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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper heard her name and looked up. "Ryan?" She said in surprise while holding the form of a sphere made of water while being attacked on her back. "Ow! Shit... H-help?" She asked while trying to get the birds off her while drowning the ones she had and flinging them at the once who were on her back. "Gods... Those things are vicious..." She said while panting softly and drawing her sword again. (@RyanJXavier )
Ace watched Raiko smoke then nodded. Maybe the kid went through a lot? He eyed the birds and began swiping around them taking birds into his hands and squishing them. Cupid continued coughing as he fell to his knees, "Gods what the heck is happening?" It was that tracker in his throat again.

Back at the Greenland HQ, a few alarms went off. Jethro sat up rubbing his eyes, "What's going on?" "Sir a tank bursted at a near by scientist ship. Also, we got some calls regarding a large group of demigods at Brazil" A scientist replied while a group of scientists went out to help the near by ship. "Brazil?" Jethro asked remembering his brother. "Send a group over would you?" He added picking up his phone and calling Sam the siren.
Jason gave up on rousing his roommate, instead he grabbed his gear and put three inches of ice behind the window before bolting out of the room. His thought was simple, though there was more protection in the rooms the lobby could be flooded with metallic death birds. As he ran he gathered water around his hands and by the time he reached the stairs he had large pools behind him, he opened the door and just jumped through the gap in the stairs falling between them and eventually stopping himself with the water he gathered having massive pools at this point. He ran out the stairwell and spotting people already there though the swarm of birds made them hard to see. He noticed them with weapons and assumed they were more demigods, either way the crows had to be dealt with so using his power was necessary. “Get down now!!” He threw his hands forward and tried to stay mindful of their reflexes, bending the water around them and making it flow in a funnel around them. Though through the roar he could have sworn he heard bells either way the birds were less organized and were starting to become easy targets. Jason Ran and passed through his funnel and into the center dry. “You all okay?” at this point Jason’s shield and sword were activated even though he was concentrating more on grabbing birds and wrecking them in his waterspout.
Ryan rushed around her with his speed. As he sped around, Ryan could hear Pepper's panting slow down to the point where it sounded as if she was taking in a very long breath. He glanced at her noticing her motion take place steadily. Quickly stuffing the birds into one another, Ryan stopped using his speed then leaned against the wall. "We need to get out of here fast. Have you seen Karan or anyone else?" Ryan questioned.
Serafina growled "i swear these people" she said running past Lucas and Kayden and running up stairs "HEY RYAN " she yelled running towards him slicing away any birds that came close.

Jenna was trying to blow away any birds that came close but there was soo many of them that she could only keep them away for 6 seconds "sh** Mercury we need to take cover quick! fly into that hotel!" she commanded holding onto her griffon tightly "jesus these things actually hurt!" she yelled as she and her griffon flew through a window and into the hotels hallway. @RyanJXavier
Pepper shook her head. "No... I haven't. Even thought I could have sworn Karan was in my room with me... I have absolutely no idea where she is now... I know she can take care of herself so I'm not worried..." She said while fighting off the birds.
Sam sat there on top of the airport toying with one of the soldiers she had taken with her. He was just about to make him "slip" off the roof when her phone rang. She broke her concentration and the soldier was freed from her spell. She pulled her phone out of her pocket and shook her head. "What's up dear?" She said answering the phone "Need something?"

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"Don't worry. She'll be alright" Ryan responded trying to lighten her mood up a bit. He turned to a figure approaching him. Her voice was familiar, "Hello you cold person". Ryan used his speed again and ran through the hall quickly pummeling the birds into eachother.

"Hey where are you?" Jethro asked the siren. "Apparently something is happening at the hotel. Did their plane leave yet? Any signs of them leaving?" He couldn't really think of the proper questions to ask since he was in a groggy mood.
Pepper jogged after Ryan. "I think we need to get out of here and fast... Have you seen or heard from Max?" She asked Ryan while spotting her brother Jason and going over to him to help him fight. "Hey bro. How's it hanging?" She said while slashing and fighting some of the birds.
Raiko saw Ace look at him and thought he was judging him. "Whatever." He said to himself. He continued to shoot the birds down. He noticed the number has lowered significantly. "I think we are almost done. Keep going." He transformed his pistols into a scythe and ran up to the birds and started to swing. He was taking birds down, just as fast as Mr. Hulk was. About 1/4 was left of the birds by now. "Almost thereee!" He continued destroying these birds from point blank getting scratched up an not caring.
@Kai&\#039;zen Makaira Kayden turned to the guy in confusion. "What do you mean? We're perfectly fine." She replied awkwardly to the teenage guy in front of her. He was a son of Poseidon. She winced internally, she'd had been experiences with Poseidon kids.
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"No I haven't heard from him, and I definitely can't see him" Ryan responded grabbing a bird by its wing and slamming it into the ground. Small figures began to make their way to Ryan. The demigod growled under his breath and his twin katanas formed in his hands. Ryan swiped his katanas around and flipped around a bit to avoid the small figures' attacks. He used his speed while attacking with his swords; which let him clear the hall. Once the twin katanas disappeared, Ryan moved his hands through his hair, "Which one is Max's room?"
Sam rubbed her temple. She hated it when Jethro was being impatient. "I am currently in Brazil. Watching over the plane which hasn't left yet." She said "and I don't know what's going on at the Hotel. Would you like me to check?"

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Pepper quickly grabbed his arm and jogged down the hall. "Should be the first one in this hall with Alec right?" She said as she led him there, knocking on Alec's door. "Alec! Alec is Max there?" She called while looking around for the birds.
"that solved abasutely nothing nothing at all sorry about that Mercury" she said blowing away the birds around her "Damm, der tut weh!" she yelled as one of the birds pecked her but was quickly taken cared off with her dagger "Mercury scout the area ahead i'l be right behind you" the griffon started running down the halls slicing any bird in its way with it's talons and Jenna running behind it.

(Yea i'm just trying to get Jenna to fun into others ;p)

Serafina grabbed a bird that clinged onto her shoulder and freezing it then threw it at another bird which still flew at her but was taken care of with her sword "Heeey guys i have a really really bad feeling about this" she quickly fell silent as a griffon crashed into Ryan.
Ace continued flinging his arms around and destroying the birds, "Who are you guys?" The brute noticed three new people show up to help them. Jethro responded, "A group is headed there right now, but you can check up on them if you want". Jet stood up from his bed and made his way over to the computers and radars to check the nearby ship. "Oof!" Ryan stepped back and grabbed the griffon. "What is this?!" He furrowed his brows beginning to squeeze the bird. "These things are getting annoying! Is this their queen since it's larger than the rest?" The demigod questioned.
Jason continued whipping the birds and decided to start shooting the ones he destroyed at the remaining birds. “There’s a bunch of us. It’s better to stick with us, that’s IF you want to help us destroy those scientists for good.” He moved with the new kids evaporating the water quickly and dropping hundreds of metal scraps that were previously suspended in the water. “I’m Jason son of Poseidon, yes I’m trusting you with my life but I figured the demigods we can gather the more effective we’ll be against those scientists. Jason’s kopis cleaved through the birds as they ran and he booted open the stairs. “Heading this way?” @LuckyANDKitty
Kayden rolled her eyes at Ace as they stood on the roof. She decided it was better not to respond to Jason, especially because he made her more uncomfortable than ever. "Does it really matter who we are?" She yelled slicing at the birds as Ever rang the bells to keep the birds from regrouping. Lucas 3 arrows at a time at the birds, trying to finish the job as fast as possible.
The griffon flailed and slicing it's claws on Ryan "Was der scheiß!? let go of him!" Jenna yelled blowing a strong gust of wind at Ryan and Serafina to knock them away the gust of wind felt like they just walked into a desert in the middle of the day. Serafina quickly staggered away not wanting to be bombarded with really hot gust of wind.
Jason shrugged, "No but we all know that we're demigods an with that fact alone we should stick together, wasn’t that what camp was for? Besides we have a common enemy. Therefore trust should come a bit more easily between us yeah?” Jason ducked a bird and with a swift swing turned his sword into a spear and managed to hit his mark cutting the bird diagonally from thigh to shoulder. “Also having more people means things like this are easier to manage surviving.”

"You're a pocket full of sunshine" Ace mumbled throwing birds around. "Thanks Pepper" Ryan said then felt the door that Pepper was knocking at just a few moments. He kicked the door off, "No time for polite knocking-". "Ah!" Ryan grabbed his arm at the wound that the griffon left on him. The demigod quickly went into the room having felt the wind once its heat radiated from that other person. "Max! Max...Max? Pepper is there anything around here? He usually leaves notes and stuff" Ryan said moving his arms around the furniture.
"I try." Kayden replied in a sarcastic voice slicing through a group of birds with her Stygian blade. "Honestly, If I didn't hate the scientist so much and actually agree with you I'd probably punch in the face Jason, because the fact that you can chat so much while in the middle of a battle irriates me." She said in all honesty impaling one of the birds onto her sword. She grunted in disgust sliding the thing off with her foot. "That's bloody disgusting." Ever muttered looking away.
Raiko looked at the new people and said, "Ya it does matter. Who are y'all?" He continued swinging. His zombies. There were 2 left. "No my babies!" He got angry. Those birds were taking out his babies. He started to destroy the birds faster. He stared at Jason, "Who goes to class at camp anyways?" He continued spinning his scythe around taking scratches, some deeper than others. Until one scratch got his arm incredibly deep, almost cutting of his arm. He lost feeling in it. He jumped back and transformed his scythe into pistols. He was shooting only his right pistol. He found a weed growing on top of the roof but he had to wait until all of the birds were gone. "Mind speeding this up a bit ladies and gents? I kinda can't feel my left arm."
Serafina quickly went into into the room looking around the furniture and such "no there's no note anywhere here Ryan "

The griffon was ready to leap onto Ryan and proceed to brutally kill him with it's class but was luckily stopped by Jenna by being grabbed by the tail "NO! Mercury don't kill him stay here" she commanded as she entered the room the griffon simply sat there attacking any bird that came near "so i guess there were other demigods that survived the destruction of camp half-blood".

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