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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Helena found herself alone. She saw centaur girl get to the plane, so that was simple enough. However the Aeolus girl was left alone, going absolutely nuts. She wasn't sure what was going on, but she seemed to be freaking out because someone touched her. She had no idea how to make this any better, but she was determined to find out, and most importantly, get her on the plane. "Uhhh... Hey, are you okay over there?"
Anthony kept walking not even worried that Max or his dad may have something to say about his safe passage. "Well that may cause problems. If I don't clear things up with Zeus that is." Anthony said thinking aloud well aware of the few random girls following him but they weren't convincing. He knew they were creations of his mother her favorite little demons. They were biding their time wisely too.
Karryn saw the other demi-gods head back to the plane while one of them went over the the wind girl she watched earlier. She considered avoiding the whole situation and getting on the plane, leaving the other demi-god to handle wind girl. But she knew something like this would nag her later if things really got out of hand. Clicking her tongue, she followed close behind Helena, fiddling with her goggles nervously, "Is she alright?" Karryn asked with concern
Vanessa shook Chad's hand, laughing as she did so. "Hi, I'm Vanessa." She didn't add her heritage after that. It was obvious that she wasn't a demigod. "Nice to meet you." She was pulled onto the plane by the one person that always helped her and had been for the past two weeks. Strapping herself into the plane, she laid her head back. Courtney was hiding the faintest blush under her hoodie. "Alright! Let's take off!"
Chad sat down across from Courtney and Vanessa. He was trying to have a conversation but Courtney was acting shy. "So his long have you 2 been with this group? I just joined them. I ditched Princeton for these kiddos. Meh fun is better than music theory." He smiled and shot a look at Courtney. He rubbed the back of his neck again. That was his nervous twitch.
Anthony started to turn and took a much needed shortcut into the barn where the p-51 was and locked the side door behind him. The evil greek vampires walked to the front to bang on the barn doors. " Still fully loaded with bronze rounds using guns that the forge god made himself. It's never empty." Anthony thought remembering he was told that when he was much younger. Anthony heard the monsters banging on the barn door with a loud crack coming from part of it. "ANTHONY GARCIA OPEN UP FOR AUNT RUDY!" The monster shrieked as it hit the door breaking a small hole in it. "Just one minute please." Anthony said back as he checked the fuel on the three tanks. "Let's hope on the gods this thing still works." Anthony jumped in and began the startup procedure.
Vanessa answered with a sigh. "We just found them here, remember?" She elbowed her friend a little, but Courtney just grunted and elbowed her a little harder than necessary. "You'll have to excuse my friend. She takes a while to warm up to someone, considering that Erebus isn't the most idolized of the Gods." Courtney looked up. "Will you stop saying his name? It's bad to repeatedly use them." She turned down her Michael Jackson song that she was listening to. Courtney lowered her hood. "Sorry. I'm not trying to be rude." She smiled at Chad.
Shūhei nodded and proceeded to walk over taking a seat in the middle of everyone, he got a loud alert and looked to his screen. "Diamond function." Holding up his hand nano bots gathered like a swarm of gnats forming those purple diamonds again, each of the three took a different point in the air the smaller ends pointing to the inside of the invisible triangle and projecting the holographic screen he knew so well, tapping the screen and watching the ripple effect he had programmed into it. The alert was just a simple diagnostic report he had designed his nano bots to give regularly, as usual he was in fine health. He dismissed the screen but kept the diamonds having them go into their standby mode where they floated in a row behind him. He turned to the girl who had so sweetly spoken to him. "I don't know if you heard but I'm Shūhei, a child of Hephaestus."

Jason was relieved to see Pepper come out cheery. He sat behind her and put a gentle hand on her shoulder, "Hey sis, you okay? You seemed more than a bit rattled."
Pepper gave a sheepish smile. "I heard parts of it...?" She said softly while looking back at her brother and giving him a slightly sad smile. "Yeah I'm fine... Just some bad memories is all... And something didn't seem to agree with my stomach." She said softly while wincing a bit where his hand was since it was on her bandaged shoulder. (@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira )
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Chad was very happy that Courtney talked. "Oh. So you're new like me. Okay!" He smile bak at them. Then he thought about how Courtney must feel being like the only child of Erebus. "Hey don't worry Court. I'm pretty sure in tr only child of Lupa." He saw that Vanessa was still there. "Who's your godly parent? I think it escaped my mind sorry." He continued to smile.
Vanessa didn't return the smile. "Oh, so I'm guessing you didn't see me chase Karan earlier." Scratching her chin, she groaned. "You never met him. I forgot. Most people here have." Vanessa shrugged. "I don't have a godly parent. My father is Chiron, the Camp Half Blood director and guardian." Vanessa shrugged it off, not wanting any special treatment just because of that. "I'm a half centaur. My mother is mortal, however. I am a half blood." She tapped her foot nervously. "I hate people asking that question. I hate my father for what he chose to do."
Chad was so interested. "Woah. That's so fricken cool! Do you have like horse legs? That's awesome." His mind was blown. He finally realized the last thing she said. "Wait. What did he do?" He cocked his head to the right in confusion. He couldn't keep his eyes off of Courtney but he was barely able to pull them away for a moment. "And what's Camp Half-Blood?"
"Centaur legs." Vanessa involuntarily clenched her fists, like all of her kind do when they're called horses. "But, yes, I have them. You missed me using them just now." She rubbed her aching legs to calm down. "My father works with kids all the time, and yet he's not said a word to me other than a note with two words on it two weeks ago. He told me 'just wait.' Who the hell does that?" She turned away, took a deep breath, then looked back at Lupa's son. "Camp Half Blood is a place where the half mortal children of the Greek gods go. It's a sanctuary."
Chad looked at her and could smell her anger. "In sorry for saying horsey legs. But hey my mother came to me once and said that "I'm good for now". That's the only time I saw her. I guess you could say I know how you feel. But I have Ebony and Ivory with me. They're my pet wolves. They come to me when I need them." He thought of them and remembers that he hasn't said hi to them for a long time. But he didnt want to just call them for no reason. He turned to Courtney. "You're quiet." He smiled at her showing his red eyes. (Sorry just red eyes man. Gets me every time.)
Anthony gave a very loud whoop as the old plane started and he turned off the safety on the guns hoping they worked. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE! GET OUT HERE AND QUIT MAKING A RACKET!" The empousa yelled over the plane engine before Anthony started shooting through the barn door turning the lead monster to dust. Anthony didn't close the canopy because he turned on a special built in mist maker and flipped a gold drachma into the then created rainbow. "Oh Iris, goddess of the rainbow, please accept my offering." Anthony said as he sped up trying to contact Zues.
Courtney looked up, taking her earbuds out. "I'm always quiet. I don't like people." She shrugged again. "But, I would appreciate another friend." She smiled at Chad. "So, how did you get here anyway? I got here with Vanessa and another centaur." She bent forward, staring directly at him now. "It's rough."
Max looked over Ryan's shoulder at the chaos going on behind him and sighed. "Sorry, as much as it pains me to make everyone wait, we are still missing Helena and Karan." He said rubbing his face like he'd just woken up from a nap. The sudden noise from the passenger section was making the small headache he had worse. "I'll try to get into contact with Helena. Let me know when she gets her with Karan." He said as he shut the door. He went over and plopped down in his seat a pulled out a gold drachma. He pulled out a tiny box from the medicine cabinet and opened it up. He pulled out his set of Prisms and positioned them so he had a nice big rainbow in front of his window. He tossed the drachma into the rainbow and chanted "O, Iris, Goddess of the Rainbow, accept my offering. Show Me Helena."


The Rainbow in front of Anthony began to change to reveal the thrown room of Olympus. Zeus stood center of the group of gods surrounding him. "Hephaestus please stop bickering about Ares, Apollo I don't want to hear your new poem. Poseidon yes I will answer your question after this is settled." Then He noticed Anthony staring at him from the cockpit of his plane. He pushed through the two gods who were asking him for things and they both became silent. "Anthony Garcia." Zeus boomed as he stopped in front of the call. "What might you feel needs to interrupt my daily duties." "Maybe he wants to hear my newest haiku. Ahem. The sun shines overhead. The-" "Enough Apollo!" Zeus said and the Sun god stepped backwards and made himself silent once more. "Now what you be wanting from the King of Gods?"

Helena stared at Karan some. She could sense her distress and the air disturbance from where she stood, which kind of made her hesitant to approach her and ask what was wrong, when another girl showed up, looking concerned for Karan, and she personally didn't know how to answer that. What was going on over there? "Who are-" and suddenly Max's face appeared in front of her, making her jump, "AH! Max! Gods of Olympus a little warning please!"
Karan stopped her screaming and held her hands in front of her face and smiled. Her hands were covered in scratches and the black asphalt crumbs. Karan brought the winds down to hold her again. To feel the luxury of their comfort as nothing else felt better. Karan was slowly forgetting Pepper's embrace and her soft dark hair. Karan held herself in her embrace hoping that maybe someone, particularly her father loved her as much as he loved her father. But her hopes were out far on a ledge close to falling, and wishing her mother was their to catch her. Her heart was heavy but that was no reason to continue this play. She wanted to get away now that she had nothing holding her to that ridiculous camp. Karan could see her mother again and by God, she will see her mother again.

Karan lifted herself with the aid of the wind and there were two girls that came her way and she noticed one to be Helena. The other was Karryn, the one everyone confused for her. Their names always sounded similar and people never got Karan's name right. She smiled and bit her lip as she was going to respond to Helena, "Perfectly as of now. Come near me though... and I'll shred your pretty face from your flesh. Sorry for the threat, however, people just can't stop touching me... I'll kill the next one though, hehe." She giggled and smiled, letting her head tilt to the side to look at her friend. Before she could say anything to Karryn, the view distorted and Max appeared. Karan laughed at Max, "Waste of a drachma, dear child. You aren't but a few minutes away. However, I will be..... a few days away soon. Toodles." Her scottish accent seeping through against her American vocabulary.

Karan gathered the wind under her feet and blew a kiss to her "friend" Karryn, before placing a veil above her head and launched herself off towards the sky. She rocketed high up and thousands of feet above the airport and stepped on the air before looking towards the Atlantic Ocean. 'Mother, I'm coming." She gather wind under her heels again and shot herself over the ocean, leaving her few friends behind without a word.
Karryn waited for a response when the face of the person she spotted watching her earlier appeared. In response, she simply adjusted her goggles to get a closer look. She never seen an Iris message as clear as this one, "interesting." She said softly and waved to Max, "Hi there!"
Helena looked at Karan, kind of shocked she had even tried to threaten her, and also- pretty face? She touched her cheek lightly, "I have a pretty face?" She asked herself out loud, then watched Karan fly off, "hey! Wait! You can't just go flying off, you'll be in far worse conditions alone then with our crazy bunch! AEOLUS CHICK WHATEVER YOUR NWME IS COME BAAAAACK! ... Well that didn't turn out how I'd hoped it would."
Max had overheard the entire conversation and he was about to call after Karan when he saw the call waver, Karan had left. "Why is it that things always go wrong with us." Max looked up and noticed the scientist looking girl standing behind Helena. He opened his mouth to warn Helena when he looked through the girls goggles at her eyes. He recognized them as belonging to a girl who was at Camp, but one he'd never talked to. Now calmed down he remembered why he messages her. "Helena. I need you back here. We are ready to take off. That's all. Oh and bring her." He said pointing to Karryn. Then the Iris message suddenly ended. Max looked surprised at where the call had been and looked at the prisms. They were pure black and all Max did was shake his head. "Not enough rest between uses... Mom how many calls did you make!" She only laughed. Max assumed about 20. He sighed and went back to working on the plane, hoping Helena would get back soon.

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When Karan blew a kiss at her she couldn't help but be bewildered. Both of them, she could tell, had something to say. But Max interrupted. "Her name's Karan" she replied to Helena as she watched her silhouette grow smaller, pronouncing her name as Karyan, "... I just remembered that story of Icarus...I hope she has good control over her wind abilities" she then looked back at the iris message containing Max and went on to ask, "Hey Zeus kid, what did you guys do to her anyway?" Forgetting that they probably didn't even remember her too well
Helena stared as the message suddenly cut off, then sighed and looked at Karryn, "So who're you a kid of, and oh I hope you don't mind this-" she grabbed Karryn's wrist and ran at the nearest pool of shadow- a dark corner. Instead of slamming into the wall, they reappeared on the Tarmac. "I'm Helena. Daughter of Hades."
She spoke as Helena grabbed her wrist and ran towards a wall corner "Oh me? I'm Karryn. Karryn of Diony-" they phased through, reappearing on the tarmac, "-sus. That was pretty neat" she finished. She had expected to slam into the wall so when they didn't, she reappeared mid-flinch, "I've been trying to catch up wit you guys for a while now. But for some reason, scientists keep mistaking me for one of them." She put down her bag and dusted off her overcoat again, "I can't seem to understand why."

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