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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper just gave a slight nod as if she heard Ryan while sitting in her seat, hugging her knees before being brought into a hug by Karan, she sniffed softly as she held back tears. She wasn't used to being given glares like that or having to deal with harsh words that Max had been saying to her brother but had been looking at her like it was her fault. The only other time she had been spoken to like that and glared at like that was when she was back with the Scientists, and this brought on horrible memories for Pepper. She shook slightly while biting her lip to hold back her cries as she also held back her tears from falling as well.
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Anthony was waiting but left the cockpit feeling he might make matters worse and sat down near the very tail end of the plane. "Great one Anthony you are such a loser screw up a simple conversation and trying to be helpful. I'm so stupid." Anthony said looking at the floor before he felt his pocket vibrate.
We've got proof that the group your with doesn't want you there. You'd be more helped and appreciated with us and they would get what they deserve that is except the girl.
We are after all working in the good of science.

Anthony looked at it carefully before the message just vanished without a trace and of course a small amount of fear and caution raced through his mind. "What if they're right and these guys try to kill me or get rid of me. They won't hurt Pepper though so maybe it's the same play....Shut up!" He had to seriously interrupt himself to get the thoughts to go away but like the serpents they were they just kept sneaking around.
Jason ran out of the cockpit after Max slipping around Pepper and forming his board shooting up after Max, "No way, you don't get to run away and leave me behind not this time, not again!" Jason whipped up into the brewing storm, his hard-headed nature getting the best of him. His surge of energy adding to the storm the clouds starting to swirl and wind picking up strong enough rock the plane. As he caught sight of Max he sped up tackling him holding on until he stabilized them. Jason froze his hands to Max's shirt holding firm. "Listen to me, yeah you guess left yeah I was somewhat normal, and yes I stayed safe. But if you think it was a cakewalk think again a**hole. That was my GIRLFRIEND you lost that was my friend that died, and you were the one person I trusted mostly to A: Be honest, and B: have my back. Do you think that when you disappeared for months at a time and coming back with more scars effective for past me you dolt. And one part thing." Jason slammed Max in the stomach with a heavy fist. "If you ever put your hands on me like that again I swear I'll kick your a** so bad Zeus will piss blood. Now get the f*** off my board." Jason melted the ice on his hands and shoved Max off before floating down to the plane his part of the storm subsiding completely as he touched down. "Fool, he better save himself I'm sure as hell am not doing it this time." he looked towards the plane and went inside not knowing what to expect, he heard sniffling and looked towards Pepper. He walked over and knelt near her, "Sorry for that he's kind of an idiot."

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Location: Airport → outside Max's plane

With: Harry, Max

Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian

[[ mind if I cut in? ]]

Harry seemed to be as flustered by Adriana's question as she was by his, repeating the same motion of touching his neck. She knew she should prepare herself to not mock his reply, but she couldn't help but giggle when he said he had fallen asleep in the elevator. Adri's hand went to her mouth to muffle herself as well as hide her smile. She attempted to be as serious as possible, but you could still hear the smile in her voice. "Well,"she began,"You haven't been getting you recommended mid-day naps, so it's understandable that you passed out through it all."

When he asked if her bandages were alright, she rolled her shoulders. The bandages were wrapped tightly around her torso and would have to do until she had the chance to get stitches; hopefully she would be completely healed by then. "They're alright,"she answered,"Thanks again.."

Adri's sentence drifted off as a sudden breeze blew, growing stronger until it felt like there was a tornado in the distance. Her hair whipped against her face and grew tense with apprehension. Then she felt it before hearing it: strife. It made her heart pick up with excitement and fear, and she ran towards the source, the atmosphere drawing her in. She didn't see anything at first until she looked up. In the air was Jason trying to beat Max, who was in no condition to fight, into a bloody pulp. She would have just stayed in the shadows and watched, but for some reason she felt the need to intervene. Perhaps it was because Max, outside of Harry and Jack, he was the only one she talked to, as briefly as it was.

"Hey!"she called out. Fortunately, Jason backed off, after throwing in a couple punches, and floated down, retreating into the plane; Max stayed up. Gods, she wished she could fly herself. Speaking of which, she glanced behind her to see if Harry had followed.

Adri cupped her hands around her mouth and called out,"Max (@BishopOfKings) , are you okay?" She looked back towards the plane,"What in Tartarus happened?"
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Max gasped as he was punched in the gut and thrown off the board. He watched as Jason swooped down and walk into the plane, not even remotely caring for what he just did. Max fell, Dark red spots were forming on his shirt; his wound on his stomach had been opened again. He thought he heard someone call from somewhere but Max couldn't think, he was on the brink of passing out. "60,000… 55,000" Max thought to himself as he felt himself fall further down towards the ground. "Maybe i deserve this…" Max began to think "Maybe i should let my life end here… It would be a fitting end for an idiot like me…" Max closed his eyes. "Jason why do you always have to be the meat headed tough kid that you think you are." Max let himself relax and decided to let himself fall. He didn't care about anything anymore; His best friend hated him, Allie had abandoned him long ago, And He let Eric die; now he felt that nothing was left for him to live for, so he let himself fall. Thats when Max was struck by Lightning. His eyes shot open as the arc of electricity entered his body, and he was surprised. Instead of pain all he felt was warmth. He looked up into the sky and realized what had happened. "Dad…. I understand…" Max's focus went to the feeling he'd felt. It was of all the good times he had, Him at camp, spending time with his mother, his competitions with Jason, and Max felt happy. He focused on readying to soften his fall, so he'd land unharmed; when the roof of the airport approached to fast. He broke through the roof of the airport near the plane and landed on the inside with a long thump. Max felt all the air leave his lungs and he gasped. He sat up in pain and looked at the hole he'd just made. "Son of a!" He said as the pain came back to him. He pulled himself up onto one of the seats in the airport and looked out the window, the storm that had been created by the two demigods had completely dissipated and had been replaced by a clear night sky. Max stood up and hobbled over to a bathroom not very far away and fumbled for the switch. When he found it he realized how stupid he was being. "What is the chance of all the power being on." he said as he flicked the light switch, and the bathroom lights came on. Smiling he walked one to the mirror and removed his shirt. His stomach wound had been reopened and he now understood why. Water drops sat under his skin where Jason had punched him. "Your anger got the better of you… of us." He said as he recalled the fight. "I always make things worse don't I." He said to himself and he used the sink to begin to wash his wound. After it was cleaned he grabbed a bunch of paper towel and used them as makeshift bandages before he put his shirt back on. He cupped his hands under the water flow and splashed himself with it. He looked up at himself in the mirror and stared at his reflection in shock. His blue eyes had become an almost grayish white and they didn't look like they were gonna change back. He stood up straight. "Well then. I might want to head back to the plane." he said as he started out of the bathroom. He flicked the lights of and went to walk towards the door when he clutched his stomach and fell down. "Crap!" He said as the pain came back. He started to pull himself over to a chair and he sat down. "Man i hope someones coming to get me. Im in no condition to move." He looked over to the plane. "Jason… you big oaf" He said to himself with a chuckle as he laid down on the chair and the ones next to it, and closed his eyes.
Ace stood up from his seat, "ALRIGHT I'M DONE WITH THIS! Y'ALL ACTING LIKE DRAMA QUEENS!" He thumped out of the plane, "You! What's going on here?" The demigod directed his question to Adri. His fists were clenched ready to pummel any person that would try to oppose him. This was Ace's normal mannerism mainly from his father. As for Max and Jason, Ace knew that they only acted like that when they were "angry". It was pathetic to the brute and annoying too.
Viola nearly jumped out of her skin as that other kid- he was called Ace or Jace or Shoelace or something stupid like that- started yelling. By the gods, these people were freaks. All them were either loud and angry, pathetic and miserable or annoying and happy. She rolled her eyes. So far, the only person she sorta liked was Raiko and she seemed to have upset him. Cupid wasn't awful but... He was called Cupid and Viola was not being friends with someone called Cupid. No way.
Location: Airport → men's bathroom

With: Max

Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian, Harry

Adriana gasped, her hands coming to her mouth in shock. She watched as he fell from the sky, lower and lower. Words were stuck in her throat and she couldn't force them out, but she knew she should be screaming for help. She was only capable of gasping again as lightning suddenly struck, and she shielded her eyes from the flash, but she knew it hit Max before looking away. Hopefully it was some act of Zeus instead of a coincidental lightning bolt.

He had fallen into the airport building and Adri was going to make her way over there before someone spoke to her. She turned her head to see Ace, a look of anger on his features. She flinched as he yelled at her, as if she had something to do with it. Adriana looked at him innocently until she noted his fists, her eyes growing hard; she did not take threats lightly. "Ask Jason,"she said sternly,"I had nothing to do with this." And with that, she turned away and ran towards the airport. There was no time to call the cavalries.

Panting, Adri stepped into the airport. Now where could he be? 'Crap, crap, crap,'she repeated in her mind, now regretting not simply getting a search party. Without Max, how were they going to leave, especially since the pilot was his mother. Her head whipped around as she tried to find some sort of clue, her eyes landing on the floor. Here and there were spots of red, not consistent but enough to follow. They led her to the bathrooms. She glanced between either door, and then behind her to see if anyone was watching, before quickly entering the men's bathroom. It was dark, but someone was in here. "Max?"she whispered.
Ace furrowed his brows and followed Adri into the airport. "SON OF A BIT-...ZEUS!" He yelled looking at the blood. The demigod made his way into the restroom and opened the door widely. Ace hit the light switch on, "Zeus kid stop being so drama-y". As much as he disliked helping others in general, Ace lifted the guy onto his shoulder. "What are your powers? Can you heal this guy?" He asked looking at Adri.
Harry sighed as Adriana walked away, not wanting to get involved in any other adventures today. Wondering why she would walk off he looked up and realized why , two of the other demigods were fighting up in the air. Harry hurried over to Adriana watching the fight with her . Suddenly there was a loud boom and he realized that one of the gods had struck down a demigod . He couldn't remember if the kid was a son of zeus or not and sighed again saying to himself,"Great just what we need evil scientists AND gods against us." As Adriana went to go help the boy that had fallen out of the sky ,no thanks to the gods, another came out of the plane, huffing and puffing and barked a question to Adriana. "Do these people really expect us to stay with them and fight along side them if this is how they treat each other?" he thought . Adriana continued to run towards the fallen boy and as harry opened his mouth to say something to the rude brute, he ran off as well. Harry figured he may as well follow the two and so he flew into the warehouse . Hearing voices from the bathroom he entered it with a yawn, as his 5 hour energy was running out. 
As Jack saw the exchange between Jason and Max he got even madder then he already was. Jack stormed into the airplane and walked up to Jason, grabbing him by the shoulder and spinning him around he said,"You better have a damn good reason for doing that.. " He said calmly but with more authority than he thought he had . He Grip on Jason's shoulder tightened as he continued saying, "Because if you expect us all to survive these Scientists , were are not going to F***ing do it like that!".
Ryan stood up and walked to the two figures in the plane that were near each other, "Jack...". He put his hand on the demigod's shoulder, "This shouting stuff...really irritating. Please let go of Jason and we can talk this whatever this is out". Ryan was completely unaware of the event that occurred outside the plane, but he just wanted people to relax EVEN A LITTLE BIT.
"Will you dumb f*cks stop hitting each other my gods the scientists aren't gonna kill everybody from camp you dumb f*cks will do it just fine by yourselves!" Anthony said walking towards Jack to pull him from Jason. Damian was watching carefully out of the corner of his eye until now when he took a step towards Jack looking fed up with everybody else's cr*p. "One more fight between the people in this quest and I'm gonna start walking to greenland. Just for the Damned peace and I'm a child of Mars or Ares or whatever I should love fighting but this is just stupid."
Pepper looked at Jason and putting a hand on his shoulder. "It's alright brother... I just had a bit of a bad memory... I-I'm okay now... Also.. brother... You should have been the bigger man... I know I may not know what happened... But we shouldn't be fighting with people who are our friends... because if you break your bridges... you'll find yourself stranded..." she said softly while looking up at him with a sad smile.
Location: Airport → men's bathroom

With: Max, Ace, Harry

(Ryan, Cupid, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian)

Adriana turned her head, the brief lighting from outside showing that Ace had followed her; she squinted her eyes in annoyance. Despite him coming to help - hopefully - she did not feel comfortable with him. Ace turned the the light switch on, revealing Max lying on two chairs, and he went to throw him over his shoulder. When he picked him up, Adri hissed,"Be careful." But when he questioned what her powers were, she grew a bit sheepish and felt useless. "No, I can't heal,"she answered,"I can brings things to life." She motioned towards the chair,"I can have it bring him to the plane?"

Another person entered the bathroom, it being Harry. Even though she couldn't do anything, perhaps he could? "Harry can fly,"she blurted out,"He can get him to the plane quick." She looked at Harry, her expression asking rather than clarifying,"Right?"

Why was she trying so hard? To get in their good graces? Maybe she just wanted to enjoy having friends before she lost the privilege. Just before she was captured, killed, or worse.
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"I'm fine!" Max said as everyone began to fuss around him. "I just need someone to help me to the damn plane!" Max took Aces hand off of his shoulder. "I'm not dying!" Max was irritated. All he needed was a little help, but all he got was a headache. "Go back to the plane you two." He said to Ace and Harry. "I don't need to be carried around like a wounded soldier. He put his hand on Adrianna's shoulder "I just need someone to help me keep my balance." Max rubber his eyes. He could feel them start to become a darker grey. "Please just... Adrianna can help me. Ok so just get going." He said trying to calm down a little.

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Jason looked coldly into both Jack and Ryan's eyes, "This has nothing to do with any of you, it goes way back before I even cared about your existence now walk away before I do something you will regret." Jason felt a small twinge of sadness for treating them so coldly, but they had absolutely terrible timing. On top of him seeking to lose his best friend he didn't trust most of the group to talk to like that, really the one he felt closest to besides Max was Helena and she was sorry with him too. Though all they would see is his stubbornness, anger, and instability not knowing the love, fear, and pain it came from. Jason felt like he was losing his most precious things and hated every second of it. So with a stone face and frigid eyes he brushed past them and went to the back of the plane sitting in a window seat and looking out at nothing in particular.

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[QUOTE="Soul OMU](@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira did you see my post?)

Could sworn I changed it, guess I gotta do it again.

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Ryan sighed at Jason's words and sat down. Well, at least the whole potential of having another fight was eliminated. Ace turned and walked toward the plane. DRAMA QUEEN! I want to pummel you in the face and squish you in the frickin ground! CALM! The demigod forced himself to not react by running into the plane. Cupid was scanning the events around him. It would be nice if we could take a break for a day...BUT NOOO we have to be attacked by monsters! Then you guys meet each other and ATTACK EACH OTHER LIKE MONSTERS! Ryan hoped that the plane would just fly already. Wherever those other people were, they better hurry up so that this whole fighting thing does not keep piling up.
Location: Airport → men's bathroom

With: Max, Ace, Harry

(Ryan, Cupid, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko, Jack, Anthony, Damian)

Adriana's eyes widened as Max spoke up, having thought that the demigod was unconscious. 'Yeah, you just fell out of the sky,'she was going to comment aloud when Max insisted that he was fine, but decided to hold her tongue. The guy's shirt was soaked red and, crap, Adri could feel her wounds had opened at bit as well from running. They would have to get healed again, but the one with the most fatal injuries first.

She felt flattered when he asked for her assistance rather than from the other two people in the room but tried not to appear smug about it. She had thought he needed the help of her powers to carry him there but he still wanted to try to walk on his own two feet. She had to ask,"Are you sure?"
Jason looked coldly into both Jack and Ryan's eyes, "This has nothing to do with any of you, it goes way back before I even cared about your existence now walk away before I do something you will regret." Jason felt a small twinge of sadness for treating them so coldly, but they had absolutely terrible timing. On top of him seeking to lose his best friend he didn't trust most of the group to talk to like that, really the one he felt closest to besides Max was Helena and she was sorry with him too. Though all they would see is his stubbornness, anger, and instability not knowing the love, fear, and pain it came from. Jason felt like he was losing his most precious things and hated every second of it. Though Pepper's news was good and truthful, Jason's expression softened a bit, "Glad to hear you're okay." His harsh expression and cold eyes returned as he walked away from the group to his window seat in the back row.

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Pepper hugs him back tightly before letting go and looking at Anthony. "The Scientists will stop at nothing to have us all killed. Regardless if we fight each other... It's... also not uncommon for demigods of the big three to fight... especially when one is the son of the sea and the other the sky... our fathers never got along so the trait pass down... I just wish that we live long enough to maybe be able to see tomorrow with out some sort of crazy thing happening..." she said while rubbing her scar lightly which was under her charm bracelet.
Jack took his hand off of Jasons shoulder listening to Ryan saying " your right" .jack ignored Anthony who was only making the situation worse.Jason made his point know and Jack went and took a window seat silently . He reached into his bag and pulled out a water bottle filled with vodka. He drank a good bit of it , getting ready for the flight as he never did well in the air.
"You'll be fine since they're so many of us." Anthony said rubbing his temples with a long sigh. "These arguments are getting on my nerves. If it isn't one fight it's four more just like it." Anthony said with a frown as his head had started pounding and he sat in a seat on the plane. He gave a sigh before leaning back he was tired and hadn't slept in a while. Damian stood next to pepper and gave her a slight bump with his elbow. "He's taken a liking to you. You should enjoy it while his slight self confidence lasts."
Pepper blinks slightly and looks at him. "Huh? Taken a l-liking to me? What do you mean? Besides... The scientists never forgot the ones they captured and that got way... They will definitely remember me and want me dead first... Especially since I may have soaked have of their machinery when I had water..." she said and rubbed the back of her head with a shy sheepish smile.

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