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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

The beast went flying, limbs flailing till it's wings caught the air. It turned in the air and came at Jason, claws and teeth first. When it landed, it crushed the son of Poseidon and dug it's claws into the boy's back, jaws snapping at his head.
"J!" Max shouted as he saw his friend was crushed by the Manticore. Max quickly spun himself into a saw blade an dove down towards the ground. When he was above the level Jason was he spun himself so he traveled Horizontally towards the Manticores wings, as to keep him out of the air. "If You Cant Fly I'll Have the Advantage." Max thought as he traveled towards the Manticore like a saw blade
After striking out with the lance, Evelynn abandoned it, leaving it jutting from the beast's leg. She kept her shield for a moment longer to try and ensure her safety from its tail and then dropped it as well. Why didn't I make her leave . . . The question circled through her mind repeatedly, she could have forced Helena into the car and then at least there would have been others to watch out for her. She withdrew a claymore and roared, swinging it downwards in a heavy arc, hoping to sever its tail. Helena was the most important aspect here, but removing the tail would put give her some leeway in coming out of this fight alive, if nothing else.
Ash began using her powers to try and distract the Manticore with its emotions. She didn't realize it until a little later, that she had accidentally made it think it was in love with Max.
Cupid was running around in panic, "Oh my gods! AAAHHH!" He pulled out his arrow and shot the manticore, "GAH TAKE THAT...oh shoot these arrows don't kill people"
Jason roared in pain, and rolled getting on his back wih his shield up. He swung with his sword and nicked it's wing causing just enough pain to roll out from under it and pop up. "That hurt you little B******!" He swung again aiming for it's neck. "Max get him!"
Party manticore's wings suddenly whipped down against it's back, and it jumped up, digging it's claws into his legs and back, but instead of going into kill mode, it dragged him down and wiped it's slobber and blood covered face on Max's face, making a sound that was faintly like purring, but in a more... deadly tone. It's tail lashed affectionately.

The mansion manticore, smarter than it looked, moved it's tail out of the way of Evelynn's attack, then hissed and smashed her into the floor on her side, claws digging into her ribcage. Here she came face to face with Helena; The daughter of Hades was clearly in great pain, her entire body twitching feebly, breathing heavily.
Ashlynn stared at the Manticore and ran her hands through her hair awkwardly. "Sorry Max, it was an accident."
Max wriggled out a little bit so he could breathe a bit better. "Not your fault Ash." Max said wiping the slobber of his face also noticing it took off his mask "I believe i know who's more to blame." Max looked at Cupid. " Can you let me up." Max asked the Manticore hoping it would listen to him.
Ash smiled at the giant Manticore laying on top of Max. "Now that's truly a sight to see when it's not trying to kill you."
Evelynn gasped as she hit the floor and felt the manticore's claws tear into her side, treating her armor like mere paper. She stared at Helena for only a moment, the blistering pain spreading further across her body. With the yell of a true Ares child, she shot her hand out and grabbed onto the manticore's throat, digging into it with the claws of her gauntlet. "You ******* ****! I'll wear your ******* hide as a trophy, you *****!" With her other hand, she withdrew one end of a heavy spiked chain and threw it over the beast's neck. It wrapped around and she grabbed it, embedding the spiked tip into the manticore's lower jaw as she violenty clawed and slashed at its face in an attempt to free herself. She was close enough to Helena that picking her up and running would be better than fighting. Evelynn feared she might bleed out if the fight dragged on.
The manticore did not heed Max's commands.

Alec came out of a room in the same hallway as the manticore and immediately stopped dead. "H... Helena?"

The girl did not reply.

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"Umm please let me up?" Max asked again this time petting the Manticore behind its ears. "Cupid trust me. Im grateful but I'm also being flattened, so its a mixed bag of feeling right now. Im not sure whether to kill you or thank you."
Ash watched, and to lighten the load a little bit made the Manticore want to obey Max. "Hopefully this helps."
Hearing Alec's voice was a light of hope to Evelynn. A string of swears came from her blood splattered lips, only two words being important to the boy. "Save her." Her tactics shifted completely at that point, rather than dislodge the beast she tightened her grip on its throat and jerked the spike from its jaw, wraping it around in a complex twist before embedding it deeply into the floor. "You're not going anywhere, you ***** ** ****!" She roared at the manticore. She jerked her hand back, tearing its neck open before grabbing onto two more chains and crisscrossing them over its back before embedding them as well in the ground. After that, she withdrew whatever her frantic hands could find first, daggers, swords, spears, forks, even blunt objects would up embedded in the beast.
His mind was occupied with getting his bracers fixed. He had just mopped up the blood and tossed the rags over in a bucket. He placed his bracers on the work bench and grabbed his pack and put it onto the flat surface. He pulled out a flat head screwdriver and popped open the covering for the magnetic inductors. He pulled up his schematics in his head and viewed the points where it was damaged. There was a portion of the coil leading to the strip where it was welded together with the interior of the plating of the bracers. He moved the leather bindings out out the way and removed the coils and replaced them with the motorcycles copper spring from the motor. He had a few magnetic strips still in his pack and replaced to fried strips as well. Mason looked at his work satisfied with them and slipped them on like a glove. He brought power into them and they hummed a low purr as the lights made the stitching in the leather glow. He tinkered with the screen and removed the entire face off. He rerouted the circuits into the lens of the camera left on the table. It enhanced the imagery of all the information he pulled up from data still safe inside. He was happy with his things and thought of showing Evelynn his room. Helena was upset with him an hour ago. He didn't want to talk to her until he knew what happened.

Mason walked over the glass and smiled when the lights continued to dance around his footsteps. He reached the door and heard some crashing and roars that puzzled him. He opened the door slowly and carefully walked over to the end of the hallway. He peeked and saw a hairy beast clawing and lashing its tail at Evelynn. He saw a bloody mess on the floor and realized from the black hair that it was Helena's body. He closed his eyes, 'She said I need to learn how to control myself... she said she would teach me... she would talk to me... he mumbled and his hands grew into a blue flame. He looked over and threw both hands close together aimed at the beast and collected the plasma in his hands before yelling out to Evelynn, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!"
Vitus had tried to help when the manticore had first appeared in the room. He began running around to get a better angle when a mass of screeching voices afflicted him. Shaking his head and bending over. He even ended up getting thrown off balance and his previous headaches did not help at all. Vitus stumbled slamming his head into something hard and passing out. His last clear thought was, I should also kill who ever furnished this place.
The mansion manticore hissed at Alec and Mason, then snapped up Helena once again and galloped off, leaving the trail of blood on the floor, skidding on the hardwood floors at it fled with it's prize.

The party manticore rolled off of Max, more because it was getting tired of cuddling.

(Bishop, I want you to take control of this Manticore, if it's Max's "pet")

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Ryan looked at Jerika, "Meet the group....I'll be back" He looked at at the time, it was one more minute before Adelina will go back to her normal self. Ryan walked to Adelina, "Why didn't you run?"
Ash leaned against the wall at a distance from the group with her eyes closed when she felt a cold hand on her shoulder and shivered. Her eyes went wide as she went frigid. "Don't freak out Ashlynn, it's me." Ashlynn instantly relaxed and smiled widely as she turned around and enveloped the person in a hug. "I knew you were here! You're such a jerk for not greeting me."
Still petting the Manticore like a dog Max stood up… well tried to. His legs were pretty mess up so he kinda flopped onto the Manticore. It purred as Max landed on it thinking he was giving it a hug. "Huh you don't seem like you want to kill us anymore." He said hopping onto its back. "This is actually kind of awesome!" Max started petting the beast and then embraced it in a hug. "Hey do you mind if i keep it?" Max asked the group "I think the spell wore off and its grown attached to me."
"No you don't!" Rolling up, Evelynn threw her chains, spearing them into the walls and throwing herself forward a la AoT style. She her favorite obsidian long sword and twisted it in her hands, twirling through the air to aim a downward sword plant into the spine of the beast before it could get momentum on the slick wood.
Adelina shrieked with joy. "RYAN! I was soo worried about you! There's this big monster there, and I thought it would have eaten you and . . ." She burst into tears, leaning forward and colliding with him, wrapping her arms around him. "I love you so much. I . . . I am just so glad you're safe." She wanted nothing more than to be with Ryan. Adelina then pulled him into an ardent, passionate kiss, in the midst of the chaos that surrounded them, just as her mania of love for Ryan began to fade. An hour and a half was over.

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