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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Helena, face thoroughly red, let her sword return to a bracelet, then, putting the bracelet down, then grabbed a bandaid, ripped it open, then grabbed Mason. "You need to work on your sleeping skills... That meaning, stop groping people in your sleep." She stuck the bandaid on his forehead gingerly, looked him in the eyes, then turned and walked away, hugging herself to stop her pitiful shaking... "Hey Evey, stop angrily reading and come watch Frozen with me... Girls night in, I guess..." In her mind, she thought desperately, please don't leave me alone.

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Ashlynn groaned as Max slammed into her side and rubbed her shoulder. "Owww."
Ace finally drove straight for two seconds and then resumed acting as if he was in a race.

Cupid got mad after hitting the window for the seventh time. He flung his arms up and yelled, "ACE PULL THE F*** OVER!!!"

Ace glared at Cupid, "No." Ryan yelled at Ace, "Eyes on the road! Don't look at Cupid!"

Ace quickly swerved and avoided the truck that was headed in their direction.
"ACE PLEASE DRIVE LIKE A NORMAL PERSON FOR A SE.." Max said before being launched into the roof of the car. Max slumped forward unconscious from the impact.
Ashlynn used her powers on herself and made herself calm and made an illusion that she was on the beach at Camp Half-Blood.

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Ryan looked over at Adelina and Jerika because they seem to have gone quiet.

Cupid yelled jibberish at the top of his lungs while Ace kept driving.

Ace yelled, "It's only been 3 minutes quit whining!"
Adelina grasped Ryan's hand tightly, her knuckles white, as she lurched forward in her seat. Her seatbelt slammed against her torso, catching her breath. She had not noticed the commotion outside of her romantic world with Ryan until now, and comprehended that they were being driven to the party by a lunatic whose brain nor body could match the standards set by Ryan's. There was, for a second, the sound of screaming, which she instantly dismissed as she brought herself back into her own fantasy, which included absolutely no one but her love, Ryan. With difficulty, she was able to ignore the constant careening sideways of the SUV.
"Dammit man, it's not a race ehn, stop boomin' aroun' and star' drivin' straight ye 'ear." Jason's Caribbean accent came out as he became more and more nervous, a habit he picked up from his Trinidadian mother.

Meanwhile Jerika had stopped screaming only because her throat was dry, she curled up but still had the seats in a vice grip. Trying not to fall over, and praying to her God. "Lord please let me survive this PLEASE."

(Funfact: I'm actually Trinidadian, so I know an accent and how to write it. If anyone needs a translation from time to time let me know and I'll include it.)
Ash's illusion was interrupted by Max's unconscious body falling onto her. Ashlynn smacked him to try and wake him. "Max? Max, wake up."
Ace quickly arrived at the destination, "Woo record! Five minutes for a...something minute drive!" He hopped out of the car and slammed the door.
Ash sighed. "Sorry for this..." Ash slapped Max hard across his face and -so it was more affective- made him feel a stron emotion of pain.
"IM AWAKE!" Max shouted upon getting slapped. "Man Ash you slap hurts worse than when Jason tries to rip off my ear." Max then realized that they had arrived. " Oh thank god." Max said as he got out of the car. He beckoned The others to come out and then turned towards the party. In had been quite awhile since he's been at an actual human party so he hoped nothing bad would happen. He put his back up against the car and said to himself "Ace is never driving us anywhere ever again."

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The snap of her book matched the mental image in Evelynn's mind as Kozue had battled the tryalcodon. She set the book back in her armory and spun, planting her feet on the floor and standing up. "There you are! I thought maybe you were asleep or decided to leave somewhere with Mason." She walked over to the girl and draped her arm around her shoulders, as before. "So what's this movie, Frozen?, about anyways?" She asked curiously, far from keeping up with movies or TV. Letting Helena lead, she walked by her to her room, unsure where it was personally.
As the vehicle finally stopped Jason calmed down, calming himself andsweeping his locks out of his face. He slid out behind Max at a lightning speed enjoying the sensation of being, stable. "Ace, when the world stops spinning, I'm going to kill you slowly, and painfully." He stood straight at his full height. scanning the crowd and hearing the bass of some pop song or another. "Well, we're here. Everyone enjoy yourselves."

Jerika came out after, Jason, still hyperventalating. "I don't care WHAT happens I am WALKING home!" He caught her breath, and walked over to Ryan, pulling herself together. "So, explain yourself."
Ash blushed and shakily climbed out of the car. "Sorry Max..."
"M-mason? Why would I go running off with M-Mason, of all people..." Her face was still slightly red from her... Encounter with sleeping Mason. In fact, she couldn't help but think she had overreacted and shoved Mason away more than she had wanted to...

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Ashlynn moaned as the world seemed to shift before righting itself. "Okay, I think I'm alright now..." Ash slowly made her way towards the party.
"Eh I'm surprisingly good at taking pain." Max said following Ash towards the party. "You ever been to a party before?" Max asked and then remembered something. " Oh also" he said pulling the glow sticks out of one of his pockets "glow stick?" He asked popping the top off the container.

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Ash took the glow stick and hooked it to her necklace. "Yeah, I've been to a few parties. I wasn't too into it at first, but I've learned to enjoy them." She replied fixing her blue tipped curls into a pony tail at the back of her neck.
Adelina stepped outside of the SUV, her fingers still laced with Ryan's. She swiveled him around to turn away from Jerika, only pausing to give Jerika a menacing glare that said Stay away from him. He's mine. Her expression instantly softened as she gazed into Ryan's eyes, and she grabbed hold of his shirt to pull him into a passionate kiss. Jerika would have to stay away from her boyfriend. No, there was only one girl in Ryan's life and that was Adelina.

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