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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper looked around closely and noticed a slip of paper. "Yes there is a note Ryan, Serafina. She said as she picked up the note and walked back over, using water to heal Ryan's wounds while holding the note. "Would you like me to read it for you?" She asked while looking at him.
Sam hung up on Jethro after telling him she'd meet up with the group. She walked over to one of the soldiers watching the plane. "I just want you to watch the plane. Don't you dare go and attack or i will break you. That demigod is more useful to us alive. Do i make myself clear?!" "Crystal" "Good" She said as she spread her wings and darted off to meet the soldier group. The soldier remained in his spot until Sam was gone before turning to his fellow soldier. "Alright people we are capturing that demigod. Now!" The soldiers looked at the man like he was insane. "Sam put me in charge and i say we break into that plane right now and capture the Scum inside alive." The soldier nodded and went to get ready to attack the plane. "You're such a manipulative bastard you know that?" A man said hidden in the shadows. "If you live through this battle you won't live after Sam gets back." "I don't care. Id rather have this one captured than allowed to rome free. I might be needing your help if the grunts can't do there job." The man cracked his knuckles "Ill see what i can do."

Sam landed a few blocks away from the hotel and met up with the squad on its way to the hotel. "
We move in when whatever is keeping there attention dies. Got It!" She said as the approached the Raddisson. SHe made a gesture for the soldiers to surround the building and wait for her signal. She looked up and smiled. She watched as the Stymphalian Bird circled the hotel attacking the Demigods.

Max was asleep in the passengers cabin. He couldn't sleep in his seat in the cockpit, so he moved back further into the plane. He was just getting back into his dream when a gun clicked next to his ear. Max's eyes opened and looked towards the sound. He was surrounded by soldiers all pointing assault rifles at him. He put his hands up and opened his mouth "Don't go into the cockpit. Theres a woman in there, but she is oblivious. I tricked her into letting me fly with her here, so please don't harm her. Ill come quietly if you leave her alone." The soldier next to him chuckled "
Very well scum, we'll let her go. But if we catch her transporting other demigods we will kill her." The soldier forced Max onto his feet and out of the plane. He forced Max onto his knees and smiled. "Now what powers might you have?" The soldier asked. Max smiled. "Here ill show you." He said as the air around him seemed to explode.
Ryan nodded, "Yes please". He clenched his teeth when he felt some type of water pressure against his wound. "I'm done with this bird crap" Ace announced walking toward the stairs. "Raiko let's go and get the others. I say we go to Greenland now...that Brazilian driver should have his car fixed or I'll have to hotwire a car" Ace added looking back at the other demigod. Ryan felt Pepper healing his wound, "Thank you".
Jason grinned at Raiko’s request, “I got this. Oh and…miss I can chat away while fighting because it is easy after taking down a small army alone.” Jason put away his weapons knowing what he was about to attempt would need concentration. “Here we go.” Jason knew well what Poseidon could do, he was the earthshaker the bringer of storms and keeper of the sea. Which meant it was time for Jason to tap into a different bit of power. The wind picked up and the conditions became ideal for a hurricane as a small one formed catching the birds in the strong wind and tossing them around into one another at high speeds. Sweat formed on Jason’s forehead as the fatigue of creating such powerful wind hit him. Sensing that if he continued he wouldn’t be able to control it his last command before dissipating the storm was to use the wind to drive the birds into the roof’s floor shattering them against the concrete. At this point Jason was hyperventilating and activated his spear to lean on. “That’s the first time I’ve done that. And though tiring and stressful, it managed to be awesome.”

Jason turned and hurried past Ace, “The others!! What if someone’s hurt, I’ll check the lobby for Cupid follow if you will or don’t.” Jason disappeared into the stairwell going at full speed, he hated the fact that he left Cupid there alone, what was he thinking!?
Pepper nodded as she finished healing it and starting to read the note. "To that reading this, I have gone back to prepare the plane, I'll see you guys in the morning. -Max"
"Guy's i seriously have a really really bad feeling about this and i want to leave this hotel also that demigoddess at the doorway is giving the creeps." Serafina said, Jenna was standing at the door looking at them "hmm maybe i should come with these other demigods that would certainly make a interesting adventure" Jenny thought.
Raiko yelled back to Ace, "Alright. I agree with you completely. But first let me take out the rest of the birds. There aren't many." He transformed his scythe into his guns and shot the some birds with the other demigods. When he saw Jason make a hurricane, his jaw dropped. He ran to the staircase and went down into the lobby. He checked on everyone to make sure they were okay. He had completely forgotten about his arm. It was dangling at his side. He ran outside and found a plant. He drained it quickly and he stretched his arm out. Down the street he saw a group of people heading their way. He ran inside and said to every demigod he saw, "I think we have some scientific trouble." He stressed the word scientific so they would get the memo. He continued to take down the birds with his guns.
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"...Let's find the others then? I don't think we should stay any longer. If we do, then more of those mythical creatures will find us and attack us," Ryan said making his way out of the room. He looked over his shoulder at the new demigod, "What's your name? Who's you parent?" Ace went down the stairs, "I'll follow you later Jason. I'm going to look for a ride away from this horrible bird infested place before any more of them come". He figured Jason would be fine searching for Cupid. Besides, Ace really wanted to leave. The guy hated birds! Cupid was on the ground outside the hotel. He blacked out after coughing too much and...yeah he just blacked out.
Lucas grunted tiredly watching the others leave. "Should we follow them?" "Do we have anything better to do is the question." Ever replied throwing down the bells and jogging after Jason. "So, I don't even get a say in this?" Kayden questioned follow the others reluctantly. "Nope." "Wait, why didn't I think of this earlier?" Kayden grabbed her friends hands and focused her energy onto melding with the shadows. Slowly she could feel a shift in the air around her, and when she opened her eyes she outside. She teetered forward "Woah," Kay murmured leaning against a hotel door. "Maybe I shouldn't have done that." Her head was spuzzy and the back of her eyes felt like they'd been stuffed with cotton. "Hey, take it easy." Lucas comforted watching her in concern while Ever looked around paranoid. "Something doesn't feel right." She murmured looking around suspiciously.
Pepper nodded and started heading out of the room and looked around slightly. "Let's go. I'll go get the ones on the roof." She said as she headed upstairs.
Sam watched as the rest of the Stymphalian Birds were disposed of and readied herself. She brought her fingers to her mouth and whistled telling the soldiers to move into the hotel. She watched as all the soldiers made their way into hotel lobby. She turned around and spread her wings. "Enjoy getting shot at Demigods." And she took off into the sky.
Jason went out of the stairwell and through the lobby exiting the hotel to see Cupid knocked out on the ground. “Hey you okaaaa- Aww crap Cupid!” Jason ran over and picked him up. “What’s with me and incapacitated demigods toda- oh no.” Jason had seen Raiko in passing saying something but honestly didn’t get it. Now as he saw a group of dangerous looking men and women he turned and saw the three newbies appear from shadows. He jogged over to them. “Run! go upstairs and warn everyone we have trouble. Take him I'll hold them off at least enouh to get you all to the stairs.” Jason handed Cupid to the boy and activatd his ga steping between tem and the soldiers and putting his shield between him and them. "Who wants to die first?"
RyanJXavier said:
"...Let's find the others then? I don't think we should stay any longer. If we do, then more of those mythical creatures will find us and attack us," Ryan said making his way out of the room. He looked over his shoulder at the new demigod, "What's your name? Who's you parent?" Ace went down the stairs, "I'll follow you later Jason. I'm going to look for a ride away from this horrible bird infested place before any more of them come". He figured Jason would be fine searching for Cupid. Besides, Ace really wanted to leave. The guy hated birds! Cupid was on the ground outside the hotel. He blacked out after coughing too much and...yeah he just blacked out.
Jenna smirked "My names Jenna Schweizer daughter of Aeolus ".

Serafina very quickly ran out of the door she looked out of the window "oh crap crap Ryan there are soldiers! we need to find everyone else otherwise were dead!" Serafina shouted clearly panicking.
Ryan furrowed his brows. He could feel the soldiers coming. "Wait Pepper" Ryan said as he gently grabbed her forearm. "A group is entering the hotel. Scientists are here. We need to go together" He let go of her arm. "Calm down Serafina. I'm Ryan son of Zeus by the way" The demigod put his hand against the wall feeling the vibrations. "Pepper no one is up there. If anything, everyone is in the lobby" He said making his way down the stairs. Ace made his way to Ryan, "Eyyo call that Brazilian dude so he could get us out of here or else I'll just hijack a car and leave alone". "Scientists are here Ace. You finally have human enemies. Don't you want to fight them? Let's go" Ryan replied continuing his way down.
Raiko stood behind Jason and said, "Shall we take them as a team?" He put his guns up and faced them towards the soldiers. "If I go down, I'm taking every one of them with me." He started to summon as many undead creatures as he could. 10, 20, 30. As many as he could. He summoned them all from behind the soldiers. He made sure they were all underground until he attacked. He stared at the guards crouching behind Jason's shield. He took out a cigarette, his last one. "Well, it's my last. Better not be my final cig." He lit it and put it in his mouth. "Let's roll."
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Kayden, although still tired, used her powers to cloak her and Ever in the shadows while Lucas fought alongside the other two guys shooting balls of electricity and electric arrows. He growled as one of the soldiers snapped his arrow. "You bastard. You're gonna pay for that." He turned his ring once and his bow turned into a long celestial bronze blade. He then proceeded to slice at the soldiers relentlessly.
"HOW CAN I CALM DOWN IN THIS SITUATION?!" she yelled running behind Ryan trying to keep herself from hyperventalating.

Jenna sighed and chuckled and followed Ryan downstairs "Mercury feel free to tear apart any soldiers and scientist you probably know what they look like since we already ran into them a few times" she said her pet griffon simply chirped in response.
“I guarantee it won’t be, leggo Raiko.” Jason stabbed his sword into the floor of the lobby and focused on the water pipes, dredging up more willpower to force thousands of gallons of water up through the ground with explosive force, it was like a dozen mines simultaneously going off and sending soldiers everywhere scattering their force. “Shoot as many as you can, divide your zombie force evenly so I have some backup. GO!” Jason ran forward using his spear and running the closest most unprepared soldier through quickly shifting it into a sword and deflecting the blow of a tactical sword from another soldier who had apparently lost his gun. “You chose the wrong weapon, your pistol would have been more effective.” He shield bashed the man but before he could spear him he was tackled by another soldier who pushed Jason against the wall. “Dude, no…fair.” “Scum like you don’t deserve equality.” Jason looked at the man funny, “Oh I get it it’s because I’m black huh!?” Jason used some of the still flowing water to form an Ice spike that he drove into the man’s back with sickeningly good results. The man dropped immediately and Jason hurled his spear through the man he had just been fighting as he had gotten his pistol ready. He recovered his spear and ducked behind his shield as bullets hammered it from three other soldiers. The force made Jason’s arm hurt but he bit his lip and hoped the others would take down one so he could close in faster. His steps were slower as the force of the bullets made him want to fall back every time they hit.
[[ Sorry that I'm late to the party >.< ]]

tap! tap! tap!

Adriana's eyes quickly opened at the sudden noise, pushing herself up. How long had she been asleep? She turned her head towards the alarm resting on the bedside table to answer her question. Not very long.

tap! tap! tap!

There it was again. Adri turned her head towards the window, where the source of the sound came from. The curtains were drawn closed and she couldn't see what was causing it. Was someone trying to catch her attention? She slid out of bed and headed towards the window. She placed both hands on either of the curtains and pulled it open, emitting a gasp as she quickly stepped away.

Three pairs of beady eyes stared at her, three beaks as sharp as knives, and feathers that shone in the moonlight. They were the size of crows but Adri knew what they truly were: Stymphalians. Now that she had made herself known, the birds grew more insistent with their tapping, hitting the glass harder with their beaks so it sounded like someone was knocking on it. And cracks were already forming.

Adriana turned around and quickly grabbed her pants from the floor, nearly falling flat on her face as she pulled them on.


She wasn't even able to turn her head before they tackled her, pushing her forward and onto the bedside table. Then their cold beaks dug into her back. Adri screamed as they dug into her skin, drawing blood and attempting to pull at her muscles. And there were more coming in with each few seconds, creating a metal cocoon around her. Her mind was screaming, she was screaming, and all she saw was white. She flailed her arm forward, her hand wrapping around the neck of the lamp connected to the wall. Power surged into it and it came to life, ripping itself from the wall - its body made of wires and its head the lamp itself. The lamp tore the lamp off of her, electrocuting them in the process. Some of the currents passed through Adri but it was like pulling one of those gag gum toys.

Adriana breathed heavily, pushing up and spinning herself around, stumbling a bit. The lamp stood around a litter of smoking birds, waiting for its next order. Oddly enough, a grin formed on her face. "Good job, sweetie,"she praised the lamp, pushing her hair out of her face,"Now lets go clean up the rest." She exited the room, her hand sliding over the lamps on the hallway walls, humming "The Electric Slide" to herself.

She made her way downstairs to the lobby, only to find a war between the demigods and mortals armed with weaponry rather than an infestation of birds. She tilted her head in curiosity. "Now what's going on here?"she inquired, puckering her lips in thought. She shrugged,"Welp, might as well join the party." Adri waved her hand forward and her only army moved forward, grabbing onto any enemy in their path and giving them a quick shock therapy. A giggle bubbled out of her throat now and again, delirious from the pain rather than passing out. And the nature of the children of Eris was making itself known while it had the chance.
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"Isn't that Jethro's brother?" One of the soldier's asked silently when Ryan arrived at the lobby. The rest of the guests were shaking as they watched the little event. Ace arrived at the lobby as well, "These guys? Alright this will be easy". "Beta now!" The leader said to his soldiers who came out from the side. Apparently this Beta team seemed to be a different division of scientist soldier people? A Beta soldier smirked and a blue orb formed in his hand. He threw it in front of him and it turned into a portal. The soldier jumped through the portal which closed right after his entrance. A portal opened up above Ace and the man dropped down onto the demigod's shoulders injecting a shot into him. Ace blacked out at once falling to the ground. "Hm?" Ryan turned his head to see Ace's figure collapse. The soldier shot his arm toward Ryan's neck with another injection. "NO!" Ryan angrily yelled. The time slowed down again as he took a quick step behind the soldier. Ryan took the opportunity to bend the man's arm toward his own neck. When Ryan stepped back, the regular speed of time resumed and the soldier pierced his own neck with the needle. The man fell to the floor mumbling something under his breath. The leader took out a device and waved it around, "Yes, now these innocent guest won't remember this beautiful event. We like to keep our work to ourselves". He put the device away then formed a blue orb in his hand as well. The leader threw it in front of him, and hopped through the portal which closed right after him.
Raiko divided his zombies evenly, like Jason said and they started to attack the soldiers. Raiko started shooting the soldiers one by one, right between the eyes. He was taking his time with his aim so he could get it just right. Raiko wanted to give Jason more strength because he must've been a little bit drawn out since he was attacking like a mad man. He drained a soldier and gave the energy to Jason. He continued to shoot the soldiers after he drained one soldier. When a girl and Ryan and Ace came out of no where attacking people he smiled. "Good timing." He drained another soldier when he saw Ace hit the floor. He gave the energy to Ace. "Guys I can't keep draining, it takes a lot out of me." He continued shooting at the so called beta team. His zombies were taking out footmen from the back. Raiko's last cigarette was almost finished. "This better not be a sign." He thought to himself.
As Adri’s lamps moved in he felt the rounds against his shield stop and he charged forward. “Thanks Adri and you too Raiko!” He leaped over the electrocuted bodies stabbing them just in case. Jason was beginning to feel sick, despite the fact that he had to kill them or they would kill him and that there was little he could do otherwise the fact that he was killing humans made him want to hurl. Jason just swallowed his grievances and charged another three soldiers bashing one, slashing another from shoulder to hip, and running the third one through on his spear in one fluid motion. Jason turned his spear into a sword whirling around and cutting open the throat of the soldier he stunned, as the blood poured out he felt even worse and turned away.
Serafina standing next to Ryan pretty much hyperventalating now "Ryan let hurry up already please....." she said trying to not to yell it aloud.

Jenna walked past Ryan and Serafina "sadly my powers may not function properly indoors without destroying it but i can always do this" she said grabbing a nearby soldier then taking every bit of air out of his lungs the soldier collapsed on the floor holding his neck and eventually losing conciousness and dying.
Ever looked away wincing. "This is one of the moments I'm glad that I'm not like you guys." Kayden nodded weakly. "Keep that mindset." She murmured watching Lucas fry the soldiers with his electrokinesis. It was weird to not see him smiling, he was so serious, and so were the others. All the demigods were killing mortals. Sure they weren't good, but it still shook her up inside.
"Hey, don't mention it!"Adriana called out, laughing,"I honestly don't know why I don't do this more often! Silly me, always running away from the real fun." But she knew why she did so - to avoid losing her conscience and losing sight of her morals - like finding pleasure in killing people. These soldiers were bad and were the enemy but did they truly deserve to die such a grisly death? Her eyes - the irises now speckled with gold - rested upon one of the deceased men, killed by hands of one of her own soldiers. His temples were charred black, as well as neck and wrists. Pink foam dripped from his agape mouth, his face forever stuck in a silent scream. And his eyes... No longer existent.

A flicker of regret passed by Adri's mind, and it would have helped bring her back if her attention wasn't grabbed by the battle once more. Bullets zipped by her, one grazing against her arm. She sucked in a breath and pouted in mock annoyance at her attacker. "Watch where you're shooting that thing!"she threatened, pointing at him before ducking behind the front desk. The man was instantly surrounded and his screams echoed through the lobby.

Another giggle escaped her throat.
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