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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max wiped the kiss off his cheek and went back into the workshop. He grabbed the electronic clock sitting on one of the shelves in the room. "2 hours til Greenland. Great." He set the clock down and stood next to the chair he flipped the staff around and pointed the tip towards a clay pot sitting at the very back of the plane. He closed one of his eyes and aimed. His finger Curled around the small trigger at the end of the grip. He pulled the trigger and a shot echoed in the workshop. Max flipped the staff so the point was towards the floor. He walked over to where the pot originally was, now there were only shards of what used to be the pot lying on the floor. He looked at the cushion behind where the pot was and smiled. There weren't any signs of a bullet entering the cushion. Max changed the staff back into the chess piece it used to be, and clipped the Rook onto his necklace along with the Bishop piece. He looked back at the door and scoffed. "Like the gods would save me." He mumbled before sitting down and beginning to sketch his next weapon plan.

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Karryn heard the explosion as saw as Max emerged all smoky from what she could only assume was either his lab or a workshop and say what he said to the centaur girl, Vanessa, "Excuse me, Shūhei I'll be back" she said to him as she went She waited until after she finished talking with Max and went to knock on his door. She stopped herself. He probably wasn't in a good mood. She'd probably be interrupting him. So she silently slipped in and waited for a good moment to talk to him
"Your a hephastus kid? I'm a hephastus kid!! " he said smiling ear to ear. He had always wanted siblings and he had the ones at camp taken away almost as soon as he got there. He hoped he and shuhēi would get along. "I'm jack, we're brothers! We can exchange blueprints , and make things together , and even kill monsters together !! This is so exiting!" Jack said practically jumping up and down. He hoped he wasn't coming off as too strong, and hoped that shūhei felt the same way.
Vanessa felt awful for her part in ruining Max's work. She felt entitled to at least apologize to him about that. "Fine. I'll apologize for that. I'm willing to do that." She ignored Courtney and her pleas to not do anything stupid. Vanessa stood back up and hesitated to do so. "Ya know what? I'll apologize by saving his a** from the next monster we face." She smirked at her own verbal thought. The centaur sat down again, thinking this over. "It's my fault." She allowed that to sink in, scooting down in her seat and shutting her eyes in frustration. "I can't do this. I'm not half the fighter or protector Chiron is. I can't get along with these kids like he can." She opened her eyes, staring at the ceiling. "Hey! When are we getting off this thing!" She laughed. "I'm getting claustrophobic!" Courtney laughed her butt off, falling to the plane floor. "I've been spending way too much time with you, Vannie!" Courtney giggled and stood up, holding a stitch in her chest. "What's your rush? Ready to kick monster butt?" Her face relaxed. Vanessa nodded. "Eh, a little. I can't stand small spaces for a long amount of time."
Location: Max's plane

With: Serafina

(Vanessa, Harry, Max, Viola, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Jason, Damian, Courtney, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko)

"Ah,"she simply replied, testing the conversation by joking,"A bit ironic, huh?"

Adriana's heart skipped a beat when Serafina (@RevolverOshawott ) listed off characteristics similar to her own in regards to the difficulty of controlling her powers: anxiety and anger were factors, and sleep helped cancel them out. Although Adri's drawback was internal, she felt a small sense of relief that there was someone here who wasn't in full control of themselves. She felt like enthusiastically sharing this but quickly decided against it, for there were other people on the plane who she did not trust to hear such things. And she still wasn't sure about Serafina, for her mentality seemed to be perfectly intact unlike her own. "Tell me about it,"she simply said under her breath so only the blonde could hear her,"I always have to keep myself in check and it's best for me to stay out of conflict."

Speaking of which, conflict was just down the aisle. She automatically sensed it even before Vanessa - who was already familiar to Adri since she was pretty much Chiron's protege - cried out. Adriana leaned over her seat a bit to look down the aisle, spotting Harry and Vanessa. Vanessa pretty much was cursing Harry out, and as much as Adri regretfully loved the strife between them she did not want her friend to be a part of the situation. She automatically found Vanessa at fault, her eyes squinting in irritation. She almost pushed herself out of her seat to uncharacteristically argue with the centaur, herself, but Max suddenly came in. Despite Vanessa's fault for being in possession of a cell phone, Harry was scolded as well. Adriana's jaw clenched in anger, watching as Vanessa walked - on four legs - to the other side of plane, Max later following. Their fighting soon dissipated with apologies, but it wasn't enough for the child of Eris.

Adriana's gaze followed Vanessa as she went back to her seat, the voices in her head speaking unmentionable things to do to the centaur. And she nearly took them up on their offers, but, for the sake of not revealing herself, would simply need to give her the cold shoulder. She glanced away once to look at Serafina, wishing she could literally give Vanessa a cold shoulder. But for now...

She got up, her hand trailing over the seats as she approached Vanessa's (@Melody Frazier ). When her hand touched the centaur's chair, she sent a surge of power in the seat, causing it to slowly come alive. Pretending as if she forgot something, Adri turned back to the row she was sitting in. Once she was reseated, she waved her hand quickly, ordering the seat to jostle Vanessa around by reclining and un-reclining itself quickly. Feeling satisfied, for the moment, Adriana popped a chip into her mouth. "But somehow I always end up in it,"she continued once she swallowed the snack. She felt a bit more comfortable, her mental state slightly touched by the insanity that was locked away. For now.
Vanessa could smell Adri. It was part of her enhanced senses as a cent-, well, half-centaur. Vanessa kinda brushed it off as Adri going to search in her luggage for something, not knowing that the demigod had....cursed her chair! It flailed, bucked and kicked like a horse in heat at her uncle's ranch! Vanessa shot out of the chair, whipped her bracelet off, and pointed her weapon at the seat. "Stop!" She screamed. Courtney looked over. "Vannie, just take my seat." Courtney offered, standing up. Vanessa lowered her bow and arrow, putting it back on her wrist again. Courtney sighed and took a seat in the far back, away from everyone else, while Vanessa sat next to Chad. "That wasn't cool, Adriana." Courtney called to the saboteur. Vanessa broke into tears at the sudden fright, though she was used to the feeling of a bucking bronco, which she compared the chair to.
Location: Max's plane

With: Serafina

(Vanessa, Courtney, Harry, Max, Viola, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Jason, Damian, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko)

Adriana watched at the chair flailed and shook, frightening Vanessa. She looked down as her mouth twitched, her hair covering her face and hiding her grin; she put a chip in her mouth to make her enjoyment of the scene less obvious. She flicked her wrist again, still looking away, causing the seat to calm down and slowly being lifeless once more. 'Skittish like the horse she is,'the thought passed by in her mind, the voices in her head hollering with laughter.

She did look up, however, when her name was called. Adri looked up with wide innocent eyes, spotting the dark brown-haired girl (@Melody Frazier ) who was sitting beside Vanessa. The demigod's eyebrows knitted together, giving an expression of confusion, although she knew fully well of her actions since she was still mostly sane. "What are you talking about?"she inquired, as if she was simply a bystander,"I mean, if you're talking about what happened with Vanessa, then yeah, it wasn't cool." She had no woes with this person, but she should dare not to create any.

Adriana looked over to where Vanessa sat, calling out,"Are you okay?" The half-centaur was bawling - bawling - and the child of Eris had to put another Dorito in her mouth so she wouldn't grin from ear to ear.
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Vanessa couldn't stop crying. It seemed that everything she did was wrong. Everyone was hating her and she was only acting on the orders of Zeus himself by being here with them all. She'd been called a horse, cut, had her phone smashed, been yelled at, and was almost hurt by an airplane chair from hell all within the last 24 hours. Vanessa wanted to go home. She wasn't wanted here at all. That's how she saw things right now. With this in mind, she went to the back and shrouded herself in the darkness of the bathroom, leaving the lights off. Vanessa hated herself. She'd rather be in Tarterus, just burning for the rest of eternity. She failed the gods. She failed her entire family. At this point, she looked forward to whatever monster was waiting for them. Courtney growled at the b**** in front of her as she stood up and followed Vanessa to the bathroom. "Vannie, let me in." Courtney jiggled the handle, but it wouldn't budge. "Vanessa, this is ridiculous. I know you scare really easily, but, it was just a joke. Please open the door or I'll come in another way." She heard the click of the lock and the door was thrust open. Courtney stared at her friend, who was now sitting on the toilet, her head clamped between her hands, shaking. "Vanessa, what's wrong?" Her friend looked like she was either having a panic attack or going into shock. Erebus' child made sure to keep her dagger side away from the girl. "Vanessa, it's okay. I'm here and you aren't gonna get hurt anymore. Believe me, they'll get used to you, and, before you know it, you'll be locked at the hip with all of them." Courtney wrapped one arm around her friend, hugging her.

(I don't care if it's dramatic. I would probably react the same way if that happened to me. And, it's my character. I'll do what I want.)
(I'm going to stab you in the eye of you keep acting like people are judging what your characters duo. Just keep it in character and it won't be a problem. So quit with the small excerpts yea?)
Shûhei smiled and nodded as Karryn went off. Then turned his attention to Jack his smile broadening, "I guess I'm not without family on this journey. I would greatly enjoy doing those things with you, we can spar first thing when we land, but for now lets swap those ideas."

Jason saw that Helena was asleep and smiled, he turned the rose into and equally elaborate bracelet with the blossom as the centerpiece and the stem twisting into the brace. After, he settled in and felt his eyes began to droop, before long he joined Helena in sleep.

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After seeing Max busy at work, Karryn assumed he was doing something he didn't want others seeing. Because of that, she slipped right out of his workshop as silently as she did when she came in. There was some more commotion going on she could tell by the heavy array of emotions floating about the plane. As a daughter of Dionysus, she could see emotion almost as clearly as one would see a person. Only they showed as pulsating clouds. She wondered why now of all times that she could see this, but then she remembered that she didn't have her goggles on. Slipping them back on, she returned to Shūhei and the other Hephaestus kid, "Did you say something about sparring?"
Damian woke as he began to return to normal. He broke the locker door and dislocated his shoulder at the same time. Damian stood up and looked around his face emotionless. "I really should hate at least five of you now."

Damian's lip twitched upwards into what could have been a sneer. He looked at Jason then Karryn with a blank face. He left jason alone because he was asleep but started approaching Karryn. He stopped a foot away from her and started at her. "But I don't in fact I love a good fight like pranks even better."

Damian gave a smile before walking to the seat he had been in and tossed a bag of rock like chocolates at her.
All anyone had been doing for the last five minutes was arguing with that irritating horse girl. Which didn't make any sense because centaurs were meant to be the good guys, right? So, why would they want to argue with the girl? And how would arguing help them escape this hellhole that they called a plane? Also, Viola was irritated for another reason. She was being completely and utterly ignored. People's eyes kept glancing over at her as if she wasn't there, people stumbling past didn't even look at her. It really was most annoying. And all everyone was doing was arguing.

With a sigh, Viola pulled her house keys from her pocket. Just looking at them made her heart ache with homesickness. She'd always detested her house, her school, her parents, her "friends"- friends was a very loose term, they were more acquaintances that occasionally spoke to her. But she'd take all of that over this any day. She used the sharp point of her key to carve her name into the arm of her seat. She did things like this a lot; carving her name into desks, scrawling messages in the back of books, scratching her initials into tables. It was like a memento, to remind people that she existed. Viola was here, Viola read this book, Viola exists. She wanted her life to mean something. She didn't want to be forgotten amongst a mass of demigods or people. Athazagoraphobia, she remembered, was a fear of being forgotten.

Eventually, when Viola was carving the final S in her name, she looked up. She looked around again, looking at the amount of people there were in the plane. There was so many people here, she'd definitely be forgotten. Many of these people were considerably more powerful than her and stood out a lot more. She was just the quiet, creepy Phobos girl that sat in the background, making remarks about everything. It was then that she really wished that she'd made a better impression on these people. Because- and she was surprised it took her this long to figure it out- being ignored sucked.
Courtney turned the light on in the bathroom, turned back to Vanessa, and helped her up. "I'll tell ya what; you come back out and quit giving everyone a hard time, and I'll talk to Adriana about easing up on the teasing. Just stick next to me. When we land, I'll even help you out with target practice to help you get better with your weapon. You'll be the best centaur ever! You'll be a great asset to this trip, and, before you know it, you'll have more friends than just me and Chad." Vanessa thought about this. She wanted to be friends with most of these kids more than anything. She wasn't going to let a few minor slip ups get in the way of fulfilling her own destiny and helping these guys destroy the scientists. "I'll do it!" Courtney smiled. "Good." They stood up and left the bathroom, taking two spare seats next to Chad. Courtney kept thinking of what she would say to Adri. She didn't think anything would work.
Kayden and Lucas stood in the back of the plane away from everyone else. They were arguing angrily in hushed whispers; Kayden's face was turning a bright shade of red. "No!" "Kay...... Please..... Good...." There conversation could be heard briefly if you trying to listen in on them, but not enough to actually know what's going on. Kayden huffed in irritation shooting daggers at him. "You know what," She put a hand on his shoulder in a tight grip, smiling in satisfaction as his face seemed to pale slightly. "I'll do it for you Sunshine." She took her hand off Lucas' shoulder, watching indifferently as the color returned to his face.

She scowled as Lucas gave her a triumphant smile, and sulked over to where Viola sat, planting herself down next to her. "Lucas says I have to make nice, so this is my attempt. Hello, my name is Kayden." She smiled fakely wishing nothing more to crawl into the pits of the underworld, than be forced to interact with people." @Fallen from Heaven
Somebody sat beside her and Viola looked up again. It was a girl, an irritated looking one. Hm. Viola listened as the girl introduced herself.

"Kayden... K-A-Y-D-E-N?" Viola fumbled in her pocket for her pen, "Forgive me for saying so, but your name is really dumb. Also, can you not smile like that? I find it a tad unnerving." She sourced her pen and wrote Kayden's name on the side of her hand. Kayden had used the name Lucas. Viola added that to her list of names, followed by a question mark.

"Who's your parent then?" Viola asked, "Somebody pathetic and whiny, I'm guessing? Well, I'm assuming that you got that from your godly parent. You could have got it from your human parent." She paused, thinking over what she'd just said. Wow, she had a talent for being horrible- maybe she should add that to her list of pointless powers.

"Oh." she realised that she'd forgotten to introduce herself and added, "My name is Viola. That's Viola; not Violet, not Violin, not Vi. Viola. Like the stringed instrument." She hated people getting her name wrong.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]Somebody sat beside her and Viola looked up again. It was a girl, an irritated looking one. Hm. Viola listened as the girl introduced herself.
"Kayden... K-A-Y-D-E-N?" Viola fumbled in her pocket for her pen, "Forgive me for saying so, but your name is really dumb. Also, can you not smile like that? I find it a tad unnerving." She sourced her pen and wrote Kayden's name on the side of her hand. Kayden had used the name Lucas. Viola added that to her list of names, followed by a question mark.

"Who's your parent then?" Viola asked, "Somebody pathetic and whiny, I'm guessing? Well, I'm assuming that you got that from your godly parent. You could have got it from your human parent." She paused, thinking over what she'd just said. Wow, she had a talent for being horrible- maybe she should add that to her list of pointless powers.

"Oh." she realised that she'd forgotten to introduce herself and added, "My name is Viola. That's Viola; not Violet, not Violin, not Vi. Viola. Like the stringed instrument." She hated people getting her name wrong.

Kayden smiled at Viola humorlessly. "It's better than Viola," "and I'm sorry for unnerving you." She replied in a bored tone looking out the plane window. Kay made sure to put on her mental list of things to do: Punch Lucas Because that little punk so owed her.

She returned her focus back to Viola when she asked who her godly parent was. "Hades, who's your parent? Someone obnoxious I'm guessing, because you seem to have no filter, and oh so much to say." The girl's b*tchiness was seriously getting on her nerves, but it also amused her and made her like the girl.

I wonder if I'm like this with lot of people? She thought with amusement.
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Shûhei smiled and nodded as Karryn went off. Then turned his attention to Jack his smile broadening, "I guess I'm not without family on this journey. I would greatly enjoy doing those things with you, we can spar first thing when we land, but for now lets swap those ideas."
Jason saw that Helena was asleep and smiled, he turned the rose into and equally elaborate bracelet with the blossom as the centerpiece and the stem twisting into the brace. After, he settled in and felt his eyes began to droop, before long he joined Helena in sleep.

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"That sounds great! "Jack said as he turned around and let out a short whistle. Marmor let up to jacks shoulder and spread it wings , chirping happily. "Marmore here is my pride and joy! " jack said smiling. He also extended his arm revealing his watch like machine that he had made earlier. "I just made this one a couple minutes ago! It's a crossbow !" He said as he tapped the top of it and it sprang into a huge crossbow all most smacking him in the face in the process. " wow what are those things behind you?" He said mesmerized as he stared at the nanobots.
So, there were demigods that weren't completely ignorant and stupid. What a miraculous and relieving discovery Viola had made. She wasn't the only sane person on the plane! Kayden seemed pretty normal and down to earth compared to the other demigods.

"Viola is an unusual name, indeed, but I've grown to like it." she said, a little proud of her name. Then, she grimaced, as Kayden brought up her father. How dare this girl compare Viola to Phobos! The little liking that Viola had taken to the girl evaporated into thin air.

"And yes, my father is rather obnoxious and full of himself. But I don't want to be compared to him. We're nothing alike. I don't drive people out of their minds!" Viola's tone was cold, "My dad's Phobos. The pointless fear god that does virtually nothing to help anyone. He ruined my life and I don't want to discuss him any further." She scowled.
[QUOTE="Fallen from Heaven]So, there were demigods that weren't completely ignorant and stupid. What a miraculous and relieving discovery Viola had made. She wasn't the only sane person on the plane! Kayden seemed pretty normal and down to earth compared to the other demigods.
"Viola is an unusual name, indeed, but I've grown to like it." she said, a little proud of her name. Then, she grimaced, as Kayden brought up her father. How dare this girl compare Viola to Phobos! The little liking that Viola had taken to the girl evaporated into thin air.

"And yes, my father is rather obnoxious and full of himself. But I don't want to be compared to him. We're nothing alike. I don't drive people out of their minds!" Viola's tone was cold, "My dad's Phobos. The pointless fear god that does virtually nothing to help anyone. He ruined my life and I don't want to discuss him any further." She scowled.

Kayden put her hands up in surrender. "Hey I get it, I'm not trying to purposely get rise out of you Viola. I was joking sweetheart, you don't have to bite my head off." She responded calmly looking at Viola.

@Fallen from Heaven

"I understand where you're coming from on the whole Daddy Issues thing, there's a lot of things that I could list Hades under for the Ruined my life, and I hate his guts and anything to do with him, but I choose not to dwell on it. Because he's a god, their lives go on, no matter how much we hate them or curse their names. But we on the other hand only have this life, so why spend the majority of your life being bitter and hating on everything and everyone who mentions daddy?" She asked the girl with a serious look on her face.

She didn't like the way Viola had snapped on her, and made sure she knew it.
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"Don't call me sweetheart." Viola rolled her eyes, "It's incredibly patronising." She was done with this conversation, "You can go away now and tell your friend-" she glanced at her hand, "-Lucas, that he's a jerk for making us talk to one another." She didn't like Kayden, she decided now, and she was pretty sure that Kayden didn't like her either. There had been a brief moment where Viola had liked her, when she'd been able to understand where the girl was coming from. But that moment was short and over quickly. This girl was just as idiotic as the rest of them.
Kayden looked at Viola in amusement. "Wow, you took that whole parent comment to heart didn't you?" She asked making no effort of moving. "Viola, what do you think about me? In all honesty, when you met Kayden Raylene Gautier what did you think of her?" Kay didn't understand the girl's need to rude, or where this anger was coming from, so now she was determined to at least figure out the basics. (@Fallen from Heaven )
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Shūhei looked to Karryn, "Yeah, Jack and I are going to spar later, care to join us?" Shūhei watched in amazement as Jack's automaton hopped onto his shoulder, "He is very cute, Marmore's his name? I like it. As Jack pointed to Shūhei's diamonds he smiled "While Marmore is your pride and joy these are some of mine, compiled of thousands of nano bots these are one of the many constructs they can make. This is one of my most commonly used functions even in battle, but my pride and joy is my suit. I don't want to activate it now since we're in close quarters I will show you soon." Shūhei motioned for them to take a seat before doing so himself, "And what do you specialize in Karryn?" He sat with his legs crossed and fingers weaves together. Looking quite proper without even meaning to.
"Of course I took it to heart. You've not met my parents- they're idiots." Viola said, "What do I think about you? You're a moron. Just like every demigod on this godsforsaken plane." She gestured to the other demigods with a wave of her hand, "You're all a bunch of oversensitive idiots- convincing yourselves that you're 'friends'." She rolled her eyes, "When it comes down to it, none of you are friends. You're all just connected through your parents. And... I hate you all." She crossed her arms, scowling.

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