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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Heh Griffons are faster than pegasi, anyways i'm Jenna the daughter of Aeolus nice to meet you Jason " she said shaking his hand.

The griffon at the back of the plane was having a bit of a hard time navigating through the plane due to its size but managed to place it self behind Jenna.
Pepper gives him a bit of a look. "Don't you think I have been? Besides when i use water to heal wounds, I can only heal minor wounds so far... So it would be nice if you could help me." she said while looking over her shoulder at him and frowning slightly as the other girl interrupted but didn't say anything as she fixed her shirt and took out a sugar cube for herself to eat since they helped calm her nerves since Karan wasn't around to tell her to calm down. "I guess I'll just go and try and heal this on my own..." she said softly before walking off to see if she could find any more water.
Jason rolled his eyes with a smirk shaking Jenna's hand, "Pleasure to meet you Jenna." Jason turned to his sister, waving his hand throughout the air and condensing it with each swing. "Here we go, I'll have you patched up in no time." Jason had a goofy grin on his face, but was just glad to be able to help without killing anything. "Wai-where'd she go...come back." Jason's voice was meek but he got over it quickly, "I'll have to find her then. You can come too Jenna."

"Gods of Olympus, how in the hell-?"

"Alec stop-"

"How did those dumb things cut your armpit?"

"Alec I'm serious-"

"I mean like, how are your clothes not completely obliterated-"

"ALEC!" Helena shouted, zipping up her jacket and at staring fiercely at Alec, making a face at him, "are you done inspecting my injuries? Because you should be."

"But your neeeck-"

"What? So I have bruises, it doesn't matter."

"But they're shaped like giant haaaands-"

"And your point is?"

"It looks like someone tried to strangle you!"

Helena sighed and pressed the heels of her hands into her closed eyes and rubbed, getting a headache yet again. "Alec, just leave me alone." "But-" he started, but then Helena shoved herself to her feet, shoved Alec to the front of the plane, before returning to the back and sinking down again, rubbing her neck gingerly.
Pepper carefully making her way through undergrowth as she lets the pull of the water guide her to a small stream. Once there Pepper gave a soft sigh of relief and stepped into the stream and started to pull the water towards her to glide along her back where her wounds were. She bit her lip as the water touched the open wounds, it stung but she knew they would get infected if she didn't clean them now. She whimpered softly as she started washing out the gashes on her back, not caring too much if anyone saw her naked back. Once washing the blood off she got to the task of trying to heal the gashes. "Oh boy... this is going to be fun..." she whispered softly and started concentrating on trying to heal the gashes close.
Jason went in the general direction he believed Pepper had gone, but not really knowing for sure he stopped, "What am I doing if I just wander off in any rando direction I'll just get lost." He turned around and headed towards the plane still talking to himself, "Besides whatever she can't heal I'll do for her......if I can heal others with it." Jason stepped up into the plane and looked around, "Sup." he noticed, who else but Helena sulking in the back by herself. Though the fact that she was in rougher shape than usual alarmed him. Seeing Alec dusting himself of Jason put a hand on his shoulder giving him an "I got this" squeeze. He headed towards the back of the plane despite the really bad mojojojo he felt coming off of her in waves. He sat down next to looked over to her eyes his tone dead serious, which was very abnormal for him, and his face showing an odd tweak of maturity. "What happened to you, who caused those bruises."

At that moment Jerika flew down gear and all seeming to materialize from a dark cloud passing over the Tarmac, she had been following Jason, but had gotten caught up in yet another fight this time with more sirens. She entered the plane bruised And scraped which means she blended right in with the others. She plopped down in a seat close to the front and immediately dozed off
"Could you be more specific." Helena said dryly, messing with her hair some and pulling it around her neck to hide what she wanted hidden, before looking up at Jason with tired blue eyes. She felt no need to explain what had happened while everyone was being slice n diced by giant metal birds. For all they knew she had been stuck fighting with those dumb birds herself. Or rescuing Alec, who had locked himself in the bathroom after the birds broke through his window.
Jason kept eye contact not wavering for a second, "Helena you know what I mean, you just covered it up." He brushed the hair away from her neck on one side and pointed. "Who did this, and why are you hiding it?"
"Whaaaat, that's obviously a giant ass birthmark that you've obviously not paid enough attention to see before." She said, letting he sarcasm drip. When she looked at Jason again, then let the biggest and fakest smile spread across her face to try to hide this very blatant lie. But eventually she stared into his deadpan expression and stared back, then groaned and sighed, "Fiiiine! .... Ares tried to beat me up." She said, pouting and crossing her arms over her chest.
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Jason though Helena was lying again but it seemed she wasn't and when he realized it was the truth he got an odd mix of pissed, worried, and shocked resulting in a, "Wait, the f***!? What the hell happened why was he trying to beat you up? And how the hell do I kick his arse."
Jenna was silently watching and listening to Jason and Helena wait why would Ares try to beat her up? she expected those markings to be from suicide attempts or something else entirely, she then chuckled at Jason's response "unless your Kratos you will probably never be able to kick a gods arse but i digress maybe Ares has a deep hatred for Hades and his kids? or have a grudge againt's her that's the few reasons i can think of why a freaking god would beat up a demigod who's powerless againt's them" Jenna said. @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @explosiveKitten
"Eh, don't ask me. I barely remember half of the shpeal he threw at me. Something about Zeus, being too powerful, been cussing at him too much, after that I just blanked cause he'd just woken me up and I was literally wearing nothing but a huge t-shirt and underwear and I just wanted to put some f***ing pants on. Besiiides he didn't beat me up bad at all... I put up a fight..." Right then her hair moved just right to show the big blackeye she had on her left eye. "... Okay, maybe he did beat me up quite a bit. But it doesn't matter! I left my mark! I'm fine, I'm alive and Ares is still a complete dumbass!" She mumbled, eyes barely open. "Can we get something to eat? My tummy is getting the rumblies. That only food can satisfy."
Jason looked at Jenna, "Looks like I'll have to be better than Kratos then." Returning his attention to Helena he sighed as she ended her choppy explanation of her godly encounter. "I got it, you stay here. I'll grab some foods from the fridge. Then I'll try my hand at healing." He looked to Helena amazed at how she shakes off being harassed by a god. He got up and walked to the fridge wishing he had a thousand more mermen to kill. He grabbed a sandwich from the fridge along with a coke and some yogurt, figuring he'd try to throw something healthy in there. Lastly he grabbed a bag of chips and walked back setting them down in front of Helena and collecting water some the air, it looked a bright glacier blue color which Jason though was encouraging. "Ok let me get your eye and neck first, then I'll handle any other wounds." He gently brush the hair from Helena's face and used his lightest touch to turn her head to face him, he moved the water to have a thin layer between his fingers and her face letting it sink in as he concentrated on the word heal. He leaned close to make sure he wouldn't screw up somehow and freeze her eye, the thought of temperature came to his mind and he willed the water to become a bit warmer so it would feel like a warm compress instead of a cold slap to the face.
Immediately after the little thin sheet of water formed in front of her, the dazed girl snapped to attention as Jason turned her head suddenly and leaned closer to her face. Instinctively she leaned her face away from his, only getting slightly rosy on her pale cheeks. "Um, can we not do this experimenting? On me, particularly? ...why are you getting so close to my face? Or at least I think you are. I kind of a have a lack of depth perception right now." She blinked, back straight against the back of the seat, getting slightly uncomfortable now.
"Well I was referring to a video game Jason and if that said video game was true all the Greek and maybe even roman gods would be dead which I am dam sure is not possible" she then shifted her attention to Helena "well I think I havent introduced my self, my names Jenna daughter old Aeolus"

(Well going to sleep now since my PC gave itself an aneurysm and I'm on my android right now)
Jason shrugged but only slightly huffing as Helena moved, "Stay still girl, I don't want to muck this up, and why are you blushing it's not like you like me or anything. "
"Becaaaaaaaause, you're leaning towards me and looking at my eye and it feels like your working up to kiss me and it's WEIRD." She squeaked, scooting away more, trying to get herself out of the particularly awkward situation, and started mumbling, "I'm fine, really Jason. You don't need to start doing this experimental healing on me.. I think I'd rather have that ambrosia cube, ALEC!" She shouted at him, but he was fast asleep- or simply ignoring her. Damnit Alec. This is not the time to be grumpy.
Harry smiled at Adrianna as she stumbled with the bandages, giving all he could to not laugh and make her feel worse than she already did. Harry grabbed the bandages and gently yet precisely wrapped up Adrina . He was surprised by how much damage she had taken, and seeing her in this shape hurt him."There all better.", he said gingerly. "How did you manage to get so beaten up?" He asked with and undertone of worry.
((Sorry, guys, I'm basically just cutting in. I read like ten pages and still don't know how to come in, but, I'll try my best.))

Vanessa pulled on her hair as she heard the others talking. She watched Harry and Adrina together and Adrina looked hurt. "Hey, do you want help?" She asked them with a thin smile. "Or, do you got it?" She was itching to try and do something for the others in the group, wanting to prove that she was just as powerful as her father.
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Jason huffed as she called out to Alec who didn't respond, "I'm not trying to kiss you I'm trying to heal you. And it's not a experimental as you think all you have to do is stay STILL. Or close your eyes if you don't want to see my face." He made a finger gun and bent his thumb squirting Helena with a thin stream of water. He refocused on healing her and saw the bruise start to fade until it was gone. "See, let's get your neck now. After this I'll stop, I just don't like seeing bruises all over you." He cupped his hands on her neck and concentrated seeing it fade but having to hurry since this ability drained him much more than others in the next minute the bruise was gone and Jason felt like he was going to pass out. "There, much better." He stood up shakily and walked away going straight to the fridge for a bottle of water. He took a drink and started to feel better, but then went outside to sit and breathe.
Helena stared wide eyed at him while he did this, kind of mad that he just spray her with a finger squirt gun.... Thing.. And then just walked away, after apparently fixing up her bruises. Here I go, pushing people away again. Damnit, didn't I say I was going to try to be more open? she thought unhappily, rubbing her face and sighing, ugghh... I have a f***ing headache...
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Anthony and Damian had fought their way up to the roof and where having a whale of a time and Anthony turned as a very large bird dove at his throat and he spread his arms and closed his eyes. Just before the bird hit a large furry object pounced on it and ripped it up. "Y-you can't do that! That was my moment to get her back!" Anthony yelled causing the wolf to shrink back a little. It kept backing away as Damian covered them and they realized fighting was hopeless. They went to the floor the rooms had been on and sat on the floor Anthony was sitting on the floor but Damian hoisted him up. "It was my chance to see her again." Anthony mumbled to Damian who only nodded and knocked on the door to Helena's room. "I missed it and to think I claim her to be important to me and yet I still live and she doesn't." The thought sent Anthony back into the grief he had felt when his beloved Roselinda had died years before. Anthony's eyes went vacant and he looked like a shade all vacant and emotionless as if everything had just ceased to exist in his mind. "Helena I know you probably hate my siblings and me but please help Anthony's out here getting all dewy eyed over his dead girlfriend again and I have no clue what to do so um yeah help please." Damian had only seem Anthony like this once before and it was when Roselinda had been executed right in front of him for treason.

A few years prior at Camp Jupiter.

"Don't you do this if you kill her I will burn through ALL OF NEW ROME MYSELF!" Anthony was making so much noise it was strange no human had heard and found them when they were thrown out. "Anthony stop it just let me go STOP IT!" Roselinda had been screaming at him to stop for hours at the top of her lungs for him to let her just go in peace but he wouldn't. They had her on a pole thirteen feet off the ground and were dousing the bottom which already had fire wood on it with gas causing Anthony to start up even louder than before and the worst part. Damian was the guy they had assigned to drop the torch and he was going to do it. For Rome and all of it's evil sick twisted glory as soon as the signal was given he was ordered to drop the torch and he said no and as a result a soldier slapped the torch out of his hand lighting the gas. Damian had thrown a punch before the soldier had even begun to realize Damian was turning. The fight that ensued was only a bad whisper in Anthony's ear as he blacked out and didn't really return. Anthony knew Damian would have never dropped that torch on his own. Damian loved Roselinda as much as Anthony if not more.
Location: Airport → outside Max's plane

With: Harry

Max, Ryan, Cupid, Ace, Helena, Alec, Pepper, Jenna, Serafina, Lucas, Ever, Kayden, Viola, Raiko

Adriana looked off into the distance in an attempt to keep her attention from Harry's hands wrapping around her torso; her face felt so hot that it could burn through metal. She released a breath she didn't know she was holding once he finished up, pulling her shirt back on. "Thanks,"she said, touching her face to see if it was still hot; it was just warm now and had a pink tint to her cheeks. She turned towards him, rubbing the back of her neck. "I got dog-piled by these damn Stymphalians - ya'know, the metal bird things. Got totally wrecked, as you can see." She shrugged,"But hey, I got out of there." 'Somehow,'Adri added in her mind.

She looked Harry over,"It seems you got out without a scratch."
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Cupid was dancing in his seat, "You gotta strut like you mean it! FREE YOUR MIND!" The demigod's hand swung at Ryan's face. "..Hm?" Ryan simultaneously opened his eyes and raised his head up. "It's not enough just to dream it come on! Come on! Get up!" Cupid sang as he listened to a song on a little radio. "How do you even know this song?" Ace questioned not moving his eyes from the window. "The music video would always play on commercials before...When you feel it it's your chance to shine!" Cupid continued singing. Ryan rubbed his eyes, "Is everyone here?" "I don't know! I'm not keeping track or anything" Cupid replied resuming his humming. BEEP BEEP Paolo honked his horn then turned to Jack, "Hey where are the rest, man?"

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