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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raiko finally got to the hotel, his second cigarette in his mouth. He tore off the ember and threw it to the ground. He threw the filter in a garbage can on the sidewalk. He saw everyone about to get in the hotel. He noticed a few new people and one of them looked like she was twelve. "Hi new people. I'm Raiko, son of Thanatos." He stood outside of the SUV thinking whether or not to have another smoke.
Lucas walked over to Ryan with a small smile on his face. "Hey, can we join you guys? I think it be safer for us now that the scientists know what we look like." He asked hopefully looking at the two girls sitting outside. He was concerned about how they were doing, but that could wait for later.
"Hey Raiko fill in that seat will ya?" Ace said turning around. Cupid looked at the people in the SUV, "Driver, Ace, new person, new person, Raiko, Viola, me, and Adri. Spots are all filled...oh no, we're gonna have to squish again huh?" "Be thankful we're not in that other dude's compact car" Ace commented. Ryan smiled, "Sure! I'm Ryan son of Zeus". The demigod put his hand out to the other.
"Sweet!" Jenna that climbed into the SUV her pet griffon quickly also tried to get inside "No! you don't fit get on the roof damit..." the griffon already stuffed it self into the SUV though is attempting to get out of it.
Lucas shook Ryan's hand grinning. "Lucas, son of Apollo." He put his hand back in his pockets. "So it looks pretty full in there. I'll think I'll just fly behind on my pegasus with Ever, but is alright if Kayden rides with you guys? Her death aura makes Laius skittish, and she's determined not to ride him anyway."
"Death aura?" Ryan thought about Helena and Alec. "We'll be pretty packed in the SUV but sure anything to help..Lai- Laius"" He replied smiling. "What the F**K! SHIT! I thought they were all dead!" Cupid takes out his bow and swings it at the griffon's face. "DIE B**CH DIE!" The demigod kept attacking the creature's face.
Pepper sighs when she doesn't get an answer and heads back out, makes her way back downstairs. Once she gets down, she makes her way over towards Ryan and the new demigods. "She's not there... We'll have to go with out her..." She said softly while running her hand through her hair.
"It's okay Pepsi! Karan will be fine as long as she knows where we are" Ryan said then turned to Lucas, "Alright time to go". The demigod made his way out of the hotel then saw the figures in the SUV, "Yeah...I'm going in the trunk". He opened the back and sat in it. Cupid put his hand over the seat and ruffled Ryan's hair, "Hello Ryan!!!" "You're awake. Yay" Ryan said moving Cupid's hand away.
"Quit it he's my pet griffon! do you want to get freaking killed by him?" she said covering the griffons face with her hand the griffon pushed it's way out of the car.

Serafina just silently observed what was happening "i don't even ".
Pepper smiles a bit and shakes head. "Whatever you say Rye-bread... And there is no way in getting in there again... Rye-bread! I'm joining you in the trunk if that's okay." She said and walked over.
Kayden walked over to the SUV. "So should I get in the trunk or squeeze up there?" She asked confused.

Lucas whistled and smiled as his Pegasus Laius flew down. "After you." He gestured for Ever to hop on. "Oh no. There's no way in hell I'm getting on that!" Laius whinnied indignantly snorting at Ever. "Hey, don't be rude. You should be glad that he's nice enough to give you a ride."
Ryan laughed a little, "Okay Pepsi. Just hold on the sides when Paolo turns...he drives kind of crazily". He put his back against the side of the car with his right hand holding onto Cupid head rest and his left arm next to the trunk door thing. "When you're with Ryan yo pants go-" Cupid was rhyming until Ryan interrupted, "No where! Your pants go no where. They stay on". Cupid responded, "I wasn't going to-...oh I see okay my bad". Ace stuck his head out the window, "Take your pick new demigod".
When Raiko heard that Pepper was going to be with Ryan in the trunk he cat-called. "Don't try anything funny kids! By the way, when are we leaving? Because I need to umm. Do something." He didnt want everyone to know that he smoked Even though Ace and Jason saw him. He whispered to Ace and Jason, "Hey don't tell people okay?"
Jason glared at Ace, “Really, I’m right here.” He turned to the new girl who was confused about where to sit. “Take my seat, your friend there reminded me that I have my own ride.” Jason hopped out of the SUV, ignoring the Griffon and whistling loudly, waiting a moment and watching for Nautilus only seeing his flaming wings. “There he is.”
Pepper blushes a bit at Raiko's and Cupid's words but held onto a head rest and the side. "Got it... Holding on." She said as she felt slightly nervous about all this.
"Hey i'm going to be in the trunk too i'd rather not be in the middle of the chaos that will happen here" Serafina said getting out of the car.
Ace nodded at Raiko. Ryan ignored Cupid and Raiko, "Where's Helena, Jerika, and Alec? Are we missing anyone else?" "Wow there is a lot of you" Paolo commented from the front of the SUV. "I just thank the gods that giant bird isn't joining us in here...I loathe birds" Cupid said eyeing the griffon from the window.
Kayden snickered at Cupid's rhyme. She smiled softly at Jason in thanks as she took his seat. Well they seem like a fun bunch.

"Ever, get on the damn horse." "No." "Ever for f*cks sake, if you don't get on the gods damned horse I'm going to f*cking leave you here." "I. will. not." Ever replied stubbornly crossing her arms. "Fine." Lucas hopped onto Laius back and prepared to leave. "Wait!" Ever whined climbing unsteadily onto the horse. "You're such a bastard." She grumbled angrily. Lucas smirked. "I know." "And I hate you." "I know."
"...I think we're missing eight people" Ryan said thinking about the group members in his head. "EIGHT?! Ryanito I'm going to have to come back for them man! That's to much in my ride!" Paolo exclaimed from the driver's seat. "Alright let's go then...are you okay with coming back?" Ryan asked. "Ofcourse! You know how I drive LEGGO! Keep everything in the car. Hey you! Get in you blonde person!" Paolo yelled.
"You guys need a van or something if it gets too full i can always ride on my griffon or that guy that just smacked my griffon in the face can ride him that would fun now wont it?" Jenna said with a smirk.

Serafina got in the car again "gosh damit i wish i had a pegasus or something".
Pepper holding on as the lurched forward and bit her lip as they started going real fast. "Oh boy..." She said as she gripped the side of the car slightly.
Paolo smiled, "LEGGO!" He floored it from the start. "WOAH!" Ryan slammed toward the trunk door. "AAH!" Cupid yelled grabbing onto Ace's shoulders. "WOO!" Ace cheered with his hands in the air. Oh great we didn't even turn yet. Cupid thought as he moved his arms to grip Ace's headrest. "Pao mind warning us when we turn?" Ryan asked. "TURN!" Paolo yelled drifting. Ryan slid and slammed against his back toward the side of the car.
After the battle had ended Max's mother awoke from her sleep. The sound proof cockpit had muted the noise from the fight which she had slept through. She went to get up and then started to panic. She was handcuffed to her seat and had duct tape covering her mouth so she couldn't speak. She looked around the cockpit and saw that she was alone, that's when she looked out the window. She saw dead soldiers lying on the ground and an airplane that had a giant dent in it. She started to struggle. She hoped Max was ok. After awhile she stopped and decided to wait. Max's friends would find her, and get her untied. She sat there and stared out the window waiting for everyone to come back.

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"Jesus this group is hella interesting even though i don't even know your names yet" Jenna said.

Serafina covered her ears "got damit stop yelling! " she said as the SUV got colder.
Kayden scowled in irritation at the yelling, but didn't have the energy to bother with it. Gods I feel like I've been wrung out like a towel by Zeus himself. She thought tiredly, and shivered as the temperature of the SUV seemed to drop.

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