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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Huh. I wonder why." She said, with a raised eyebrow at Karryn, then she let go and began walking off, "Well, follow me. Lets get back on that f***ing plane for more torture time in the skies with Zeus." She said, not at all enthusiastic about it, and found her way slowly towards the plane, "I'm gonna tell you now, Karryn, we are a craaaaazy bunch. Don't surprised if we start threatening each other... Or if Ace bursts out in Dora the Explorer."
Courtney knew that it was wrong to judge someone before meeting them, but Helena is the child of her father's rival. "Helena." She whispered to herself. "I hope we get along." She wanted the two to be friends. Just because their fathers were enemies doesn't mean that they should.
Karryn nodded, "I know right? I mean does my face scream scientist or something?" She shook her head. Smirking even though it couldn't be seen beneath her mask, "My kind of people" she replied with a hint of whimsy and or scarasm. She grabbed up her bag and quickly followed after Helena. She had a glimpse of what this ride was going to be like the moment she entered the airport, "This is going to be fun"
"Sorry Zeus but I must seek passage through your skies. I dare not intrude upon your domain as I would any monster's tis a fool who dare cross you Zeus king of the gods." Anthony said being as polite and respectful as he could ever be. Anthony heard a empousa shout and he went from glad Zeus had picked up to furious the monster had interrupted. He gave a short burst of the cannons to scatter the monsters again. "I'm sorry Lord Zeus monsters just have no respect please forgive me for bothering you but this is important for a quest to save all demigods and us puny mortals aren't any match for even the smallest god let alone the mightiest of them all."
Jenna was walking back towards the plane after she saw what the heck did Karan just do she would much prefer to stay in the plane instead. She then whistled a few times her to get her pet griffon's attention so it could get back into the plane or if it wants just fly along side the plane.

She entered the plane and was greeted with a uncomfortably cold air and a lot more new people than before "well this is rather interesting to say the last" she said before taking a seat.
"Suck Up!!!" Apollo shouted from the background before being hushed again by Zeus. "It seems like you are in a bit of trouble. Especially if you had to Iris call me." The King of the Gods said snapping his fingers to silence the air around the sun gods head, so he would shut up. "You are pushing my patience though. You've not only made an enemy of one of my sons, and with you comparing me to a monster just now; I should just let you brave it though my most powerful storm." The god king smiled "But I will grant you passage... For a price."

Chad smiled and looked at Courtney making eye contact. He thought of his eyes and how some people were intimidated by them. He didnt care. "Another friend? Alright. I just found them. I'm new here as well."
Courtney let another smile slip. She couldn't help herself. "Well, at least we can start off in Greenlandd together, then." She sshrugged. "So, a werewolf, huh?" She tilted her head. "How does that work?"
"Of course. What do you want Lord Zeus." Anthony said shooting a short burst right after he finished. He was getting annoyed at the fact that they wouldn't just shut up and come at him. The door lock for the barn door had busted open and the empousa who had assumed control was shouting at the others to go first. "Sorry Zeus but I have three empousai trying to interrupt us." There was a poof and a large cloud of bronze dust came into the cockpit and Anthony held up a one with his finger.
Ever stood up tiredly, stretching herself out. "Hi, don't mind me." She mumbled collapsing into the seat next to Pepper. Her head felt like it was stuffed with giant wads of cotton, her thoughts were traveling so slow you'd think they'd been shoved in a cranium filled with molasses, and her throat was scratchy and dry. It didn't help that she had a fear of flying, and was certain that she was going to die with each bump of turbulence. "Ungh..." She groaned leaning her head back. Her face was pale and her head was sheen with sweat. "Where is the bloody Sunshine boy when you need him?" She asked referring to Lucas.
Helena looked around at the new kids all chatting, and she made her way towards the back of the plane, not entirely sure what to do so she sat down by herself, and looked out the window, her eyelids drooping. She hadn't slept in days and it was finally catching up to her. She felt a massive weight on her shoulders, and didn't know how to deal with it. God knows when she'd get another chance to swipe more knockout drugs and melatonin rarely worked.
Karryn entered the plane slowly, waiting for something to explode or someone to come flying out. When that didn't happen, Karryn came all the way in and went to find an empty seat. She hoped that there was a good one near the bathroom, just in case she decided to work on a few things. She adjusted her goggles as she found her desired seat.
Damian stood in front of Helena and searched his pocket. He gave her a smile and held his hand out with a nearly full bottle in it. "I can't stand flying either. Want a ambien?" He asked giving a small shake of the bottle.
LuckyANDKitty said:
Ever stood up tiredly, stretching herself out. "Hi, don't mind me." She mumbled collapsing into the seat next to Pepper. Her head felt like it was stuffed with giant wads of cotton, her thoughts were traveling so slow you'd think they'd been shoved in a cranium filled with molasses, and her throat was scratchy and dry. It didn't help that she had a fear of flying, and was certain that she was going to die with each bump of turbulence. "Ungh..." She groaned leaning her head back. Her face was pale and her head was sheen with sweat. "Where is the bloody Sunshine boy when you need him?" She asked referring to Lucas.
Pepper blinked slightly as the other girl collapsed in the seat beside her. "Uhm hi... Are you alright?" she asked softly while looking over her slightly as if trying to spot any visible injuries but not finding any so figured it had to be mentally, like a headache or something. "Did you need an Advil?" she asked while taking a bottle of advil from her pocket and bit her lip slightly.
"That's be helpful." Ever murmured taking the bottle tenderly in her hands. "I don't even know what's wrong with me. I rarely get sick, and my head hurts so much that even a brick dropping on me would be a pain reliever." She complained swallowing the small pill. "I'm Ever by the way." The red headed girl introduced, waiting for the pain in her head to lessen. She winced cupping her forehead as a sharp pain jolted through it.
Pepper nodded slightly as the girl took the bottle from her, she smiled a bit since she was happy to have helped in someway to hopefully relieve her of her pain. "Hm... Well I think there might be something different about you... I don't think your just a normal mortal who can see through the mist... But I could be wrong with my speculations... Apollo usually has an Oracle... But since camp was destroyed... I figure the Oracle was as well..." she said slowly while watching the girl.
Helena glared at Damian and offered no response, merely ignoring him and turning away, she focused her attention outside of the plane, hoping and praying Damian would just leave her alone. She never fell asleep unless she felt content and safe, and Damian certainly didn't promote those feelings.
Ryan returned to his seat. Introductions and small talk could be heard at almost every angle of that area in the plane. The demigod leaned a bit toward a familiar voice, "Excuse me, sorry...Pepsi, you said that your brother would let us stay at his place right? Or was I just hearing things and he will only let you stay at his place". Ryan shivered again from the cold air that Serafina gave off. Maybe it was not intentional? Perhaps she just naturally gave off a cold feeling....he was not as frozen as he was in the car a few hours ago though. Yeah, that was some improvement.
Damian leaned towards her to set the bottle down by her. "If I bother you so much just kill me one stab in the ear." Damian whispered nodding to the right ear before he went to the cockpit door. He pounded on it like a S.W.A.T. Officer and then cleared his throat then opened it. "Everybody's on there maxine. Just messing with ya man." He went and sat across from Helena facing the window.
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Pepper blinked slightly as she looked over and across to where Ryan was. "Hm? He'll be able to house some of us... He said that his friend thought could house all of us if we wanted to stay together." she said while brushing her bangs and then noticed that Karan was missing, she felt a bit sad since Anthony had left and he was a funny and nice person to talk to, Karan was a comfort to her since she was everything she wished to be; strong, confident and unafraid of anything. She just hoped that Karan would show up before they left, she always did.
Sitting in the aisle seat, Karryn meticulously placed the contents of her bag on the window seat beside her. Once she did that and made sure everything would stay in place even when the plane did take off, she got up and headed to the bathroom. As she did, she saw a guy bothering a visibly disturbed Helena. She went back to her seat and quickly grabbed a handkerchief, dousing it in her experimental knock out potion. She then headed back towards the two. "Pardon me, sir?" She called out to Damian, "Does this smell like poppies to you?" She asked as she leaned over and pressed the doused handkerchief to Damian's nose

(Does this smell like chloroform to you? @Holo)
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"As i can tell." Zeus said as he heard the fighting in the background. "So if "anything" is your response." Zeus snapped his fingers and a timer burned itself into Anthony's right hand. "In two days time that timer will vanish and my contract will be up. You in repayment for your outbursts against my child and for unknowingly attempting to belittle me" Zeus smiled "until the timer vanishes you are only able to use lightning magic to show you completely respect me. But your lightning cannot be as strong as mine. Enjoy your flight and you limited powers." Zeus snapped his fingers again and the remaining Emposai was vaporized. The Iris call dissipated and the God King vanished.

Max heard the knocking followed by a few mumbled words. He assumed everyone was on the plane. He turned on the intercom "attention all passengers. We are taking off!" He said quickly and started off down the runway. In a few minutes the plane was airborne and the group was on their way to Greenland.

(This is what the timer looks like)


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Location: Max's plane

With: Serafina

(Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Max, Jason, Damian, Pepper, Vanessa, Courtney, Jason, Shuhei, Karynn, Pepper, Jenna, Harry, Jack, Chad, Ever, Lucas, Raiko, Viola)

Adriana watched as new people - most likely demigods seeing as the plane didn't go into lockdown - entered the plane. Curious as to where they were, she pressed her face onto the closest window, peering out. Dread filled her. In the distance, she could see the torch of the Statue of Liberty, proving that they were in New York. She gulped, the memory of passing out on the motel room floor flashing before her eyes; she could almost imagine the wet, yet sticky, pool of red liquid soaking into her clothing and hair. She pulled away.

The parent of one of the demigods, Chad, was unfamiliar to her, but it sounded close to lupin. Ah, he was a wolf's son, confirmed by who appeared to be the daughter of Phobos, confirmed by Anthony. She and Anthony began arguing, their quarrel exciting her. She was entranced by it, only noticing Max when he smacked both of them. Then Viola slapped him before storming to a seat, the sound causing Adri to flinch yet a grin began to form on her face. Instead of reacting to her, Max turned on Anthony. Then stupid Chad had to go and butt in, being the mediator. Adriana felt the urge to fuel the anger between them, but once they separated she noticed how this went against her morals - which she tried so desperately to keep. The grin faltered, replaced by a frown, as she turned away.

More demigods seemed to file into the plane, and there was just too much going on to handle: a drop in temperature, different conversations, introductions. Adri sighed, deciding against joining in any of it for now. Her stomach suddenly growled fiercely. She didn't know she was so hungry, so much going on the previous day that she couldn't care for herself rather than sleep. When was the last time she ate? She couldn't remember herself but it was around three days ago when food was pumped into her through an IV, the scientists not trusting her enough to loosen a restraint or spoon feed her.

She made her way to the back of the plane, for that was where the food was usually kept - right? Past a curtain was a teeny-tiny kitchen, with two counters, two cabinets, a sink, and a mini-fridge. She opened one of the cabinets, rummaging through until she found a bag of chips. "Have to do,"she muttered to herself. She opened the fridge, easily finding a bottle of water. She kicked the door closed with her foot and the cabinet closed with a hand.

Max announced that they were to start flying and Adri panicked, quickly finding a seat; the seat so happened to beside Serafina (@RevolverOshawott ). A chill passed over her, causing Adri to shiver. "Damn, it's cold,"she said, trying to keep from excessively shivering. She looked over at the blonde beside her, noting the frost on the window. "Is that you?"she questioned.
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Chad noticed tht he was smiling too long and he stopped but he still happily said, "Ya. We shall start together in Greenland, along with everyone else. And I'm a werewolf meaning that I can change into a wolf humanoid creature at will. I have enhanced senses and strength. I can also summon my 2 wolves, Ebony and Ivory. I would love to show you them when we land next. They are quite big though so just warning you." He smiled quickly and buckled himself up.
[QUOTE="Soul OMU]Pepper nodded slightly as the girl took the bottle from her, she smiled a bit since she was happy to have helped in someway to hopefully relieve her of her pain. "Hm... Well I think there might be something different about you... I don't think your just a normal mortal who can see through the mist... But I could be wrong with my speculations... Apollo usually has an Oracle... But since camp was destroyed... I figure the Oracle was as well..." she said slowly while watching the girl.

"The what?" Ever asked snapping back into reality. "Did you say the oracle?" She chuckled awkwardly not meeting Pepper's eye. "How could I possibly be an oracle? My stepmum already tells me that the only thing I'll amount to is being a fiery red head, with a temper just as bad." She muttered the last part playing with the bottle of Advil. "And I don't want to be an oracle, all it says to me is "Goodbye normal teenage life, and hello to no relationships and traumatizing glimpses of the future..."

@Soul OMU

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