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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper sighs softly as manages to heal one of the major gashes before deciding that the healing is more draining them helpful. Slowly starts to make her way back to the plane to get someone to wrap her back for her, stopping every now and then to lean against a tree for support.
Max rubbed his eyes. He’d been looking at maps for a while now, and it felt like his eyes were burning. He put the maps down and leaned back, his mother was deep in study and he knew he would never be able to get her attention now. He looked around and got up and went over to a small metal cabinet and opened it up. “Where is it?” He said as he began to dig through the cabinet looking for something. He smiled as he found the tattered green scrapbook and took it back to his seat. He opened it up as he sat down and began to flip through it. He smiled as he looked through his souvenirs and pictures from his past adventures. He flipped the past and laughed. The first picture was of him and two other kids. One was a boy with gray eyes and short blond hair who had a scar on his lip and a girl with pure black eyes and browning blond hair. They were smiling and standing on a bungee jumping bridge in what looked like a casino; below the picture was a green credit card with the words Lotus casino on it. There was a note next to it “Use only in times of need… or when mom decides to be mean.” Max read to himself and laughed. He pulled the card out the scrapbook and put it into his pocket “This could be useful later.” He thought as he went back to the scrapbook. He flipped the page again to a different picture, the three were younger by about a year and they were standing in a bush, with a sleeping dragon in the background and a golden apple rested in the gray-eyed boys hand. “Shame the stupid dragon woke up…. Would’ve been the first time nothing ever happened.” Max looked at the picture again “You looked better without the scar Erik.” He mumbled to himself. He flipped the page and his smile faded. The next picture was from two years ago and the three were standing near the golden gate bridge. Max rubbed his thumb over the picture and the picture moved to reveal two more of the same picture underneath it. “Why did it end this way?” Max flipped the page again and the next picture he saw hurt him more. The image showed for people; Max had the gray-eyed boy in a headlock and they were both laughing, next to them was the black-eyed girl who had her arms wrapped lovingly around Jason. A tear rolled down Max’s cheek. He pulled the picture out of the scrapbook and put in in his pocket with the credit card. He got up and shook his mothers shoulder “Hey I’m gonna get some air ill be back in a few.” His mother nodded and Max left the cockpit. He stepped out into the plane and walked over to Ryan. He gave Ryan’s shoulder a tap “Hey I’m gonna get some air, ill be back in a few” Max said as he turned and walked out of the plane. He walked out and over to the entrance to the airport and went inside. He stopped at the door and thought to himself “I should probably block the entrance, I really just want to be alone for the moment.” He turned the lock on the handle and went farther into the airport.

It wasn’t long before something strange started happening. Max heard a howl echo from further down the gate line, and that’s when he heard the flapping of wings. Max looked around, something wasn’t right; there shouldn’t be anything in the airport. That’s when he felt a flash of pain on his back. Max spun wondering what had just struck him, but he couldn’t find it; it was too dark. Max saw a shadow flash to his right, which was followed by another flash of pain on his arm. He heard a laugh echo out from the dark, it was a laugh he’d heard before; it was one of enjoyment and insanity. “A Harpy!” Max cried out as he was slashed again this time on his wounded shoulder. He screamed, but he knew no one could hear him; the glass was soundproof. He started to run farther into the airports running past all the gates until he ran into a row of seats. Max raised his arms up as he watched the shadow fly towards him. He felt the monster start slashing at whatever it could get its claws on and Max could feel the pain as the beast drove its claws into his flesh. Max pushed his arms out sending the shadow flying back into the darkness. Max looked up and watched as the shadow turned and flew straight at him, Max raised his arms to protect himself. Max heard a sharp twang sound out from behind him. He looked up and saw a silver arrow sticking out of the harpy, which was turning to dust in front of him. Max let out a shaky breath and began to calm down. Max went to get up went all of a sudden a silver wolf slammed into him and snapped at him, pinning him to the ground. Max began freaking out and tried to get it off when a familiar voice called out “Κατεβείτε Zoul” The girl called out and the wolf got off of Max. Max sat up breathing deeply and looked up at the girl who had saved him, and he almost had a heart attack. “A-Allie?!” Max said as his old friend stood in front of him surrounded by a silver aura. “H-How did you get here?! How did you find me?!” She quickly notched another arrow and Max shut right up. “It was easy. I just had to follow the smell of ozone and weakness.” Max was shocked at what his friend just said to him. “Allie what happen to you?” She released the arrow and it flew right past his ear cutting it slightly. “You talk when I want you to.” Max gulped. Allie slung her bow over her shoulder and knelt down next to Max. She grabbed his hands and began to patch him up. “When did you join the hunters?” Max asked wondering why she would be healing him. She look dup at him with an irritate look “Right after you let Eric die.” Allie said with a hint of anger in her voice “I didn’t let Eric Die!” “THEN WHERE WERE YOU?!” She shouted squeezing Max’s arm so harm something cracked, the wolf neck to her growled at him. “I-I Don’t Know!” Max shouted back at his friend “I DON’T KNOW! ALL I REMEMBER IS I RAN INTO THIS GIRL AND NEXT THIS I KNEW I WAS SOMEWHERE IN THE WOODS!” Max had tears running down his eyes “I don’t know what you wanted to hear, but that’s all I know.” Allie looked at him “Very well then” She said as she shoved a square of ambrosia into his mouth “You should ne feeling better in a few minutes.” She stood up and stared at him with her now cold black eyes. She started to walk away when Max shouted “Allie. I need to ask you a favor!” She stopped and turned to look at her former friend. “What.” “Two things… First one of my friends, who I’m traveling with hasn’t been around at all. If you can, will you try to find her?” Allie sighed, “What’s her name?” “Adelina… she’s a daughter of Athena, it’s hard to miss her. She should still be in Brazil” “Why are you leaving her behind.” “Because we need to get rid of the other Scientist bases and we can’t waste anymore time,” Allie sighed again. “Very well, ill keep an eye out for her… and what’s your second favor.” “If-If you want to… Please meet up with us in Greenland. We could use your skills.” Allie scoffed and turned towards a weird looking set of plants that looked to go farther back than it should. “The great son of Zeus needs my help! What are the odds?!” She stepped into the plants. “We’ll see. Come on Zoul” The girl and the wolf entered the shrubs and vanished. “Lucky. She can travel anywhere as long as she goes through a forest. Stupid Huntress powers!” He said as he stood up. He saw the arrow lying on the ground sitting in a pile of dust. He went to grab it, but he decided he’d better leave it, its not like hed have any use for it.

Max made his way onto the tarmac and started towards the plane. His shirt was torn slightly, but his wounds were completely healed. He had his head pointed towards the ground, in his hand was a silver arrowhead; he’d went back and taken it as a memento. He kept walking went he bumped into the last person he wanted to see, Jason.

@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira
Ryan furrowed his brows and stood up, "Fine I'll just feel your heads then...One!" His hand grabbed Cupid's face. "Gargh!" Cupid moved his head away. "Two.." The son of Zeus felt Ace's shoulder. This would be tiring. Ryan sighed and clapped his hands together so that he could just see the vague figures pop up in his mind with his..blind sense? He was able to see his brother's figure walk out of the plane.
Pepper hissed slightly in pain as the gashes started to bleed and open again as she continued her slow and painful walk. She knew that the plane wasn't that far, but her back was killing her from the way she was walking to try and keep her wounds from opening.
"Anthony, Jack, Damien, Max, Adelina, and..Pepper? Are missing still" Cupid said counting off the people inside the plane. "Wait, Pepper? Wasn't she just here a few seconds ago?" Ryan asked. "More like minutes.." Ace said from the side. "Yeah she should be around by now" Cupid responded looking through the glass. Ryan stepped out of the plane and felt a breeze blow past him. That Paolo should have arrived at that time as well.
Pepper hissed slightly in pain as she leaded against the tree which was part of the tree line that surrounded the area. "Gods... I-I'm going to pass out if I don't get back to that plane..." She panted softly while limping towards the plane, wincing slightly as she walked.
Jason had watched Max go into the airport since he was sitting next to the stairs that led into the plans, but had stayed where he was for a while until he noticed Max on his way out looking a bit beat up. Jason went to meet him and stopped about two feet in front of him, but Max didn't seem to notice him until he bumped into him, Jason looked at Max concerned since he usually wasn't this distracted. "Hey Max, what happened, are you okay?" Jason noticed that Max was staring at something in his palm and wanted to reach for it but stopped. "Where's that from?"

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"Where E's Antonio?! Thees guy on theh paper!" Paolo grabbed the sign he wrote and waved it in front of Jack's face. He was getting impatient causing his thick accent to make its way out. Ryan tilted his head after hearing a familiar voice, "Who's there?" Cupid's eyes were growing heavy, "Where..where is-?" The demigod fell asleep before he could even finish his question. The fridge made a creaking sound as Ace swung it's door open and grabbed a little snack.
"I'm fine!" Max said loudly "and this isn't anything." Max wasn't okay, he was more crap than ever. He'd just talked to his old friend, who used to be Jason's Girlfriend. Max tried to think of how to explain this to his friend, but he couldn't. "I just need to be alone" he said as he went to get on the plane.

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Jason jolted as Max yelled at him and was a bit shocked as he began to walk away remembering himself after Max had taken a few steps and reached out firmly planting a hands on Max's shoulder turned him around. "You're no good to anyone angry least of all yourself, what's wrong?" This time Jason's voice was much firmer not wanting to let Max continue as he was.

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Pepper glanced up slightly and froze slightly while she was leaning on her knees slightly. "...Ryan? I thought you were on the plane asleep, last I saw you..." she said softly while giving a soft sigh of discomfort due to her back injuries bothering her by throbbing and stinging, making her focus on the problem at hand once again. "I uh... need your help if you think you can do it.." she said softly while making her way over.
Ryan made his way toward Pepper's voice, "Cupid kind of hit me in the face. Anyway, ofcourse I can do it. What do you need me to do Pepsi? Are you okay?..you don't sound too well". Ace yawned and swacked Cupid in the face, "Ey entertain me!" Cupid opened one of his eyes then closed it back again, "When the sun comes out".
Max grabbed Jason's arm off his shoulder and held it open. He put the arrow head into his palm and spoke two words "From Allie." And Max went into the plane and back into the cockpit, locking the door behind him. He sat down in his seat and rubbed his face. "Today had to my worst day ever!" He said as he closes his eyes, and in seconds Max was asleep; falling into a usual demigod dream.

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Damian and Anthony were sitting in the hotel bathroom as birds scraped at and banged against the door. "These guys just don't give up do they?" Damian asked before smacking Anthony in the face to get him focused but it didn't work. Damian gave a sigh before shaking his spear. "Bent and off balance but it'll do." He grabbed it near the blade and braced himself in front of the door but then let it open a bit and wham! The fight was on and Damian started jabbing his spear into anything that moved that is until he was shoved forward from behind. "I have a Roman legion to bring to it's knees!" Anthony stated as he stood in the doorway the birds gathering to attack and overwhelm him. "AXIOS!" Anthony Screamed his watch turning into a mace as he stepped forwards to meet his foes with a fire in his heart. Anthony inhaled and the flame left his heart and hit his eyes then poof! Gone is what it seemed until the smoke poured gently from Anthony's mouth and he exhaled on the advancing birds and watched as they started to melt but unfortunately the heat also caused his skin to burn and blister on the front of his body. He stopped and his armor was steaming as he walked around the pile of molten metal in his path. "Rome will burn with my hatred as it should have all those years ago and with the gods as my witness I swear on the river styx that I will do this or die trying!" He started to march towards the elevator and Damian followed but when they both entered the elevator Anthony had a scowl on his face. "The one time your selfish, stubborn, a-hole attitude would have helped and with iron hard skin and all you still let them smack that torch from between your fingers!" The elevator doors closed and Anthony nailed Damian square in the jaw with a devastating right hook. When the doors opened Anthony walked out and past the person at the counter who gave a gasp at seeing him. Damian followed and when they got outside Damian broke a car window and they got in. After hotwiring the car they took off doing 90 miles per hour the whole way towards the airport. "I hope Rome burns to the ground so I can see the sight with my dying breathe." Anthony said with a scowl still on his face.
Alec watched the entire exchange from the place he was sitting and arched an eyebrow at Jason, then a sudden horrible thought crossed- is Allie Max's... GIRLFRIEND? (Insert DUN DUN DUN sound effect here). His expression broke into a mix of sadness, shock and confusion, and then he sank in his seat and whimpered silently.

Helena in the back, meanwhile, had heard Max shout and was looking up over the top of the chairs, staring curiously as the pair exchanged words and Max stomped off. Damn... She was going Max if he had any Motrin... But instead she watched Jason's reaction to whatever was in his hand, her head tilted to one side like a dog.
Pepper winces slightly as she sat down slightly. "I got pretty torn up by those birds back at the hotel... I figured they weren't that bad so I left them alone... I wanted to make sure everyone else was healed before dealing with my own..." she said softly while sighing slightly. "Now they've opened up and are worse then before... I did try to heal them but that ended up draining me rather then help..." she muttered softly while running a hand through her hair. "I just need your help to wrap them up..." she said softly while blushing slightly, glad he couldn't see her face right now as she glanced at the ground, holding some bandages in her hand.
Jason stared at the arrow head unsure if he believed Max or not, "Allie? My Allie?" He looked back at the airport where Max had come from, "That close, after all this time she was that close." He sighed turning and walking away going back to the plane going in his face dismal and eyes stormy, he had nothing else in his mind but memories, painful and pleasant. He sat alone in a window seat present but not at the same time.

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"Grrr...I am done waiting! Vamos!" Paolo yelled flooring the vehicle to the airport. He arrived at the place and waited for whoever was in his SUV to get out. "Alright well just guide my hands since I can't really see you" Ryan responded taking the bandage from Pepper. "Pepsi, next time don't go off by yourself injured like this okay? It's fine if you're unharmed or healed like Max...but with wounds? I would have stopped you earlier but I didn't notice you leave and I can't see how injured you are" The demigod added waiting for Pepsi's instructions.
Pepper sighs softly and nods. "Alright... Got it..." She said softly while handing him the bandages. "You can start with my shoulders..." She said while taking his hand slightly and putting it on her shoulder. "This is going to be interesting.." She said softly while guiding his hands slightly.
"Why? You've never had a blind person bandage you before?" Ryan began to wrap the bandage around the area she guided his hand to. "And where are the majority of your injuries?" Added the son of Zeus. Raising an eyebrow at Jason and Max's discussion, Ace rubbed his hands together, "Now Cupid top that". "No stop let me sle-" The demigod named after the famous flying love baby replied.
Pepper shook her head slightly while guiding his hand slightly as he bandages her shoulders and back. "Mostly my back and lower torso..." She said softly while blushing slightly and ignoring how warm his hands felt. "I haven't really had anyone bandage my wounds before since normally I wasn't running for my life... But it's interesting and I'm making new friends which is nice.." She said while looking over at him slightly before looking at the plane.
Anthony got out after they stopped near the plane his whole body hurt from the first and second degree burns he had over the front of his body and damn did they make him feel tired. Damian was keeping his distance since Anthony was radiating heat so bad he drowned out the A/C. "Dude you need a LOT of aloe for that burn!" Damian said walking onto the plane Anthony following him wincing with every step that is until he saw a girl getting bandaged up by Ryan. He walked up and of course stopped thinking about himself entirely as he usually did when somebody else needed help. "Are you alright?" Anthony asked not even realizing he was walking around looking like a burn victim from a arson case.
Pepper glanced up at him, noticing the burns right away, she gasped. "Oh my gods, what happened to you? Don't mind me and my injuries, worry about yours! Mine aren't nothing to worry about, they aren't the worst." She said while stopping Ryan slightly from his bandaging. "Oh how rude of me, I haven't introduced myself... I'm Pepper, Daughter of Poseidon." She said with a small smile.
"Hm? Anthony is that you?" Ryan asked. "What happened to Anthony? Can you explain?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked the question not being able to see Anthony's burn. So then only Jack and Adelina were missing? Ryan heard Paolo's engine from a short distance away while Paolo waited for the people to get out of his SUV.
"Oh yeah I just had the time of my life metal birds, being deserted, and playing with fire way hotter than it should have been. You know natural party ingredients. My name is Anthony Garcia son of Hecate and the god's newest favorite thing to torture." Anthony said with a gentleman's smile and a slight bow as was the way he was raised to do when addressing a member of the opposite sex especially a attractive one. He sat down and leaned back trying to get a serious loss of pain going. "No Ryan it's not me it's santa HO!HO!HO!" He said in a particularly foul mood.

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