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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper watches him slightly before giving a slight nod of indication that she had heard him. "Ok." she mouthed as she curled up in her seat and yawned slightly before slowly falling back asleep.
In the chain of events that occurred, Karan was left alone and pepper had sat away from her comfort. She didn't expect that and felt a slice into her cold fragile heart. Karan ignored it, hardly sufficient enough to ignore the pain, and shut everyone out. She nullified the space around her and sat in peace against the plane. She closed her eyes and felt nothing as the plane ascended quicker than normal. She didn't want to think of being inside the plane. If she had her way, she would be outside on the wing or flying alongside it. Though she didn't exactly know how to fly yet. She thought of something to direct her attention away from the steel deathtrap.

The Poseidon boy had earned himself a notch in her book. She was intrigued with him. He showed promise over most of the demigods around her. Along with Max. She expected him to show more talent. But flying was good for now, since that's what she wanted to know the most. How to fly without having to burst. To have more control in the air other than gliding downward. She had found two that she might respect out of the bunch, even if both of them were bloody idiots.
The plane was uncomfortable and his in-eye display screen was going nuts compiling info on everyone in the plane. He shut it off with a thought just watching as they sat the jetway finally extending so he could get off this cramped machine. As the rows started to clear he grabbed his things and went out tasking his Nano bots translating the signs so he wouldn't have to hack Rosetta Stone again. He looked around cautious of scientist scouts, he continued out and walked through the terminal scanning everyone he passed. He remembered one of the scientists saying they would capture more demigods here and was determined to stop it. He got an alert from one of his scanners that reported three men who had been scanned multiple times who had been following him as he walked. He stopped at a sign and put a flustered look on his face he looked two different directions and then approached one of the men a false smile on his face, he proceeded to speak in fluent Korean, "터미널 D는 이러한 징후를 읽을 수 없습니다 어디 있는지 당신이 말해 줄 수 실례" (Excuse me can you tell me where terminal D is a can't read these signs) he smiled as they seemed baffled, they were expecting a Japanese man not a Korean one. They simply shook their heads in a gesture that said they couldn't help him and walked away grouping up and disappearing around the corner. Shuhei contemplated taking them down but if they missed their check-in time before the other Demi-gods arrived that would make more trouble later. So instead he went to baggage claim and got his things before doing his thing and disappearing going to the roof of the airport's control tower and watching the planes land. "Diamond function." Nano bots raced out of his hand forming the purple floating devices he engineered zooming into the cockpits and cabins of the planes as they landed pulling up the different images in different sections of his holographic screen. "Now I wait."
Anthony Started to mumble as he normally did when he had a very bad dream like the one he had just had. "Could've helped....... Should've saved her....... Can't let it happen....." Anthony started repeating the words can't let it happen over and over until it formed one jumbled up thing.

Damian sat across the aisle from Helena and placed a small paper on the arm of her seat. "Fucking turbulence. Hate planes and flying and clouds. Why are they so damn bright?" He said looking out of his window before he turned to Helena and giving her a concerned look. "Vous semblez avoir des charges de chéri plaisir. Puis-je vous aider de quelque façon?" (You seem to be having loads of fun darling. May I help you in any way?) He said letting his accent slip through as he had spent a very long time in france learning a lot about the culture but mostly about their wars.
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She felt something butt against the inside of her shoulder. Karan's eyes opened with alarm, about to scream out in rage. When she saw Pepper's hair over her chest, she silenced the outcry that had built up. Karan fixed her auburn hair off to the opposite side, exposing her ear and neck. A small burn was showing but it was healing slowly. She held Pepper closer to her as she played with her dark hair. Without any thought, she began humming and within the space she nullified around her, that's all that was heard.

Karan felt at peace again. She didn't worry about the metal coffin she was in and didn't worry about scientists. Karan only cared about this moment and how she always wanted someone to care for. At least one that she didn't want to kill immediately anyway. So she continued to hum to herself and Pepper and slowly began singing in a hushed tone for only them to hear within Karan's space.
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Helena stared at Damian, her eyes narrowed at him. And she audibly groaned in frustration, getting up and walking away, then sitting down next to Alec, who was dead asleep, and rubbing her forehead. Her headache was getting progressively worse, turning quickly into a rapid pounding that just wouldn't go away. This consist pestering from Damian was really starting to irritate her, and she was already irritable enough...
"Μην προσπαθήσετε να τρέχει από μένα, γιατί αυτό ακριβώς κάνει πιο διασκεδαστικό." (Don't try to run from me because it just makes it more fun.) Damian said staying where he was but he hadn't given up or been even discouraged. He pulled out a small box of chocolates and gave a sigh before eating the candy and shortly after he fell asleep with the box on the side. Insomniac sweets is what was printed on the side of the box and it contained a sedative.
Jason turned in his seat when Helena left wanting her to come back but left it alone and rested his head against the window and watched the world go by, thinking on what Damian and Helena said, he wanted to isolate himself but it was a plane so he couldn't instead he threw his earbuds in and played This Love This Hate by Hollywood undead. He put his hand to the window and drew the clouds together condensing them into water, it looked peculiar as he held a stream together against the whipping wind, eventually he managed to keep the water together fully by condensing it to the point where it swirled in high pressure discs. He began shooting them outward watching them go for yards before becoming normal droplets.
Soon it started to subside, and she felt herself relax a little, leaning forward in her chair and sighing, then she promptly got up and walked towards the back, and sitting next to Jason quietly, then poked him gently, "Ey, uhhh... Are you okay over here? .... Do you wanna play cards or something? I have a card deck in my pocket." She said, trying to look sympathetic and kind of failing at it. She didn't know this guy's pain (probably) and she didn't want to be imposing or anything, but hey, somehow seeing this guy all gloomy was just f***ing depressing.
As the minutes went by Max's most annoying power kicked in... His extreme focus based OCD. Something people rarely knew about him due to him being able to hide it, but when it came to focusing on one item for too long; he couldn't fight it. He had been staring at his Chess piece necklace for so long he could see all the imperfections it had, and imperfections translated to his weapon which the piece became. Max stood up and tapped his mother on her shoulder "I'll be in the back of the plane. Just send someone back to get me if you need me." She nodded like she usually did and. Max pulled his bag off his back. He reached inside to look for a jacket, for some crazy reason it was really cold in the plane. He grabbed his orange jacket out of the bag a slipped it on before putting the arrowhead inside. He threw his bag back onto his shoulder and opened the cockpit door. He quickly made his way to the back of the plane, but not before stopping at the fridge and pulling out a demigod version of Coke can and opening a door at the back of the plane. He closed the door and set the bag on the table that was inside and pulled out the alien looking box. He took off the necklace and changed it into his glaive. He sighed at opened his coke. "Share a coke with a Satyr... Maybe another time." He joked to himself before taking a sip. He set his glaive and the coke down on the table before opening the box. He took out the alien looking tools and read the label on them again "property of Area 51. If found please destroy..." He shook his head at the stupidity of it, zoned out, and went to work on smoothing out his weapon.

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Jason jumped when Helena poked him and he turned to her, pulling his buds out. He looked at her and nodded, "I'm.....Getting better. I don't know many card games but you're welcome to teach me." A small smile appeared on Jason's face, for some reason he couldn't stay sad around Helena.
"... Well shit. Looks like we're playing Go Fish." She said, turning and walking to the small table near the back of the plane and sitting on one side of it, pulling the cards and shuffling them quickly, doing some fancy tricks and humming in high, pure tones. That music buzzing in her head perpetually, she knew no end to it. She always had some sort of song bouncing around in her head. Then she sank down when the plane hit another bump and dropped the cards on the table, grabbing the edge of the table and digging her nails into the wood.
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Damian was fast asleep until the plane bounced again then he was gripping the chair like a startled cat on some drapes. He looked really pale and then green and ran past Helena to get to the bathroom and slammed the door. Damian was silent for a few minutes and came out a very pale green. "I hate planes." He said to himself as he tried to find a place to sit that wouldn't bounce with the rest of the plane.
Jason stood as Helena sat down, planting a solid foot when the plane hit a bump, "yikes, I thought Max was keeping that to a minimum." He sat at the table and noticed Helena's nails digging into the wooden table, he reached over and gently removed her fingers from the table, "Easy now nothing to be afraid of just a bit of turbulence,let'se get to some go fish shall we?" He placed the deck in her hand and softly curled her hand around it. "hum been awhile so you'll have to refresh me as to what the rules are."
She stared up at him, then stiffened and straightened her back, grabbing the cards and tossing five to Jason, ".... You've gotta be f***ing with me, right?" She said, raising an eyebrow at him, "It's a f***ing card matching game. You ask the other person if they have your match. If they do, they hand it over, if they don't they say go fish. Then you dig in the big pile of cards in the middle. Good god, what is wrong with you?" She exclaimed, crossing her arms over her chest and making a confused expression at him.
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"He's got seaweed brains. It's a not so fish friendly game." Damian said obviously trying to distract himself from the turbulence that was hitting the plane. He looked at Helena very uncomfortable at the moment he did but he just gave her a smile even though he was scratching the arm rests of the seat slowly. "S'il vous plaît Jupiter ne me laisse pas mourir sur ce plan baise! Je ne veux pas être un gâteau ennuyeux Damian sur le sol ou une algue remplie cadavre dans l'océan." (Please Jupiter will not let me die on the fucking plane! I do not want to be a boring cake Damian on the ground or an algae-filled body in the ocean.) Damian was getting close to driven insane by all the bumping and stuff. He was definitely broken goods and would thus be hard to keep in one place. He wanted somebody who wouldn't try to put him together again but one who would aggressively pull back on the reigns when he started to wander.
Jason put his hands up in mock surrender, "Sorry video games are more my thing don't play cards at all really." He rolled his eyes at Damian's comment not bothering to look at him. "Oh that's sooo original got anymore wisea**." Jason took the cards and held them up looking at Helena, "Ladies first."
"Alright THAT'S IT!" She shouted, throwing some cards at Damian, "Here, take some f***ing cards, if I win, you have to leave me alone! FOR THE ENTIRE REST OF THE PLANE RIDE! GOT IT?" She shouted, glaring daggers at the Roman demigod. She normally wagered small things on a game of go fish, like "Hey, if I win to buy me a Kit-Kat." But no, this guy was just f***ing persistant, and she was fed up with it. God just get this idiot away from me!
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"You heard him Helena it's his turn." Damian said not even worried that Jason might try something. Damian was sitting where he was looking really sick. "How do you guys deal with this shaking? Boats I can deal with since they have a rhythm." Damian caught the cards and had a grin on his face. "Fine but If I win you let me cook a you meal Or You get to keep my only keep my only secret." Damian said holding his hand out for them to shake on it. "I promise on the river Styx that if you win I'll leave you alone until we get to greenland." Damian had a really confident look on his face as he grinned at his cards. They were a pretty good hand and weren't too good but of course they were dealt by somebody else.

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Something caught the side of her eye, one of the kids threw something at Jason, Pepper's brother, and it brought some interest to Karan. She cleared the space around her and heard the chatter and the heavy thrum of the jet engines. The back of the plane wasn't a great spot to be. She rolled her neck and tried to relax on the plane and the deathtrap she unknowingly stayed in. She glanced over to where they were and noticed they were playing cards. She amplified the airwaves and heard the scragglier one she hadn't met yet make some wager with the Hades child, Helena. They gathered their cards and Karan gathered some ideas.

It would have to be something small or she could kill everyone. And it would have to be something non-lethal or she could kill everyone. But it had to be something she wouldn't get caught with... or she would have to kill everyone. So the best idea, was to try not to kill everyone. Karan grinned a small toothy grin and began swirling her finger slowly while blowing into it. Keeping the air gathered at the tip of her index finger. She continued for a short time before stopping to blow and seeing the wind on the tip of her finger grow. She condensed it into a ball and pressurized it so the air within went a bit chaotic. 'Pressurizing air within a pressurized jet cabin... it wouldn't kill.... everyone...' She held onto it clenched in the palm of her hand waiting to launch it at the unsuspecting three.
Jack was sleeping when suddenly a wave of nausea washed over him, as he shot up and ran up and down the plane drunkardly stumbling until he found the bathroom. He swung the door open and with it still open he started to throw up into the toilet. Loud heaving noises could be heard all across the plane . After Jack finished in the bathroom he walked out flushing the toilet and walking out with some throw up still on his lip. He stumbled back to his seat , grabbing the deactivated Stymphalian Bird and walking next to Karan he sat down in a seat near her, wiping the vomit on his lip off with his sleeve. He pulled out some screwdrivers and a wrench and began to tinker with it until he turned and noticed the girl next to him was pointing at something. "Whatcha dooooin? " He said with the scent of alcohol on his breath.
Pepper slowly woke when she smelt a wave of alcohol near her and she rubbed her eye slightly, raising her head off of Karan's shoulder to come face to face to Jack. "Uhm... Jack? A-Are you alright?" she asked softly while looking at him slightly worried since something seemed off with him, he had a bit of a glassy look in his eye and his hair was disheveled.
Karan looked over and stared at the boy, "......." she looked at his hands and looked back at him. "....You know it has flesh underneath the metal, right? No wires. Just metal feathers and a bronze beak." Karan said pointing at each as she described them. She didn't know too much about them but they were all over the hotel and it was pretty obvious. She was growing nauseous from his breath and kept her hand clenched or people would die. Karan was close to sealing the air around him so he could bask in his own boozer breath. But, he would die minutes later. It didn't seem like a bad idea right now.

Karan looked over to Pepper and whispered, "Get him away. I don't like his breath and I'm gonna seal it with his head." she let ther breath carry it to Pepper's ears. Karan kept her free hand on Pepper's hair as she continued to play with it.
After minutes of tinkering Max finally finished up fixing his weapon. He smiled as he looked over the chess piece, making sure there weren't any imperfections. He was happy, he'd finally gotten over the fight and Max hoped Jason had too... He didn't want to lose his friend. He went to put the chess piece back onto the leather band he wore around his neck when a small bump of turbulence hit the plane. "The hell!?" Max asked as he steadied himself. He quickly skirted over to the only window in his little workshop and looked out of it, his eyes widened. Max cursed himself and he ran over to shelf and began pulling out items that he would need. "Magnetic shoe bottoms... Magnetic tool harness... Gumball." He popped the ball of gum into his mouth and walked out of his back room and into the cabin. He hurried passed everyone and stopped by the door that led out of the plane. "Umm... I'll be right back." He said before pulling a switch to release the door lock. He quickly opened the door a slipped out before quickly shutting it again. "That should only has blow this around a little bit" he said before letting go of the outside of the door and taking to the sky. He flew to the back of the plane and let his feet attach to the plane. He crouched down and set the tool box onto the planes engine and opened the box. Instantly a tool flew out of the box and Max barely caught it before it flew away. He pulled out a pen and scribbled down onto a sticky note "fix magnetic strap on took #31" just to have the note get torn off and thrown into the air. "Mental note. Don't use sticky note while fixing a plane engine... Dumbass." He pulled open the hatch on the right-side engine and got to work.

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