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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raiko looked at her, slightly proud that she was opening up to him but very sad about his mom and her mom. He didnt want to tell her what happened to his mom. "My mom told me after I was attacked by a harpy. I haven't seen my dad yet. Unless he gave me these guns and my scythe. I'm still not sure of who that was." He was feeling so many emotions right now that he didnt know what to do.

@Fallen from Heaven
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Ryan nodded, "..You're welcome". He walked back into the plane and sat himself down on a seat as he waited for the to take off. What time was it? How many hours of sleep did they even get? Questions were flowing through Ryan's mind until he fell asleep with his head tilting toward the side again. This time he had a dream, but it did not involve his father. Wait, it involved his brother?

SWIPE! "Hello Brother! Nice to see you again!" Jethro smiled holding a blade toward his brother's neck. "Do you enjoy my new face?...excuse me, my original face? How are you doing?" His other hand moved onto a table. The scientist did not plan on waiting for his brother's response, "I heard that something's going on there in Brazil? Interesting! That powerless life of yours, is it interesting as well? ANYWAAAAY!" The man retracted the blade and put it in his pocket. "I don't really have much to say other than...I'm going to get you. Yes,...you and those friends of yours. Might as well get rid of you all to create the peace again instead of having random events similar to whatever is happening in Brail" He smiled evilly then made a straight face. Jethro tried to imitate the way Ryan sounded, "Even if I don't have any powers?" His hand moved to the corner of the table then banged on its surface, "YES! No matter what...with or without powers, you will always be a demigod. The favored star of the show. PATHETIC! YOU ruined my life! YOU DON'T DESERVE ANYTHING! Why not just eliminate all of you from the face of the earth am I right? I mean, what use do you have on this planet anyway? NOTHING HA! You demigods form this sense of weakness without your powers. Might as well just kill you all if you can't do anything without them...after all, they are all being taken away from you guys". Ryan blinked a couple of times and looked around him. Was this a dream or did Jethro actually have someone's powers? "I didn't do anything-" He tried to say but was interrupted by his brother. "EVERYTHING! You did EVERYTHING! Because of you, I got my face all messed up and couldn't live a normal life. Because of you, I was left to the side to fend for my self under the guardianship of my crazy father. Because of you, the family got split up. Zeus? COME ON! Zeus versus my dad Jay the scientist? Laaame". Actually, Ryan had no control over the events that Jethro had mentioned. He remained silent while his brother said, "I'm leaving. I hate you, bye".

After that dream, Ryan's mind went blank. Why did his brother have to act like a drama queen? He didn't ask him to "save" him in the fire. He didn't ask Zeus if he could be his son. Most of all, he didn't ask for that little family to be broken up. Ryan knew Jethro. That man had SOME good in him. After all, that whole dream was a warning right? It was kind of like a little "how are you doing" or "don't forget about me yet"...right?
Ace glanced at Ryan whose head was leaning to the side and mumbled, "Boy, keep sleeping like that and you'll get a stiff neck for sure". Cupid on the other hand, was snoring very lightly with his head against his hand on a little table. "Hey where have you been?" The brute eyed Pepper as he leaned his head back on a head rest.
Pepper looks at him. "Huh? Oh I was just outside... Healing my back." She said as she rubbed her face a bit and sighed. "Those birds got me...pretty good, tor up my back." She said softly.
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As the driver got more and more impatient, he finnally started the car and started zipping around Brazil before Jack even heard him say he was going to go. "ARE YOU INSANE THERE ARE MORE OF US STILL THERE!" Jack screamed over the roar of the engine. The driver seemed to not hear Jack as he continued driving. ((I didn't get a chance to react here Ryan :/ )) They quickly made it to the airport and Jack got out of the SUV, with rage in his eyes staring down the driver , He grabbed his bag Aggressively. Marmore climbed out of the car stumbling, dizzy from the ride. "GO....BACK... NOW!" He said with so much authority and anger the ground shook. He clenched his two Rock cylinders , ready to turn them into a massive battle-axe and slice the SUV in half.

Harry thought that adri looked so cute embarrassed at her situation.He scratched his neck at her question. Harry didn't want to seem un-heroic to Adrianna, after trying to come up with some heroic tale he just settled on the truth. "I may or may not have fallen asleep in the elevator" he said with a small smile. "But thats not important, Do the bandages feel alright?" hoping he had done well with his handiwork. He had learned first aid from his days on the street, as out there you are your own doctor.
"Mm okay" Ace replied closing his eyes. Just then Cupid cough began to resume from earlier that day. "Ey I'm trying to sleep here! Shut up Cupid!" Ace snapped keeping his eyes shut. "Can't...(cough)...st- (cough) op (cough)" Cupid responded grabbing his neck. Ryan opened one eye then the next, "Cupid, what's going on? You've been coughing since our plane ride to Brazil". Paolo zoomed out of the premises hitting an orange cone on the way out. Ryan tilted his head when he heard a scream. The teen made his way out of the airplane, "Who's there?" Maybe it was Jack? Ryan was not so sure though.
Her shower wasn't enough to have her calmed and looking over Pepper had reminded her again of her mother, Beth. Karan left Pepper in bed and went back into the bathroom and shut the door. Karan held her arm up and sealed the door by pressurizing the seams. She heard nothing, satisfying her knowing no air waves or vibrations would enter nor escape. Karan leaned into the bath tub and turned on the water and sat beside the water flowing and began to hum the song she had been humming a while ago for Pepper. Her mother, Beth, had taught her that song when she was a child. An old folk song for the fisherman and sailors of the Scottish coast. She loved it and cherished the song whenever she could make the time to sing it.

The tub filled and Karan slipped out of her thoughts to turn the water off and remove her bathrobe in order to get in. She laid in the warm waters and soaked for a while, letting her body and her condition to settle. She looked over to where the shampoos and the bubble baths were kept and spotted the apple cinnamon one. 'Mmmm... apples... They do smell delicious. I'd like that.' she thought as she lifted the bottle with her powers. It would have looked as if she had telekinesis, though, that would be difficult to explain since she didn't have that. She manipulated the air pressures around the object and increased one side of the bottle to propel it towards her while decreasing the resistance of the path it traveled. But Karan didn't bother with the technicalities, all she cared about was how easy her powers made her life. The bottle stopped as it hovered over the center and the cap popped open and she twisted her hand to pour it into the water. The stream hit the water and began to spread throughout the bathtub. After sufficient bubble bath solution, she had the cap closed and whisked the bottle across the room. She raised her arm and with her finger down, began to twirl it around. The air swirled the water and looked like a whirlpool was being created, a minor one. She played with her wet bangs as she continued to hum and the bubbles began to foam over the surface and a smile broke from her glass-like expression. Bubbles began to float around in a small swirl with the air, looking like a tiny bubble tornado. She giggled and lifted the bubble tornado away from the water and up to the ceiling.

Karan's other hand lifted itself out of the water and she spread the bubbles all across the rooms. Big ones, small ones, ones coupled with others. She was amusing herself and her attitude perked up. She had forgotten of all her worries, if she had any of importance. She thought of trying out something and it seemed like fun. She scooped up a handful of bubbles and tapped each one, feeling each fragile buoyant shell. She looked at the bubbles for a moment and nothing really happened. The floating bubbles still swirled around the bathroom and the water was covered in white foam, filling the air with apple and cinnamon. She threw the bubbles on the wall and a couple had burst into smaller bubbles, though a few had bounced off the wall. They bounced across and accelerated with each bounce and she laughed when one shattered a small glass vase on the sink counter. She clapped and was excited that she had made the density around the bubble durable enough to withstand force. She let the bouncing bubbles go on until soon the room was filled with broken glassware and the mirror had small spider vein cracks. She cut each one out of the air after she got a little bored of watching them with a few finger flicks.

After close to half an hour of soaking, Karan thought it was best to get out and take a nap beside Pepper on that comfy mattress. She got out of the bath and pulled the plug to drain the water. She avoided the glass on the floor by stepping on air a few inches above the floor. She dried herself off and lifted the bathrobe off the floor. Karan dusted it off and placed it around her before walking over to the door. She reverted the air pressure around the door and opened the door. She walked out and saw a mess across the floor. Water soaked the carpet and metallic birds with celestial bronze beaks peppered the floor. Karan looked over to the bed and saw that Pepper wasn't on it. No sign of blood but she saw that everything was scattered everywhere. She hurried out, still walking on air, and gathered her clothes off the floor. She began hastily putting on her clothing and almost fell as her pants caught her leg inside the legging. She placed her leather boots on and looked around for the exit. She found blood in the hallway. 'PEPPER!' her mind shouted out. Karan stepped on the carpeted floor of the hallway and saw the walls had metal feathers dug into them and more birds on the ground. 'What the hell are these....' she asked herself. She never paid attention in her classes or anything not related to her powers. Karan was furious and the wind was affected by her rage. It carried her as she rushed to the end of the hallway towards the elevators. She passed rooms that their doors were flung open like her room was. Dead birds, no dead people, 'No dead Pepper.'

Karan reached the elevators and was too impatient to wait on it, so she turned to the stairwell and pushed the panic bars, opening the door into the stairway. There were heavily geared soldiers in the stairway. Dead heavily geared soldiers. The ones that frequently accompanied scientists. This worried Karan and she thought more of Pepper. She failed her. She got caught again and she was too busy playing in the water. Karan cursed herself and jumped over the railing and slowed herself before landing on the ground floor. She exited towards the lobby and saw the lobby with soldiers in rows with ice roses on them. No trace of Pepper or the other demigods. A few birds were down here but she no longer cared about the birds. Pepper's face was on her mind. She paced to the exit of the hotel and flung the lifeless bodies of soldiers out of her path. She blasted the doors off their hinges and they skidded to the street. Karan's mood went cold, she wanted answers. She wanted someone to pay. She had to find Pepper.

Karan remembered that the kids were trying to get to Greenland. Coincidentally, that's where Pepper said her brother lived. She didn't know where the airport was nor exactly where to find a map in this god forsaken country. Disgusting filthy people and their hot climate. Karan spit on the floor and thought of the only thing she could think of. High ground to see if she could see anything looking like an airport. She gathered a pressurized current under her feet and launched herself high into the dark skies. She created a veil over her face to keep from getting torn up by the force of the resistance. Her body felt light as the acceleration slowed and she shifted her feet on the air and stood high above where she was in Brazil. She turned and looked down, seeing the shiny lights of the metropolitan city and the pitch black spots of where jungle grew. The contrast was overwhelming up this high in the sky. She placed the veil in front of her and thinned the center creating a concave shape and the view through it was magnified. A trick she used back at the camp but this was a bigger application. She scanned the area and saw nothing to help her. She thought of what an airport would have that would stand out. 'A runway. An.... airport. Stuff with airport stuff. Bloody hell...' she thought as she continued to scan. Her mind was jumbled with Pepper's well being. Karan just wanted to make sure she was safe. She hoped to God that the other demigods took care of her. 'Or else...' the wind ripped into a gale as she lost control of her temper and the veil wavered. She calmed the winds and herself down and when she did the veil settled down over a few lights. A tower with a few light on the roof. 'HA! A bloody tower for... airplane stuff.' she grinned.

Positioning the veil over her face, she gathered the wind behind her and propelled herself towards the air control tower. Her body glided with her arms secured to her waist, guiding the currents with small movements. She was dropping in a slight angle and the view of the airport was coming to view and she was hoping Pepper was going to be there. The tower was getting closer and closer, the wind screaming beside her and her hair getting some wind that avoided the veil. She slowed herself before she hit the concrete roof with full force, killing her instantly. She adjusted her body so she could land feet first. The wind slowly died and her feet hit the roof and she looked around for any indication that they were there. The veil was shifted in front of her and magnified to see the runway. There was a plane and a few people moving around. She intensified the magnification and saw in one of the windows, Peppers face. Her deep blue eyes got a little misty and she bit her lip. 'She's safe. Good for you, doll.' She wiped the tears from her eyes before she went to them. She didn't feel like explaining that to Pepper. She would end up killing her for all the nagging that would follow.

After a small pause, Karan leapt off the roof of the tower and descended towards the plane. She landed while avoiding the others outside. Karan rushed into the plane, shoving anyone in the way and stood in the aisle where Pepper sat. She looked at her with tormented eyes, "I'm... glad you're safe, doll. I'm really glad...." She said softly for only Pepper to hear. Karan opened her arms and held them out for Pepper .
Pepper's eyes widen as she looks at Karan with wide eyes. "Oh my gods... KARAN!" she said and quickly launched herself into the older girl's arms, hugging her tightly while shaking slightly before starting to sob. "I-I tried to find you when t-those birds attacked b-but I couldn't find you and had to fight my way out of our room to the hall where I got attacked by more birds A-And they managed to rip into my b-back but I'm okay now b-because Ryan helped me bandage my shoulder and back. I-I'm so glad your okay too K-Kare-Bear.." She whispered her secret nickname for the older girl and smiled softly while wiping her eyes slightly.
Jason's attention was diverted for a moment by Karan, but it was one visible by a slight shift in his gaze. Another shift followed as he looked towards the door of the cockpit. He stood up silently and went over and knocked on the door, "Max you know who it is, let me in."

As Jason stood Jerika was awakened from her nap and yawned. She looked around then checked herself to make sure her gear was still there. She looked around and decided to stay in her spot being very comfortable and still sleepy, she just laid there with her eyes closed enjoying the nothing.

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"I know... I know. Calm yourself. I'm here now. I'm here. I'm not gonna leave you, doll. I won't leave you." Karan whispered in her ear as she consoled her. The mention of that infuriating name Pepper called her would have made her growl at any other moment. But right now, Karan was happy. And with Pepper safe and with her now, Karan would bear it. Karan looked at Peppers back and didn't see anything over her clothing. She pulled away from Pepper just slightly, "Are you sure you're ok?" gazing with her deep blue eyes filled with concern.
Pepper hiccuped a bit but started to calm down as her sobs had subsided slightly as did her tears. She looked up Karan and nodded. "Yes I'm sure Karan. Just a bit tired since I had to heal someone of their body burns but I can sleep on the plane..." She said and yawned slightly, hugging Karan's arm as she quickly fell asleep with her head against the older girl's shoulder.
Max awoke as a noise at the door sounded through the cabin. He sat up and looked at the door. "Uhhhhggg" He stood up and opened the door. He saw Jason standing there in front of him and he knew what he wanted to talk about. He grabbed the boy and pulled him inside the cockpit. Before he closed the door to deal with Jason he spoke out "Hey can one of you get everyone outside the plane to get on the plane? Thanks!" Max closed the door and went back into the cockpit. He turned to Jason "What the Hell do you want." He said as he straightened his tattered shirt. "Cause I'm not in a very happy mood as of now."
Karan eased herself into a chair taking up all the space in that aisle and positioned Pepper on her as she ran her fingers through her hair. Karan looked at Pepper and held her while she slept on her. Karan began to hum again and kept running her fingers through Pepper's hair. She couldn't help but not hate Pepper. Karan carefully lifted Pepper's head on her chest and leaned against the wall of the plane. Humming and softly singing some inaudible verses in her Scottish accent.
Jason brushed himself off, "You and I both know what what I want to talk about, Allie. What happened I thought she was missing, why was she here. Will......will I be able to see her?" Jason's eyes were overflowing with sadness, he was pleading for any information Max had.

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Jacks breaths started to slow, calming down he stood there for a bit praying to the gods that his fellow demigods would come back safe. Turning to Marmore he whispered into his companions ear saying ,"Go follow that car and if he doesn't pick up everyone else thats left there go pick him up, fly him as high as you can, rip him to shreds and let his entrails plummet down to the earth". Turning to Ryan after hearing him he said,"It's Jack, that driver of yours is a piece of sh*t". He put his cylinder rocks in his bag as he saw another demigod rapidly fly down and enter the plane. Reminding him of Harry and his protective ways.
"There are too many things that you don't know about us." Max said leaning on the door. "Too many things to talk about now, especially considering that I'm getting ready to fly us to Greenland." Max rubbed his eyes, he was exhausted due to him not getting any sleep. "You said it yourself earlier in this trip, that we have very bad JuJu on our way. And its because I'm here!" He shouted anger filling his voice. He was thankful that the cockpit was sound proof and that nobody could hear him shout. "My entire life has been nothing but losses and suffering, and its all due to me being a child of the Big Three." Max angrily walked over to his seat and grabbed the scrapbook lying there. He picked it up and flipped through the pages until he came to the last page and pulled out the picture on the page. "This should explain why we always left you behind when we went on our trips." He said slapping the photo of Max, Allie and another boy each holding special items. Max was holding a fake foam Lighting bolt, Allie was draping a shadowy cloak a crossed her body, and the boy was holding an architecture book and had a plastic owl on his shoulder. "This was the last picture we took before everything went to S***! We decided to be stupid and hold items relating to our godly parents, and thats when i lost track of Eric and Allie. " Max looked down his face a mix of sadness and anger. "Next thing i knew i woke up in a forest in some random place in California went i found Them." Tears started rolling down his face "I found Allie burning Eric's body. They had been attacked by Cyclops and Eric died protecting her." Max put his hand on Jason's shoulder he was crying now. "Thats the short story. Now that you know, do what you want with that picture. Its not important anymore… Ive got tons more where it came from."
Jason looked from the photo to Max, "But what happened to Allie. I have known about Eric and have accepted his death, but what happened to her where did she go? Why didn't you tell me this earlier! Do you even know how PAINFUL IT WAS!?!?!?" Jason's voice and rage were building and

were starting to bubble over, a wind was building and the plane was becoming the center of a hurricane. "You knew what she meant to me....." Jason glared angrily at Max, his fists balled up and teeth grinding.

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Pepper slowly started to wake as she felt a change within the area and knew that it could only be from two people, either Jason or Karan. But seeing as Karan was currently with her and humming softly while running a hand through her hair, it had to be Jason. Pepper slowly sat up and moved from her spot and made her way over to the cockpit where she could feel the source of the energy. "B-Brother?" She said softly while knocking on the door. "I-I know something is wrong... But please... Calm down just for now... We need this plane to fly remember?" She said softly while standing by the door.
Max's tears were angrily wiped off his face. "You Don't think I know That!" Max Shouted at his friend feeling the wind shift outside. "You got to live a simple F***ing Life until just now Jason!" Max's blue eyes started to whiten "Ive lived my whole life in fear that i or my friends will die due to what i am!!!" Lighting stuck in the distance as Jason and Max's powers started to create a giant storm. "I have been suffering through my entire life! I kept My and Your Godly heritage secret from you, so you could life a Normal life!" Max stared at his friend his eyes becoming completely white. "I VANISHED AND LET ONE OF MY FRIENDS DIE! THEN I GET CURSED OUT BY ALLIE AND SHE SAID IT WAS A MISTAKE TO EVEN BE FRIENDS WITH ME!!!!!" Max Slammed Jason into the door. "DONT YOU DARE TALK ABOUT PAINFUL EXPERIENCES! MY WHOLE LIFE IS JUST THAT!" Max shoved Jason into his seat in the Cockpit. He opened the door and saw Pepper standing in front of him. His pure white eyes staring hatefully at Pepper. He moved past her and out of the plane. "talk to me again when you understand me completely." He said as he opened up his hand. In his palm sat the silver arrowhead that he took back from Jason. He turned and looked back at the plane. He focused and shot into the air to calm himself down.
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Anthony rubbed his head not expecting the quick reaction from Pepper. "Well I screwed that situation up well enough." Anthony said as he got onto the plane and saw Pepper running towards the cockpit. Anthony followed and didn't quiet realize what was happening as Max left. He walked up and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Well cousins always fight especially between the kids of the big three it's nothing to worry about. It's natural to want to see who is the strongest or smartest or just plain best in those situations." Anthony didn't believe that was what was going on exactly but he decided to mind his own business and walked into the cockpit. "What's up Jason didn't you want some of that gumbo I made earlier because I got a pot full in the back that we can chow down on. Soul food fixes everything it can for a short time."
Pepper flinches slightly as Max yells at her slightly before looking in at her Half-Brother Jason. "...I think I-I'll just go back and sit down and not say a-anything." She said softly before quickly making her way back to her seat and hugging her knees to her chest as she does so, doesn't know why Max gave her such a dark look when she didn't do anything and was trying to help her brother.
Ryan did not really have anything to say about anyone's negative views toward another person. He tended to just back off when he sensed the intense anger within him/her. Ryan entered the plane hearing the whole scene take place. He furrowed his eye brows then sat down, "Hey Pepper, don't mind him okay? He'll cool off eventually..". Yeah, Max went through a lot. It was as if he was the star of a drama! Nevermind that though, it was time to focus on the situations at hand. Ryan knew that Jason and Max needed some cool off time. He was not so sure though how Pepper would take whatever Max just did to her.
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With a cold glare, Karan refrained from moving from her seat. She watched as the Zeus kid flew off and stopped from snatching the wind he was propelling himself with. Another boy walked over and placed his hand on Pepper's shoulder and spewed some nonsense about strength and what not. Karan bit her lip as he ignored her to speak to the prat that caused this whole mess. She got up as Pepper hurried over to the chair and went into a state Karan was uncomfortable seeing her in. Karan stopped from leaving to stay by Pepper's side, so she sat beside her, "Come here, doll. Don't fret over those numb skulls. Shhhhh, I got you." she softly said and put her arms around her and pulled her close. She laid back down and pulled Pepper with her. "Just sleep. I'll be here. Don't worry bout everything else. You need sleep, Pepper." Karan calmly spoke to Pepper.

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