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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper smiles a bit. "Well I'm glad I'm not the only one who had a bit of trouble with those birds... They really got my back... Which is why Ryan's bandaging them now... Anyways I'll heal your burns in a minute if you can get me some water." She said with a smile while guiding Ryan's hand again to wrap her bandages. "I hope you don't mind waiting a bit..." She said softly.
"I can get the water and I'm fine with waiting under one condition. I get to keep talking to you while I wait and rest my eyes." Anthony said his eyes closed and his arms felt like lead with pin pricks everywhere on them. "I love this job just love it. Getting injured twice in one day and getting a seriously great tan just all that fun stuff." Anthony said with a sarcastic smile before realizing he had just blanked out every sacred promise he had ever made on the river styx by doing two that cancelled each other out.

Damian walked up and leaned against the wall trying to look impressive. "Anybody seen that cute girl Helena around?" He asked before Anthony stomped on his feet making Damian jump out of habit.
Pepper giggles a bit while smiling slightly. "Alright. And Helena... Helena is in the plane I think?" She asked while turning to look at Ryan, while guiding his hands to finish wrapping her back before tying the ends of the bandages and lightly pushing Ryan's hands back. "Thank you for your help Ryan. You did a good job." She said while brushing her bangs out of her eyes.
Anthony Peeked open his left eye to get a bit of a better look at pepper's face. "So pepper huh as in like salt and pepper? Or sargent pepper? Because if it's the latter I'd like to say I play a mean guitar." Anthony said laughing a little at his beetles joke before his skin tried to interrupt by aching. "Ouch ok and for my next trick turning air into water. My mother taught me this one." Anthony said before starting to mumble a little prayer to his mother before trying to focus and instead of a bucket of water he ended up with a bucket on the floor and a crab hanging painfully from his ear. "Ouch not again this always happens on the first try." Anthony said his face turning just a bit redder from embarrassment as he tried again this time filling the bucket to the brim but he was seriously tired and boy did that trick drain him.
Pepper covers her mouth a bit to keep from laughing at the crab on his ear before getting up and moving over to him and speaking to the crab, getting it to let go of Anthony's ear. Petting it lightly with her fingers, she spoke up. "It's alright if you can't get any... I could always fetch some from the stream I was at earlier when I was trying to heal my wounds... Besides you must be tired already... Don't ware yourself down..." She said softly while watching him and Ryan. "Because you'll probably drop if you... And I don't think I'll be able to stop your fault since your much bigger then me." She said and laughed a bit.
Anthony gave a smile as he looked at her. He then laughed at what came to mind after she said he had to be tired. "Well their ain't no rest for the wicked and I can get water for free." Anthony smiled as he held up the bucket and then he set it down the smell of sea salt and ocean air coming off the bucket now since it was full of sea water. "I hope that's okay I just figured that being the daughter of Poseidon that sea water was preferable to tap water from some local shop." He felt a little light headed and dizzy now but at least he was having a little fun with somebody for once.

Damian had found his target and leaned against the seat across the aisle from Helena. "So beautiful whatcha doing?" He asked and looked quickly to Anthony to make sure he wouldn't end up playing a game of dodge crab.
Pepper shrugs. "Water is water, whether it's salt or fresh. Plus... I think the salt water might burn when touching your fresh burns..." She said softly while letting the crab crawl on her shoulders. "Alright I'm going to start now... Don't worry if I faint... This is very hard..." She said and pulled the water to her then let it settle over some of the major burns, closing her eyes as she started to focus, biting her lip as the water started to heal the burns slowly.
"If you faint then be prepared to see me trying to make sure you're as comfortable as possible." Anthony said with a slight wince as the salt water touched his burns but they soon started to feel better. Anthony realized that this girl was nice but of course the main question was what was her opinion on new Rome because if she despised them and never wanted to see their city then he'd definitely try to win her over but if not well then he just wouldn't hurry. Anthony pulled up his sleeves to ensure they didn't get wet but of course there was always the reaction test with the mark of the Roman Legion on his arm reading SPQR but he just noticed that below it was some marker graffiti from Damian saying Team Leo and Damian wuz here. "I'm going to kill my cousin if he doesn't grow up soon."
Pepper notices the mark and raises a brow. "Interesting mark. Don't think I've ever seen it before... What is it from?" She asked while washing off the marker graffiti with her water, continuing to heal the burns, biting her lip as she focuses, seeing black spots but trying to power through it as she moves onto his other arm. "I wasn't at camp long so I didn't really met anyone or learn anything... I was separated from my group and was captured by those horrible scientists... I'm just glad they didn't take my powers... And that I got away with only a few scars..." She said with a sad smile as she remembered a few of her friends who had been caught.
"It's the mark of the 13th roman legion Fulminata. A camp of Roman demigods and heartless monsters claiming to be humans." Anthony said before he let the rest of what she had said sink in. "I'm sorry to hear that but at least we can get these idiots back for what they've done." Anthony said as his burns were almost completely gone he looked at her and gave a smile. He didn't have to think to know what to say next. "So any lightheaded or dizzy feelings or anything like that?" He said with slight concern on his face since he didn't want her getting hurt fixing him up.
Pepper sways a bit as she falls back slightly. "Y-yeah just a bit..." She said as looked very pale and faint. "I-I think I'm going to lie down..." She said and fell over.
Viola was beginning to feel rather ignored as she moped and sulked to the best of her ability. Nobody seemed to even notice that she was here half the time and she might as well be invisible. It wasn't like she was much use to them anyway. What with the other demigods here, Viola felt rather out of place. She had been hoping, and this sounded totally sappy and stupid, but she'd hoped that she might have a brother or sister somewhere. She couldn't be the only child of Phobos in this godsforsaken world. But she hadn't met anyone even vaguely like her. Most people here were so nice to each other and Viola... Well, she wasn't very good at the being nice to people thing. She was... A horrible person, really. She slid down further in her plane seat, wondering why she found it so difficult to befriend people- talk to people, even. It was probably a trait that her father passed on. And just to add another thing to her current list of problems, Viola was tired. Some of the demigods had slept but she just didn't trust them not to murder her in her sleep. And she was hungry. This whole adventure sucked overall and she wanted to go home.
Raiko was drained from what he had done. Especially since he did it twice. He walked to the back of the plane and st down next to himself. He thought to himself, "Wow. No cigs for this entire trip. Alrighty then. I might die." He was thinking of what had happened over the past few days. A shitload happened. And I didn't even get to meet the new people. Might as well introduce myself. He looked around for any of the new people. He scanned the plane and finally saw the girl who looked like she was twelve. He saw she was all alone and he walked over to her. He said, trying to make her feel comfortable with everyone, "Hey. I'm Raiko. I saw you were all alone so I thought I should come over here. I hope it not a bother." He sat down across from her and put his hand out to shake hers.
She looked around for a moment before speaking. Just to make sure that it was definitely her that he was talking to because it seemed incredibly unlikely. But he was looking at her. Wow, somebody was actually looking at her without cringing and looking away.

"Hello." Viola slid down even further in her seat, "I'm Viola. It's not a bother." She tried to smile and it didn't really work. Smiling: another thing she sucked at! She stared down at her feet. Somebody was trying to be her friend; this was such a rare occurrence and she was messing it up. That was when she noticed that he wanted to shake her hand. Shuddering at the thought, Viola reached over and shook his hand slowly, before abruptly pulling away and wiping her hand on her shirt.
Raiko looked at her for a second then laughed. That was funny. She must not know a lot of people or she is socially awkward. Raiko continued laughing for a second. "So exactly how old are you? Because you look really young." He scratched the back of his neck. He remembered suddenly, "Oh right! I'm a son of Thanatos. You don't see any of those around now do ya?" He laughed a little bit.
Anthony was watching Pepper carefully and caught her when she fell. "Nap time already huh?" Anthony made sure she was on the floor gently before he put a seat back and then laid Pepper in it he then started to busy himself with getting some bottles of water for when she woke up. "Well at least I'm doing something." Anthony said to himself as he started to look for a suitable place to make his lost gumbo appear.
What the hell did he think was so funny? Instinctively, Viola scowled at him. He better not be laughing at her or else she would be forced to kill him... Except she wouldn't actually kill him, she'd probably just threaten that she would and then continue sulking.

"I'm fourteen. I'm not young. So, shut up!" she snapped. She was pretty sure that looking "young" was the same thing as looking "weak". Viola was not weak! She refused to be called weak! She crossed her arms.

"And my dad's Phobos. God of fear. Obviously." she rolled her eyes, "But if you even think about comparing me to him..." She let the threat hang in the air. She hated her father for ruining her entire existence by being the god of fear. If he hadn't driven her mother crazy, maybe Viola could've had a relatively normal life! She realised that she was clenching her hands into fists and relaxed, taking deep breaths. Be calm, Viola told herself, just stay calm. She checked the list that she had rewritten on the inside of her wrist; Thanatos was the god of death. She pulled a pen from her pocket and added the name Raiko to her never ending list. She was going to have to start writing on the other arm soon.
Raiko laughed a little bit more. "Woah! Calm down! I'm just trying to have a conversation. I'm trying to he nice. I can see your problem is you dont trust people and you don't let them talk to you. I'm going to break through your shell of hatred." When he noticed her writing something on her arm he inquired, " what are you writing?" He tried to look over an see her arm.
"I'm writing your name, idiot." Viola said, "Can't you read?" She held out her arm, "It's so I can remember all the weird names." She had a very long list of all the gods and goddesses that she knew of and then all the demigods that she knew of. There was a hell of a lot of names- she was going to get ink poisoning if she carried on like this.

"And I do trust people!" Viola snapped, "I just don't trust idiots like you that think they're clever and they're not. I only trust people like... Like..." Who did she trust again? Nobody here, everybody here was an idiot. Not her foster parents, they hated her. They wanted her to be nice and kind and clever and wonderful. Viola was clever but she certainly wasn't any of those other traits. She was horrible and unfair and intelligent and eerie. Not that she minded. Viola liked being different... Most of the time.
Raiko stopped laughing. He said, "so you push people away by insulting them and then you wonder why you're all alone. Give people chances. We aren't ALL idiots. I mean there are a few idiots in our group, but we live with each other and deal with it. We all would give our lives for each other. You seem like you want to find someone that give their life for you but you don't let them even talk to you. Lets start over ok? Hi I'm Raiko son of Thanatos." He held out his hand again for her to shake, smiling.
Anthony gave a sigh before taking the top off a water bottle and then poured it on Pepper's head gently. "Wakey wakey sleepy head." Anthony called trying to seem not annoying but at least charming. He was smiling as he tried to help her regain consciousness without getting on her nerves. "Hope she doesn't start hating me for this." Anthony mumbled before dumping the rest of the water on her.
"Hi. I'm Viola. Daughter of Phobos." she smiled, weakly. She thought this whole idea was stupid but if it gave her a chance to undo her mistakes... Why not? Besides, Raiko did have a point. She did push people away a lot. Maybe, just this once, she could try and be nice.

"It's nice to meet you, I guess?" she said. She'd never made it further than hellos and names in conversation before. What was she supposed to say next exactly?
Raiko smiled. "Good job. It's nice to meet you too. So your 14? That's really young for being a part of the whole god thing. I was 16 when I was told. My. Mom... Told... Me..." He remembered what had happens and turned away from Viola to hide his watering eyes. He gathered himself and turned back to Viola smiling.
She noticed that Raiko seemed upset. Ah yes, sadness. Something that. Viola was familiar with.

"My mom's in a hospital ward for the mentally ill." Viola said, "My father told me. I didn't see him for fourteen years and then he just showed up out of nowhere and dumped all this on me." She sounded bitter, "Stupid god." She looked up, "I hope you're listening, Dad! I hate you!" She looked down again, sighing.

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