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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Ryan saw Jerika walking then he turned back to Adelina. So that she hopefully would not stop him, he kissed her cheek and said, "The five minutes will start now."

He made his way to Jerika.

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"Ok I'll hold back unless its absolutely neccesary, but what about our weapons though, will we be able to use them. I mean thats how we kill them right?"

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Ace started to hear a thudding sound, "Or maybe WE should go to a plain area..."He looked around, "Okay well I guess we can, but just pretend to pull them out from under a table then."

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Jerika passed through the kids and went out back near the pool. She sat cross-legged on the edge and watched the light dance in the reflection. She noticed Ryan coming out of the corner of her eye and scanned for the tag along but foud it was him alone. She stayed seated not wanting to aknowledge him yet.

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Adelina tilted her head, frowning. She could still feel the softness of Ryan's lips against her cheek, and although that brought her an exceptional amount of delight, the pleasure from Ryan's kiss was mixed with fury and resentment as she watched him walk to Jerika. She shot Jerika a threatening glare. Adelina would not let Jerika take her boyfriend. Ryan was hers. Angry thoughts formed in her brain, curse words and the feeling of rage, an image of Jerika being hung by her feet as she was slowly and painfully burned. She focused the thoughts on Jerika as she saw her walk away, and was unaware when the thoughts were sent to her telepathically.
Ryan went to Jerika, "Hey Jerika...I'm sorry about earlier." He looked down then started to hear a thudding sound just as Ace did.

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Cupid quickly went to Adelina, "Did you hear that?...wait where's Ryan? Anyway, we need to get out of here!" He looked at the uneffected regular humans still dancing.

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Max while slipping his way through the crowd spotted one of his glow sticks. Max hurried towards the owner of the glow stick which was in the possession of Ace. Coming to a stop behind them Max said "We've got a problem." Max then noticed that Jason was with Ace "there's something big coming. Have you seen any more of these around I'm trying to find everyone." He said holding up the color changing glow stick.

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Adelina turned to look at Cupid. Her heart felt so empty without Ryan, and it would not be long before she could no longer resist the urge to go after him. Whoever that girl was, she seemed suspicious, and concern filled Adelina's eyes as she thought of all the terrible things that could happen to Ryan. "Ryan went somewhere with some snotty little girl," she said haughtily, her chin turned upwards. "I'm not going anywhere without Ryan." She then wondered what he was talking about, and listened for a sound. She heard booming, as loud as thunder, like amplified footsteps. Panic consumed her as she thought of Ryan.
"Ah come on Helena! You know that's not what I meant!" Evelynn called after her as she stormed off. "I'm pretty sure you're a virgin!" She tossed out hopefully before sighing as the girl slipped from view.

Glancing to the side she noted the statue starting at her with it's judgemental eyes. "It's not my fault!" She cried out after a few seconds of heated staring. "I just wanted to give her what she wanted . . ." She mumbled. "Don't judge me!" Her fist met the marble, crack, in the face and it crumbled to pieces. Quickly pulling back her hand she gave a slight whimper and shook her hand as it throbbed painfully.

The hell from below startled her out of her pain. "Helena? Is everything all right?" She peered around the corner to the front of the house and asked "Helena?" again when she saw the open door. With no response, she buried towards it and then through it, looking for any signs of the girl she seemed to frustrate more than anyone else. She scanned the area quickly and noted an unknown presence. It quickly vanished as she lacked the high ground for her ability to really excel. Without so much as a thought, she rushed off towards where it had disappeared.
Cupid gave a worried look, "You don't have a glowstick...but I found you so it's fine. Please tell me Ryan has a glowstick."

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Jason nodded and led Max and Ace outside to the pool seeing Ryan and Jerika, he felt bad about getting between them but something was happening. "Hey Ryan we got issues."

Jerika looked confused at first a sick feeling in her stomach from things she had thought of. Then Ryan comes to apologize as strange thudding began, well not so strange to her but she acted like she didn't notice it. "Ryan let's not talk about this now go enjoy your...whatever that girl is to you." She stood and walked away as Jason's voice could be heard alerting Ryan to something

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Adelina made a disgusted sound. She wanted nothing to do with Cupid, but if he knew something about Ryan and his relationship with Jerika, then sure, she could talk to him. "You mean those bright flashy things like the one that came hurtling toward Ryan's head?" She recalled the occasion at the beginning of the party, when she had saved Ryan from a very uncomfortable situation involving being hit in the head with a color-changing plastic object. She was oblivious of the fact that it had been Max who had tossed the glowstick to Ryan.

"Yeah, well, one of those dangerous colorful flying contraptions was very riskily flying towards Ryan's head, and I saved him from it," she responded. "I think I left it on the ground somewhere outside."
Cupid shook his head, "Eh nevermind let's go." He started making his way back to the car.

Ryan just went to Jerika again, "No she's just a friend...who has a thing for me just for now though."

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Adelina gaped at Cupid. "Go?!" she said, incredulously. "You're saying we should just go when some snobby mortal girl is still talking to my boyfriend, probably into doing something stupid?" She huffed, determined not to step anywhere from her current position until Ryan came back for her. She looked at her watch. He should be back in four minutes.
The barbed end of a scorpions tail slithered around a corner, a blood trail going down one hallway, like a body was being dragged that direction. The huffing of the beast's breathing could be heard echoing through the halls, muffled and heaving.

A large furry beast, with a scorpions tail and bat's wings pounced onto the DJ's turntable, jaws parted in a ferocious roar, wicked teeth an entire foot long ringed the beast's jaws, jagged, yellow and deadly. The scorpion's tail curled over it's back and the manticore lashed at the mortals in front of it. The mortals began to run, shouting various animal names, "IT'S A PUMA! COUGAR! MOOSE! MOOOOSE!"

The beast otherwise paid no attention to the mortals. It's sights were set on the nearest demigods; Jason, Max and Ace.
The huge beast roared and reared, then jumped off the table in pursuit of Max, jaws snapping at him, until finally, it pounced on him, slashing with claws right into his side, sending the boy flying away. It proceeded to chase after him again, screeching in rage, eager for it's first kill.
Evelynn heard a rushing in her ears as her Ares' blood came into full effect with just the sight of the tail. "Manticore . . ." She breathed out, passing through her armory in a split second and emerging donned in full regalia. Her pace did not slow or falter as she barreled ahead, sliding around the corner to face her foe, instantly drawing a spiked tower shield and bracing herself in case it decided to lash out with its tail. In her other hand, she withdrew a spiral lance. She braced once more and charged for the beast, keeping the shield up to defend against its tail while aiming her lance for its leg in an attempt to cripple it off the bat.
Max ignored the pain in his side as he was thrown through the air. Using his powers he spun mid-air and landed on his feet ready to fight back, but realized he couldn't show his face. He remembered he brought a Ski mask with him in case he had to fight in the open. He pulled it out and put in on. It covered his entire face, so he knew he could now fight. He cracked his personal glow stick and his Cross staff formed from it and Braced himself for the next attack. "Come get some, you don't scare me!" He shouted readying a shockwave in front of him
Ryan looked around, "Aw no not now." He saw electricity form on his hand again and he hid it behind him as he thought "So that's why it was doing that..."
The manticore skidded underneath Max, then like a whip the beast unfolded it's wings, and flew up to Max, jaws napping, it's disgusting breath in his face as it hissed at him.

The manticore stopped what it was doing. There was a wet plop as it dropped something, red spreading across the floor. A flash of black hair and clothing in the red made it clear who this blood belonged to... And she was bleeding heavily. The manticore had blood on it's tail and jaws, when it turned on Evelynn, it roared, it's jaws dripping with red drool. It's fur bristled up and down it's spine, making apparent that THIS manticore didn't have wings.
Jason was alarmed when it attacked and shocked when he saw Max whacked into the air. "Crap." When max drew his weapon Jason did the same his sword and shield springing to life. "Max, lure him over here, we'll flank it."

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Max spun the staff, and then spun quickly to send the shockwave at the Manticore. The shot was aimed so it would hit the Manticore towards Jason. "Heads Up."
Ryan quickly spun Jerika around the other direction, "Um..." He watched as Max and Jason tried to get rid of the manticore.

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