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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Jack woke to light tapping, at first he thought it was raining so he rolled over and went back to sleep. As the tapping got more and more aggressive Jack slid out of bed , still clad in his clothes from yesterday, slid on a pair of moccasins and walked to the window. He opened the curtains with a yawn, seeing what was out of the window he fell back a bit. 4 metal birds were attacking his window, red eyes peering in. Catching his bearing Jack looked at them mesmerised for a bit, examining the beautiful machinery. "Ok time to take these F***ers out!"He said as he reached to his bedside table grabbing his two stones that used as weapons willing them to take the shape of a huge baseball bat.

Jack walked back to the window and willed 3 of the birds to get crushed into a small ball of metal and wire. He stretched his arms with the bat with the ball floating outside the window, one bird still intact attacking the window. He broke the window open with his bat and made the ball float in screaming "FOURRRRR!!!!", he swung at the ball of birds hitting it 3 blocks away. The last bird flew in and he dropped his bat grabbing the bird and wrestling it to the ground ,waking up Marmore in the process, he ripped out a wire keeping it intact so he could tinker with it later. He grabbed a backpack Stuffing his rocks, the bird, a pair of clothes, his money, and some other necessities. He picked up Marmore and ran to the door thinking of the others and not wanting to get left behind.

Reaching the elevator Jack saw Harry on the floor asleep. Jack reached down and grabbed Harry's hand quickly pulling him to his feet. "Wake up you sack of potatoes!" Jack said shaking Harry .

"Whaaaaaa?" Harry asked not fully awake, Jack explained to him what was happening, as he reached into his pocket grabbing and old 5 hour energy and chugging it. "Ok lets get the hell put of here then!" He said . "DING" the elevator sounded as the doors slid open. Harry's thoughts shifted to Adriana hoping she was ok, as they ran out over the bodies of the scientists busting out to the street looking around for demigods.
Raiko got out of the SUV and went into the plane. Upon seeing Max, Raiko exclaimed, "Hey! Who has time now-a-adays! Get me some plants! Someone, anyone! I owe it to you bud. You know. After. Shooting. You." He rolled up his sleeves and prepared for the draining process. When he has more time, the drain is more efficient.
Max's mother looked at the new kid and frowned. "You shot my son?!" She exclaimed after hearing what he said. She calmed down she'd scold him later. "There should be some inside the airport." She said tossing Raiko a set of keys "that key will get you in. Id do it myself, but I didn't shoot my own kid." She nudged Raiko towards the plane door. "Go on."

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Raiko said, "Well it wasn't really me but sorry anyways." He sprinted across the Tarmac and ran into the doors. His hand were shaking intensely. He needed a cigarette but there was no time. He finally got the key inside the keyhole. When e opened the sore he didnt wait a second to start searching for those little tree-like plants they have around. He had to o to the second floor and finally found one. He carried it down the stairs and outside. He kept running, using most of his energy to get there. When he finally got to Max he set the tree down and started to drain it. "Come on come on come on!" He said to himself hoping the drain would work. He waited for a little bit an the draining process was complete. He set his hands down and stared at Max. "Wake up buddy!"
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Max felt something warm come over him. He couldn't figure out what it was, but it felt warm an comforting. "_k_ u_" Max thought he heard something in the distance. "W_ke u_" He could hear it almost clearly now "Wake up buddy" Max opened his eyes and shot up into s sitting position breathing heavily. "GAHHH! The Hell?!" Was all he could say as his chest flared with pain. "Damn" He looked down at the bandages on him and he could feel what they were covering "How did i get here?" He said noticing where he was "I remember getting plowed into the side of a plane and blacking out. How did i get here and" He looked at his hands. They were blistered and red "What happened to the guy i was fighting?" Max's eyes lit up "S*** we gotta move theres a super soldier dude out there!"Max tried to get up but his mother put a hand on his chest "I don't think he will be hurting anyone anymore" She said she gestured towards the door. She grabbed Max's arm and gently helped him stand up. She walked him to the door and they stepped out. She set him down on the stairs and he sat there looking at all the damage he'd done to the tarmac. He spotted Eli's body a few feet away, its chest covered in blood and an emptiness in his eyes. "How is he dead? Did- did i do that?" Max's mother put a hand on his head "If you did then I'm glad, cause he would've hurt me afterwards." She went back inside the plane "Keep him out of trouble" She said to Ryan before she went back into the cockpit to start getting ready.
Raiko scratched the back of his neck, "Ya about shooting your son. I was kind of possessed. Ahh whatever. I wish my mom were like you. She didnt care about me that much." Raiko started to tear up. He turned away and walked outside. He stood outside with Max. "Hey, you ok? I healed your wound but you look drained. (No pun intended). Hey don't tell anyone about this." He took out a cigarette, pointed to it and lit it. He smoked it only after taking a few steps away from Max.
So much yelling. Honestly, what was wrong with these people? All they'd done was scream and yell and- in the case of Cupid- smack directly into her. Seriously, no wonder a bunch of scientists were after them, they were crazy. She'd spent most of the car ride glaring at Serafina, who was trying to give them all hypothermia. At one point, Viola could've sworn she saw ice forming on the window. She'd never been in a worse car journey in her life.

"What on earth is wrong with you people?" she muttered, climbing out of the SUV. There were way too many people crammed into such a small space. Next time, she was going to walk to wherever they were going. Because there was no way in hell that she was going through that again.
Paolo floored it back to the hotel and parked outside. The man picked up a paper and wrote "If you know Ryanito son of Z..ack (Jack, Harry, Adelina, Alec, Helena, Karan, Anthony, Violet etc.)then get in. He and the others are at the airport". Paolo couldn't remember if those were all the names Ryan mentioned to him earlier. He put the paper against his window and waited for the other demigods to come. Ryan nodded at Max's mom. "Max, Paolo's getting the rest of the group right now" Ryan informed his brother as he stepped outside the plane. "I'M SORRY!" Cupid yelled rolling out from under the griffon. He was panting as he stood himself up, "Gah!" "It's always interesting" Ace replied to Serafina while he took a seat in the airplane.
"And that's why you should never ever mess with Griffins" Jenna said giggling as she entered the plane, The griffon looked at Cupid for a few seconds before following Jenna into the plane.

Serafina taking a seat next to Ace "Oh i wonder what kind of chaotic mayhem will await us in greenland or when the plane takes".
Adriana's body went forward as the driver slammed on the brakes, her face flying into the seat in front of her - that's why seatbelts are important, kids. It was a moment before a muffled moan sounded from her. She pulled away from the seat, noting with blurry vision that she was the last person - minus the driver - in the SUV. She slid out from the vehicle, wincing when she needed to twist her torso a bit. 'Ugh, what happened?'she groaned in her mind. The last thing she clearly remembered was being tackled by those damn Stymphalians. And now she was at a partially ruined airfield. She SUV drove off behind her.

She stumbled over to one of the planes that was filled with the demigods. When she came in, everyone was surrounded by Max and someone who was familiar to her but a nameless face; Max was being worked on by the other guy. What happened to him? She rubbed her temples with the heels of her palms, trying to remember what happened between the birds and getting here. But one side of her feared what it could possibly be.

Adri patiently waited as Max was taken care of, a small smiling forming on her lips when he bolted upright. Despite needing healing of her own, she hesitantly tapped the boy (Lucas, @LuckyANDKitty) on the shoulder, politely asking,"Do you mind working on me, too?" She turned a bit to show him the deep claw marks on her backside.
Two lone figures jumped from the shadows- one collapsing immediately, the other squealing, "GUYS! HELP! ... At least I assume she took us to the right place... HELP ANYWAY!" Alec shouted, trying to haul Helena up from the ground. The pair were both covered in deep cuts, but Alec's injuries were nothing compared to Helena. The unconscious girl had multiple black and blue bruises on her visible skin, most of them bigger then a baseball. The most evident injury being the huge, hand shaped bruises on her neck, like someone insanely strong had tried to strangle her. Alec had sustained several deep cuts (probably from the big metal birds that had swarmed his sleeping person), but remained standing, holding Helena's bag of weapons, her bracelet/sword in hand and her leather jacket draped over his shoulders. "HELLO! I THINK YOU FORGOT SOMEONE!"
Max sat on the steppe of the plane thinking to himself, completely unaware of Raiko and Ryan's presence. That's when he heard the shouting. Max looked up and around for the shouts. He noticed a shirt lying next to him, that his mother most likely left there. That's when he saw Alec pop out if the bushes. Max got up quickly, wincing as the pain of his wounds returned. He painfully ran over to the two demigods. "Jesus you two!" He said as he picked up Helena. The gauss on his shoulder was turning red. "We sent the Car back to get the rest if everyone!" He hefted Helena onto his shoulder leaving a slight red stain on Helena shirt "help me get her too the plane." He turned and tried to see if he could find Raiko or the kid who healed him. "Raiko! And... Ummm... Lucas!! We need you two right now!!!"

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Ryan tilted his head as he heard a familiar voice and saw two figures walking toward their direction. "Alec?" The demigod put his hand on his brother's shoulder, "I smell blood. You shouldn't be carrying people. Give her to me...go ahead and help Alec" Cupid looked at Alec, "What the heck?!...eh I've felt enough bad vibes, and you all probably won't let me help anyway". Ace shifted himself in his seat to view the others through the window, "Hey Icy don't freeze up the plane". He directed his words to Serafina without shifting his gaze from the rest. Ryan put his arms out toward Max, "Plus with the way you're carrying her, you might hit her head on the side of the door". "Yee Max assist ya boy!" Cupid said fixing his hair that was messed up by that odious monster so called...Mercury?
Alec stared at Max's shirtless self, the predicament his friend was in was completely forgotten, just.... Maaaaaaax. Then suddenly he noticed Max was bleeding; panic ensues. "Oh my gods, shirtless- I mean, Max! You're bleeding, stop it!" He rushed over and grabbed Helena from him, looking at the gauze on his shoulder and trying not to focus on the SHIRTLESS! OH MY GOD SHIRTLESS MAX
In one quick movement Max smacked Alec in the back of his head. "My eyes are up here." Max said as he helped put Helena onto Ryan's shoulder. "Up here!" Max put his hand under Alec's chin and pointed his head to the sky. "Please stop staring at me like that." Max grabbed Alec's shoulder "Come on. I'm getting you on that plane so that you can get healed and I can get a shirt." And Max started towards the plane With Alec in tow.

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Ryan furrowed his brows. Did Alec just forget that one of his closest friends was knocked out? The demigod sighed then gently took Helena from Max. He adjusted her position so that her head wouldn't slam against anything. Ryan entered the plane and put Helena down. "What happened to her?" Ace asked turning to look at Ryan. The son of Zeus shrugged his shoulders, "I can't even see what state she's in". "We're in Brazil....stupid" The brute snorted shifting his gaze back to the window. "That's not even...." Ryan shook his head not continuing. It wasn't worth explaining if Ace didn't understand it the first time.
Pepper currently sitting with Serafina. "Hey... Everything will be alright, you know why? Because we're going to be okay and we're going to get out of here okay. Also do you mind helping me bandage my back?" she said while looking at her. "Because it's starting to sting and i could use your help..." she said while watching her. (@RevolverOshawott )
"Owww... Love hurts... Eheheh." He giggled stupidly, then snapped to attention at Max's face- particularly his eyes. Staring into his eyes, he felt like he could see forever- on the outside his pupils were huge and his face was getting redder, until Max tipped his head up to the sky and he blinked a few times, his face still getting red as Max helped him onto the plane, "Um, I'm fine, really..." He said, almost shyly, and slightly ashamed for so shamelessly staring at Max and his SHIRTLESSNESS
"Max, did you give the coordinates to your mom?" Ryan questioned rubbing his shoulder and pulling a gym bag out from the upper compartment. He unzipped the bag and tossed a shirt to Max. "Smells like blood" Ace mumbled. "Ofcourse it does! What do you expect?" Cupid replied entering the plane and taking a seat next to the son of Ares. Ryan zipped the bag up then safely tucked it into the compartment.
Max immediately caught the shirt Ryan had tossed him and put it on. "Now that that's settled." He said looking at Alec who was more interested in him than with his own friend "you should go see Helena. Also" he reached into his bag, which had been set on the floor near him, and a pulled out a square of ambrosia "eat this so you don't pass out." He tossed it to Alec and turned around "I'll be in the cockpit if I'm needed." And with that he opened the door to the cockpit and went inside, locking the door behind him. He stood with his back against the door and sighed as he'd gotten away from Alec. He looked up to see his mother smiling at him. "Don't you even start" he said to her and she turned around. Max took his seat next to her "We need to fly to Greenland. Summit Camp to be exact. Can you get us there?" She nodded and began to figure out their flight path.

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Alec watched Max walk away, then sighed once he was gone. What the hell could he do if everytime he saw Max he just started staring at him like a dumbass? He had completely forgotten Helena, until she suddenly seemed to spring to life at a moment notice, point at Ace and shout, "Your father! Is a dumbass!" before collapsing again. "Now I know... Where you get it from..." She muttered, leaning heavily on Ryan, before proceeding to slide to the floor, her breathing ragged and wheezy.
Ryan put his arms around Helena and gently put her back up. Ace glared at the wicked demigod growling, "WATCH IT!" Cupid was looking out the window. He was too engaged at the birds talking to each other. That's right, now the demigod had bird phobia. What was bird phobia called anyway? Was it just bird phobia?
Pepper looked up from her seat over at them, noticing how bad Helena's wounds were and wanted to help but knew that her healing skills weren't as great as the son of Apollo's, Lucas. Which begged the question on where he was? She also wondered where her half-brother was since he had been flying here on his flaming Pegasus. She bit her lip slightly as she watched Helena and Ryan, trying to debate if her help was worth it or not.
Ryan moved his hands to Helena's shoulders, "Can anyone see...who am I kidding everyone can see but me. Someone please help her? I'll hold her up while you help her. I can't see where her wounds are". Cupid began to hum a random song, "Hmmm hmm hm hm hm hmmmmm hmmmm bum bum mmmmm hum ham bam hummm mmm mmmm". "It this were an rp, then you would have just wasted about a line in a post just humming that" Ace said eyeing the clock.
Helena threw both of her hands up, both having a firmly extended middle finger at Ace, before clambering up to her feet and hobbling towards the back of the plane, each wheezing breath she took sounding worse and more painful then the last. Eventually, she sank down into a seat at the back of the plane, trying desperately to keep herself conscious. She couldn't lose it now. She had a mission.

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