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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Ha, anyways here before I forget." Max handed Vitus a color changing glow stick. "In case we get in an emergency we can find each other. By the way don't drink the punch it's spiked, but if you want to become one of those guys." Max said pointing to a group of wasted guys in a corner "then drink up."

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Adelina opened her mouth to respond when she heard her name being said by a familiar voice somewhere behind her. She whirled around, seeing Cupid, and shot him an irritated look. "Excuse me?! I'm trying to talk to my boyfriend." She turned back to face Ryan once more, her expression dissolving into a look of disappointment. "But my love . . . I would do anything to be with you. How long will this 'something' take?"
Ryan replayed what Adelina just said in his head "Boyfriend?" He responded, "Maybe...5 minutes?" Ryan looked around but could find no sign of Jerika, "I'll probably do that though a little later." 
Cupid looked around, "I'll be back "a little later" then. Don't want my good deed to take up all night." He walked away and suggested a song.
Adelina gawked at Ryan, appalled. "Five minutes?" She wasn't sure if she'd heard him right. There was absolutely no circumstance during which she would be able to endure five minutes without being with Ryan. She recovered quickly, though, when Ryan affirmed that he could stay with her for the time being. A sudden thought struck her as a different song came on, and she beamed with excitement and glee. "Ryan! I love this song, let's dance!"
Vitus stared unimpressedly at the bright object but takes it from Max sticking it in his pocket. And when Max mentions the punch Vitus frowns but as he sees the wasted guys it turns to a smile. "Oh, this'll be fun. You wanna come watch?" He asks heading over toward the group of people reaching in his pocket for his cards, and rubbing his fingers over them.
Ryan laughed, "Dance? Nah I'm fine."

The huge human approached Ace and shoved him.

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Before she could wait for Ryan's response, Adelina pulled him to a spot that seemed more or less clear of people. "Come on, Ryan." She put her arms around his waist and swayed to the music. "Oh yes, where were we before you were engrossed by a sudden need to take care of something?" Tilting her chin up, she once again looked into Ryan's eyes. She would never tire from gazing into them. She felt like she was getting lost in the depths of it, and again she had the sensation that they were the only two people left in the world. "Oh, right." She remembered that his desire to "take care of something" had interrupted their kiss. She pursed her lips and leaned forward slowly, closing her eyes and letting the flow take her.
Vitus smiled at the group as he approached brushing his dark bangs from his eyes. "Hey, I'll be any or every man in your little group that I can tell them any card they pick for this deck." He said pulling out the cards. At first they seemed disgusted by his presence but at the mention of a bet they surely couldn't lose them agreed happily.

"The shteak'll be fivy drawlers." One guy stated obveiously one of the most drunk of the group.

"Deal." Vitus agreed. After electing Max to hold the money and picking the cards the game began. Vitus correctly guessed each card with the whispers of the spirit of a child telling him. The young spirits where always more clear for some reason. Though with how drunk they where they couldn't tell what cards they were holding anyways. "There each one was right, so the money is mine."

The extremely drunk guy swung pitifully at Vitus missing him by a mile, stumbling, and hitting one of his friends. This started a fight between everyone in the little group and leaving Vitus and Max free to leave. Drunks had to be the easiest people to sham ever and he never got tired of it. Turning to leave as he laughed and the first full smile in almost a year appeared on his face. But as memories of his travels with his dad played when he'd first done that through his head he stopping and reached for the money, Max held. "So how much was that?" He asked not sure exactly how many guys there had been.
Max counted the bills. There were four, no five 50 dollar bills. "250 dollars" he said handing the money to Vitus "one of them probably put down double considering there were only four of them." Max noticed him smile earlier and asked " a You do this before? You seem like a pro."

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"Um . . . Ryan?" Adelina tilted her head. "What's wrong?" Her heart pulsed faster as she knew she saw the look of rejection in his eyes. Did he change his mind? Perhaps he never liked her after all. She could feel the sting of salt in her eyes and tried to blink the tears away.
"Nice." Vitus smiled leaving fifty dollars in Max's hand but taking the rest. "Go on and keep that." When Max asked about doing it before Vitus nodded a little slowly. My dad and I traveled a lot and he wasn't payed as much as he should have been. So when I figured this little trick out we used it to get the extra money. It works on sober people too, bur not nearly as well." He explained. He couldn't help but feel a little proud at being called a pro, though he success was really due to the spirits who helped him.
Ryan felt a shock of electricity go through his fingers. He looked at his hand, "What the?"

Ryan turned back to Adelina, "Noth-" He saw her tears forming, "Nothing...nothing's wrong." Ryan leaned in closer to her and quietly told her, "I think there's some electricity going through my hand." 
Ace clenched his fist and started walking the other direction. The huge guy pushed Ace again and Ace turned back around, "PUSH ME ONE MORE TIME!"

The guy pushed him again and said, "push" Ace grabbed the guy's collar and pushed him into a wall without using his powers.
"Thanks." Max said putting the fifty in his pocket. "Your abilities help make it a success, and trust me your not the only one who uses their abilities to help their parents. I used to sit copilot to my mother and remove all the turbulence that the plane would hit. Made it the smoothest flight ever. She got paid a little more because people loved it so much. Now she works as a kind of private escort pilot, and our vacation planner and transport. She took me everywhere." Max stopped and thought about her now and said. "She's probably relaxing at home with the dog, considering she won't start flying again until I get back from camp. Hopefully this whole thing gets resolved soon, so we can get back to flying again."

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Vitus nodded and replied. "That's nice to hear. I think it's . . ." Vitus searched for the right word but not finding it simply abandoned the sentence. Moving on he thought about his dad. "Dad's probably still traveling, though not as far. The last place I know he was was somewhere in Turkey. Have you ever been there, like on one of the flights with your mom?" He said.
Adelina smiled warmly. The tears that were in her eyes seemed to evaporate, and the fears that a moment ago had concerned her now were confirmed to be only illusions. Feeling electricity could only mean one thing. She herself certainly felt sparks of electricity radiating from Ryan. It was love. "It's love," she said to Ryan. "It's because we're in love. This is how you feel when you're in love." Her smile broadened ever so slightly and she continued to sway to the beat of the music.
Ryan didn't really know what to do next so he just danced with her, "Um...what song is this?" He tried to have a normal conversation with her to avoid all the love stuff.
"I've been to Istanbul, I don't like to talk about that trip. I kinda got caught on top of the Hagia Sophia." Max said scratching the back of his head. " It took ages to explain how I got up there, until a satyr in disguise took control of the situation and helped us clear the charges. It's not my worse case of going to places I'm not suppose to. Those would be when I adventures inside the Great Pyramids and when I explored Area 5.... I mean ummm. Groom Lake... Where nothing alien related happens... Ever... Just kidding, but they've got some crazy stuff there!"

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Adelina pondered for a moment. She was sure she had heard it before - it sounded so familiar. "I'm not quite certain," she replied after a brief hesitation. "Why don't we ask the DJ together?" she suggested with a smile. She let go of his waist and grasped his wrist with one hand, turning towards the corner where the DJ sat.
Ryan nodded at least he achieved his goal. He started walking toward the dj.

The huge guy punched Ace and Ace let go of his collar. Ace kicked the guy and the guy fell down.
"Hahaha, speaking of mishappenings on trips reminds me of my trip to Las Vegas. Let's just say, that they did not look kindly upon my card tricks. However they found them most appealing in New Orleans. Got us a room and food for a week at some nice little place." Vitus chuckled aand wondered just what had gone on during Max's trips. But he didn't ask, simply letting his imagenation play with the ideas Max had given it.
"Well there's your problem! People in Vegas are used to getting conned so they know how to spot it. The most I've earned from my trips have been memories, the occasional artifact, and a cool gadget I'm not suppose to talk about... **** now Vinnie's gonna be pissed." Max said to Vitus laughing a little.

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Not able to hold the question back Vitus cast a sideways glance at Max. "Cool gadget?" He asked. "Who's Vinne? Dude you gotta stop saying thing like that of you don't want people asking about them." Vitus liked Max he seemed a lot like himself in a way, but very different at the same time.
"The gadget is some sort of tool, but I can't use it. It's like puzzle locked or something. And Vinnie's the guy who got me out of trouble at Groom Lake." Max said to Vitus "and with that I'm stopping the calls. No more question on my crazy mishaps." Max opened his water bottle and took another sip "I'll leave you to think of what I might've done there to need help." Max said looking at Vitus "Anyways your dad seems like a cool person."

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