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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Serafina quickly got out of plane, "OH MY GOSH I FINALLY GOT TO GO SOMEWHERE WITH SNOW!" she shouted running around like some kind of 6 year old with ADHD.

Jenna sighed as she casually got off the plane ignoring Serafina running around, her pet griffon followed her out soon afterwards.
"We can go over why they are as effective as they are later when there aren't other people around. I'd like to talk to you anyways." Anthony said with a smile before he touched a small crystal ball to Pepper's arm then looked at it. The ball filled with water and showed sea life swimming around. "Here Pepper." Anthony said holding it out to her.
Pepper blinks slightly as she looks at the crystal ball then at Anthony. "Uhm wow... Anthony... it's beautiful..." she said as she used her free hand to take it carefully. "Thank you..." she said softly while holding Ryan's arm slightly.
Location: Greenland airport → gift shop

With: no one in particular

(Vanessa, Courtney, Harry, Max, Viola, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Jason, Damian, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko, Serafina, Anthony)

Adriana huffed as Serafina completely forgot about her, but wasn't really bothered by it as she heard her exclaim about being in a place with snow. She smiled, feeling happy for the child of Chione. Now, if only Adriana was in a place filled with crazy people would she be able to fit in, as well. She pushed herself out of her seat, closing the half-full Doritos bag by rolling down the opening; she made a quick stop at the kitchen to return it to where she found it. Before exiting the plane, she glanced back to see if Harry was still on board - which he was - and intended to wait for him outside.

As soon as she stepped foot off of the plane, a blast of chilling air hit her, causing her to tense up. It wasn't snowing, but it had to be below 40°, a temperature that usually required a thick jacket rather than a puffy coat; and she was adorned in a torn up T-shirt and medical bandages. She wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to bring some warmth, practically sprinting towards the airport building. Harry would have to catch up with her, because she was definitely not freezing to death. At least one good thing that came from it was her mentality leveling out.

She bust through the doors, the warm air from the building's heater causing her to sigh in relief; however, she still rubbed her arms. First order of business: find a gift shop; surely they would have some sort of apparel. "A-ha,"she sounded, automatically spotting the store. Adriana walked in, wandering around the store as she threw some clothes over her arm. They weren't exactly "stylish" - the sweater something close to the notorious Christmas types and the long-sleeved shirt promoting the country- but she wasn't being picky at this point.

Jason woke up to find the plane mostly empty, he stood up and groggily stretched feeling his back pop in several places and his muscles reach as far as they could. Jason let out a yawn and done with his stretch walked up the aisle and out the door only to be hit by a wave of cold air and feeling the crunch of snow under his feet. "Well that was an intense change." He hurried to the building smiling as he saw Seraphina running around in the snow as well as Cupid. When he got through the doors he shook himself flinging stray snowflakes out of his hair and off of his shoulders. He looked around thinking that there may be more demigods here like the last airport. He hoped to find someone at least, right after he got some food, it had been way too long since he last ate and it was time to chow. He saw a Mcdonalds sign a ways down the terminal and decided to go for it, he still had some funds and Greenland was so close they may accept American money, or at least change it. He began down the hall walking at a leisurely pace.
Fern looks at Zack in annoyance. "You didn't ask if they were headed this way did you?" Zack gave a sheepish smile which caused Fern to sigh before walking off to get food. "Just stay here and keep an eye out for them... If you see Scientists get out of here." She said while vanishing in the throng of people. She eventually made it to the McDonalds, it had been awhile since she had stuff like this.
Shūhei stood as the plane settled following the others out, he had no intention of doing anything besides getting to the place they would be staying. He saw Ryan, Pepper, and Anthony walking from a distance and jogged after them wanting to be among the first to know what the heck was going to happen next. He caught up with them quickly and slowed to match their pace. "What's the plan now?" He kept his speech simple not wanting his accent to be heard to widely. He had order his diamonds return to his body before leaving, just after collecting more data and now was wishing he could bring them out again. Shūhei quickly dismissed the thought knowing it to be dangerous and irresponsible seeing as they were officially on the enemies turf.

Jerika stayed where she was when they landed, not wanting to leave before she finished tending to her talons. She had been filing them to their old sharpness becoming a bit nostalgic remembering when her nails could part celestial bronze with minimal force. She lazily swung her hand at the back of the seat in front of her and found she created a single clean slice from her straightened fingers and flattened hand. She smiled blowing off both hands before exiting the flying can. She remembered that she was back in the mortals realm and brought both her talons and wings under control looking fully human once more. She simply walked outside a shiver flying up her spine as the cold hit her causing her to flee for the warmth of the indoors, as the doors parted Jerika found herself in a largish terminal where there were many mortals to few demigods and even less monsters two out of the three being quite tame, she frowned in disgust. "Is that what I have also become?" She looked closer at the hellhound and noticed a hand sticking out from under it, "I may have spoken too soon." There was an odd mix of worry and giddiness in her voice as she approached the beast. "Up mutt." She said her voice commanding while her face was cold, she was silently hoping the beast hadn't crushed a mortal...that would be a great deal of trouble.

Jason saw another girl around his age pop into line unattended, he figured she might of been one of the new kids he hadn't yet met and either way he found himself curious. As he joined the line he tapped her on her shoulder, "Uh hi, I don't mean to be freaky when I ask this but who are you here with....a group maybe?"

@Soul OMU @Holo
Fern turns slightly to look at him over her shoulder. "...you have kind of the same eyes as my friend... And no I didn't, I came with my friend who insisted that his sister and her friends were landing today, a huge group but I don't have the numbers to figure it how many spare rooms I need my maids and butlers to prepare..." She said and waved her hand slightly. "...you wouldn't happen to know Pepper Williams would you?"
The beast looked up at Jerika, then started growling at her, slobber dribbled from his jaws. And slowly Helena crawled out from under her mastiff hellhound, squealing, "Awwww Fred who fed you vegetables, ugggh-" she then noticed Jerika and blinked, "oh. Your the siren that works for the scientists that everybody is still allowing to stick around... Get away from my dog." She said bitterly, standing up and pulling a plate from her bag, and tapping it. Instantly a pound of ground beef appeared, and she quickly grabbed it and tossed it to the hellhound, who went to tearing at it voraciously.
Jason smiled, "Pepper? Yeah I know her, I'm her brother." He leaned a little closer and dropped his voice, "Jason Michaels son of Poseidon. Pleasure to meet you." He stood up straight again and held out his hand to shake. "Wait did you say maids and butlers?" An surprised look spread onto his face and he looked as if he were processing it.

Jerika grit her teeth and her claws extended but she held back her desire to strike the girl and her mutt down but instead she clenched her fists drawing her own blood with her claws, before turning on her heels nod walking away, a hurt look on her face all the while. "And they call us cruel, at least we kill you quickly." She walked over to an empty bench and sat there biting back her anger even as it continually tried to boil over with catastrophic effect. She just sat there seething and bleeding as she pushed out the hundreds of ways she could kill the mutt out of her mind.
Max quickly made his way to the back of the plane and grabbed his toolbox. He turned around and looked at his box of templates. He quickly reached in and grabbed a random piece and put it in his pocket. He walked back into the passenger action and noticed a slash mark through the back of one of the seats. "Come on." He said as he walked passed it. Max put his dirty orange jacket back on and stepped outside. He made his way to the back of the plane and set his tool box down. He opened up the engine and began fixing it.


When Sam arrived back at the hq she handed the little girl over to some soldier who took her away. She pulled out her radio "Hey Jet it's Sam." She said as she waited to see if he'd pick up. "I got somewhere I need to be, so I'm gonna get moving. Call me if you need anything." Sam turned off her radio and turned back around heading through the gap in the wall. The Hq had buffed up the guards around the hole and always had two super soldiers on watch. She looked out into the snowy field and saw a group of two soldiers returning from their scouting missions. Behind the two were two older Demigods. "Serves them right for trying to run." She said as she turned in the direction of the town. A big grin stretched across her face as she started off in that direction. "I hope I don't make him wait very long." She said laughing as a flurry was beginning to form, and in a few seconds her bright pink parka disappeared from sight.


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Fern listens slightly before nodding and taking his hand with one of her own which is soft, pale but also quite rough as well. "Fern Davidson, Daughter of CEO President Randall Davidson and... Dem." she said while looking him over. "Nice to meet you. Also your not the only brother of Pepper. She had a Step brother, mortal but... Can see."
Alec ran out of the plane and tried to run after Helena, but she was busily getting covered in slobber as she wrestled with her hellhound, and when he looked around, everyone was pretty well scattered into their own little groups. Leaving him alone. Yet again. With a sigh, he looked around the airstrip for mysterious chihuahuas before walking over to Max and standing nearby, "you, uhhh... Need any help? I feel useless standing around doing nothing..."

Jason shook the girls hand, it had an odd feel to it, it was soft but rough at the same time seeming to signify that she may be privileged but she has worked and that earned his respect, though he didn't know where she was going with the "dem" bit, maybe it was a reference to his Caribbean side but how would she know.....we'll besides the dreads.

" Another brother you say? Is he nice?" He was curious, he hoped he would get along with him, but wasn't too afraid of what would happen if he didn't because hey. Jason would totally kick his a** in a fight. But that wasn't important now. Now it was just getting settled in the new country before forming some plan to take down those über nerds.
Fern nods and notices he doesn't understand. "Lets just say... I'm good with plants... I got it from my mother... She has a huge green thumb... And had one of her daughters stole from her..." She said while putting her hand back in her pocket as she listened to him question about Zack and grins. "He's nice, a bit odd at times but nice."
Max took his attention off the plane engine when he heard a voice. He saw Alec standing there. 'Well this will be awkward' Max thought as he stopped working on the engine. "Depends." He said with a smile "You know how to fix a plane engine" He joked as he got back to work. "So..." Max said trying to start a conversation. He felt a chill and watched as a small flurry began to form. "Lovely weather we're having" he said 'That's all you got Max. Really' his mind asked as Max gave his attention to Alec.

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Alec stared at max, then slowly his shoulders slouched and he sat down on the ground with a sigh, "No, of course not..." He muttered, then held his head, "I have to be useful somehow, right? I'm not just a pretty face on a plane full of OTHER magical powerful demigods, and I can't FLY like CUPID! No, I can talk people into doing things because I'm pretty! Oh, and what's worse, I have visions, then pass out and forget what happened! Ugh!" He had gone into a rant without even thinking about the fact that Max was there, and when he remembered, he got red in the face and looked down, ashamed. "... Sorry..."

Max sighed. He was trying to think of a way to get Alec to help when he unscrewed a section inside the engine too far and a big piece of th engine started to slide out of place. "Sh*t! Alec! Help!" He said as he grabbed the engine part and lifted it up back into position: "can you screw this thing back into place? I can't hold this for very long!"

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After greeting the dog that she had somehow summoned the energy to form from her shadows, Courtney dismissed it. He was just too big and too out of place in the middle of one of the biggest snow capitals of the world. "Maybe some other time. He's better in Tarturus with my father." Courtney watched the shadow mastiff disappear in the darkness. "Eh, don't worry about him. It'll be okay." Vanessa sighed. "Come on. We have a lab to find and a few monsters too, no doubt." Vanessa knew that her little phone incident was going to be punished and dealt with soon.
Jason connected the dots now putting together her clues, "Got it, so thats why you have maids and such, I'll do my best to keep the place from getting wrecked, though in our situation and the fact that we are a bunch of teens that.might not go so well." He chuckled "I'm glad he's nice I dunno when it comes to my big, little sister, It doesnt take much to get on my s***list."
Alec looked up at Max when he shouted his name and ran over to try to help, snatching up whatever tool max had used and braced his hand against the engine to get a better angle before screwing the part back in place, "ah ha!" He shouted, standing back and rubbing his face, coincidentally smearing grease on half of his face, "well, once again, III did practically nothing. Wooooo!" He said with decreasing enthusiasm. Then he sat down again and moped some more.
Fern tilts head and scrunches her nose up. "That has nothing to so with maids... That's because my dad thought I needed extra help taking care of all my plants... Plus the fact we're loaded... I'm his only child, and my dad knows about you guys coming to stay, hopefully my... Step mother's stench can help keep most of the unwanted from finding us... I've been living here a long time." She said as she ordered what she wanted and looked at him, waiting for him to order.
Anthony wasn't sure if Ryan had responded or not but he did know it was freezing outside. He took his cloak off and put it on Pepper's shoulders where it turned into a parka. "It's cold out here and i've got a spare from my jet." Anthony said putting the leather aviator jacket on. The inside was soft and warm since the jacket was lined with fleece. His cloak was warmer and maintained room temperate no matter what.
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Jet heard his radio go off. What would he do without the beautiful Sam the siren frequently helping out with all the missions. He smiled drinking from his coffee cup, "..relax Jet all is well". Ryan eventually made his way to the guy whose voice was heard over the phone, "Ello". The demigod gave a slight wave toward the direction of the figure he could see with the use of his enhanced feeling and sound senses combined. The coldness was getting to Ryan who attempted to show no reaction to the weather.
Zack turns towards them and blinks slightly before squinting his eyes. "...Ryan?" Zack said slightly in surprise since he had known Ryan before the accident but had left when Ryan got his face replaced, so he never saw his replacement face. Pepper blinked and looked at Ryan then Zack. "You know Ryan, Zachary?" She asked in slight confusion.

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