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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper cried out in surprise as she braced herself for the turn but still got flung slight into Ryan's side. "Oof! Ugh... This is going to be one heck of a ride..." She said while holding on tighter.
Adriana gasped as the SUV lurched forward, causing her to press back into the seat. She gasped in pain as pressure was added onto her back. The bleeding had slowed down but it was really sensitive, her muscles exposed in some areas; no one had bothered to heal her, but it wasn't as if she asked. She saw spots before passing out.
Ryan was already freezing due to his enhanced senses. He felt Pepper kind of move against him. The demigod couldn't speak. He was literally starting to freeze! Ryan was shivering crazily when Cupid yelled, "MOMMY!" Ace turned around and laughed, "Mommy?" Paolo yelled, "TURN in THREE, TWO, ONE!" The vehicle drifted again. Ryan hit his side against the car again.
Pepper yelped against but didn't get flung against Ryan again having braced herself completely. She noticed Ryan's stuffiness and looked at him slightly worried. "Ryan...? Are you alright?" She asked so that he could hear her.
Ryan just kept shivering. His hands were turning a bit red from the coldness that he was experiencing. He didn't want to open his mouth for fear that he might bite his tongue while his body was shaking in the cold. "TURN!" Paolo yelled as the car shifted. Cupid slid into Viola, "My bad!" He moved back to his seat. "TURN!" Paolo yelled again. Ryan slid to the other side of the trunk and shivered his way back to the opposite end. "Almost there!" Paolo informed smiling widely.
Raiko was sitting next to the really young looking girl. He wasn't really scared of the car or anything so he calmly said to her, "Hey. I'm Raiko. Who are you?" He said smiling. He continued to shake. It wasn't helping that he needed a cigarette. 2 things were making him shake. The car and need for a cigarette.

@Fallen from Heaven
Pepper bit her lip slightly and let go of the side of the car before sliding over to Ryan, hoping to help him warm up slightly by sitting beside him. "You helped me so it's only fair I help you..." She said while trying to warm him up.
Ryan clenched his teeth as he attempted to reply, "N-no...I-I d-don't want you to get cold-der". He moved away waiting for Paolo to end the ride. "OH MASSIVE TURN! BRAZILIAN AIRPORT STYLE WOO!" The vehicle shifted almost tilting over, but keeping its balance. Ryan was rammed into the side of the car that he had already moved into. "ZEUS LET ME LIVE!" Cupid yelled grabbing Ace's shoulders. "LET GO OF ME!" Ace screamed.
Pepper shook her head as if to signal that she wasn't. "I'm not cold, I'll be fine Ryan. I can handle the cold... You obviously haven't swam in the waters around G-L... They are so cold... But they can be fun if your riding sharks..." She said with a small smile, sitting beside him and holding on so she wouldn't slam into him again.
Jenna laughed at Cupid and Ace "Hah das ist großartig! i certainly don't regret joining your silly adventures ".
Ryan smiled, "Thank you". He would continue the shark riding talk once they got on the plane. Cupid and Ace turned to Jenna, "What?!" Paolo saw the plane come into sight. Just a few more seconds until he would engage in the best BRAKE ever! He would try to imitate the circular cool brakes in the movies.
Pepper smiles back and nods. "Your welcome Ryan." She said while she sat with him and wondered what Cupid and Ace were yelling about so she turned around and noticed the plane and some bodies. "Oh my gods..." She said as she looked around.
Paolo hit the brakes and let the car circle around, "HERE!" Ace smiled, "Woo that was awesome thanks man!" He hopped out of the car and popped the back open. Cupid got out of the car examining his surroundings, "Woah what happened here?" Ryan managed to get out of the trunk and walk over to the plane, "Max are you in here?"
Pepper hops out of the trunk and looks around, heading into the airplane, looking for any sign of life. "Hello? Is anyone here? Max?" She asked softly while looking around. (@BishopOfKings )
Mercury quickly swooped down from the sky the griffon landed on top of Cupid pinning him to the ground.

Serafina got out of the car and examine examined her surroundings "ok what the actual f*** just happened here? "

Jenna simply remained silent when she got out of the car.
Max couldn't move all he could feel was pain. He tried to move but he was under something, or a lot of something's. He pushed his hand forward and it broke through the rocks that were trapping him and left it there. His body wouldn't move anymore. He fell back into unconsciousness.

Max's mother heard shouting from inside the plane and recognized the voices. She looked around and noticed she could hit the intercom button with her foot. She kicked and the button clicked on. And she began to make noise.

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Pepper blinked as she heard the noise and began to look around then noticed the speakers and put two and two together before heading to the cockpit where the button for the intercom would be and found Max's mother. "Oh my gods, are you alright?" She asked while starting to untie her.
Ryan saw a figure, "Is that Max?" He put his hand out and felt Max's mom's hair. The demigod noticed Pepper untying Max's mother, "I'll be back". Stepping out of the plane, Ryan put his hand on the ground to feel the vibrations. He felt a bunch of rocks break then moved to the figure he saw on the ground, "Max?...Max!" Ryan grabbed the figure's shoulders and felt his head. Yep, that was definitely Max. Ryan lifted his brother over his shoulder and into the plane. Cupid screamed, "GET YOUR CLAWS OFF ME YOU STUPID FLYING PIECE OF CRAP!" Ace turned back to Paolo whose SUV was about to leave.
"Naw he ain't getting off you til you appolagise for hitting him the face with your bow and if you attack him after saying sorry he will pin you on the ground for a while Mercury is a patient griffon" Jenna said smirking.

"This is a rather interesting situation isn't it?" Serafina said to Ace.
It took a little while but once Max's mother got one of her hands free she tore off the Tape over her mouth and went to work on getting her other hand free. "I'm fine where's my son?!" She said as she got her other hand untied. She got up and went into the passenger section of the plane. She saw Ryan holding her son and she went over and took him. "Oh gods no." She said as she looked him over. She went to the back of the plane and set him down on an extended table. She removed his shirt to reveal all his injuries. Max had a large gash in his shoulder and a larger one on his stomach. The rest of his body was covered in smaller cuts and bruises. "S***. I need someone with medical experience!" She shouted checking for a pulse. She gave a sigh of relief when she found it. She ran to get gauss from the back of the plane. "Anyone got healing powers."

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Pepper followed after the agitated woman and stood by, watching as they revealed his wounds and bit her lip. "Uhm well... I mean I could.. Until Lucas gets here..." She said softly before going over.
Lucas rushed over to Max's mother seeing the damage of the teenage boy. "I do, but it'll probably take a while to heal him." He checked over Max's body seeing how serious the injuries, and which ones needed immediate medical attention and which ones could wait. "Does anybody have some ambrosia or some nectar? I also need someplace to lay him down." Lucas announced still checking Max over as he slung his book bag off his shoulder.
Max's mother came back from the back of the plane With a first aid kit. She opened it up and pulled out gauss and two containers of the godly good and drink. "It's not much but it'll have to do." She said as she straightened Max along the table he was on. She stepped back and watched as her son lay there unconscious.

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Pepper bit her lip as she summoned some water to her aid and played with it between her fingers while watching Lucas work on Max's wounds and keeping an eye on Max's mom and Ryan.
Lucas worked quickly on the more serious wounds using some common healing spells that were standard knowledge for any Apollo kid. His hands moved fast working on each injury cleaning and bandaging them up. Once he was finished he took the nectar and held it up to Max's mouth pouring a few steady streams. "He may take some time to recover." Lucas voiced at last checking over the bandages to make sure they were wrapped correctly. "But for the most part he should be fine." Then he turned his focus directly to Max's mom. "Some of his bandages may need to be changed, and when he wakes up make sure he eats a few pieces of ambrosia and gets a lot of rest."

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