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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"I've been to a few but not in awhile." Max said putting the container away and hooking his glow stick to his bishop necklace. "Last one I went too was like 2 and half years ago,"

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Evelynn gave Helena a look that seemed to ask "Really?" without a word being said. "It could have been the fact that you snatched him out of my room while I was talking to him, or how you were yelling about him earlier . . ." She dropped her arm from the girl's shoulders and looked to her, noting the hints of worry in her eyes. "You did something stupid, didn't you?" She asked simply, but didn't wait for answer, continuing on. "This group seems to be surprisingly proficient at that. Go fix it." With a pat on her shoulder she turned to head back towards her room, not wanting to be that awkward third wheel during an apology. "Maybe make him some waffles or something." She chuckled to herself and gave a wave, walking off. "I'll be . . . Somewhere, if you need, or want, to talk. Gonna wander for a while." She tossed the last sentence over her shoulder.
"Yeah, well you don't really get the opportunity to just go out and hang out at parties like a regular teen when you're a demigod now do you?" Ash joked walking through the entrance.
Ryan pulled away, "Woah."

Cupid ran past them, "Aye party!"

Ace grabbed one of Max's several glow sticks and disappeared into the crowd.
"Well depends on what you want to risk." Max said following her in "Even if I wanted to I couldn't. For the last 2 years I've been traveling the world with my mother. I've been everywhere, and sometimes places nobody should be. OH and before I forget. HEY RY HEADS UP!" Max said before chucking two glow sticks his way. "So we can find each other later, don't worry they're special they change color, that will let us figure out where each of us are for when we need to leave!" Max spinning back around said "Now what were we talking about

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Ash nodded weaving her way through the crowds of people towards the refreshments. "I never traveled much, I stayed in my own little bubble in good old New Orleans till I turned 14 and left for Camp Half-Blood."
" A bubble child? You don't seem the type." Max said getting steady after spinning to throw the color changing glow sticks at Ryan. "You look like the kind of person who goes out and has fun all the time. Rather than one who keeps herself protected all day."

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Jerika huffed again and looked between him and Roadblock. "Whatever, have fun she walked away feeling sadder than she should have, she was just finding out information Right? She walked into the party going through the front door right after two hyper demigods. She went directly to where the punch was and grabbed a cup looking for a different demi-god that wasn't so occupied.
Adelina frowned as she looked up at Ryan, concerned. What was the matter? Why had he pulled away? Feeling hurt, she averted her gaze from him and instead focused her vision on the worn-out converse sneakers she apparently had been wearing. "What's wrong?" she asked softly, not daring to look back into his eyes, although her hands did not leave his shoulders.

Suddenly, she spotted something colorful flying toward Ryan's head, and she shrieked. "RYAN, WATCH OUT!" Adelina jumped upwards and caught the color-changing glowstick in midair. A grin spread across her face. She had heroically saved her love from the dangerous flying color-changing weapon that only she had spotted hurtling towards Ryan's beautiful head. "It's okay now, my dear," she said soothingly as she caressed his velvety brown hair.
Ash grinned and shook her head in disbelief picking up a drink and taking a sip. "Seriously? I can tell you now that my whole life before CHB I was a proud introvert. I loved being alone more than anything else. I had no friends but a few acquaintances." Ash grimaced at the taste of the punch and sat her cup down. "So typical, spiked punch."
"I expected as much. It is a party after all" Max said pulling a water bottle out of another one of his pockets. "Want some? Don't worry I have another." Max leaned in close and whispered to Ash "The pockets are enchanted. I can store a bunch of stuff in them as long as it's not to heavy." Leaning away Max said to her "And come on your hair is dyed blue I would expect that from a person who wants to make a statement. And you sound like a person who could make friends easily! I mean we pretty much just met and I'm already considering you a friend!"

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Mason walked to the workshop and avoided most of the hallways leading to The living room. He snuck through the kitchen and went into the now declared workshop. He closed the door and looked at the blood over the floor and the streaks on the wall. He shook his head and went to grab a couple rags out from a tool chest by the wall. He began cleaning up the mess under the glow the blue fire emanated. He intensified the embers and washed away the puddles on the floor. He wringed out the rag and continued to clean thinking of his plans for the photography equipment. Mason worked on cleaning the place up before working on the stuff. He looked over at the work benches and the floor around him. 'I guess I can sleep in here. Like the old days. '
A regular human accidentally bumped into Ace and spilled his drink on him, "Hey watch where you're-" The human looked up at Ace's towering figure, "-going. I-I mean s-s-sorry."

Ace smiled, "I thought so." A huge guy came out and said, "Hey bro this dude bugging you?" This guy was way bigger than Ace.
Adelina found it odd that Ryan didn't even thank her for saving him from a very painful and uncomfortable situation involving a color-changing glowstick. She concluded from this that he must be seriously preoccupied. "Of course, my love. Wherever you go, I will follow at your side. Lead the way." Adelina's heart seemed to pound faster with every second he spent with Ryan. Leaning her head against his shoulder, she waited for his response, awaiting the pleasure of hearing his gorgeous voice that made her melt like ice cream being melted in the sun, except more abruptly.
Ryan answered, "No. I meant can I take care of it? Alone?"

Cupid saw the situation that Ryan was in and decided to lighten his load a little, "Hey Adelina can I talk to you?"
Ash smiled softly and took the water bottle from Max "I do make friends easily, but I used to prefer being alone. Also, only my tips are dyed blue, and I only did it because my step-mom practical begged me to let her do something to my hair." She opened it and took a small gulp before closing it back up. "But I'm glad that you consider me a friend Max." She said gently nudging him with her shoulder.
"Thanks, my mother always said" Max put on his best impression of his mother "friends are people who help us realize ourselves." Max stopped the impression "mm that kills the throat. Anyways the more friends we make the closer we get to realizing who we really are." Max said smiling at Ash.

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Ash burst out laughing. "Thank you for that Max, but your impression was horrific!" Ashlynn breathed out in a giggle as she pulled herself together. "You're a really awesome friend."
"Thanks, and you've never met my mother. That was actually pretty clo... Aw who am I kidding. I'm crap when it comes to impression." Max said smiling. He pulled out another water bottle and took a sip. "So you think we should tell everyone about the spiked punch or let them find out themselves?" Max asked Ash while gesturing to the punch bowl.

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Ash shrugged "it'd be more amusing to let them find out themselves."
((Didn't mean to post that before, it's ready now))

"For the moment. Since we seem in a hurry." Vitus takes the deck of cards back and picks up the three cards in front of Jerika. "They reveal much more then I thought." Vitus says as the voice fills his ears with information, he tries to sort through finding useful things. He holds the cards up one at a time as he speaks laying down, picking up, and shuffling the other cards at seemingly random. "Ace of hearts, she tells me you where close. 8 of clubs she says that she worries greatly for you. And king of spades trouble is in the air for you."

Vitus pauses closing his eyes starting to get a headache as other spirits long to be spoken for. "Quiet." He snaps under his breath at them, and they calm slightly. He continues quicker and more seriously and intensely. "Now for those other three cards. The queen of hearts: your mother is controlling?" He voice a question as if he's repeating something on a fuzzy phoneline. Then he continues more assuredly. "The jack of hearts: you don't have to do everything she tells you. You where never that way with her. And the ace of dimonds: she," He pauses in surprise a brief second. "She says that you will follow her advice. You are a good child and she misses you greatly. She must go soon but you may ask one question." Vitus grits his teeth a moment his head really starting to hurt as the dead pipe up again.

But the Jerika pulled him in to the SUV, so he never got the chance, plus he didn't think that she'd heard the last part. During the drive Vitus passes out from the headache, but when they get there he wakes and climbs out going inside and heading to the punch bowl and looking around for food, and anyone who might notice him.
As Ashlynn was watching the crowd she thought she saw a familiar face... 'Wait, that couldn't be? Bu-' "Hey Max, I'm gonna go investigate something and I'll be back real quick." Without waiting for a response Ashlynn surged into the crowd of mortals dancing to the music and began looking for someone.
"Ok see yah." Max said noticing shed already left. Max then spotted Vitus making his way over. "Hey Vitus over here!" Max called out to him.

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Vitus turned his head as he was called and spotting Max he offers a smile and heads over to him. "Hey, Max. You know I'm starting to think that having head injuries during the drives with these people is the best way to go." He says as he rubs his head a bit from the remnents of his headache.

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