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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Karryn had began to wonder if her potion had worn out on Damien when he bursted out of the closet in human form. She braced herself for a scolding from him, but instead he tossed a bag of very fragrant rocks at her. She caught the bag her arms. 'W-was that a declaration of a prank war? Or did her just compliment me?' She was lost, but she smiled anyway as he walked away and began examining the bag of rocks he threw at her "Huh? Sure. I'd love to" she said distractedly, "Me? I specialize in ranged combat and chemistry. Mostly chemistry that eagle incident? That was me. But I must admit that was not the intended effect of my potion... Say did he dislocated his arm?" She asked, talking about Damien, his arm seemed to be dangling in an awkward position when he emerged from the closet
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]"Of course I took it to heart. You've not met my parents- they're idiots." Viola said, "What do I think about you? You're a moron. Just like every demigod on this godsforsaken plane." She gestured to the other demigods with a wave of her hand, "You're all a bunch of oversensitive idiots- convincing yourselves that you're 'friends'." She rolled her eyes, "When it comes down to it, none of you are friends. You're all just connected through your parents. And... I hate you all." She crossed her arms, scowling.

Kayden raised an eyebrow, taking it all in. "What do you mean by oversensitive? You don't see the majority of us starting fights, and bawling because our lives suck, do you? I mean, there are a couple select few who.... Well," She looked over at Vanessa. "But we're just teenagers, we have our moments." She smiled. "And it's better to make nice with people -even if they're not your friends- to save something that we all care for. In this case, it's making sure the scientists don't kill more of our kind." (@Fallen from Heaven )
"Are you done with the inspirational speech? To be honest, I wasn't even listening to half of what you said." Viola said, "Are you going to go away now? Because I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to understand so you can be my friend. Well, I don't want to be your friend, sweetheart." She rolled her eyes and diverted her attention back to carving her name into the seat, going over her name a few times with her key, "And... I don't care about saving 'our' kind. I only found out that I was a demigod about a week ago. I barely consider myself to be one. I just want all this to be over so I can go home and escape this madness." (@LuckyANDKitty)
Cupid jumped up and cussed when the bird landed on him. The demigod quickly ran behind a bag and hid there for the rest of the ride. Ryan stayed silent wondering if he would really ever get his sight back. His..mind sight was a unique ability though. He was able to see things that he could have not detected with the sight he had before. Maybe he just did not know how to use his enhanced sight? His head shook as he slowly leaned his head against the wall.
Damian was sitting at the back of the plane well aware that he might get more flack from the others. He had his spear next to him the bone handle and the Imperial gold tip was a sigh that even great Greek monsters are no match for the legion. He was practically the Roman poster boy but he had his limits like needing to rest a lot or having a high rate of food consumption. He had a gift and a curse from the river Styx it kept him from being injured but wouldn't save him from being choked, burned, shocked, drowned, or poisoned. His skin was the last line of defense for his very life and even then he felt as if it betrayed him. He would never look bad from new pains and have new scars to prove that he wasn't cruel for no reason his adventures were very far and wide including his time with the lotus eaters. years in their presence that had wasted centuries that he could have died during.

France during the rise of Rome.

Damian was thirteen when he met the Lotus Eaters and got trapped on their island. He had done as instructed and killed a drakon to please his father though it was more of a trimming the fat kind of thing. Damian had lost all but three in his company by leading twelve to kill the beast. The Drakon had been spotted in the sea near the island of the Lotus eaters. He had sentenced his whole ship to be destroyed and gave Poseidon the skull as a offering mainly since he couldn't use it. He later had inhabitants of the island fashion a shaft from the bone and then they added a stone spear head but later on a man came by with raw ore for the Imperial Gold the spear needed. The Lotus Eaters in a play to keep Damian for long enough that he would never leave them kept up with the spear construction as long as he would allow. He noticed people who were strange kept arriving as he ate the flowers from the tree then one day during a big party something changed. He heard a argument about how there was a war in some place called Iraq and that it was getting really bad. As a child of Ares he tried to join the war but the Lotus Eaters wouldn't let him leave. That was when Damian met Tania London and Anthony Garcia who would later become his "Family". Damian had his recently finished spear with the drakon bone shaft and was using it to fend off a few people in strange uniforms when a girl made them tackle a machine instead. "That was a close one huh kid?" She had said as the now unconscious guards were left laying against the Mario vs Donkey Kong machine. Damian began to realize all the weird stuff in the island then that it wasn't a island at all anymore. Anthony had been sitting at a card table and began shuffling them with blinding speed as some guards watched then got the whole deck thrown at them. The three had escaped the casino whatever that was without any pursuers. What Damian saw outside nearly drove him mad and he was lost for a while in this strange new world before him.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]"Are you done with the inspirational speech? To be honest, I wasn't even listening to half of what you said." Viola said, "Are you going to go away now? Because I know what you're trying to do. You're trying to understand so you can be my friend. Well, I don't want to be your friend, sweetheart." She rolled her eyes and diverted her attention back to carving her name into the seat, going over her name a few times with her key, "And... I don't care about saving 'our' kind. I only found out that I was a demigod about a week ago. I barely consider myself to be one. I just want all this to be over so I can go home and escape this madness." (@LuckyANDKitty)

Kayden was still smiling; completely unaffected by the Viola being a b*tch to her, and telling her -in more polite terms- to "F*ck off".

"I don't to be your friend sweetheart," Okay maybe she did that one just to piss Viola off... "I'm just saying, if you keep that attitude up, you'd better thank the gods if you live to be 25." Kay was making sure to keep her voice calm, and her emotions in control, because she just wasn't that type.

Also, she knew that if she let Viola get to her in some way, or let her piss her off she'd never forget it. A Hades kid's fatal flaw is that they hold grudges, she was determined to not go down that path.

"And if you don't care about saving demigods, why haven't you just turned yourself over to the scientists? I mean they would definitely appreciate the powers of some ungrateful teenage girl, who can't stop PMSing and being a complete b*tch." Kayden either didn't care, or just didn't notice that she was being harsh, and that her voice had taken on a cold hard tone.

"This madness is your life too. You need to stop whining, take some responsibility, and grow up. Stop turning into a drama queen every time Phobos is mentioned; accept that he's your dad and get over it. But if you need to, please feel free to cry us a river and build a bridge so that it'll be easier to get over. We can even start a whole therapy group, and each of us can sit in a circle and whine and boo hoo about how much we hate our godly parents, and how they've done us wrong. We can even make a book, if you'd like"

Kay suggest in a patronizingly sweet tone. She didn't expect Viola to listen -seeing as Viola tended to tune out everyone, seeing as she believes them to all to be idiots- but she still wanted to say what she wanted to say.

"The sooner you accept what you are, and trash whatever image in your head of what you made yourself believe you are, the easier it will be for all of us. Because the truth comes down to this: If we don't succeed on this quest, and the scientists win, they're not just going to kill us," She looked Viola directly in the eye at this point, so she could see just how serious this was to be taken. "They're going to come after all demigods, and that includes you. You're one of us, and in the long run -no matter what you've achieved in making mortals believe- that's all those sick bastards will see you as: An armed cockroach that needs to be squashed."

She stood up clasping her hands together. "Well, I'm going to head back to Lucas." She smiled politely as if their entire conversation hadn't happened. "It was nice meeting you Viola, hopefully we'll get to chat again soon." Kayden turned around and walked back to her seat in the plane, and planted herself next to her friend. (@Fallen from Heaven )
Eventually, the irritating girl went away and Viola thanked the gods. Then, she remembered that she hated the gods and she cursed them instead. She couldn't help taking in some of what Kayden had said, though.

"You'd better thank the gods if you live till you're 25."

The annoying part of Viola's brain, the part that controlled her emotions, freaked out a little. Because she feared the idea of death, as the majority of people do. She wanted to live longer than twenty five. She wanted to live way beyond 25.

"Why haven't you just turned yourself over to the scientists? "

A good question. Viola detested demigods and would much rather take her chances with the scientists. The truth was, she didn't know where to find the scientists- nobody in this group bothered to explain anything to her!

"This madness is your life, too."

No! She refused to be a part of this. Yes, she was travelling with a bunch of demigods but she wasn't with them. She was just tagging along because she had nothing else to do, nowhere else to go. She was stuck with them because of what she was.

"You're one of us, and in the long run- no matter what you've achieved in making mortals believe- that's all those sick bastards will see you as."

No, no, no! She didn't want to be seen as one of them. She glared at Kayden, wishing that the ground would open up and swallow her. Except Kayden was a daughter of Hades, so she'd probably enjoy that. Viola returned her gaze to out of the window, trying to forget the conversation that just happened. But it stuck in her mind.
Anthony gave a frown as his mother's voice began to speak to him rather fierce now. "A Titan's child will never be able to rest happily. You are my son and because of that you will get no happiness from the gods. Neither will you find happiness in any of their children. You are a child of a enemy of the gods and as such you will parish at their first chance. Only deals and counter moves keep you alive and on this earth." Anthony was trying to ignore her but he knew very well that what she said was true. Anthony had only been helped by the gods when he was helping the gods themselves. He remembered being stuck in a pit with Tania and the only reason either of them escaped was because Tania was the daughter of Zeus. He knew very well that Aphrodite was working to make his love life into her version of interesting. Now however he wondered if she was going to let him have one at all. It seemed like a thought or memory was on the edge of his mind but came back violently and gave him a headache. "A Child of old will parish alone while a ally withers in the frost of isolation." Anthony gave a frown at the thought and then shook it out of his head like a dog shedding water. "I hate those thoughts I'd rather have to fight a manticore in a monster zoo."

Damian gave a sigh then looked at Max's workshop area. "Hey Max are we there yet I'm feeling my leg fall asleep!" Damian stood and shook his right leg and then stretched before reaching into his bag. He pulled out a small bottle and then looked at Helena. "M-maybe just a sip. for my own good." The side of the bottle had a label that read lethe.
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Ace took out a cookie from a compartment, "Yeeeah!" Cupid grabbed the cookie and took a bite from it. "Silence you annoying fiend" Every chew made a feeling of envy soar through Ace's veins. Suddenly, Ace's hand grasped one side of the cookie and yanked it over to him. Cupid took the other side attempting to retreive it. Within a few seconds the cookie was sent flying across the plane hitting Viola behind her head. "Snap...eek!" Cupid quickly moved over and sat next to Ryan. Ace's brows furrowed themselves while his fists gripped the armrests, "You...human bird".
Max heard someone behind him and turned around. He saw Damian standing at the door to his workshop holding a bottle in his hand. He stood up and looked at Damian "No alcohol on the plane please, I don't want drunken demigods wandering around the plane." He glanced over his shoulder at the clock "To answer your question Yes it's about time we landed." He walked past Damian and towards the cockpit, noticing all the chaos going on. He walked into the cockpit and sat down, turning on the intercom In the process. "Attention all passenger, please take a break from planning your revenge on whoever annoyed you on this trip and be seated, we're landing." He waited a bit to let everyone sit down then took the plane down, landing smoothly on the runway. He stood up and went into the passenger section. "Hey can someone let me know where we are going? I'm gonna make sure the planes in working condition before I meet up with you, don't want anymore engine problems."


Then sound of crunching snow was the only sound heard as two figures made there way across the snow. One was bundled up in a bright pink parka and the other was in a straight jacket. They arrived at a giant hole in the ground and the girl in the pink parka pulled off her hood. Sam stood there staring down the hole melted into the ice. She pulled out a radio "This is Sam. The Demigod who escaped seems to have melted through the ice, I'm coming back." She paused "Yes I caught the other one." Sam looked back at the little girl. She looked like she was only eight and she was crying. "Yes, I'll make sure her execution time is moved forward." She turned off the radio. "Let's go sweetie." And Sam dragged the girl back towards the hq.
Pepper got up and stretched. "I'm going to go see if my brother and his friend are here yet so i'm going to go borrow someone's phone.." she said as she made her way towards the front of plane to get off so she can call Zachary and Fern. Zachary and Fern currently waiting for them down in the arrival area, Fern grumbles slightly. "I hope they hurry up... I need to know if I need one limo or two..." she said while blowing at her bangs since she had a beanie atop her head.
A bump as the landing gear hit the runway woke Helena up, her eyesight blurry and unfocused at first, squinting until her eyes had adjusted. "... Hey... Seaweed butt... Get up, get offa me.." She said, jostling Jason around half-heartedly, yawning tiredly and sitting up, looking around. Then she realized where they were. They were in Greenland! Finally! She scooted over to the window and pressed her face against the window to look out.
Damian smiled and gave a sigh. "Yeah beer. This isn't beer though." Damian said slipping the small bottle into his pocket. Damian walked past Helena he flashed her a smile and then went to open the plane door.

Anthony landed and hopped out of his plane with a loud shout. "FINALLY! I hate being stuck in one spot for that long." Anthony walked towards the terminal.
"Pepper's brother's place" Ryan stood up and navigated his way to the door with his new sense. Cupid was smiling, "I'M ALIVE!" The demigod rushed to the door and pushed Ryan out of the way, "MOVE!" Ryan's hand caught the side of a seat before he could fall over. Ace stretched, "Well, time to eat some green food". "What? There's no green food you stu-" Cupid left the plane before he had the chance to complete his insult. "I'm in the mood for green food dude!" The brute thumped out of the plane. Ryan clenched his teeth, "Can someone please guide me? It would look weird if a blind person could easily navigate his way past obstacles without a stick or something".
Pepper glanced back before weaving her way past Ace and Cupid to help him. "Yeah, I gotcha. Besides I wouldn't mind company finding my step brother and his friend." She said while helping him off the plane, has her hand on the crook of his elbow slightly as she walks with him. "Zachs usually late but I doubt Fern I think it was would let him... Since she likes to be punctual..."
"Greek gods of the world." Courtney whispered to herself. It had been a few years since she had seen snow. "What?" Vanessa laughed at the other, "have you not seen snow before?" Courtney shook her head. "It's been a few years.""Well, then, come on!" Vanessa threw on her hoodie, grabbed Courtney, and exited the plane, being very careful not to trip and fall or break some ice or whatever would happen out here in the cold. "I don't think I'll be going full form while we're here." Vanessa chuckled. "Well, not unless it's absolutely necessary." There was something huge and black coming toward them. "Come here, boy!" Courtney couldn't believe what she was seeing. Her shadow mastiff, who she named Rorek, bounded over, slobbering and thrashing his massive head left and right. Rorek knocked the child of Erebus on her butt, slobbering all over her face. "Down, boy!" Courtney pet the dog for a long time, then stood back up, taking a long, deep breath. "Now that our gang's all here, let's kick some scientist butt!" She laughed, turning around and waiting for the others.
Anthony was watching the plane and saw cupids and Ace file out after Damian. Then he saw Pepper and Ryan moving slowly and her hands were in rather caring places. "Figures.... At least he's nice." Anthony mumbled still looking emotionless as he approached he then get closer and smiled. "Hey Ryan how you doing?" He asked sounding just cheerful enough to be strange.

Damian stepped off the plane and handed Anthony his bag and the bottle of lethe water. "You look like yout might want that soon." Damian said before patting his shoulder.
"Thanks Pepsi" Ryan smiled a bit recognizing her voice. She was a very helpful demigod. "Hm?" He looked over his shoulder as he walked, "Anthony?...I'm okay. How about you? What's up?" Cupid ran around, "LAND! SWEET LAND!" "Greenland not Sweetland Cupid..." Ace "corrected" watching the other random people pass by. "Does Zach and/or Fern have any suggestions as to where the rest of us can stay? I'm going to make some reservations soon so that it won't be even more last minute" Ryan said.
Pepper walking with him carefully, avoiding ice patches. "Well... I'll call Zack and see what he has planned since he said he could figure something out..." She said as she headed inside with him and stole someone's iPhone quickly to call Zack. Zack picked up and looked around, Fern standing nearby. "Pepps! Are you guys and how many?" He asked excitedly. Pepper smiles a bit. "Quite a few and yes we landed.." She said calmly while walking with Ryan.
So... This was Greenland? Viola was not very impressed- but it took a lot to impress her- as she clambered out of the plane, following the others. She supposed it was nice to be outside again, even if it was in some weird, foreign, cold country. Another thing that annoyed her- this annoyed her immensely, more than anything else- nothing was green! Why wasn't Greenland green?! She looked around in confusion, trailing after the others. Cupid was behaving like an utter idiot as always and- Viola looked away, realising that she was paying too much attention to that moron. There was another problem, which was the snow. Viola detested snow and it's slippery, hazardous ways. She wrapped her jacket tighter around her, shuddering.
Cupid continued running around the area, "Hi person nice to meet you! Hello! Hi!" The demigod was waving at a bunch of random people. Ace snorted leaning against a wall as he watched Cupid greet most of the people around him. "LAND! PEOPLE! WOO!" Cupid was flailing his arms in the air while rejoicing everything present before him. Ryan could hear the voice in the phone. He assumed the male tone to be Pepper's brother. Within a few moments, Ryan was able to detect the guy's true voice outside of the phone. "This way..." He started walking toward Pepper's brother's voice.
Pepper blinked as she followed along side Ryan, allowing him to guide her slightly but making it still seem like it was her leading him around. "Be careful... Can't draw too much attention..." She said softly to Ryan while walking beside him.
"I've been better. My darling mother keeps spouting negativity about the group. Reminding me i'm different and giving bad omens out like candy." Anthony said looking at the ground. He felt like he had screwed up again by even talking to Pepper. He knew he had a weakness for blondes and his fatal flaw was obsession. He'd just have to wait for her to either choose him over Ryan or wait until he died. He was probably getting ahead of himself but his mother hadn't helped.
"Don't let that negativity hold you back Anthony" Ryan smiled a bit slowing his pace down so that it looked like Pepper was leading him. "Think of it like this. If you have nothing good to give back to the world then why hasn't Zeus commanded you to die?" He added nearing the voice he heard over the phone. Cupid continued running around, "Woo! I feel so energized!" "No...not human at all" Ace mumbled hearing Cupid's shouting.
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Helena jumped out of the train, pulling a whistle made of bone from a twine necklace and blowing into it. Soon a huge mastiff hellhound came clambering from the nearest patch of darkness and charging at her, tongue lolling out of it's mouth as it barreled into the child of Hades, who had her arms open wide as if waiting for a hug. The pair barreled over and began wrestling like two old friends, the huge dog growling and Helena making similar growling sounds, "Ah! Fredddddyyyyy!" She shouted, buried in the pile of black fur. All that could be seen of her was her arm sticking out from underneath him.

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