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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

After seeing Damien get turned into a bird and hearing him squeel straight from the pits if hell. Harry got up with a sigh saying "that's no good" knowing that if the sound were to continue he would get no sleep. As he passed Adri on his way to the back of the plane he said "don't mind if I do" with a smile as he reached into her bag of chips and pulled out a couple doritos. He got the room Damien was at and put his hand on the door making anyone inside fall asleep. He saw Max go into a room in the back and wanted to get to know him, as he seemed nice , but decided against it, for he seemed troubled. Harry decided to go to the kitchen and a make a pbj sandwich.
Jack finished his contraption and strapped it to his wrist, it resembled a watch but didn't have a timepiece on it. He got up and walked up to shuhei over hearing their conversation . "I'm sorry but did I hear you say your a son of Hephaestus?" Excitement filling his tone.
Damian heard the hand on the locker and went ballistic for a few seconds and made ungodly noises. However almost immediately he ried himself out even more causing him to pass out quicker. Damian was usually a normal dream kinda guy so his strange dreams were accurate and vivid most of the time. This time nearly woke him up just from the content of it and the fact that it didn't just involve him this time. First he saw Helena bracing as a tank of propane was rolling in her direction. It want very big but it was ready to blow her sky high but he dove on it giving her a grin before boom! The explosion sent shrapnel through his ear but as he died he saw Anthony getting a triple shock therapy to protect Pepper from a few scientists that had come from behind her. Damian tried to look back at Helena but just as she came into view everything went black.
savagePEST said:
"The frost,"Adriana elaborated, pointing at the frozen water particles on the window. She then waved her hand around them,"The coldness, really? I got chilly once I sat down here - no offence." She added the apology just in case she somehow offended the teen. But, Gods, she really wished for a blanket.
She was about to introduce herself before a bird's cawing reached her ears. She looked back at the window but saw nothing. A small gust of wind hit her face and she turned towards the aisle, only to see an eagle flying by.

"Anyway...",she began, confused,"I'm Adriana." She held the top of either side of the chip bag, pulling it until it opened. She put her hand in, pinching an unbroken piece between her thumb and forefinger. Eating it, a chill - this one not from the cold - went up her spine, and she closed her eyes in pleasure. She never knew she loved Doritos so much, but she supposed that when you're really hungry anything is super tasty. She was about to dig in with a new fervor, but glanced at the person beside her, Serafina (@RevolverOshawott ). "Want some?"she asked politely.
"Nice to meet you Adriana and yes the frost is by me and no thanks not really a fan of Doritos " she then looked at the window running her hands over it to get rid of the frost but only for it to be covered by frost again a few seconds later.
Location: Max's plane

With: Serafina

(Viola, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Max, Jason, Damian, Vanessa, Courtney, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Harry, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko)

Adriana noted a hand that wasn't Serafina's dive into her bag of Doritos. "Hey!"she exclaimed, playfully scowling at the person when she saw it was Harry. Serafina, on the other hand, declined her offer. "Really?"she inquired,"Like the entire brand or just this flavor?" The bag was colored red, representing the nacho-flavored Doritos. Since they weren't gonna share the chips, Adri assumed the rest was her's. She dug her hand into the bag, grabbing a few and stuffing them in her mouth; she attempted not to look like a pig. However, the chips poked into her cheeks and she regretted putting so many in her mouth.

Mouth full, she raised her eyebrows when Serafina admitted the drop in temperature was caused by her. She chewed and swallowed before saying,"So, I'm gonna go ahead and guess your parent is - uh, what's her name - Chione?" Adri had some knowledge of the major deities and the minor deities who were mentioned multiple times or had a role in a major event; this came about when she had attempted to find a deity who was as bad, or at least worse, than her own parent. She watched as the blonde rid of the frost of the window, only for it to return quickly after. This caused Adriana to feel a likeness to Serafina, comparing her control of her powers to her own. Adri looked away, grabbing one Dorito this time as she said softly,"And I'm guessing it's difficult to control your powers, huh?" She bit into it rather than stuff it into her mouth.
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Chad's face turned just as red as his eyes when Vanessa brought up Lady Aphrodite. "Umm. I was just trying to help. Anywho." He gathered himself from being super embarrassed. He lightly grabbed Courtney's and when she pulled away he said, "C'mon Court, only way I can help you." He held his hand out for Courtney to grab it and he smiled trying to be welcoming. If only Vanessa didn't make things awko taco. He thought to himself.
Vanessa realized that she wasn't wanted at the moment and took this opportunity to go to the back and search her bag for her cell phone. She had to call her mom to tell her that she was fine and that she had found Courtney and got her to safety on time. Meanwhile, Courtney sat in her seat next to Chad. "Fine, whatever." She put on the front of not wanting to be around him, when, deep down, Chad was the most interesting thing there. "Go ahead and do it." She gave him her hand.

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Shūhei smiled as Karryn examined his nanobots making them swirl around her, not realizing the eagle that was coming her way. It struck quickly snapping the girl's goggles against I her face. He was going to strike with one of his diamonds but was beat to the punch when the others struck somehow throwing it into a locker. "Interesting." He watched as Karryn had a late reaction to the pain and chuckled a bit, "Here let me take a look at it." His attention was split in half by Karryn's pain and a boy's excited question, " Yeah, I'm Shūhei, son of Hephaestus, I guess It would suffice to say I specialize in nanotechnology and constructs, weapons crafting as we'll but that has been lessrackticed recently. You are?"

Jason rolled his eyes at Karryn's correction, "I know it's a bald eagle, it was a joke." He glared at it as it landed on Helena trying to get cozy before being snatched up and tossed into a locker. "Phht, ha! serves you right." He settled in as Helena curled up into a ball to get some rest. "You have been up for a good deal of time haven't you, get some rest, I'll keep an eye out for you."

Jerika purposely avoided all of the drama, with boys hitting on girls literally left and right, not to mention some argument and some random a** eagle being tossed she was content to stay the hell away from them. Being the only monster in this group she was still annoyed that they were so callously disposing of her kind not caring if she was there or not. She had just been on the sidelines overlooked by all and unheard by more, all she could do was fall deeper into her thoughts her subconscious strengthening her resolve to fight as they do, learn to best them and finally get some respect if not some consideration. She grew her claws on her fingers realizing that in all honesty the weapons the her hidden and evident on her were for mortals, not monsters and even so she would face everything as she was let these half-bloods take the weapons, her claws were much sharper then the blades
Chad clasped Courtney's hand and started to 'drain' the nausea away. He was really hoping it would work. His veins started to turn black on his forearm. "Is it working?" After a little bit he stopped trying to take the nausea away an continued to hold Courtney's hand forgetting to let go.
Courtney, at first, felt her eyes droop closed, but she fought to stay awake. "Y-Yeah, it's working." She felt the werewolf's hand still there, but she didn't move her own away from him. "Thank you." A glazed look came over her eyes. She had used more energy than she thought when forming her shadows at the NY airport. "It helps a lot." Shaking herself awake, she took a seat next to his and slowly started drifting off.

In the back, Vanessa's mother, Ms. Fulton, was just putting something in the oven when her phone rang and she picked it up. "Hi, Mom." Vanessa softly. Her mother jumped. "Oh! Vanessa, I'm happy to hear you!" She took the mitts off of her hands. "Sorry, Mom. I don't have a whole lot of time. I just wanted to tell you that the demigod I was sent to find and I are now on the plane to Greenland!" She sounded excited. "Greenland?" Her mother asked, "isn't that, like, really cold? You have a jacket, right?" Vanessa nodded. "I have everything. I'm just glad to get away from the states for a while. I don't know when...or if...I'll be back." She heard Ms. Fulton start to tear up. "B-But, I'll contact you often. I love you." Vanessa rushed. Before her mother could respond, the other line went dead. Vanessa went back to her seat next to Courtney, or what was Courtney's seat before she moved next to Chad and fell asleep.
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Chad looked at Courtney looked at Courtney while she was falling asleep. He thought of how pretty she was. He shook the thought off and looked straight ahead. When Vanessa came he looked at her and smiled and waved. He noticed that their hands were still together. He decided to leave them like that. He whispered to Vanessa, "She fell asleep." Even though it was obvious. He smiled quickly and looked at the other demigods studying each one.
Vanessa sighed. "I knew she would. It's been kinda hard for her since we got to the airport." She laughed softly, hoping that she didn't wake her friend. "Ya know, Chad, I know I shouldn't say anything and that I've been a little annoying lately, but thanks for helping her learn to open up a little more." The centauress sighed.
As Harry came out of the kitchen he noticed one of the new people on a phone . He made a stern face clenching his peanut butter and banana sandwich so it's contents slightly spilled out the side. He walked up to her grabbing it out of her hand and quickly pulling out the sim card. His years on the street had taught him that any kind of phone was bad news. He crushed the sim card in his hand and replaced the back cover of the phone. "Why do you have this" he asked in a calm tone as looked to see that his sandwich had spilled more on the floor. He hoped this wouldn't make the noobies perceive him as rude but it was for the good of the group.
Vanessa shot up out of her seat. "That's none of your f***ing business, is it?" Her first impression of this guy was that he was going to be a problem. "I was doing things any one of us would do if they missed their mom or dad." She couldn't fix the card, but she stared at it as if that would will it back into functioning order. "Who died and made you boss of me? I'm not obligated to listen to anyone on this trip. Now, unless you want an arrow up your ***, I suggest you walk away and leave me alone!" Vanessa stood tall, not wavering. Courtney woke at this point. "Vanessa? Vanessa, what are you doing?" Vanessa turned to look at her friend. "It's nothing. I'm fine."
Shūhei heard some shouting in the back and decided to check it out, Who died and made you boss of me? I'm not obligated to listen to anyone on this trip. Now, unless you want an arrow up your ***, I suggest you walk away and leave me alone!" When Shūhei heard this he was distressed mainly because if she wouldn't listen to anyone how were they going to work together, he noticed some broken tech on the ground as well as some..stuff that seemed to be part of the boy's sandwich, he took a breath and went in. "Is there a good reason for you to be shouting at each other right now." He pointed at the SIM card remains, "If you like I could repair that for you, seems to be an easy fix."

Jason watched the Asian kid walk back towards some kids having a shouting match that he had already decided to avoid preferring to spend time with Helena, he glanced at his hands and got an idea, building up the frost he created an ice rose the way he had for the dead soldiers he lengthened the stem and then twisted it shaping little designs on the petal depicting more rose she kept this up making the rose more and more intricate. He smiled and held it up watching the light pass through it, he passed it to Helena. "Don't know who I'd rather give it to." He looked her in the eye keeping his gaze steady on her

"I just don't like doritos i prefer more spicy snacks" she watched Adri shove a hand full of dorito into her mouth she chuckled "yea my mother is Chione and yea it's pretty difficult to control my powers anxiety and anger just makes it worse, sleep would normaly disable my ability to lower the temperature around me temporary, but since i am a light sleeper and this plane is in complete chaos i can't really get decent sleep."
Karryn was about to get her bow and arrows and shoot at eagle Damien when she was beat to the punch. She crossed her arms and smirked, "Serves you right. Ah don't worry about this" she motioned to her slightly red face, "It doesn't hurt so much now" she paused as someone asked Shūhei a question. She simply stayed silent and listened when suddenly she heard shouting, "Oh dear...." Curious to see what was going along, she followed behind Shūhei, but some distance behind so she could observe from a far. She saw briefly, the cause of all the commotion, someone's device was broken. She looked between the two arguers and saw that one of them was the centaur she saw earlier, "Ah! You!" She pointed
Vanessa forced a smile in Shuhei's direction. "Thank you. You're very kind." She forced back tears. "I'm sorry that you had to hear that. I don't mean to cause so much drama for other kids. I just want a certain level of respect. I don't want you to bow down. I'm asking that you and everyone else not yank things away from me." She turned to Harry and glared. "I don't care who you or your parents are. If you missed them, wouldn't you contact them?" The tears were starting as she handed over all the pieces of her phone to Shuhei. To hide these tears, she started reading a book.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Helena did not receive Jason's rose- she was fast asleep, curled into the seat she was sitting in, her breathing soft and controlled, although the position she was in looked really uncomfortable. Alec, meanwhile had finally woken up and was looking around at all the new kids, really confused. "... Where did all these new kids come from?" With that, he hauled himself up and walked down the aisle, looking at all the new faces and wondering what they were doing on the plane.
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The racket outside the door to Max's workshop was unbearable. To much shouting for Max to sit through and try to work. As a girl question who sounded like Harry started again Max was done he went to get up and accidentally knocked one of his tools into the weapon he was building. A loud bang echoed through the plane and Max was left coughing with smoke all over him. He left his project on the table and opened the door. His smoke covered face popping through the door discovered a bunch of the newer members were arguing right in front of his door. He saw the broken SIM card and bananas and everything and looked at everyone with his white eyes. "Everyone stop!" He said as he walked out into the passenger section. "I'm tired of listening to you two argue." He looked at Vanessa "Horse girl. This is my plane. I don't want to see a cell phone. Even if you're not a demigod, your surrounded by them, monsters will still be able to find us." He looked at Harry. "Harry don't be quick to judge. Let me know if anything stupid that would endanger us happens. Also clean that up." He pointed to the mess on the floor. He pounded his fist on the Locker where Damian was. "And you shut up or I'll drop you into a jet engine!" He turned back to the little group "Now If I have to get back to something. If I hear anymore arguments I'll give everyone a lesson in BASE jumping." And with that Max went back into his workshop and sat back down. "I've had enough arguments for one day." He mumbled as he went back to his new weapon.

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Max's insult to her people and herself especially was making Vanessa angry as hell. Her fists clenched, as did her teeth. Her orange nails dug into the hardcover she was pretending to read. She was seeing red worse than blood. Her heartbeat quickened, her foot shook uncontrollably. "Vanessa, are y-"Courtney asked. Vanessa cut her off. "Not. Another. Word." She shot out of her seat and hobbled to the back, throwing off her jacket from her waist and pacing the back of the plane, hooves beating against it in complete and total fury. "No respect. No brains." She growled, punching the wall. All four legs were shaking as she tried to calm down, holding her hair back with one hand and playing with her Camp Half Blood t-shirt with the other as she started to sweat.
Max clicked the final piece into the weapon that he was making. He smiled at the celestial bronze edge and the small steel blade on the tip, so he could attack the scientists with it. Then he heard some on hit the wall and talk. "No respect. No brains" was what Max heard. He opened the door and stared at Vanessa. His hand held around the small staff in his hand he stepped out and looked at the centaur. "Looks like out Horse is more of an *ss than she should be." He stood in front of the girl. "I don't care who you think you are, but this is my plane and you follow my rules when you fly Air Max." He looked Vanessa in the eye. "Now please sit down and enjoy your flight" he said in a sarcastic tone.

(This is the staff)


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Vanessa sucked in a breath to calm down. She thought of herself in her human form and, slowly, she shrank back into it, exchanging hooves for legs. Immediately, she wrapped the belt around her waist again. "Max, I'm assuming you don't require my help on this trip. You see, I was thinking about helping you out once we reached Greenland. Surely, because of my actions, something is waiting for us. Since you refuse to even talk to me in a civil manner, I won't lift a finger toward my bow to save your a** when some giant or Cyclops decides to shove their club up there." She teasingly bowed. "Now, oh great and wonderful pilot, leave me alone." Vanessa skated her hand across the bow on her arm, in the form of her bracelet at the moment. Walking by him, she kissed Max's cheek. "Hopefully, the gods will spare your life."
[QUOTE="Melody Frazier]Vanessa shot up out of her seat. "That's none of your f***ing business, is it?" Her first impression of this guy was that he was going to be a problem. "I was doing things any one of us would do if they missed their mom or dad." She couldn't fix the card, but she stared at it as if that would will it back into functioning order. "Who died and made you boss of me? I'm not obligated to listen to anyone on this trip. Now, unless you want an arrow up your ***, I suggest you walk away and leave me alone!" Vanessa stood tall, not wavering. Courtney woke at this point. "Vanessa? Vanessa, what are you doing?" Vanessa turned to look at her friend. "It's nothing. I'm fine."

Harry frowned as the girl blew up, he was a nice person and he didn't want this to be all of the new people's impression of him . He stuck his right hand in his pocket and looked Vanessa directly in the eyes and said " I'm sorry I have upset you, but every second you have that phone in your hand puts all of us into more and more danger. The scientists, who are the super evil people whom are trying to destroy us all have probably already tracked that we are going to Greenland and are reinforcing the base as we speak. There are great forces at work right now than you missing your mom , and until you get some gold coins and iris message her you just going to have to miss her. ". Harry started to walk away , (the sim card is still in his hand) he crushed the sim card beyond repair and turned back saying, " oh and you are obligated to listen to everyone on this trip, if I'm correct your a centaur who is obligated to protect demigods and if you wish to do that you need to work with us." He heard max , understanding that what he did was a little rash.

"sorry max " he said as he went to the kitchen, got a paper towel, wiped up the mess, and walked back to his seat eating his sandwitch.
"That's not exactly fair, Harry." Vanessa's eyes locked onto his. She wanted to be friends, but, her natural aggression was something that she had to work on. "I heard what you said just now. I know that this isn't all about me." She spoke calmly. "And, to correct you, a centaur is only half of who I am. It really isn't who I am. It's what I am." She breathed deeply. "I'm not anyone's servant. With all due respect, I'm another camper. I obey the Gods, not their children." Vanessa realized that she may have come off as rude. "That is what I'll do. If you want my help with a hydra or ventus when we land, fine. I'll help, but you can't act like you're my boss just because your daddy is a Greek god." She smiled thinly. "I just wanted to address that you could have asked me to not use my phone while near you guys and I would have gladly put it away and complied. You had no right to destroy my personal property." She shrugged. "I'm sorry that I got so angry. I just hate being told what to do like I can't think for myself. Thank you for apologizing." Her voice never once rose. "I probably can't help anyway. To be honest, I'm not the best shot." Vanessa tried to laugh. "I'll practice when we land."

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