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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Eventually, after the action was over, Viola found the others downstairs. By this point, she'd gained several scratches all over her body, including an incredibly noticeable one on the side of her face. Not having a weapon and being attacked by giant bird creatures normally didn't have good results. She was lucky to be alive. She just wished her powers could be more useful in situations like this. Slowly, she reached the bottom of the stairs and spotted them, crossing her arms.

"Is this how companionship works, we just leave each other to die?" she said, in a bitter tone, "Or did you all forget about the irrevelant Phobos girl who can't even defend herself from birds?"
Jason looked at Violet who clearly wasn't happy and clearly did not get that this was no time to gripe. "I'm sorry, I was busy keeping much worse opponents away from you. My bad fpr not helping you swat some birds." Jason did in fact feel bad and even as he sassed her he had picked himself up and unstrapped his gladius from his shield and putting it in the nook that was between her arm and her side. "I really am sorry I'll teach you to use this later, now I'm going to get some water and handle cleanup." Jason turned back to the mass of bodies and destroyed floor. Using his connection to the earth, he forced the rubble back into the form of a smooth floor. Then he used water to organize the bodies into rows, washing them off gently and ending by making roses out of ice on their chest. "They were awful, but they were people too. Let's go." Jason hefted up Cupid and carried him out to the SUV placing him in the back and getting an end seat.
Clearly, something much worse had happened whilst she was being attacked by birds- she was grateful it wasn't dragons or anything actually. She held the gladius in her hand and stared at it. She'd never seen something like this, except for depicted in paintings or statues. It was heavier in real life. It felt awkward in her hand but hey, it was better than nothing.

"Thank you." Viola muttered, hating herself for saying it. She watched in intrigue as the boy cleaned up, in fascination and annoyance. Because, he got earth/water kind of powers and she got to worry/freak people out. How is that fair? If she ever met her father again, she was going to lodge a complaint for giving her awful powers. She followed them to the car and hesitated for a moment, wondering if they really wanted her with them. Then, she climbed into the backseat.
Raiko looked at the dead bodies and laughed a little bit. "We did that. Cool. So what next Ryan, sir?" Raiko put his guns in his back pockets. They were incredibly hot. He started to walk over to the SUV and looked all of the dead people in the face. He remembered what the lady had said. "Oh shit! What time is it?" He asked the group.
Jason didn't have a watch but looking inside he saw a clock above the reception desk and read it. "Nearly twelve methinks. Why you gotta date?" Jason though feeling regret wanted to lift the groups spirits up absolutely sick of the negative vibe he's had.
Raiko looked at Jason and quickly said, "Where are we going right now? And yes I do have a date. Are we going somewhere far? I have to be here. Shit shit shit shit!" He walked outside the hotel and got out his cigarette pack. He noticed the were all gone. "And I gotta buy a pack! SHIT!" He yelled raising his fists to the air.
"We're going to the airport, to see Max and gtfo of Brazil." Jason jumped when Raiko yelled, "Dude chill, you can get one later how about taking some deep breaths, and who could you be dating in a country we just got to?"
Raiko looked at him with crazy eyes. "No! She'll hurt someone if I don't go. Maybe even kill." He bolted to the right of the hotel hoping the woman would be there early. He went to the exact spot and waited for a few seconds. He heard. Woman's voice, "You're early. Like my new look?" His mother came out of nowhere and stared him in the eyes. "Mom? Who are you and what have you done with my mother?" His mom stared at him. "What are you talking about? Oh this body is your mom's? That makes this entirely more interesting. Kill her or I kill you." Raiko pulled it his guns. "I don't know who em you are but leave my mother alone! How did you even get her here this fast?" The woman replied with, "That's none of your concern. Just kill her or I kill you." Raiko has no choice. He had to do something. He started to focus on the being inside of his mother. Eidolon! That's what she is! I've heard about them at camp. He thought To himself. He focused on her. Focused. Focused. He started to drain the life out of her. His mother fell to the ground. A pile of dust now. Raiko ran over to her. He picked up some ashes and yelled. "F*CK YOU, B*TCH!" He now hated the eidolon. He hoped that he killed her. It better not have been for nothing. He dug a hole with his scythe and put his mom's ashes into it. He buried her and scratched "mom" on the ground. He didnt cry at all. He was angry. HE walked away after saying to his father, "Dad, I know we've never met, but take her soul to paradise." He walked to the closest gas station and bought a pack of cigarettes. He put a $5 bill on the counter and walked out. He got a cigarette out and smoked it. He tarted to walk towards the hotel again.
When the battle grew quiet, Adriana peaked from over the front desk. The demigods stood victorious over the dead - and those who were lucky to be unconscious - soldiers. She stood up completely, glancing over their work. Some of the demigods were disgusted from the sight, one even vomiting. Adri rolled her eyes and muttered,"Babies."

She hopped over the front desk, clapping her hands, "Chop chop, people! Lets get moving. We don't wanna be sitting ducks." She stuck her hands under her armpits and flapped her arms and quacked like a duck to emphasize her point; she laughed at her own joke. As much as she would bave liked to face Wave 2, she knew she wouldn't be able to take them all on her own , which agitated her.

Adriana faced her army of lamps and grinned like a proud mother. "You all were wonderful,"she praised,"Unfortunately, your times are up." She blew them a kiss and the lamps grew limp and fel to the floor, their bulbs popping.

The fatigue finally came to her and she stumbled forward. Using her powers on so many o b jects and her backside bleeding from something out of The Birds finally took its toll on her. Adri shook her head, trying to stay focused. She cursed under her breath, drunkenly walking outside and to the SUV. She climbed into the backseat and breathed shakily, attempting to stay awake. She wasn't going back to shy ol' Adri just yet - her insanity wouldn't allow it.
Ryan walked out of the hotel and slid into the middle row of the SUV. Ace hopped into the front seat, "At least you guys will be somewhat less squished than yesterday". "Is everyone here? Where's our siren? By the way, if we run out of space I can just sit in the trunk since it's quite spacy there anyway and this is an SUV" Ryan said getting back out of the car and opening the trunk. "How many of you guys are there?" Paolo asked. "Not really sure" Ryan replied getting into the trunk and putting his back against the side of the car.
Pepper looked around for Karan and sighed slightly before getting into the car. "I hope Karan is okay... Especially since I haven't seen here since last night..." She said and runs a hand through her hair.
Ryan heard Pepper then looked toward her direction, "Hey Pepsi want to look for her quickly?" He got out of the trunk and shut it, "Let's go? I know I can't see, but I can still help". Ace was examining Paolo. "Yes do you need something?" Paolo asked. "This SUV....it has seat warmers doesn't it?" Ace asked shifting around in his seat. "Yes it does!" Paolo responded smiling. "Sir, you are cool" Ace replied playing with the windows.
Pepper blinks and gives him a look. "Pepsi? That's a new one.. And I suppose so... But if we can't find her we can go... She knows where we are going... She'll find me too." She said while walking back inside.
Ryan walked inside, "Did you not like Pepsi? I'm sorry Pepper" He paused for a moment then continued, "So...when was the last time you saw her?" Cupid slowly opened his eyes and looked around, "Where....WHERE AM I?!" He sat up pounding the window, "GET ME OUT! HELP! HELP!"
"So, you're not dead." Viola said, "I thought you might be but you seemed to be breathing." The boy next to her seemed to be panicking and she edged away slightly, closer to the window. She didn't know who the hell he was but she didn't particularly want him to go crazy and try to devour her- or something along those lines.
"Who are you?!...Oh one of the new people" Cupid said catching his breath. "So, WHERE ARE WE?!" The demigod panicked. "Aw shoot that love fairy is awake isn't he?" Ace asked. "Ace? Ace! Is that you? SAVE ME!" Cupid screamed flailing his arms around. "Ey relax kid" Paolo said from the driver's seat. "You're a scientist! JUST AS I IMAGINED...how deadly!" Cupid said pounding his fists at the window again.
Pepper looked at him. "It was in the lobby before she headed out... And Pepsi is fine, just surprised about the nickname. Anyways I could check my room..." She said while heading to the elevator.
"Will you please calm down? We will leave you behind for being an annoyance, if you insist on yelling and wriggling around so much." Viola said, in a bored tone, "We're all in the car. Which belongs to one of the demigod's who's name I forget. I had it written down somewhere..." She stared at the blurred words that she'd written on her wrist, "But no matter. I must insist you calm down."
Ryan bit his lip. He felt kind of awkward. She said she could check her room so then did that mean he would just stay there in the lobby? Ryan looked away then back toward her direction, "..Oh okay...I'll just um..stay here then......just in case some other scientists come". Cupid grabbed his chest, "Oh, oh thank you demigod. What's your name? I'm Romeo, but people call me Cupid".
Serafina hopped into the SUV "well glad that's over for now "

Jenna walked up to the SUV and opened a door "heeey mind if i join on your silly little adventures?".
Pepper looked back at him. "Alright... If anything happens, just go without us... We'll... Figure out a way there..." She said as she watched him slightly.
"Cupid? Romeo? Both are stupid and romantic." Viola rolled her eyes in disgust. She hated anything romantic- it all seemed so girly and cliché.

"I'm Viola. Are you done freaking out now?" she groaned and slid down further in her seat as Serafina got in the car.
"I could go for some Pepsi,"Adriana said in a daze,"And some painkillers would be cool, too." She winced at Cupid's outburst, using whatever strength she had left to punch him in the shoulder. "Shut it before I shut you up myself, she threatened,"You won't be able to scream without a tongue." 
"I could go for some Pepsi,"Adriana said in a daze,"And some painkillers would be cool, too." She winced at Cupid's outburst, using whatever strength she had left to punch him in the shoulder. "Shut it before I shut you up myself, she threatened,"You won't be able to scream without a tongue."
"Got it!" Ryan smiled trying to get weird of the awkward feeling. He faced the door and placed his hands on a table to feel any vibrations connecting to the area around the structure. "Yep all done, and yes new demigod you may join our adventures" Cupid replied. "Woo let's go Greenland-" Ace was interrupted when Cupid said, "Hey! Okay don't punch anymore!"
Pepper nodded slightly before jogging towards the stairs and making her way up to the floor they were staying on before making her way to her room. Once there she unlocked the door and walked in. "Karan...? You here...?" She asked slowly while walking into the room slightly.

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