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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper releases her lip from between her teeth and gets up. "Sure... I'll help her as long as she's alright with me helping her... Because i'm still some what of a stranger to her since i don't even know who she is other then the one time i uhm saw her with my half-brother, Jason.." she said softly while going over to them.
Ryan noticed Helena walk away, "...Was she fine the whole time? Oh gods now I feel stupid. Sorry for bugging you guys then". He leaned his head against the wall with his eyes open. Well at least he offered some assistance even though it apparently was not needed. A wheezing sound could be heard from Helena's direction. "Hm? Forget what I said" He said moving his hand around a table. Ryan picked up a water bottle then walked over to Helena, "Here it's new". The demigod opened the bottle and handed it to her.
Helena looked at Ryan, looked at the water bottle like he was handing her raw meat- that meaning, having no intention of taking it- but then sighed and took the bottle from him, raised it up at him a little and murmured, "thank you, Ryan..." And once she heard Pepper ask if she needed help, she noticed how uncomfortable she was around all these new people. ".... Listen, kid. These people around you may be ridiculous, and rambunctious, and just plain stupid sometimes," she looked pointedly at Ace and Cupid,"But nobody is worth fearing here: we are not about to turn on you. Even when we may threaten, more often then not, we don't even go through with it. I understand if your just a naturally quiet person, which I get, but to be honest.. You should be comfortable around us... Just watch out for Cupid, he's a dumbass and Ace, he's a dumbass who thinks he can rap."
Pepper looked at the dark girl before nodding. "Okay.. But seriously... should I check your wounds for you? I don't know... where Lucas I think it was went... But he's a better healer then me but i could wash your wounds if you'd like...?" she asked softly but loudly enough for her to hear especially over the two boys who were currently talking in the background.
"That was so thoughtful..."Cupid began then continued furrowing his brows, "..and hurtful at the same time". "We're not dumb, we just have a unique way of looking at things. Watch, one day I'll do something so smart that it will blow your little minds away" Ace said folding his arms across his chest. "I..don't count on that Ace, but your first concept? Thanks for the back up" Cupid responded smiling a little. Paolo sat in his SUV still waiting for the demigods in the hotel. Where were they? Ryan sat down in a seat and leaned back listening to the conversation around him.
Lucas walked back inside with a confused look on his face. "Huh, did someone say my name?" Kayden and Ever rolled their eyes at their friend. "Where were you Sunshine?" Ever questioned crossing her arms. "I was taking care of Laius. He's still upset about a certain someone insulting him," Lucas jabbed at Ever, and she pretended not to hear him. "And don't call me sunshine." The daughter or Hades snickered. "Well it fits doesn't it?"
Pepper gave a nod. "Mhm. I did... Mostly because I was wondering where you were because she has pretty bad wounds from those birds... and I need to work on dealing with mine now since mostly everyone else has been check up on..." she said and made her way back to her off the plane to go find some water to call to her aid. "Also... who's Laius?" she asked while looking at them.
Lucas gave a thumbs up. "Alrighty, but first I need to get my back pack." The Apollo boy walked to the back of the plane to get his bag while the two girls were left to answer the question. "Laius is Lucas' Pegasus, whom Ever hates." "Correction, I don't just hate Laius, I hate all Pegasi. And I don't hate them, I just extremely dislike them."
"I think everyone smart person that joins the group will eventually lose their braincells unless their immune system can fight off the stupidity virus so cherish your intelligence while it last" Jenna said.

Serafina simply looked away from everyone else trying not to get involved.
Pepper clapped her hands slightly. "A Pegasus? My half-brother has one, do you think he'll let me see Laius?" she asked slightly before looking like she was going to get off the plane slightly since that was what she was going to do to go find some water to heal her wounds, knowing she would be sore if she didn't do it soon.
Kayden shrugged, not really locked in on the conversation at hand. "Probably, Lucas is a sharing is caring type of guy." "Which is why I can't stand him. Seriously, the guy is way too happy all the time! Hence the nickname sunshine!" Ever exclaimed flailing her hands around to emphasize the point. Kay groaned banging the back of her head softly against the wall. "Ev, don't start. I am not in the mood or state for that."
Pepper blinks slightly before getting off the plane to go find Lucas who was busy digging into his backpack. "Hey Lucas? Do you mind if I can see Laius...? I'm a bit of a fan of Pegasi." she said softly while finding a bit of water from a nearby water bottle and bringing it towards her to put on her back since she had gotten a few holes in her back and some bad slices as well from those birds that had attacked but didn't complain about her wounds since many other people had worse wounds then her. She had also managed to slow the blood down a bit but needed to deal with her wounds now or she would pass out from over exertion.
Lucas looked over his shoulder and smiled warmly at Pepper. "Sure, go for it. But you should take some type of snack with you, Laius is a pretty proud Pegasus. He's nice and easygoing, but he thinks he should be treated or paid in some kind of way whenever someone interacts with him." He explained before picking up his bag and heading back to the plane. "Oh, also. He's around the corner. Pretty hard to miss a giant horse with wings, eh."
Pepper smiles a bit. "I have some sugar cubes if that will work?" she asked while bending the water to cover over her back slightly, to help wash the blood and to try and heal the wounds a bit. "I think other then that I should be okay... Daughter of Poseidon and all... He's the father of all horses..." she said softly and made her way around the corner to where Laius was. "Oh my you are just as handsome as I expected..." she said softly while looking at Laius.
"So...since when did we start running a zoo? Griffins, flying horses, manticores, what's next? Watch...Watch us get a polar bear soon" Cupid mumbled looking out the window seeing the black and white pegasus named Laius. Ryan closed his eyes and began drifting off to sleep. His head was leaning over to the left side. It was one of those moments when a person tried to stay awake, but kept failing to do so. His eyes were heavy frequently closing after each time he jolted his head back up and tried to stay awake.
Viola tapped Cupid on the shoulder, a smug look on her face.

"Ornithophobia, huh?" she said, "You're scared of birds?" Well, it wasn't the weirdest fear she'd come across. There were some really freaking weird ones out there- there were ones such as: Barophobia, Ophthalmophobia and Cathisophobia, just to name a few.

"That's ridiculous." Viola said.
Raiko finished off his cigarette behind the plane so no one would see him and he grabbe some weeds, grass, and bushes from far off and carried them inside. "Move out the way people's!" He took Helena and sat her down saying, "sorry I touched you." He put the plants down on the ground and started to drain them and gave the energy to Helena. There were more plants so the healing was intensified. After the process was complete, he sat down and said, "I really need to stop helping y'all."
"..That I'm scared of birds? Say what you want. I hate those things!" Cupid said moving away from the window. By the time Cupid finished shifting himself around, Ryan was asleep. His head was tilted toward his right side. "Can we get some music here? Even if it's low? And where the heck is the rest of the group? With Paolo's driving they should have been here a second ago" Ace questioned not shifting his eyes away from the window.
to help me keep track...

Location: Airport → outside Max's place

With: no one specifically;

Max, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko

Adriana's mouth twitched into a small frown as she was kicked to the back of the line for medical assistance. It wasn't as if she held a number and the person after her got called up instead, but she had asked politely. 'Yeah, it's not like I'm bleeding out here or anything,'she growled in her mind, then quickly stopping herself from thinking anymore negative thoughts - not that the other voices heeded to this. Adri took a deep breath. She would just have to takes matters into her own hands.

She went to the abandoned First Aid kid and rummaged through. She pulled out a bottle of alcohol and, after a little more digging, bandages. She exited the airplane and walked over to the other side of the plane, not wishing for people to see her lift up her shirt - or what was left of this ripped-up mess.

Adri pulled the shirt over her head, though she kept her chest covered. She unscrewed the cap of the alcohol and tilted it over her back, but not enough for the liquid to spill. Her heart rate picked up as she grew apprehensive and she took a deep breath before pouring the liquid. A short scream escaped her lips but she muffled the rest out by covering her mouth; a slur of curses followed suit. Her eyes welled up with tears as the alcohol disinfected the wounds, foaming white. She poured some more, her back numb now, and screwed the cap back on.

Then she proceeded to start wrapping the bandages around herself, it being a challenge.
Jack hastily climbed into the front seat of the SUV when it rolled up, not wanting to be left behind again. Turning to the driver he said "Hey what's up man?" as he pulled out the stygian bird that he collected earlier out of his backpack and started to dissect it , rearranging the parts and hoping that the guy driving didn't question him.

Harry spread his wings and flew to the plane not wanting to wait for the others to get into the SUV; he wanted to make sure Adrianna was ok as soon as possible. As he came up on the plane he saw Adriana outside the plane, he dove down to see her putting on bandages and landed in front of her , seeing the condition she was in. Seeing that she was hurt made him angry, but he was happy that she was alive. His mouth slightly agape from disbelief and his eyes wide he said "Adri I can help you with that, are you ok?" .

Location: Airport → outside Max's place

With: Harry;

Max, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko

Adriana gasped when she heard someone landing, gravel being blown a bit. She turned her head to see Harry before her, a look of worry on his face. Had they left the hotel without him? Hopefully he hadn't been mad at her about that. He asked if she was fine, which brought her attention back to her current situation. Her cheeks flushed pink, then turned red when he said he could help her with the bandages. "It's-it's fine, it's fine,"she stuttered, looking away and giving a nervous chuckle,"I-I got it, really." Adri attempted to wrap the bandages quickly around herself, only to have it fumble out of her hands. She probably looked like a child who thought they knew what they were doing, only to end up playing mummy.

She squeezed her eyes shut, wishing that she had the power of invisibility at this point. She ended up muttering,"Alright, I could use some help."
Jason and Nautilus zoomed over to the airport but still managed to get there after the others, though the little navigation error didn't help and it took them forever to get to the right plane. When they arrived it was simple to land and ride to the plane, seeing Pepper before anyone else Jason directed Nautilus over to her to check in. "Hey, how's everyone doing there seems to have been a whole lit of fighting here recently. Also how did you all get here so quickly?"
[QUOTE="Kai'zen Makaira]Jason and Nautilus zoomed over to the airport but still managed to get there after the others, though the little navigation error didn't help and it took them forever to get to the right plane. When they arrived it was simple to land and ride to the plane, seeing Pepper before anyone else Jason directed Nautilus over to her to check in. "Hey, how's everyone doing there seems to have been a whole lit of fighting here recently. Also how did you all get here so quickly?"

"By being driven here by a someone that drives like a complete lunatic and thats how we got here so quickly " Jenna said.
Pepper smiled a bit as they landed nearby her while she was currently feeding Laius some sugar cubes. "Hey Brother. And the reason we managed to get here so quickly was because Paolo is a bit of a speed racer... Oh my gods... I can't remember how many times I slammed into the side of the car or Ryan because of his turns... Anyways, what took you and Nautilus so long? I thought Nautilus was the fastest Pegasus?" she said while offering some sugar cubes to Nautilus since she had some more in her pockets, mostly because she liked them herself.

"Anyways I need your help with something... those Stymphalians got me pretty good when I was trying to get out of my room back at the hotel... Could you help me bandage up my back and shoulders...?" she asked while looking up at him. "I would have asked someone else.. but I didn't really need the help compared to the others who needed help... Those things are horrible and vicious... They almost dug into my shoulder blade..." she said while showing him her back which was indeed ripped up a bit from the Stymphalians.
Jason winced as he saw his sister's back, "ouch, gods those things are vicious. Sure I'll help out, but why not use your water, or better yet we could both try, doible our power by working together." He hopped off Nautilus as the Pegasus munched happily away on the sugar cube. When the other girl spoke up he jumped. "Oh hi, I'm Jason son of Poseidon, you are?" Jason put out his hand to shake.
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