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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid sat up when he heard the word "wings", "WHERE'S THE BIRD?!" "YOU FOOL JUST SHUT UP! He said your wings are out" Ace said glaring at Cupid for not letting him go to sleep. Cupid's wings merged into his back, "Oh sorry". Ryan on the other hand was sleeping like a baby across some seats. He was starting to get used to Cupid's outbursts and Ace's bellowing voice. That or he was just really exhausted from everything that has happened...especially being tortured under his brother's device in the lab just a few hours ago.
Helena nodded slowly and muttered, "Listen... I'll distract. Take the new kids a different route and when I've lost the science chick I'll shadow travel them and me back to the plane... Sound good?" She murmured, trying to keep her voice low so whoever it was in the lab threads wouldn't hear her.
"Kid you and your dad are as scary as a box of kittens. Lupa is more likely to scare me than your old man. Especially since he only plays mind games." Anthony said looking at Viola before disregarding her with his patient green eyes he had inherited from his mother. He again looked at Chad and gave a laugh. "Of course you're ready being the son of Lupa you were literally born ready." Anthony said before his sense of nostalgia kicked in and he lifted the side of his shirt. "Dude this is from when she had me run through the woods near the wolf house with hydras flanking me and a tempest hot on my tail. I got four burn scars, two arrow marks and a scar from a Amazon girl cracking me in the head with a metal bat. Luckily my friend Tania was there to help me out cause I could've slept for days. Then I got a nice scar from a acid burn when she sent me to play with a hydra at a Mc Donalds that thing had like a trillion heads." Anthony was smiling for the whole story as if being whacked around were his only good memories.
Chad laughed. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just. McDonalds? Hydra? Pffffhahahahhahhaa. That's the funniest thing ever. I'm sorry but that's just. Hoooo." He said wiping his eyes from the accumulated tears from laughing. He gathered himself and said, "I really was born ready, sir! Oh and I was born a wolf. Apparently my dad almost set me up for adoption. But then he didnt. Now I can do a bunch of wolf related things." He smiled and put his backpack down on one of the seats.
Max nodded. "i won't be able to go after Karan and the centaur girl" He whispered to her. "I'll only be able to take the weird girl (Courtney)" Max stood up. "Go." Max walked over to Courtney and grabbed her hand. The second he touched her he felt a cold darkness about her, She was definitely a demigod. "Im a friend." He said as he pulled her into the crowd of people that had gathered after Karan's outburst. He pulled her out of the airport and onto the Tarmac before he let go off her hand. "Sorry about the sudden interaction, but umm.. Im Max, son of Zeus, and that plane." Max pointed over his shoulder at his plane. "Is what a bunch of us demigods are using to go after the scientists. Please come with us. join us whenever." Max quickly hurried off too the plane. "Ok i should add Helena to my list of Iris ca-" He thought as he entered the plane to hear the insults fly between Anthony and Viola on the plane. Max walked over to Anthony and Viola and smacked both of them. "No more fighting." Max said "crossing his arms "Last time i… we had a fight among us it almost ended badly." Then Max noticed the New kid. "Wow… bad first impression… anyways" He said turning back to the other two demigods. "I don't care what started it, but please no more fighting.

@Melody Frazier
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"Look who it is. The boy that ditched me for an overexcited freak. All I wanted was to get off the plane and you denied me of my request. And now you're telling me off." Viola slapped Max across the face, "You cannot tell me what to do. You aren't my parents!" She crossed her arms and returned to her seat, to sulk on her own. Why was everybody here such an idiot? It wasn't fair. She was the only person here who had a shred of sanity. These people were crazy. They were going to drive her crazy! She cringed at the thought. Agateophobia. A fear of going insane. That was probably Viola's worst fear.
Anthony glared at Max and his eyes went from green to greek fire fast. "Don't hit me unless you want a fight and not a playful one because I dont even know you so I won't stop until I feel your done trying to start stuff." Anthony didn't reach for a weapon or try to use his powers during fights with other demigods unless they did. Let's face it there's no reason to jump from talking back to weapons and powers when a simple busted lip would suffice. "Now if you dont like me standing up to little miss irrational so she doesn't annoy and repel any demigod who steps on the plane then I suppose that makes a problem."

Anthony stood face to face with Max not even concerned with being hit or targeted by lightning in the plane. He paused for a few more second to get the message across befor turning to Chad. "Yeah hydra's a sometimes connected to fast food places and stuff like that. So the more locations a business has the more heads the hydra has."
Ryan furrowed his brows as he began to hear many voices having a conversation in the plane. His blind eyes slowly opened up while he yawned and stretched over the seats he was lying on, "What's going on Max? Is the sun out yet?" "New people, powers, blah, blah, blah. You know, just the usual" Cupid responded. Ryan nodded wishing he could see all the new people. Ace sat silently at a corner with no intention of introducing himself. He was to groggy to even make an okay first impression. Whatever, not like it mattered to the brute anyway.
Chad looked at everyone fighting. "Well this looks like a big happy family. So what are you guys doing here?" He looked at the other guy who just woke up. "Hi I'm Chad! Son of Lupa. Nice to meet you." Then he looked at the guy who just got on the plane. "Ya Im Chad." His eyes glowed an even more fierce red. He felt a little adrenaline rush because he could sense that something interesting was going to happen. He really thought these people were strange. Then He remembered that he was the son of a goddess. He laughed a little bit to himself.
For a moment, Karryn could have sworn that there was someone watching her. She straightened her head and tried to catch those eyes. Just briefly did she see a guy look in her direction. His lips were moving, he was probably muttering something.

"He's probably talking about leaving." She muttered in a matter-of-fact way, "Well I shouldn't be sitting here now should I?"

She hesitated, remaining in place for a moment longer and then stood. It was time she stopped lollygagging and introduce herself to the group. Smoothing out her overcoat, then clearing her foggy goggles, she grabbed her bag and began her advance towards the group. Each step she made feeling more and more as if she was walking into her own doom rather than her own kind
Pepper shot Anthony a small smile as he gave her the plate of food. "Thanks Anthony... And fighting again...? This is going to be a long.... Long day..." She said softly while starting to eat quietly and keeping her head down.
"Don't change the subject" Max said ignoring both Ryan and Chad. "This is My plane. So you have any problems with ME you can get off right now." Max felt a familiar feeling well up inside him. He put his finger onto Anthony's chest. His emotions starting to dissipate. "If you threaten me, or any of the group I will take it upon myself to remove said problem. Max felt himself start to expand the air inside Anthony's body, a skill he didn't know was possible. He let it expand to where Anthony would feel it and stopped. "Now if you have anymore problems, I suggest you either talk peacefully with each other or get off my plane."

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Chad looked at Max and walked over to him. He put his hand down from Anthony's chest and said, "why don't we all just calm down? Or else I will step in. And no one likes me when I'm angry. Just saying." He put both of his hands on Anthony and Max's chests to keep them away from each other.
Anthony exploded in a puff of smoke and tapped Max on the shoulder. "Then follow your own rules and don't go around slapping people willy nilly. It's stupid just ask Damian." Anthony said before going around Max to sit back on the opposite side of the aisle from Pepper. Damian looked at max and gave a smile before he spoke. "Sounds like something I would do."
"Hey I'm Ryan, son of Zeus" Ryan yawned again still lying down across some seats. He moved his right arm under his head as he blindly stared at the ceiling. Ryan silenced himself sensing that some kind of fight might have been going on again. Hopefully the group would have some time to relax in Greenland before any other fight or attack occurred. The demigod saw a new figure make contact with two figures. "Chad please sit down. Max and Anthony prefer not to be touched especially in the state they are in right now" Ryan advised the new guy blindly staring at the ceiling from his relaxed position. "Anyway, Chad are you the only new one or...?" He asked.
Chad took his hands slightly away from Max's chest so he could still block him from going after Anthony. "Okay boss." He smiled at Ryan. He continued to look Max straight in the eyes. People have told Chad that he had very intimidating eyes so he was trying to intimidate Max. That's some wolf pack sh*t right there.
Max stared back at Chad intensely with cold pure white eyes. "Welcome to the "family"" Max said sarcastically before entering the cockpit. "Anthony... Be glad you are alive." He mumbled "Cause one more strike and you find your own way to the next base..." He sat down and started to get the plane ready.

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Chad looked back at Max and cocked his head. "So what are you guys doing? i bet its something cool. I wish to join you guys on your quest for the Holy Grail!" He said laughing lightly. He sat down next to his backpack and looked around.
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[QUOTE="Melody Frazier]Vanessa finally made it within five feet of Karan. She was much faster than every demigod there anyway. She had to be, considering that she had double their amount of legs in this form. "Karan, please talk to me." Though she was faster, the cuts throughout her body started to sting. "I'll admit, you got me good. These things hurt like hell." She tried to laugh, but that only made things worse. "Well, I just wanted you to know that I'm sorry and I'll be more careful next time." Vanessa limped away, digging inside her bag for some ambrosia. Dumping that past her teeth, she swallowed. Immediately, she felt better.
Courtney came out, pissed and cut all over. "What the hell is your problem?! Vanessa was just being nice and you cut her for it?!" Her concern surprised even her. "Why would you do that? Vanessa hugs everyone she meets, well, not everyone. Some people she has a problem with, but she hugged you and you blew the airport up!" Her dagger was out, she was ready for a fight. Vanessa stood between them, towering over both. "Stop."

Courtney looked up and waved to the others that she hadn't greeted yet. "Hi, guys! Surprised to see you all still alive, that's for sure. I saw camp blown up and thought only a few of you guys survived."

Karan had slowed as she made it to the end of the runway far on the opposite end where the plane was located. When she landed on the asphalt, she had cleared up and her body was excited. She felt the every move of the wind around her with ecstasy and the elation of feeling the blues of the cooler winds kiss upon her flesh and the warmer oranges caress her body with love. Her heart skipped a beat and she never felt so in love with the wind when she was cold and detached from everything. Karan bit her lip and closed her eyes to indulge in the rapture she was experiencing.

The air was vibrating louder as the clash of hooves on asphalt grew closer. Karan didn't feel like being interrupted by the camp councilors daughter, especially after she caused the chaos Karan didn't ask for. Vanessa had asked what was wrong and and went on about things. Karan didn't want to be disturbed, especially now at a time like this when Vanessa had caused this to happen. Karan had kept her eyes closed, holding onto the winds that surrounded her body with grace and comfort, "I don't want you near me, Vanessa. You touched me.... YOU TOUCHED ME!" Karan opened her eyes full of bloodlust and spun to see the man in front of her. The sunglasses that he wore, aviator style with a dark gold tint. The white silk coat that looked as if he didn't follow the protocols. The dark blue slacks that held a shimmer in her eyes. The sun was a low blue-white luminescent capturing the dainty laboratory aura. He held out his disgusting gloved hand and Karan's anger roared with the gale's force enveloping her. (Karan is slipping into delusion.)

Karan lifter her arm and captured the scientist in a gale of wind, holding him firmly in her grasp. She lifted him higher so he dangled above the ground. She bit her lip as she saw him cringe and wanted to see his blood rain over the tiled floor as he did with so many others. Her fingers in her right hand holding up the scientist began to twist, causing the wind's teeth to bare form. A slow howl had come to life from the gale as cuts formed along the scientists body. As the teeth grew, the cuts began to get a little deeper. She was going to enjoy watching this man suffer, Karan longed for his death for touching her with those cold metal instruments. When she was going to turn her fingers to fully expand it's teeth, a plane had blocked the sun's rays, plunging Karan from her delusion and saw Vanessa in the scientists place. Karan froze.

'Where... where did he... Va--Vanessa... why are you bleeding... What....' Karan's state became manic and she screamed out, shutting her eyes as she couldn't stand the sight of what she'd done. One of her only friends....

Karan's winds broke focus and released Vanessa from it's grasp and raged around Karan's crumpled body on the asphalt. Karan was on her knees, laying to her side held up by her elbow. Still howling with the wind and causing the small debris around her to fly. Karan was unstable right now. She had almost murdered her friend... She had tortured her friend... She was becoming one of them.... She held her head in her hands as she screamed out, shattering the nearby glass from the lights and cases running along the runway. The airport hub's glass vibrated with force but not enough to shatter it being far from Karan's manic episode.
Anthony looked at Pepper and smiled. "It's crazy how we get sucked up into these situations because some gods had kids isn't it. I mean why can't we have normal lives even if some god or goddess can't keep their pants on." He said looking at her with a smile and then his brain jumped in. "Would you look at those eyes they look like the prettiest emerald color you've ever seen. I'm surprised she even talks to you let alone smiles." Anthony started looking away and telling his brain to shut up. He of course didn't say anything out loud because that would be embarrassing but he looked back trying to avoid her eyes but everything else about her seemed to make his brain go off more!
Vanessa wanted to comfort Karan, to hold her and tell her that she was alright and that these cuts were minor and would heal in no time. "Karan, I'm fine." She hesitated, then slowly reached a hand out to the other. "Karan, everything is going to be fine. I'm not going to hurt you."

Courtney huffed, standing next to the centaur. "I just might." She ransacked Vanessa's bag for more ambrosia. "She has no ****ing idea who she's dealing with." Erebus' only known child tapped the blade of her dagger against her pant leg. Courtney shook her head. "I won't allow it. You know that. I can't."
Pepper smiles a bit and laughs softly. "It would have been nice if we could have lived normal lives. And I'm not even sure that's going to happen since most Demi gods don't live past their 20's." She said softly while continuing to eat.
Doom and chaos was certainly what Karryn was walking into as she drew closer. The airport windows vibrated as if they were made of water, the winds were the highest she had ever witnessed. From Karryn's perspective, that wind girl could probably kill every last one of them. Considering this, Karryn walked slower and then came to a full stop. Adjusting her goggles once more, she began to reconsider everything. Did she really want to die? Was this worth coming out of hiding for? If these demi-gods kept up their discord, would she ever make it back home in one piece? Karryn began losing heart. 'If we can't work together, how would we be able to take down our oppressors...' She ran her free hand through her unruly hair
"I'm sure some of us on this plane could beat the odds." Like you and her? Ha you'll learn to fly before that happens. the Annoying voice started talking again and Anthony decided to name it Damian's mini me since neither one knew when to butt out. Anthony gave Pepper a smile as he looked at the food on the plate. "Sorry I forgot the plate makes the person holding it's favorite food so I hope you're okay with the weird macaroni and banana bread combo it made."
Pepper smiles a bit as she continued to eat. "It's fine, I don't mind it, food is food and I'm kinda hungry since i haven't eaten since the last meal the scientists fed me..." she said softly while trailing off. She rubbed her wrist lightly as if the scars there were burning her, reminding her of what they did. "I think more so the others then me..." she said softly while looking down.

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