Hey Gray, you should come with us." Ashlynn said walking over to him. "Nah, I don't want to be a bother." Grayson replied waving his hand dismissively. Ashlynn chuckled and grabbed his hand pulling him after Jason. "Don't be silly Gray, you're coming with whether you want to or not." Grayson sighed and let the tiny girl pull him along. "I really should have seen that you weren't giving me an option, you never do..." "Yes, you should have." Ash replied smiling proudly.
Adelina heard Ryan's footsteps approaching her in the woods, and silently she listened to his words, offering no response. But her ears caught on one thing he said. Manticore? What kind of pandemonium was going on out there? She had no idea where she was, but it was late at night and she remembered agreeing to go to a party after stepping out of the minivan that had brought her to the mansion. She stood up wordlessly and tried to get a view from where she was, several yards into the woods, but shadowy trees blocked her view. She could feel mosquitoes landing on her arms and she drew her knife to swat them away. She wondered how Ryan felt about her now, and cringed. Talking to the person she had fallen head over heels in love with was not something she felt like doing, although she would have appreciated any words of reassurance - she would have easily welcomed the words "none of that ever happened" but of course that would have been a lie. She momentarily cleared her thoughts and began to walk briskly towards the edge of the forest, where she had entered the woods. She wanted to find out what the issue with the manticore was.
"Don't judge Ash." Max said to her before patting his new pet on the head "Alright Manny lets go." He said to his new pet. The Manticore started sprinting towards the mansion at a very fast speed. As they got closer Manny started to get nervous. "Whats wrong, you smell something?" He asked Manny as they got closer. Thats when he saw that the door to the Mansion was busted open. "S***" Max said as he saw it "Manny speed up we need to make sure they're ok." As Max got closer he saw the blood stains on the floor inside. Maneuvering Manny through the door Max saw the other Manticore flailing around on the floor on fire. "Manny we need to put him down." He said as Manny whimpered seeing a fellow Manticore in pain. Max summoned his weapon. Manny looked away as Max aimed his staff at the Manticore heart and threw it. The beast turned to ash when it hit and Max left his weapon in the ash pile afraid it would be burning hot. Max then noticed Evelynn and Helena's bodies lying unconscious on the ground and also that the wall was on fire. "S***. Manny we need to get them to the living room." He said to Manny. With his new friends help he got both of them on Manny and into the Living room. "They should be fine" Max said then remembered the wall, He used his powers to pull the away the air from where the fire was, putting it out. Then Max slid off Manny and onto a chair. Max then remembered his own wounds. "D***** forgot about those." Max said pulling gauze out of his pockets. "I love these pants." he said pulling out two metal rods. Fashioning a Tourniquet for his legs from the rods and gauze Max winced in pain. Manny scared that his new "owner" was in pain came closer to him and gave him a nuzzle. "Don't worry Manny ill be fine." He said wrapping the wounds on his side. "Sit please and don't hurt anyone who comes in here." Manny sat down in front of Max and curled up like a dog. "Good boy" he said putting a piece of paper on top of Manny to tell Mason or Alec not to attack him, and the passed out from blood loss.
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Ryan saw lightning go through his hand again. "Forget this" He mumbled and walked out of the woods, "Gah! Why does my hand keep doing this?" Ace looked at Ryan and noticed that no one else was around, "Hey weirdo!" Ryan stopped in his tracks and looked at Ace. Ace added, "So I heard you were a nice "boyfriend"" Ace laughed then looked back at Ryan, "Anyway, don't think that my treatment on you has softened just cause we're in the same group...you know just like your soft heart." Ace kept laughing then made a straight face, "Now that all this stuff is happening I expect you to stay even more away from my sisters eh Wonderboy?" He approached Ryan and grabbed Ryan's shirt, "...It's been a while since I have unleashed my rage...especially on you Zeus boy." Ryan was confused he understood that Ace was protective, but why was he always aiming for Ryan? Max is a Zeus kid too!

Ace said quietly, "Ooo this whole situation reminds me of something you did to me before." He looked around, "I might as well say it now that we have time and that no one else is in the area. I've always been waiting for this time where only you and me can talk in an open area like this. Do you remember that time when you were in the fourth grade and a sixth grader went up to you? You know, the one that challenged you to a fight? Yeah that's me. The kid you beat with your little ninja moves. Do you realize how much strength it took me not to unleash the frickin hulk on you? How about how mad my uncle was for losing a fight? Oh and the humiliation you caused me?" Ace's story started making him mad. Ace's fist grew hulk sized and he threw Ryan at a tree, "Remember when you did that to me too?"

Ryan flew back and hit the tree. Maybe Cupid's "power withdrawal" talk was actually real.
Gray sighed and put his jacket on walking around the corner. "Where ya going?" Ash called jogging to keep up with his long strides. "To my motorcycle, now hurry up, I ain't got all day." "I'm hurrying, I'm hurrying." Ashlynn ran over and climbed onto Grayson's bike holding onto his waist tightly. "I freakin hate this deathtrap." Grayson chuckled and put his helmet on her head. "Please, you know you love it. Now where's this mansion?" Ash told Gray the address and squeaked in fear as the motorcycle roared to life and zoomed off.

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