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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper gave a nod and surrounded herself in water before blasting it at any remaining soldiers and scientists. "Is everyone here? Who are we missing because we need to go now! I just hope Max has better luck then we do..." She said while stepping outside.
Jason, stepped back from the direction of the scream and tripped over one of the bodies he killed, he officially lost it and scramble up on his feet ,ducikng his sister's attack but fell to his knees and puked. "That is not good, that what we did, there is so much wrong in that."
Pepper quickly went over to him and put a hand on his back. "I know... But they would have killed us or taken us prisoners... And I'm not ready to go back there and be tortured again..." She said while rubbing Jason's back slightly, looking down at him worriedly.
Ever whimpered in the back of her throat hiding her face. "This is just too horrific." She choked out sitting down shakily on the grass as Kayden let go of her shadow cloak. Lucas walked up to the two girls and sat in between the wrapping his arm around both of them. "Hey, we'll get through this." He comforted rubbing Ever's hair.
Ryan looked over at Raiko, "Hey man try not to use up all your energy. We don't want you to get knocked out". Ace stood up, "Thanks for that Raiko". The leader popped out from his portal and began to drop down onto Ryan. Ryan heard the portal open then kicked the soldier away from him. The man hit the ground, "Jethro's brother right? Nice toddler picture by the way". The leader smiled replacing the injection with a blade as he stood up. Ryan raised a brow, "Toddler picture?" "Eh no matter now" The leader said pressing a button on a device. He took a swipe toward Ryan who dodged it only to be greeted by an incoming fist from another soldier exiting his own portal. Ryan flipped back and heard another portal open up behind him, "Not today..". The leader jumped into another portal while a soldier popped up from the portal behind Ryan. Ryan did a back flip onto the soldiers shoulders then twisted his neck. The leader jumped out from a portal in front of Ryan as the other soldier went into another portal. "This is kind of confusing" Ace said watching. The leader swiped his blade toward Ryan's torso. The demigod leaned back to dodge it as a portal opened up behind him. Swipe. "Ah!" Ryan clenched his teeth as he flipped to the side. He felt blood begin to drip from his back...the exact same place where he was cut a while back. Ryan furrowed his brows as the leader jumped into a portal. He used his speed and leaped into the portal after the leader who popped out being strangled by Ryan. The soldier ran toward Ryan's back. "Get a-way!" Ryan quickly turned around and punched the guy into the wall across the lobby. "You work for Jethro huh?" Ryan smiled. He took the leader's head and smashed it into the ground. Then, the demigod took the device with the button and squished it in his hands. Ryan was panting as he felt the diagonal wound across his back.
Pepper looked up slightly as she watched Ryan fight against the soldiers' leader and getting up slightly from her spot by Jason to go over to Ryan. Calling some water to her aid, she washed away the blood on his back and began to heal it. "Hope you don't mind..." She said softly after finishing and drawing away slightly.
Ryan smiled a little, "If you weren't here, then I would have to play survivor again...tying my shirt around my wound and whatnot". "Thank you" He said smiling. "Now, is there a phone here? I need to go to the airport to check on my..good brother" Ryan said moving his hands toward a figure which turned out to be a plant.
Max Stood up and dusted himself off, he looked around at all the soldier around him, and he made sure not to kill any of them. He heard more footsteps coming his way and he pulled his glaive out. He watched as the other soldiers made their way into the tarmac and surrounded Max. The opened fire, kicking up dust clouds all around Max. The soldiers lowered their guns as the dust cleared. Max stood there surrounded by a barrier made of wind, the bullets suspended in midair. “Alright. Now you die” Max said his normally cheerful face became as cold as Ice. Max waved his hand and the field around his pushed outward sending the bullets back into the bodies of the soldier. A small smile crept onto Max face. All the soldiers around him lay there either dying or dead and Max got ready to get back on the plane, but that’s when the earth exploded at his feet. Max flipped backwards landing a few feet away. “Oi you know the mistress wont be happy now that you killed all her men” The man said as he walked into view. He was a wide muscular man who had plenty of facial hair. He wore a Kevlar vest and camo pants and he was smoking a cigar. He pulled it out of his mouth and dropped it to the ground. He stepped onto it crushing it into the tarmac. “Call me Eli, but you wont live long enough to remember it.” He said as the ground around him rose up and formed gauntlets around the soldier’s hands. Max readied himself “You’re one of those Soldier who has our friends powers.” He said, as he got ready to fight this man. “You’re powers HA!” Eli boomed, “You don’t deserve this strength you scum!” Max was unprepared for what came next. The ground under and behind him rose up causing him to jump forward into the fist of Eli. Max was sent into the broken tarmac behind him. Max struggled to get up, as Eli made his way towards Max. He picked up the demigod in his hands and began to apply pressure. “You know I could crush your head like a grape.” Eli said as Max began to scream from the pressure being applied to his skull. “But the mistress would kill me if I did.” He threw Max into the air and the earth formed around Eli’s leg creating a rocky boot. “So Ill stick to beating you til you can’t fight back.” He brought his foot up and kicked Max hard in the gut. Max was launched across the tarmac and landed hard against another plane. He fell to the ground landing hard against the hard ground. Eli walked over to the unconscious demigod and picked him up. Max’s eyes had rolled back up into his head and blood was running from his mouth. Eli dropped the boy. “Awww. I broke him. Mistress won’t be pleased with me.” He said before letting out a big laugh. Eli began to make his way back towards the roof of the airport, before stopping and turning around. Max rose up from the ground his arms hanging limp at his sides. “I thought I killed you.” Eli said as he incased his arms and legs in stone. Max didn’t reply and shot forward planting his open palm o Eli’s arms, which he had raised to block the attack. “I’m talking to you scum.“ Eli said before noticing something wrong. Max lifted his head to look at Eli, and his eyes had changed. His irises were a solid shade of white and it looked like Max wasn’t even conscious. “Begone” Max said as his palm release a shockwave into Eli’s left arm. Eli screamed in pain as the muscles in his arms were shredded. Eli backed away his left arm hanging limp at his side. “The heck are you kid?!” Eli shouted as Max charged again. Max’s eyes strained and his palms began to glow a misty white as he charged forward to fight Eli. Eli smiled “If it’s a fight you want then that’s what you’ll get!” Eli shouted as stone plunged into his body creating solid stone armor and charged Max. The two began trading blows. After awhile Eli jumped backwards breathing heavily, while Max stood there seemingly unharmed. Max’s palms began solid white, and he charged. Eli braced himself for the oncoming attack. Max planted his palm into Eli’s chest “one” He hit Eli with his palm again “two Eli realized Max was counting. Max began to repeatedly hit Eli breaking through his armor. Max hit Eli up into the air and jumped up after Eli flying higher up than the man. Eli thought quickly and created a spike out of stone and sent it up towards Max as he flew towards the boy. “Sixty Four” Max drove his palm into Eli's chest sending multiple shockwaves into Eli. The man coughed up blood as his internal organs were destroyed by the shockwaves being sent through his body. As Eli fell the spike he had sent towards Max made contact with its target. Both Max and Eli fell to the ground landing hard on the tarmac surviving only due to his powers. Max’s legs were pinned underneath a bunch of rumble and he fell unconscious, his eyes returning to there natural color.

Sam meanwhile had made her way back to the airport just in time to witness the battle between the two and she smiled. “It looks like my present is finally being used.” She walked up to the broken body of Eli and stared in disgust at him. “Ugh you had to go and get killed Eli” She said as she pulled out a big box. She set it down next to the body. She sighed, “I hate that I have to waste the use of this prototype machine on you.” She said as she plunged a needle into his eye. She turned the device on and it began to work. After a few seconds the device released a hard drive and Sam took it from the machine as it short-circuited. She spread her wings and pulled out her phone and called Jethro. “Hey we’ve got a problem. The new soldier Eli, yeah he failed and got himself killed.” She smiled “On the bright side I should have a surprise for you when the Demigods get to Greenland. Ill see you there.” She hung up and dropped the phone. She stomped down onto the phone crushing it beneath her foot. She walked over to Max. “You’ll live my dear, and that power you just used will help us eradicate your fellow demigods. See you in Greenland” And with that Sam flew up into the air and started making her way back to the HQ In Greenland. Max lay there under the rocks, bleeding slowly, with cuts and wounds all over his body. He let out a breath before falling into unconsciousness.
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Pepper gave a small smile and nodded before noticing he was feeling the plant and tugged his arm slightly and lead him over towards the phone at the front desk. "Here... Jeez... If I could I would try and heal your face but... I don't want to mess up... Anyways what's the number that you want me to dial?" She asked Ryan while holding the phone.
Jethro smiled at the report Sam gave him. He liked surprises and didn't care if unworthy people died. Ryan told Pepper the number then paused, "My face is healed Pepper. This is my real face. Jethro technically healed it...does it look messed up or something? I haven't even seen it myself". Maybe he was ugly? Ryan mentally shrugged the thought off trying to focus on the real situation at hand. He needed to get to his brother to update him and fly the heck out of Brazil.
Pepper quickly flushed slightly as she dialled the number. "No no no! It looks fine! Great even! I just meant I could try to heal your eyes... But I don't want to mess them up even more..." She said while listening to the phone ring, waiting to see if Max would pick up.
Serafina was just sitting on the stairs hyperventalating and may or may not be also having a anxiety attack.

Jenna looking at Ryan and Pepper she couldn't help but feel bad for Ryan being blind and somewhat wish she could fix his eyes or something she really did shrugging those thought's aside "So this is a quite an interesting group of demigods i must say though i think we should leave now because 100% sure the police will come here and were better off not having problems".
"Olá Paolo falando! Como posso ajudá-lo?" Paolo said as he answered his phone. Ryan rubbed the back of his neck and smiled a little, "Oh okay..thanks". He heard Paolo pick up and gently took the phone from Pepper, "I'll take this call from here". Ryan smiled then put the phone to his ear, "Paolo! É Ryan! Está tudo bem se você vir aqui agora? É urgente! Tudo que eu preciso é de uma carona para o aeroporto e um pouco de orientação para um avião. Tudo bem?" "Sim Ryanito! Eu estarei lá em um piscar de olhos! Bye bye!" Paolo hung up and got in an SUV flooring it all the way to the hotel. Ryan turned the phone off as he turned back to the group, "Everyone okay?"
Pepper blushing slightly but nods and hands him the phone. "Yeah okay..." She said as she ran a hand through her hair and looked around, trying to see if she could find Karan but have no luck and sighs.
Ever stood up and walked uncomfortably to Pepper, who looked the least intimidating to talk to out of the group. "Hey, do you know what's going on?" She asked softly, her throat felt as if it had dried up, and all she could do was talk in whispers. It was a terrible feeling all in all for the girl. @Soul OMU
Pepper looked towards the girl and gave her a soft smile. "Well... I recently just joined the group but I can tell you what I know... Those people who attacked us... Are scientists who are working for the government and want to take our powers away... And give them to other humans to make super soldiers... They are evil... Especially if you get caught..." She said and shuddered slightly and pulled some water to her. "Need some water?" She asked noticing she looked parched and turned to Ryan. "Hey can I make a quick call to Greenland? My half brother should be there because of school..." She said while blowing at her bangs. (@LuckyANDKitty )

"Well other then getting some bruises scratches n such i'm alright buut that girl sitting on the stairs is hyperventalating and may or may not be having a anxiety attack i'm certainly not gonna try to calm her down since well i'm exactly good at doing that so yea" Jenna said.
Ever smiled thankfully taking the water. "Well, I'm not like you guys. I'm just a regular mortal. I mean besides the fact that I see glimpses of the future, and can see through whatever the heck the mist is." She sighed shakily looking at the dead bodies. "I don't get how you guys can stomach doing that..." She trailed off looking away from the massacre.
Pepper sighed softly. "It's not like we want it to be like this... But it's our lives against theirs... Besides, we are just trying to live normally but now we can't because they are hunting us down... And your not the only mortal who can see through the mist... My half brother can too. That's why I want to call him and see if he doesn't mind sharing his place with a few demigods..." She said and smiles a bit.
Ryan heard a new voice speak out and smiled, "Hi!" He waved his hand at the figure. The demigod disliked having the dark mood and tried to lighten up the situation a bit. He faced Pepper's direction. Then borrowed one of the guests' cell phones, "Here you go. You'll need to use this since your discussion will most likely give away our next destination...don't want anyone tapping into the lines". Ryan handed the iphone to Pepper then walked toward the figure at the stairs. He sat down in front of Serafina, "Hey relax it's over". The demigod thought for a moment then resumed, "Close your eyes, take deep breaths, and relax".
Pepper smiled a bit and thanked him before quickly dialling her brother's cell and waiting for him to pick. She heard him groan on the other side before speaking. "Hey little bro, I need a favour, me and a few friends are coming to down and need a place... You mind?"

Zachary rubbed his eye and yawned. "Ya sure... Why not... So long as they don't reach the place... Anyways see you when you get here." He said as he rolled over. "Call me when you land..." He said before hanging up.

Pepper smiled and hung up before retuning the iPhone without raising suspicious.
Ever waved at Ryan and sat down tiredly away from everyone in the group. All she wanted to do was leave Brazil, and take a long nap. Kayden sighed, but didn't walk over to Ever. She knew her friend needed space, and time to soak in all that had happened recently. And she needed some time alone too. Lucas had moved to stairs, and laid sprawled out on them completely worn out.
"But how can i relax if we have a got dam army of people that want to take our powers for their selfish gain? iv'e never directly killed a mortal sure iv'e injured some that's about it iv'e killed animals on purpose and by accident" she shuddered at the memories "honestly if i ever get cornered i don't think i get my self to kill one of them Ryan i don't want them to take my powers and use it to harm any possibly innocent demigods that never did anything wrong, hell they still got dam kill demigods that purely have healing powers that would never ever do anything to harm anyone on purpose".

Ryan put his hand on Serafina's shoulder, "Everything's okay and will continue to be okay. You have powers, they don't! Just relax you can do it". Paolo ran into the hotel, "Ryanito! I'm here let's go!" "Sim Paolo! Hey guys where is Cupid? Did he die?" Ryan asked not being able to tell whose body was who's on the ground.
Serafina closed her eyes and took a deep breath "alright right" she turned her sword into a ring again she stood and made her way to the exit.

"Is this one of your demigod friends? he doesn't look like a soldier" Jenna said nudging Cupid's unconcious body.

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