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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"They may remember you but now imagine instead of soaking just the machines you destroy the whole building and send every soul in it to meet Hades. They won't be able to remember you at that point." Anthony said looking from his seat to find a mini fridge and hopefully then some nice apple juice or something.

"Yeah he's got the hots for you I can tell. He never tries to reassure people he doesn't care about." Damian said but this time he was too loud and got elbowed.
Pepper blinks and looks up at him again. "B-But how could someone nice like him like someone as shy as me? Besides... I-I don't know how a feel about him since I really just m-met him." She said softly while looking at her hands.
"Exactly you're shy and humble in a since not to mention you don't look half bad either. Besides he's gullable for nice girls like you. Almost retarded." Damian said with Anthony turning lobster red as he tried not to embarrass himself any more.
"I'm sure" Max said as he started walking towards the plane. He looked down at his shirt. "Man I'm gonna need a new one of these." Then he saw Adrianna look at his shirt. "Oh don't worry about me. This was from earlier. I'm fine." Max stepped onto the Tarmac and let go of Adrianna. "I should be good. You might want to go get Harry. He looked ready to pass out." Max smiled kindly at her before hobbling towards the plane. He stepped onto the plane and went immediately into the cockpit and sat down.

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"Ouch Gods that hurts what did I do!" Damian said watching Pepper leave and Anthony laughed at him and then gave Pepper a thank you smile. Anthony then reclined his chair and started to drift off. Damian slunk off to wait for Helena to wake up.
Pepper smiles and laughs a bit, cheeks still a bit pink but not as noticeable. "That was from Anthony." She said as she sat back down and curled up in her seat as she yawned slightly before falling asleep.
Anthony was in a white room and the others where there. "Where are we?" Anthony asked as he looked around the empty room. A scientist winked at him before pulling a switch and the room began to fill with some kind of foam. "No! Noooooo!" Anthony yelled trying to get to Pepper but the room seemed to be filling too fast and when he looked at the scientist he noticed the man mouth something. "You could have spared her." Anthony looked back and saw Pepper's hand just above the top of the foam. "Nooooooooooo!"

He woke up biting his own tongue hard which was usual when he had a bad dream especially the really vivid ones. He had made a habit of it to keep from screaming and waking the others up.
Location: Airport → in Max's plane

With: no one in particular

(Ryan, Cupid, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian, Max, Harry, Ace, Jason)

"O-kay,"she said hesitantly, gesturing with her head for Harry to follow. Hopefully the guy wasn't so tired that she would need to escort him, too. She kept pace with Max so that she wasn't walking too fast nor slow, and they crossed the airfield at a calm walk. Adriana couldn't help but roll her eyes as Max tried to reassure her of his injuries,"Oh yeah, 'cause a bleeding stomach means you're in good health." She wanted to ask why he and Jason were fighting like something out of Dragon Ball Z, but decided against it; now was not the time.

They made it to the plane and Adri followed him inside. "If you say so,"she replied, although she watched him until he entered the cockpit. She sighed, looking out the plane's door to see if Harry had kept up.
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Ace shifted in his seat and leaned his head against the wall. The son of Zeus's eyes began to grow heavy once again causing him to fall asleep right away. Cupid slept like a baby after he was able to find the best sleeping position he could manage. "...ugh" The child of Ares's eyes shut themselves.
She tried to fight it, she really did. Viola kept telling herself firmly that she did not trust these people to wake her up if something happened, she did not trust them not to stab her in her sleep and she just downright did not trust them. But, she hadn't slept since the hotel and she'd done tons of stuff since then including: fighting birds, sitting around doing nothing, actually talking to people, making remarks about people under her breath and staring blankly at the floor. With all that done, no wonder she was tired, (great, she was even being sarcastic to herself now). Eventually, she fell asleep in her seat, slumped sideways in a position that would really ache when she woke up.

The first thing she saw was that her arms were strapped down. So were her legs. Both were strapped to the table that she was lying on top of and there was a very bright light in her eyes. She could hear a murmur of voices.

"I'm afraid that she's completely out of her mind, has some kind of fantasy that she's a demigod." somebody was saying, "Quite like her mother this one, convinced herself into believing that the Greek gods are real." He chuckled, "We're going to have to keep you here a long time, Viola..." She screamed and screamed and screamed and then she was on the cold floor. She was kneeling on what looked like the street outside her house. Wait... This was the street outside her house. And there was her house. How'd she get back here?

"So..." a familiar voice said, chuckling in amusement, "You do scare." Viola looked up and groaned. It was a teenage boy with fiery eyes and a leather jacket, a bandanna covering most of his hair. His jeans were torn and awfully ratty. If Viola saw someone like this on the street, she'd probably scowl and shake her head. She was awfully ashamed to call him her father.

"That wasn't funny, Phobos." Viola rolled her eyes. She should've known that it was her dad trying to scare her; it was kind of what he did. He'd shown her some horrifying things the last time they met.

"That wasn't funny, Phobos." Phobos mocked, in a stereotypical high pitched girly tone, "How come you never call me Dad to my face, Vi?"

"Because you don't deserve the title. I have parents." Viola gestured towards her house in which she lived and Phobos followed her gaze curiously.

"But I'm your real dad, Vi. You know I love you deep, deep, deep, deep down." he was grinning and she was fully aware that he was still mocking her. By the gods, he was such a annoying person!

"Is there any point to this dream or can I wake up now?" Viola looked around in distaste. Even in her dreams, the place she lived was dreary and dank. It was raining lightly overhead and the only street lamp flickered, weakly.

"Oh, yes. There is a point." Phobos said, as if he'd just remembered, "I've been listening, Vi. To your thoughts and your words."

"That's not creepy at all." Viola muttered, darkly. How much had he heard?

"There's no need to complain about me so much!" Phobos said, his bright eyes flashing even brighter, "I like you just as much as the other gods like their kids! I'd say more, because I warned you now. Most of them weren't told until they were like fifteen or sixteen and the monsters were out to kill them already. I did you a favour telling you now, before a cyclops or something got you." He touched the scratches on her face, grinning and she scowled, slapping his hand away. Gods, she hated him.

"These look like they were caused by birds." Phobos raised an eyebrow, "Did the birds get you, Vi?"

"It's Viola!" his daughter snapped, "Not Violet, not Violin, not Violetta, certainly not Vi; Viola!" She crossed her arms.

"Well, Viola, I'm afraid that you're going to wake up now." Phobos said, "It was nice that we could have this little chat. Be careful of what's to come, and all that rubbish the other gods say. Blah, blah, blah, be nice to your friends, beware your enemies. Oh yeah, watch out for that kid with the love arrows."

"Wait, what-?"

On that lovely note, Viola woke up. What was the freaking point to that dream? It told her nothing- there was no point in it. Except... At least now she knew that her father was watching over her. That was probably a good thing. Maybe the point was for her to find out that Phobos did care or something? Whatever. She just hoped that she hadn't been talking or screaming her sleep. That would be embarrassing.
Harry drowsily turned to Adriana as she gestured for him to follow. He was starting to feel like her shadow following her back forth. Hesitantly he walked up the stairs to enter the plane. He was ready to go to sleep and wake up in Greenland. He wanted to sit with Adriana, even though with the access seats it wasn't really necessary the thought of snuggling up with Adrianna pleased him. He was standing next to Adrianna when she turned around.

Harry had always given off a distinct aura , just being around him made people just feel comfortable. This was something he got from his dad and his mother. He gently grabbed Adriannas hand and led her to a seat saying, "lets get our seats". They walked past Jack as he was drinking from a water bottle coughing at whatever was in it and he made a scowl. Jack let go of Adrianas hand reaching the seat. Harry took the window seat and looked up at Adriana waiting for her to sit down. All he had on him was a little cash , some drachmas, and the clothes on his back "I guess Im going clothes shopping in Greenland"', he said to adriana. He couldn't help but think about his grandmother who lived in greenland. He had heard stories about her when he still lived with his mom, and he hoped he would get to meet her.
Location: Airport → in Max's plane

With: Harry

(Ryan, Cupid, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian, Max, Ace, Jason)

Adriana gasped as Harry was right behind her,"Oh Gods, you scared me." She noted the tired look on his features and felt bad for dragging him over towards the airport and back. But in honesty, Harry had the option to stay put - Adei was the one you tried to be a superhero. She gave him a small smile,"Well, you look like crap." She was going to lead them to an empty seat but Harry beat her to the punch, taking a hold of her hand and walking down the aisle.

They came to two empty seats, Harry taking the window. She slid in as well, patting her lap gently in a beat. She sighed in response to Harry's comment,"Me, too. Hopefully Greenland isn't that cold. It's the country that's icy instead of literally green, right?"

The idea of going shopping for clothing evoked a sense of dread in her. Did she have enough money to buy anything? The last thing she wanted to do was call her father and beg him to wire her some cash. She sighed again, slumping in her seat.

The plane with filled with the slow, deep breathing of sleep and Adri was beginning to feel drowsy herself, the day's events catching up to her once more, especially after not getting a full night's rest. But they needed to get flying, not have a sleepover. She got up from her seat with a groan and went over to the cockpit. She knocked once before opening the door a bit. "We're ready to go,"she informed Max and his mother, returning to her seat. Her eyelids fluttered and she quickly fell asleep, her head lolling over to Harry's shoulder.
Helena had watched the entire fight from her seat near the back, watching Jason and Max's fight, and the aftermath. Damn. Jason sure did pack a punch, didn't he? She watched the two best buddies split and go in opposite directions, and she watched Jason walk off to be alone. And for whatever reason she felt some urge to go and stick her nose into it... But she didn't dare. He certainly didn't seem to be in the mood for her pestering him, and besides, after she had just shoved him away, why would he receive her at all? So instead, she stood up and walked after Damian and the first thing she did was smack him upside the head- lightly, but still- then grabbed his face and stared him in the eyes, "First, don't f***ing call me beautiful again or I will crack your jaw and pour hellhound piss down your throat." With that threat hanging in the air, she let go of him, then turned away, "As for your question, yes, I can help you, but I am not doing this till we get to Greenland. Also, I hope you have a f***ton of cash, because we're going to need a hell of a lot of Happy Meals."
Jason smirked overhearing Helena's threat to Damian, he felt sorry for the guy and the. Wondered how he'd be treated of he called her beautiful. His mind wandered to Allie who loved being called beautiful... Or at least she did, as he thought about his feelings for both Helena and Allie his mind became a battlefield each side pulling him to a different girl. He knew Allie he had loved Allie and she had loved him at least he thought. It hurt him that she disappeared without even a goodbye or something. Anything at all, how much can you love someone if you leave them and seem to fall off the face of the planet. And what was that silver arrow what type of connection did she have to that?. He wanted answers but Max wasn't exactly on his good side, and he was sure it went both ways. He needed someone he trusted and his mind replayed the threat he had just heard. "Helena." He muttered to himself then perked up a And looked towards her this time saying it louder calling her. "Helena, can I ask you a few questions real quick. Don't worry I'll let you get back to making that poor boy piss his pants in a moment I promise it will be quick."
When Max heard Adri speak behind him he jumped in his seat. He got up quickly and locked the door, as much as it pained him, he didn't want to be with the other demigods, and he didn't want them barging in without his consent. He sat back down and nudged his mother. She spun the chair around and started to start up the plane. She looked at her son wanting to talk about the fight, but she quickly shot down the idea. Max flicked on the intercom and a bit of static rang out hurting his and probably everyone in the passenger sections ears. "Attention all passengers, we are all prepped and ready to take off. So if you don't mind, please stop whatever you are doing and sit down." He paused and hoped everyone who was standing sat down before continuing. "We will now begin our flight to the wonderful scientist based country of Greenland, and on the way we will need to make a refueling stop in New York, so with that out of the way. Let's take to the Sky." He turned off the intercom and buckled up before starting off down the runway. Max focused and made the wind gather beneath them to give them extra lift and brought the plane off the ground and into the domain of his father. He uttered a prayer to his dad, so that they wouldn't be shot down and took the plane up to cruising altitude. He handed the controls over to his mother and flicked on the intercom. "Attention all passengers we are now on our way to kick some scientist butt. Thank you for choosing Air Demigod and we hope you enjoy the ride..."

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Helena growled at Damian again, then straightened up when Jason spoke to her, and turned to look at him, raising an eyebrow and making a very unintelligent "Huh?" At him, before shaking her head and walking over to him, running a hand through her hair, then idly started braiding it over her shoulder, "Questions? Do I look like the Oracle of Delphi to you? ... That's me trying to be friendly, approach seeker, and ask." She said, putting on a raspy voice to mimic the Oracles'.
Damian rolled his eyes at the boy's comment. "Kid you have a higher chance of catching me having a nymph in a fishing net. Besides I like feisty girls." Damian gave a smile and turned to Helena and laughed lightly. "If you think you can pull it of good lookin I would love to see it. Playing with the curse of Achilles here after all." Damian wanted her to try and he would stay by her side and try to win her over no matter what she did.
Jason chuckled at Helena, completely disregarding Damian. "I know a joke when I hear one fool." He smiled brightly at Helan glad that his inner storm seemed to be fading he could tell since a rumbling had developed in his ears, and that was going away... at least for now. "Do you know anything in greek mythology that has silver arrows, or at least arrow heads?" His eyes took on that pleading look they had before with Max, but he tried to keep it together not wanting to dump his baggage on her, that wouldn't be fair.
"Dude I could Answer that and I'm some stupid Ares kid. Artemis the goddess of the hunt and chastity she's a real guy hater." Damian said remembering a few times when he had been made prey for the very goddess they had now mentioned. He had escaped with a lot of bite marks and a few arrow holes but most of all he had a big secret after that.
Helena glared at Damian, then sighed, "as much as. Hate to acknowledge him, he's close. Artemis has a group of girls who hunt monsters and things together, and they are immortal in exchange for being chaste. The Hunters of Artemis of generally really cruel to men, because their supposed to have given up he company of men. So, I hate to tell you this, but obviously someone has to..." She trailed off, she stared at the floor for a bit, then looked up, trying to be gentle, "Uhhh, whoever this arrowhead belongs to, she wants nothing to do with you anymore."
Jason looked at Damian a bit more than annoyed but held his tongue listening to whatever Helena had to say, then wished he had cussed out Damian instead. "Well, no wonder she didn't say goodbye. Thanks, for filling me in." Jason struggled to keep his voice from cracking and fought off the tears but he didn't feel any better, just abandoned again.
Pepper slowly woke as she felt the water in her brother's tears and looked up at him and caught his eye, she quietly mouthed to him "are you okay?" She asked while looking at him. "Do you want to talk about?" She mouthed as well while watching him.
Jason shook his head and pointed to her window working a bit to make the word "Later" out of frost on the glass.
The look on his face hurt Helena. Why? He had picked her to he bearer of bad news, and he certainly didn't need to be crushed with the realization that someone he cared about didn't care about him. Why her? She didn't want to have hat job. So now she slowly slunk back to the back of the plane, jumping at every piece of turbulence until finally she sank into her seat and clutched he armrests, trying to not scream her head off.

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