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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

FLAP...FLAP FLAP.........FLAP FLAP FLAP FLAP FLAP! Cupid opened his eyes in his dream. "KAW!" A bird's wing slapped him in the face. "YOU PIECE OF SH**! I NEVER LIKED YOU BI**H!" Cupid yelled getting struck behind his head by another bird. Right after his second strike to the head, another strike followed, and more birds kept landing their blows on Cupid. Suddenly, Tweety Bird landed in front of him. "Please make them stooop" Tears were forming in the demigod's eyes. "Nevah! You betway us. You awe a bud too!" The famous bird responded frantically flapping his little wings to express his point. Cupid furrowed his brows, "SHUT UP!" He striked the bird off the fence, "ALL OF YOU DIE!" Grabbing a bird by its wing, Cupid yelled, "Sick and tired of this FLAPPING, KAWING, and ..REPEAT! THE WRATH! THE RAGE!" Cupid pulled the bird's wings out and threw the bird's body to a wall "I'm going to give you a taste of your own flapping and kawing!" The demigod disregarded the blood. He held one wing in each hand and began flapping, "KAW BIT***S! KAW!" In reality, Cupid was flailing his arms around without even knowing it. Cupid swung his arm and struck Ryan in the face. "Grrr" Ryan growled opening his blind eyes. The son of Zeus took a deep breath, "...Yes? Who hit me?"
With the commotion going on, a devilish grin flashed over Karan's face. 'Now's a wonderful time for some... chaos.' she thought to herself as she blew a kiss to the ball in her hand outward to the center of where Helena, Jason, and the scraggly kid sat. No one noticed as the sphere containing the pressurized air got close to the center. And with a flick of a finger, a small wind sliced the barrier and released the expanse of wind it carried. The cards and the individuals not strapped to their chairs were scattered back with some force. Karan looked down and played with Pepper's hair to avoid any eye contact and nullified the space around her of air movement, to keep Pepper free from the wind that escaped the small sphere. 'At least.... no one died... I think. HA!' She thought to herself as she ran her fingers through Pepper's dark soft hair. 'God, does she have nice hair.... feels amazing..' Karan kept her gaze on Pepper and ignored Jack and everything else around her. Not wanting to see the destruction her little "experiment" did.
Jason watched as Jack ran around and puked his guts out in the toilet, he winced as he heard the gross sounds that came with puke. He looked away and watched Helena and Damian go at it. He was about to freeze Damian's jaw shut when a wave of forceful wind hit the three of them Jason being knocked back against wall of the plane. "Ouch what the hell.." He looked around dazed his ears ringing he stood up a bit dizzy but pulling himself together. He knew Max couldn't have done that since he was outside and that would take more concentration than he could spare. He looked around ruling out the people he knew didn't have that sort of power. He spotted the girl his sister was laying and remembered how the air shifted a bit when she was around. He glared daggers at her though he did respect the prank he would have to do more than an ice bra for her sneaky self.
Anarchy is a political and social disorder due to lack of rules and control over a situation. Viola remembered reading that in school a while ago, on a surprisingly sunny day in April when she'd been flicking scrunched up balls of paper at the person sitting in front of her. Eventually, the boy in front of her had turned around and smacked her on the arm with a ruler. She'd hit him across the face with a calculator, giving him a black eye. So, she'd been punished by being forced to miss lunch and as a result, learnt that Anarchy was the result of a lack of rules or leadership. The demigods in front of her seemed to be living proof of it. There was people being hit by invisible forces, Cupid was flailing around like the idiot that he was and somebody was puking noisily in the bathroom. With a sigh, Viola covered her ears and shook her head. These people were completely nutso. She'd be lucky to escape from them alive.
Helena threw her hands up angrily when the cards scattered, then groaned angrily and threw the cards she had down, "God, is anyone ELSE going to f*** with me today?" She shouted, shoving her way to her feet, before suddenly getting a swift jab to the brain. The migraine from earlier had suddenly come back in such a violent surge, it sent her falling back down into her seat, holding her head and groaning, pained. Her breathing became quick, her eyes narrowed to slits. God, it hurts so much! she thought frantically, This is bad... This has to be bad, the f*** did I do? .... The f*** did Ares do?... Did I overdose on anti-depressants on accident?
Upon hearing that the only other place, besides her uncle's horse ranch, that she called home was destroyed while she was away, Vanessa took it hard. Though she hated the fact that her father worked with children on a daily basis and never says a word to his own child, she was glad that he got away, leaving her a single note that told her to wait. This note had been given to her by another centaur that helped her to make it safely to the New York airport, where she was to wait for a group of demigods. Having been given no information about them, Vanessa had nothing to work with other than her natural senses. Her nose would tell her when her when the kids were near. Now, she sat in a chair, with her 'cousin' at her side in a wheelchair. "They should be here very soon." The elder spoke lowly, checking his pocket watch for the time. "It's about time." Vanessa merely smiled at him as she drummed her freshly painted orange nails against her pant leg, her heart beating rather quickly. "Bracelet?" The male asked, to which Vanessa nodded, turning her wrist back and forth to show it to him. The different equine charms jangled against her skin. "Good. Use it wisely. It will never fail you." Her cousin scratched his stubble. "Don't strain yourself. The belt and jacket are there to protect you. Don't lose them. Keep them at hand on your journey." Vanessa rolled her eyes at his worry. "Yeah, I got it. You just worry about you." Vanessa smirked at him, but her protector didn't seem to appreciate it.
Pepper sighed softly as she watched the cards and the players were blown back slightly as she glanced at her brother then at Karan before looking at Jack. "I think you should drink some water and take some Advil..." She said softly while lightly pushing him slightly back into his seat while handing him a water bottle and Advil she took out of a bottle as well as sending a bubble of water to Helena which she had made with some of the water from her bottle with Advil for her headache. She finally looked at Karan. "Was that really necessary Karan?" She asked softly while looking up at the older girl.
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With an innocent blank face, Karan looked at Pepper and responded, "He had bad breath. I can't stand foul odor taking up the air around me. Plus, he seems slow..." she began to twirl her finger beside her head. Karan leaned back into the plane and sighed. "You know, you're going to need sleep. I don't plan on carrying you around. I'll leave you for the scientists if you're exhausted. " She said playfully, immediately replacing her playfulness to apathy to not encourage others from taking to her. She wasn't their friend. Pepper was the exception. She wouldn't have trouble severing ties with them. But she wouldn't leave Pepper alone with them, even if one of them was her brother.
Damian was sent onto his back but didn't let his cards go. "I hate flying more than I hate hydras." Damian muttered with a sigh and got up. He rubbed his head and looked at Helena. "Where's Max?" He asked with a frustrated look on his face. He stood up and looked around before he started picking up the newly made mess. "Anthony I need some help over here with a barrier."

"Huh yeah fine okay." Anthony said before flicking his wrist at the table. A purple orb formed around the table and the air in it stilled and a figure appeared in it. "I got this one kiddo." She snapped her fingers and the barrier became visible again. This time it was a very dark purple. "Honey you look like you could you use some aspirin. I'm sure you all know who I am even without my two furry friends." As the hooded woman mentioned Helena's condition she waved her hand and the aspirin and a full tall glass of water appeared on the table. "Listen we are glad you guys are doing so well especially you hon I hate playing messenger but lately your father has been a little less gloomy." Hecate smiled at the small group in the barrier. She removed her hood and her hair was braided and had some rainbow colored yarn in it.

"I'm sorry I just finished visiting Iris and her assistant was trying to 'help' me. Either way you guys are doing good but you aren't telly doing your best. This is a team not a camp you should be working together to make the most powerful team you can but instead I see a group of specialists." Hecate seemed a little distracted then just plain angry. "How dare they i'll be right back. I think." She vanished but the barrier stayed allowing only slow moving air and people through.
Pepper huffs slightly but shakes head. "That's not what I meant and it's kinda hard to sleep when everything keeps waking me up..." She muttered and rubbed her eye and she slowly settled back down against Karan, Hoping to get some sleep.
Karan wrapped her arms around Pepper, "I'll keep it quiet. Just sleep. " she said quietly. She closed her eyes and thought it would be nice to try to sleep today. She placed her head against the seats headrest and held Pepper as she(Pepper) slept.
Pepper yawned softly into her hand as she rested against the older girl, slowly being lulled to sleep. "Promise you won't cause any more trouble while I'm asleep..." She mumbled softly, barely awake.
Jason went over to Helena sitting next to her and looking at her worriedly, "What's wrong, are you okay?" He looked up quickly as a woman's voice addressed them, he figured it was Hecate since she had that magicky feel about her, he stared at the random glass of water and aspirin as it popped up next to Helena. "I'm guessing that's for you?" He said pointing to Helena.
Jenna silently watched the chaos unfold on the plane not saying a word well she certainly did not regret tagging along this groups adventures..... not yet at least. However one perticular person did caught her attention, Karan she'd watch her make some kind of ball of pressurized air? whatever and ruined a game of poker though Karan probably did it for fun or something whatever the reason was she doesn't care, for now she's going to continue watching the chaos unfold on the plane.

Serafina was having trouble sleeping that's for sure with all the noise happening on the plane she managed to resist the urge to raise the temperature on the plane to below zero and most likely kill everyone for now she'll just keep trying to get some sleep.
Eyes still closed, Karan muttered to her, " I promise I won't... kill anyone while you sleep. I don't plan on moving from here... anyway." Karan gave Pepper a reassuring hug before relaxing her body and joining the younger girl to slumber.
Pepper smiled a bit before falling asleep against the older girl, curling into her slightly as everything else seemed to melt away. "Thank you.." she mumbled before going to sleep.
"What?" She looked up, shielding her eyes, then muttered, "Yeah... I'm fine... I just have a mega migraine... Do we have any aspirin?" She asked, then suddenly a glass of water and two aspirin. "....well. That's convenient... How'd you do that?" She looked at Jason, pointing at the water and aspirin.
Jason shrugged, "Not me, I can't make things out of nothing, we'll besides water, but that sill comes from somewhere." He picked up the glass and pills and handed them to Helena. "Do you often get migraines? If so you should probably get it checked out."
"You can thank Hecate for the meds." Damian said as if Helena would listen anyways. He set his cards face down on the table. "I gues we're done with this game." He was whispering slightly to be nicer but he didn't think it would help him much on the Helena front.
"And twist this like that and pull thi-" Max mumbled before a puff of smoke came out the engine. Coughing he smacked the engine whit the wrench he was holding and the engine stopped smoking. Max stared at the machine and sighed. Max looked up and around him to take in the view around him. He caught a small glimpse of light and turned around. The sun was rising up and Max was surprised. "Didn't think we were flying that long." He said to himself as the sun came up. He looked over the edge of the plane and towards the ground below him. He could just make out a pier below him when he closed his eyes. "40.0480° N, 74.0520° W... Great we're above the Jersey Shore." Max said opening his eyes. "We'll be landing in 30 ish minutes at this rate." He grabbed the tool box and hopped off the back engine and flew to the back of the plane. He pulled a handle and the back door opened up. Max quickly moved inside the plane and pulled the door shut. He looked around and was happy that all the stuff he'd had it the room had stayed where he wanted them to be. Max's eyes stopped on a small box sitting on his work table. He walked over and opened it up. Inside was a card and a few chess pieces. He set the six pieces down on the table then he took off his own Bishop piece and set it next to the others. Max opened up the note. "In case you get bored." Max read and set the note down. He wondered who gave them to him, but he knew one thing; it wasn't his father. He examined the pieces and found they were mold able weapon blocks just like his own chess piece. A smile appeared on Max's face as an idea popped into his head. He sat down in his chair and went to work on The Rook.

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"Nah, it's mostly after certain things happen, like when I accidentally shadow travel beyond what I'm capable of, though that normally ends in nose bleeds... Like, if I run into that shadow and basically shout 'take me anywhere!' it could jump me half way across the world and then it's just," she made a gesture like stuff was coming from her nose, blood presumably, "alllllll down my face and it hurts, and I get really tired, and I generally pass out seconds later. This one time I was by the Sound, and I somehow managed to jump myself to Tokyo. I scared that little old lady so much and I felt so bad... I'm getting off topic. Annnnnyway, yeah, I think this is just an ordinary migraine."
"Well I'm glad you aren't dying, you should take those pills just in case though." Jason said with a smile, he lifted the water out and made a skull and crossbones with it. "That would be upsetting."
Cupid's head slammed against the wall after feeling a strong gust of wind. The demigod's eyes shot open, "What is going on?" The wind shifted Ace in his seat. "And they say I'm the airhead" He mumbled folding his arms across his chest. "Oh it was just Cupid.." Ryan said answering his own question. His head was already on the wall. The wind had just moved him even more against it. He held his forehead in his hands, "Quie-". Ryan immediately fell asleep without finishing his word.


'What's that damned ticking... turn it off....'



Tick...ti--craaaaack----snap... fizzzzzzzzzzz




The lights were a fuzzy dim as the eyelashes moved when Mason tried to open his eyes. The fuzzy dim lighting didn't go away. He closed his eyes and took a breath in. He began coughing and the coughing triggered a pain in his head to drum like the energizer bunny. He kept coughing and was close to tears.

'S--hack-hack--smoke? Hack-groan-hack....'

His eyes slowly opened and when the water from the tears washed away, the center of the room was filled with smoke. He continued coughing and his head was in a gross amount of pain. He looked closer at the source and realized it was the camera that was smoking. The fire-suppressant targeted the camera and sprayed it's ooze all over it. 'Thankfully it isn't me this time' Mason sighed and he could hear the P.A go off again. And the same nasally woman on it blended up another sentence, if you can call it that, and again, a guard entered the room and spewed his nonsense and looked at the camera and almost hit Mason. Mason looked at him and saw the charred edges of the man's uniform that hadn't been repaired yet. He grinned and watched as he left the cell. 'Big buffoon. He cracked me on the head... ' Mason closed his eyes and tried to find a position where his head didn't hurt so much. He leaned it against the wall and opened his eyes and streams of light were flowing everywhere.

Green ones, blue ones, red ones, and a black one. Mason tried to focus and wiped his eyes. He opened them again and saw the same lines. He was beginning to freak out, not adding anything helpful to his damaged skull. 'I'm... i'm finally going crazy.... I'm seeing colors....' he began to frown heavily and was close to tears. Mason was always laughed at and teased about being a wierdo. Now he's actually crazy too on top of it. He raised his arms and flailed them around in a tantrum. While he was flailing, his hands hit multiple colored streams.


-----*gutteral words*-----*gutteral words*----*broken english*-----

----(Male Voice) Yeah yeah. The camera was the only thing that was broken. It wasn't caused by fire. He didn't do it, even though I want to pay him back for th--- (Female Voice) Silence! Call IT and have them fix it. And get to your post.


Mason looked up immediately, wiping his eyes from the angry tears, he saw the end of a sound frequency going still. He straightened up and looked at the red colored stream go back into the background as the green stream came closer to him. Mason watched with wide eyes and wondered if this is what craziness led to. If it was, he was liking it. The green stream opened up and a picture was filtering into view. It was like... a screen. And it was on the news.

-----*hispanic words*----*more hispanic words*----*broken english*----

---(Female Newscaster) Here in Curitiba, Brazil, there seems to have been a firefight that destroyed the Radisson Hotel. And from undisclosed sources, it seems a group of radicals had slain government military units in the skirmish. There were a few civilian casualties and we are lead to believe these radicals have heavy firepower and technology of military grade. They fled the scene and the country has closed it's borders until further notice.


The screen kept going about the attack and Mason recognized the name. He looked down and put a palm to his forehead to think. 'They said Brazil... The group was there. They said they fled... must mean their still alive....' Mason thought to himself and when he removed his hand from his forehead, the green stream closed and went into the flow with other colors. A black one came closer to him and stopped before expanding in front of him like an old school computer program back when the cellphone's were the size of bricks.

-----[Encrypted Message]

-- Lt. Bruce Domino

~ There has been a change in plans with the kids we picked up. Commander didn't want anyone touching the girl, so she has been.... disposed of. No remains were left for the docs. They seemed pissed but the Commander killed a couple to get the point across. However, the kid, Subject Name- Mason, is not to be touched. Orders from the Commander. She wants him for other "purposes". I think she wants the kid for the team to replace the one we lost.

---Head Observer (Stupid Name guy)

~ He's been sporadic with his outbursts and it's caused a few personnel to become injured. They may have dealt some... disciplinary action against him to refrain from future outbursts. We will keep him in lock up until further instruction.

--Lt.Bruce Domino

~I'll deal with the ones who disobeyed the Commander. I'll be there within the hour.


Mason pushed the stream away from him. He tried to control himself before being hosed by that gunk again. Now wasn't the time to blow up. He needed to get out of here before Bruce... Images formed in his mind of the battle against him. The pain he endured and the results of the attack. Evelynn's body had been disposed of. They wanted him. Mason's arms were glowing vibrant and Mason bit his lip to stop the fire to leak out. He was close to losing it. He closed his eyes and thought of his life and he needed to make up for losing Evelynn. Mason opened his eyes and looked out and tried to decipher the colors. Red seemed to be emergency, Blue looked like numbers... so data, Green was optical/networking, and Black was hidden encrypted files and such. Mason went through the blue colored streams, his hands going up and pulling them and pushing the useless ones away. He opened many of them and found schematics of devices and layouts of the buildings. He learned where he was being kept, Summit Camp in Greenland. Mason had a puzzled look on his face, 'Greenland? Like.... really?' He shook his head and found the stream holding all the combination key patterns for the facility and started opening them from the far end to his side. His fingers were moving and he was scanning every inch of data he could find. He finally found the access codes to the suppression system to his room and began disabling it for good.

The alarms pierced the silence and Mason began to hurry faster before they figured out he was the cause of it. But being that they only prepared for his fire capabilities, seemed they didn't know about the other one. He had routed a course to a room that had been labeled, Storage, and thought that was where his stuff might be kept. Mason kept the blue stream with the layout open as he willed the flames to come out of his right hand and he focused it until it was on the tips of his fingers burning white hot and grabbed the chain holding him to the bed. He averted his eyes to keep from ruining his vision,and grabbed the chains melting away the link, leaving the clasp around his ankle. He got up and sensed for heat. There were traces running back and forth across the compound, and leaving one coming his way. His headache was still throbbing and making him try to blink away the pain. He opened the door and saw the man that had visited him earlier charge at him. Mason yelped and ran in the other direction. The blue stream followed him and he was trying to figure out which way to go. The man was getting closer and he yelled out in Greenlandic, which is what Mason assumed since he was in Greenland. Mason looked towards him and lobbed a blue bolt of plasma at the guards feet. The guard shot out with a pistol and it clipped Mason in his forearm, his fire unable to sear the wound close as it tore into his flesh. The guards screams were audible throughout the compound and Mason had suppressed his flames in order to keep running without drawing attention.

A trail of blood was being left as Mason closed in on the storage room. He made a turn and found the door leading to the storage room, and brought up the blue stream holding the access. Mason swiped the Locked to Unlocked, and the door's access pad turned green. He shoved his body into the door and was getting tired. His head hurt but his arm was jolting in pain. Mason kept going and looked through the containers along the shelves that dominated the room. He didn't know if they were sorted by name or number or even sorted at all. Mason shoved a bunch of containers over in anger and saw his name on one of the fallen containers. He lifted it and gasped at the pain of using his right arm, he dropped the box and hurried to gather the spilled contents. He put on his bracers, grabbed his pack that contained his oddities for the bracers, and his trusty goggles to keep him from going blind. He looked around for some clothes but didn't find any. Mason heard footsteps outside the door and accessed the nearest green stream to see what was going on. There were men outside in full gear and they were prepped with those electric pulse rifles. Mason didn't like them, so he locked the door and looked at the layout to see which way to go. The blasts of the rifles hit the door and freaked Mason out, causing him to fidget as he thought. He closed his eyes and panicked. His arms caught aflame and they went from orange-red to a bright blue. He shouted out in frustration and saw the closest wall and ran at it with his arms outstretched. The flames billowed out onto the walls and the heat was being absorbed into the stone and metal. He was a few feet away when he activated his bracers to let out a propulsion that, hopefully, would blow out the saturated portion of the wall. The center blew out in a slag of silica and the space was just enough for Mason's small body to climb through quickly and escape the compound.

As he climbed out, Mason was hit with a force of wind and what felt cool like water. He looked around and saw snow and that was all he saw, lots and lots of snow. 'Snow is so much better than electric pulse rifles anyday...' He thought as he ran as far as he could, losing the streams of color and only seeing white and blue along the Greenland Ice Sheet.
Courtney, Daughter of Erebus, sat on Vanessa's other side, black hoodie pulled over her face and hands in the pockets, lying back against the chair. "Gods, how much longer until we meet these other...what did you call them?" She turned her head to the left as she asked the other girl. "Hm? Oh, they're called 'demigods'. People like you, actually." Vanessa answered, turning her attention to her friend. "Half mortal, half god. All trouble makers." Vanessa smirked at Courtney, who glared at her. "I'm not trouble." Courtney argued, to which Vanessa shrugged. "Nah, you're just different. There aren't a whole lot of Erebus kids out there. I haven't ever met one before. Not even at camp." Courtney, when she heard that there were no other Erebus kids, sank lower in her chair. She assumed that she'd have someone like her to talk to, but apparently not. "Fine. I get it. My dad sucks. Thanks." Vanessa sighed. "I never said that. He'd kill me if I did."

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