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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

The dying of of the timer sounded and Evelynn sighed, heading to deal with her cookies. Donning a pair of mitts, she opened the black oven for and drew the three stones from it, setting then on the stove in turn.

A few moments passed as they cooled and then she dumped them into her armory where they would keep their perfect freshness. She then terrified to her room to re-read the first book of Kozue, Stygian Steeps.
Adelina looked at him curiously. "Oh, okay, then we can just sit back there." She watched Max get in the back to sit next to Ryan, and stood up from her seat in the center of the car to sit on the other side of Ryan, before noticing that Ashlynn had already occupied that seat. Frustrated, she set a piercing glare on both Ashlynn and Max in turn. "Move," she said, her voice dangerously quiet like when she had spoken to Jason fifteen minutes ago. Her hand went to her belt, where her Stygian iron dagger hung.
Ash squirmed under Adelina's gaze but stayed sitting since she couldn't move anyway.
Ryan's eyes widened and he put his hands out, "No! No please don't do that." He looked at Max, "Thanks but she actually started piercing through a door earlier. I don't want her to pierce through you." Ryan got out and sat in the middle row again. 
Ace got in the driver's seat, "Looks like I'm driving again! Woo!"

Cupid ran into the car and sat in the front seat. He paused then shifted his gaze to Ace, "Oh no."
Max shrugged as Ryan passed by him to sit in the middle row. He scooted over so he was sitting next to Ash. "Hey i don't think we've met." Max said to her "Im Max son of Zeus."
"Hey, I'm Ashlynn daughter of Baubo." She replied grinning.
Adelina's green eyes gleamed with delight and her hand lifted away from her dagger as it linked with her other hand around Ryan's neck. "Ryan, you are the sweetest!" She gave him an affectionate peck on the lips before sitting back down in the middle row, reaching her arm out to place her hand on top of Ryan's as it lay on the armrest. "You faced your discomfort so we could be together . . . I love you." Fondly, she tilted her head as she gazed at him. She could never get enough of his remarkable appearance.
"By the way just a forewarning, I think Cupid is targeting me next." He whispered to her "Don't piss him off or be named Ryan and you'll be free off Cupids "terror"."
Ash nodded. "Warning received."

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Ryan faced the window and thought to himself "...this is the real discomfort zone. Please quit kissing me on the lips I can't do this." He looked back at Max, "Wait aren't there eight or nine of us going to the party? Cause if so then please let those other people sit next to you and Ash". 
Ace yelled back at the mansion, "HEY EVY YOU COMING?"

Cupid covered his ears as Ace yelled, "Gosh CAN'T YOU JUST TEXT HER?"
"Anyways I've never met a child of Baubo before. You like some sort of MLG Jokester?" Max asked her then heard Ryan's comment "Got it Ry." He said scooting closer to Ash "Sorry about the squeeze got make room. This thing only holds 7 people, and its better than having 12 people crammed into this car like we had on the way here."
Ashlynn grinned at the two guys yelling at eachother and whispered to Max. "Is stuff like this a normal thing?"

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In his head, Mason was twirling the embers under a giant waffle and smelled the beautiful aroma of buttermilk waffle cooking. He snuggled the yummy waffle and whispered to it while he licked the syrup dripping around the edge. He poured more blackberry syrup over it and began biting off a small chunk. Moaning in delight, he continued nibbling on his yummy waffle.

In the bed, Mason was beginning to do what his body thought was a dream. His next movements were going to be very bad. His hand crept along the hip of her body. He began moving closer to her chest and opened his mouth slightly eager to munch on a waffle.
Evelynn opened her window and yelled out. "No! I'm worried about Amaya, so I'm going to stay here! And I ******* swear, if you trash my SUV, I will trash your face!"
Adelina continued to stare dreamily at Ryan's flawless features. She took his hand tenderly and laced her fingers through his. "We will be together as long as our lives last. Won't we, Ryan?" She could feel the electric energy coming off of him, how amazing it was to be near such an extraordinary boy.
Ash smirked and moved her hair out of her face. "Sounds crazy, and no I'm not a jokester my half brother in LA is though. I'm just really weird and Awesome."

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"So if your not a jokester what can you do?" Max asked her. "I tell you my powers if you tell me yours. Again i've never met a child of Baubo and I kinda want to know what kind of abilities you can get from a Humor Goddess?"
Ryan's eyes widened as he thought to himself "Shoot I'm supposed to be Jerika's "date"." He responded, "Sure..." as he kept looking out the window and not facing her face.
"Well I'm an illusionist and can influence people's emotions. What about you?"

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Cupid heard Ash and turned toward her, "Hey, I'll never mess with you if you do me one favor. And it won't even effect you!"
"Sounds cool. Me I can Fly and bend the air to fight." Max said to her "And i can see how you could use those abilities to pull pranks and stuff."."
Ash raised an eyebrow at him. "And what is that?"

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