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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Wham! Was the only sound that was made as Max fell backwards out of his chair. He coughed on the smoke that had just shot out of the weapon he was creating. "I give up! I'll finish this later." He said as he shifted the prototype back into a chess piece. Max walked out of his little workshop area and into the passenger section. He wiped the smoke off his face and quickly hurried into the cockpit. He shut the door just as his mother stood up. "Let me guess. Made it back right before I'm needed." He said taking the now dirty jacket off of himself. He sat down in his pilot and turned on the intercom. "Attention all passengers. We are now landing in New York. I recommend everyone stay on the plane when we land as we are dangerously close to what is left of Camp Half-Blood. So everyone buckle up. We're landing." He turned off the intercom and began to take the plane down.

Max set the plane down onto the runway smoothly and had the plane moved to the refueling station. He stood up and walked into the cabin and cleared his throat. "Ok, I was serious about everyone staying here. I have to go check on a few things, a satyr messages my mother that someone is here. And that they should be friendly... I would like it if I have someone with me cause I only have the name of the person, not the face." He paused "So who wants to go with me."
"LAND!?" Helena shouted, looking up from the aspirin on the table, then swallowed it in one gulp and rushed over to max, "TAKE ME WITH YOU! I need to get out of here! PLEASE! PLEASE, PLEEEEEASE! I DON't like being stuck on this plane... I need fresh air..."
Vanessa's appointed guardian sensed the landing immediately, though he wouldn't make it known. He wanted Vanessa to find out who these kids were on her own, or she'd never make a proper guardian and her centaur ability would be wasted. He remained still and silent, pretending to read a magazine on a table in front of them. Once again, Vanessa's nose started to itch, her signal that new demigods were close. She rubbed her nose, fussing over it, scrunching it and doing everything to make the incessant itching cease. Courtney looked up at her. "What is wrong with you?" She looked genuinely concerned, but Vanessa shook her head. "N-Nothing...they're here."
There was a boy addressing everyone now; a boy that smelt very faintly like smoke. Viola wrinkled her nose in disgust as she listened, crossing her arms. But he suggested leaving this plane which, looking around, seemed like a very appealing idea. This place was utter madness. She watched in mild amusement as another girl had a similar idea and threw herself at the boy, shouting so loud that she was pretty sure that people on the other side of the world were covering their ears and complaining about the dreadful racket. She waited to see if the girl would fall quiet, unwilling to shout over the top of her. Eventually, she just stood up, despite the warning about landing.

"I'll come with you." she said, as loudly as she could without shouting.
Banging her head against the planes window as it landed and causing Karan to wake up and sneer. She was careful not to wake Pepper as she adjusted herself to go back asleep. She saw something move and fully opened her eyes and watched a young girl walking forward to the front. Karan followed her with her eyes and saw Helena stand and rush out to Max. He was a mess and Karan dissipated the barrier around her to hear what was going on. Apparently there were others coming aboard. She wanted to see who they were. See if they would interest her. So without bothering Pepper, laying her softly on the seat as she stood, Karan walked towards the group without saying anything. She passed Max and Helena and continued for the exit. She opened the latch without bothering to touch the handle. She walked out without the others, she wanted to feel the wind on her face. She continued forward into the airport, with or without the group.
Jason jerked back in surprise as Helena leapt up and ran towards Max pleading to be let off the plane, he shook his head with an amused smile on his face. He leaned back and remembered how he wanted to freeze Damian's mouth shut, he raised his hand to begin, but put it down when he thought more about it deciding to wait for another time to get his revenge.
"Aeolus demigod." Vanessa muttered, smelling Karan coming toward the doors of the airport. The man with them smiled thinly. "Very good, Vanessa." He nodded. Courtney shrugged as she got up. "Whatever. You got one right. It's not like you saved Olympus." Her dark eyes darted to the door as she helped Vanessa to her feet. Once standing, Vanessa had to steady herself, like she did every time. It was definitely a rocky friendship already. Courtney cared about Vanessa, but when the other showed off, it got under Courtney's skin. "I'm good." Vanessa assured Courtney, indicating that she could let go, which she did with hesitation. Vanessa grabbed the handles of the Party Pony's wheelchair and rolled him toward the door to greet the others. "Now, stay with them. Protect them and stay safe, Vanessa. It's vital that you do this." Again, her guardian scratched his beard. Vanessa sighed as she agreed, watching Courtney open the door for them.
Max pried Helena off of him. Before responding, but that was cut off by Karan instantly leaving the plane. He heard another voice come from a little farther back in the plane. "Umm. Helena I guess you can come." Max said realizing Karan would most likely just do whatever she wanted. He looked back at the other voice. It came from a girl he never met, but he could feel something weird about her powers. "Umm... Viola right? Umm I'll be fine with just her." He pointed at Helena. "Plus she'd kill me if I didn't let her off." Max gestured to Helena "come on." He said as he stepped out of the plane and onto the Tarmac. The second he stepped down a guy wearing a pilots outfit hobbled over. Max too see him the 'Share a Coke with a Satyr' can and he quickly took a bite out of it. "Can you help get us fueled up fast." The Satyr nodded and pulled out a pair if reed pipes. He hurried over to the back of the plane and Max heard the soft sound of music coming from where the satyr went. "Natural fuel, alway works." He said as he started off towards the airport "Helena let's go!"

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Location: In NY → Max's plane

With: Harry

(Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Jason, Damian, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Alec)

Adriana jolted awake as the static sounded, a low hiss passing her lips. Max was going on about the flight and what their flight plan was - Brazil to New York to Greenland. She noted her head was laying on something and looked up a bit to see that she was laying on Harry's shoulder. Oh, Harry - always there to take care of her, even when things got more crazier than usual. She buckled her seatbelt but kept her head on his shoulder, snuggling in just a bit. Not until they were completely in the air did she fall back asleep.

- -

Her nightmare began very oddly, odd in the sense that The Electric Slide was playing in the background like elevator music. She was in a long, dark hallway, but just bright enough to make out the figure at the other end. The figure was Adriana, but she was Adriana, too; lets call her Adri #1 and the figure #2. Adri #2 was enthusiastically dancing to the music, each step bringing her farther down the hall. Adri #1's eyebrows knitted together in confusion, and she opened her mouth to ask her clone a question but paused. There were lights glowing behind Adri #2, who had stopped in the middle of the hallway. She was staring at her, a twisted grin on her face. Then she clapped two times, the sound echoing off the walls.

The setting abruptly changed, yet the song continued to play. The room was fully lit now, so Adri #1's eyes needed to adjust; her nose scrunched up and she squinted, blinking several times.

A blood-curdling scream filled the room.

The sound caused chills to crawl up her spine and she covered her ears, squeezing her eyes completely shut. She screamed, herself, scared shitless. It felt as if her heart was going to pop out of her chest and have its own heart attack. When her voice grew hoarse and she couldn't scream anymore, she noted that the room was silent. Her breaths were quick and labored, and she forced herself to open one eye.

The screaming returned.

Surrounding her were piles of dead bodies, all different in some way. A woman, a man, a senior citizen, a couple who hands were clenched tightly together, a - she nearly vomited - child. But they were all the same in two way: skin burned black in areas and empty eye sockets. She tore her gaze from the graveyard to look up at the source of the scream. The screamer, a young woman, was now gurgling and foaming from the mouth, her eyes rolled back in her skull. Wires were wrapped around her wrists, neck, and head, electricity coursing through her body. It was truly -

"Amazing?" a voice breathed in her ear.

Adri twisted around to see her clone behind her. Excitement danced in Adri #2's eyes and she looked like a child who was waiting for her parent's approval. Adri #1's words were stuck in her throat and she opened and closed her mouth like a fish. Amazing wasn't a word that she would use to describe this nightmare, but her twin thought otherwise. Adri #2 grabbed onto her hands and spun them around, laughing and giggling,"Amazing! Amazing! Supercalifragiliciousespiala-amazing!" She then spun her around so she could wrap her arm over shoulders. "Just imagine - now just here me out,"she breathed, snapping her fingers.

The bodies were replaced with the demigods that accompanied her.

"And the best for last..."she continued, turning her towards the dying woman. In her place was Harry.

We can have more fun if you just lose the f***ing conscience!"

- -

Despite sleeping like the dead, the end of her nightmare caused Adriana to bolt upright, her eyes wide and her breath labored; her skin was damp with sweat. Her head turned towards Harry, well and alive, and to the rest of the group, good as ever. She shakily unbuckled her seatbelt, standing up and rushing to the bathroom. She quickly closed the door and twisted the lock, leaning against it. She pressed the heel of her palm against her forehead, suppressing a sob. Then the vertigo hit her and she vomited in the toilet.

- -

Coming out of the bathroom after gargling multiple times with water, Adriana could finally see that they had landed. "Are we in Greenland?"she asked aloud, although a simple glance at a window showed a lack of snow and frost.
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By the time Max and Helena hopped out of the plane, Karan had made it to the gate. She carried the fresh wind with her as the one inside the plane was foul and unbearable. The gates double doors skid open automatically and a soft breeze blew in beside Karan, ruffling any lose articles of paper. "Aeolus demigod..." Karan's ear picked up the sentence over all the other conversations that were in progress. She sighed as she recognized the voice. Karan whispered into the wind, "Vanessa, the least you could do is remember my name after all these years. Tch." , letting it be carried into Vanessa's ear. Karan continued walking towards the voice until a scent on the wind hit her. 'Mmmmm teaaaa. ' She spun 180° and walked towards the booth to see what was on the drink menu.
Helena was overjoyed and rushed to get off the plane, rushing to the ground and gulping in air, then coughed, "Ack! New York air! It's so polluted..." She coughed, then walked after Max, "so, do we know who we're picking up, or are we going to have to ask around?" She said, looking at him and messing with her bracelet. She was half expecting to get jumped the moment they got of the plane, and she was in no way going down without a fight..
Jenna quietly made her way to the exit of the plane finally some fresh air her pet griffon followed her out it quickly flew to the skies flying around clearly overjoyed that it wasn't confined in the plane anymore. She decided to make her way to the gate and wait for the others there since them getting out of the plane would also mean chaos and she had enough of that for a little bit. she blew warm semi dusty wind around her she liked it that way probably not healthy but she doesn't care.

Serafina quickly made her way out of the plane "FINALLY!" she yelled happily.
Shuhei was beyond bored but kept waiting, he wouldn't let them slip through his fingers even if it meant waiting for a few more hours. He leaned back and was getting comfortable when and alert popped up on his screen he enlarged an image and saw a plane full of kids landing, correction it was a plane full of teens not kids. He watched them land and up a tab on their plane storing the id number on the side. Gathering his things he jumped off the side of the control tower startling a previously daydreaming worker who was staring out the window. Before landing he activated the lower half of his suit which augmented his leg strength, making his landing gentle while leaving some new crack in the cement below him. Deactivating his suit, he jogged inside slipping in through a service door and hurrying into the main area before he was spotted by a worker. Shūhei was back in the terminals and scanning for one of the boys he had seen standing, he had also witnessed a red-haired girl enter the airport earlier than the others so he kept an eye out for her too. Though he had an odd feeling he wouldn't get far with her, her mannerisms alone signified that she was impetuous to say the least. His job now was to find them and not get left behind, he also intended to warn them of the scientists prescience here. Shūhei knew that by laws of probability that he shouldn't be able to distinguish them from ordinary humans, but his gut told him he would know, just like he knew about the first scientist he encountered. He watched the people as he past seeing and dismissing until he saw her, the very same red-head he had noted before at a coffee spot. He walked over but another alert flashing across his eye showed him other demigods on the Tarmac, someone's pet griffon taking to the air. He blinked a couple times to digest that sight and concluded that it indeed had to be someone's pet. Shuhei approached the red head and tapped her shoulder gently not wanting to alarm her.
"Hey!" Viola snarled. They were trying to abandon her, to leave her behind with the others. By the gods, they couldn't just leave her here with these nutcases! Besides, she'd been sitting still for ages and she'd lost most of the feeling in her legs. So, she stamped down the aisle and clambered out of the plane, finding that she'd already lost them.

"Great." Viola grumbled, avoiding Serafina. There was no way she was going back on that anarchy filled plane, so she just marched towards the airport, her arms crossed. Seeing as the plane had stopped after flying what felt like forever, it only felt right that Viola stretched her legs. She shoved her way past some girl that was called Jemma or something near the gate and tried to decide what she was going to do next. OOH! An airport was the perfect place for a game of Spot The Fear.
"I need to practice." Anthony said as he started toward the exit. He stepped to raise his hand causing his clothes to magically change to a shirt reading. "Hydras fear my black magic woman." It had a picture of hecate on the front under the words. He gave a smile as a black hooded cloak appeared on his shoulders. He gave a slight laugh as he stepped off the plane. "I can still feel the remnants of magic flowing through here like a river." He reached his hand out and a fire started in his palm he made stone torches to hold the flames and started lighting them near where cabins would have been before praying lightly.

Damian followed on high alert holding his spear like a machine gun probably in case any mortals saw him. It would make them run the other way but mostly it made him look more like his father. He started yelling for an animal Anthony knew far too well. "Joey! Hey Joey get over here!" Anthony just ignored him hoping the world's most annoying friendly monster would stay hidden.
Chad was on his way to Princeton. I can't believe that I even got accepted into Princeton! Okay, Gate 12... Where is it? He started to walk towards the area and saw the ought the window an unmarked plane. He looked at it for a whole and saw kids his age coming out of it. That's strange. Only kids are coming out of it. Strange. Meh, their business not mine. He saw two girls were together. He thought that they looked about the age of the teens that were coming out of the plane and wondered if they were some of them. He walked over to them and asked, "Hey! Do you know what that plane is doing there?" He wondered why one of them had an evil face, C'mon Chad, YOU HAVE NO FEARS! You can't fear a little girl!

@Fallen from Heaven

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"All I know is her na-" Max said before a happiness filled FINALLY was shouted from back at the plane. Max turned around and watched as a few if the demigods had stepped off the plane and sprinted off in every direction like they were at an amusement park. "Why do I even-

"All I know is her na-" Max said before a happiness filled FINALLY was shouted from back at the plane. Max turned around and watched as a few if the demigods had stepped off the plane and sprinted off in every direction like they were at an amusement park. "Why do I even- No. Next time Ill seal the plane shut." Max said angrily as he grabbed at the two chess pieces now hanging around his neck. "And I'm gonna be stricter with the time. I'm Iris messaging everyone when I get back and saying they have five minutes to get on the plane before I leave their disobedient bodies here." With the thought Max's eye became a dark grey. "Let's get this over with" he said opening the door to the airport and walking inside, practically dragging Helena behind him.

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Vanessa had heard Karan's comment with her extremely sensitive ears. "And, I know exactly which of the wind god's daughters I'm dealing with on this trip." She teased Karan, smiling as she stepped away from her group and limped toward Karan, hugging her. "Are you okay? I heard about camp and basically had a panic attack in the middle of nowhere." She nodded to the man in the wheelchair. "Bane found me and brought me the rest of the way to grab Courtney then we came here." Courtney, who had tried hard to stay out of this encounter, looked up when her name was mentioned, but never said anything as she shifted from one foot to the other, earbuds jammed in her ears and listening to some Kenny Chesney song on her iPod and hands fiddling nervously with the music device.
Ryan stayed asleep in the plane. His body slowly slid sideways and lied itself down across the rest of the seats once the others left. Ace had just fallen asleep when he heard Max's announcement over the intercom. His eyes shot open annoyed by everything around him. He watched the others leave and decided to make use of the quiet time to fall asleep. Ace finally closed his eyes then drifted to rest. Cupid could not return to sleep because he was to busy scanning the area for birds. He thought his dream would be a sign that a bird might kill him soon.
Pepper yawned slightly as she was readjusted by Karan before she left and fell back into her calm and quiet sleep. Curling up on two of the seats since she brought her legs towards her body rather then stretching out.
Runs my hand gently down the length of my sword. The metal cold to the touch, leeching my warmth.

Tilts my head to the side getting a glimpse of -------- (what's your name again?)
Raiko fell asleep in his seat when everybody left. He had done a lot of draining in the past few days.
Jack took another look at the Bird , realizing his mistake after it was pointed out by the girl , and tossed it across the room with a sigh. The Bird landed in Cupids lap. Now he had nothing to tinker with for the rest of the ride."Yeah im ... fine" He said as he grabbed the Advil and water. "Thanks" he said with a frown as he got up and started to walk towards the back of the plane, and while no one was locking ripped the reclining mechanism out of a chair and going to sit down. Marmore crawled into his lap and he petted the bird as he tinkered with the mechanism.

Harry woke up with a start from all the yelling. His shoulder was slightly damp and was still warm, and realising that he wasn't awake when Adriana was leaning on him pained him . By now Harry was used to sleeping through important events in his life like: falling asleep on his first date, sleeping through school which left him not very booksmart, or the all the times he fell asleep while taking a poop in public places leading to his mother having to call the police.

His thoughts shifted to his dream he was having, it was hazy but he remembered some details. He was on a roof he used to always sleep on . He was cold, alone, hungry, and tired and yet he was happy. He could do what he wanted, when he wanted and it was great.

Snapping back to reality Harry turned ,still in his seat, to Adriana seeing her come out of the bathroom, and answered saying "wait we landed?".

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