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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

(I hate my country and it's dumb time zone.)

Luckily, everybody seemed to have forgotten about Viola. She'd just been following people around, wondering what to do with herself. She was also having an incredibly fun game of what she liked to call "Spot the Fear". There were so many people around that she'd been having an immensely fun time just guessing what people were frightened of. Whilst Serafina was a little difficult to crack, most people were pretty downright easy.

"Hm. Interesting." Viola looked around, "So many fears..." Her father would love it here.
Jason watched with an amused smile as everyone filed in for reasons unknown to him. "Was it something besides you all forgetting your gear?"
Harry was pleased that he could make her day , he paused for a second thinking of something witty say and finally spoke saying, " it's important to find the light when your in the dark , that's a quote from someone I think". He held Adriana tightly as it was a little cold up in the sky even in Brazil. As they rushed across the sky Harry grabbed her hand . The Radisson was in sight now and they were almost there
Jack nodded at everything Ryan was saying , not agreeing with him but biting his tongue to stay pleasant . A girl came up and introduced herself to Ryan . "Hey serr... sare... Sarah!" He had trouble with her name and came terms with this nickname. Jack turned away from her noting her beautiful ring , as Marmore his pet mini robot Griffin bounded towards Pepper licking her face and flying around her . Jack walked over to her and said "I think he likes you!" Smiling .
Pepper blinked in surprise as the mini robot Griffin licked her face and flew around her, she laughed softly and smiled brightly. "Really? You think so? Well he is quite incredible himself." she said softly while watching him.
soupninja said:
Jack nodded at everything Ryan was saying , not agreeing with him but biting his tongue to stay pleasant . A girl came up and introduced herself to Ryan . "Hey serr... sare... Sarah!" He had trouble with her name and came terms with this nickname. Jack turned away from her noting her beautiful ring , as Marmore his pet mini robot Griffin bounded towards Pepper licking her face and flying around her . Jack walked over to her and said "I think he likes you!" Smiling .
Looking at the mini robot griffin "how did you get that? it's pretty cute i kinda wish i have one" she asked although she prefered dogs since birds kinda annoy her with their chirping she prefered the sound of dogs barking and howling that birds chirping though this was a griffon and she was sure they don't chirp.
Ryan pressed the higher elevator button and waited for the doors to open. Cupid followed Ace through the halls, "Hey what happened?" "Leaving tomorrow...same rides" Ace said grumpily opening the door to his room and falling onto his bed. Cupid shrugged his shoulders then galloped to his room, "Ey more rest for me!" The demigod jumped onto his bed instantly going to sleep. Ace turned a bit then began to sleep as well. A ding sounded allowing the elevator doors to fly open. Ryan stepped inside and made his way to the back to avoid getting in anyone's way.
Everyone seemed to be vanishing off to their rooms. Well, that sucked. Viola rummaged around in her pockets and found a couple of dollars, plus those weird drachma coins that her father had given her. She threw down all she had on the reception desk and gave the receptionist a dark look.

"I want a room. I may not have enough but unless you want to face your worst fears, I suggest you give me a room anyway." she threatened. After a few moments of glaring at the receptionist, Viola got a room key and went upstairs. She fell asleep almost the second she lay down on her bed.
Ryan got out of the elevator then stood in the hallway shaking his head. So...where was his room again? He put his hand on each door he passed by. Was it five or six doors down to the left of the elevator? Ryan stopped at the fifth door and opened it with his strength. No, he did not take the door out of its frame. Ryan simply opened it...the weird metal thing that locked the door was broken though. The demigod slowly stepped into the room and pulled a chair out to the hallway gently closing the door behind him. He positioned the chair in the middle and fell asleep in it.
(to Pepper)Jack noticed how pretty the girl he was now facing was, not the type of pretty that most girls are. She was breathtaking like the ocean. Jack smiled thinking about this saying, "Thanks! , Im Jack by the way" , and He stuck his hand out to shake hers. (to Revolver) "I built him myself!" He said with pride, sticking his chest out a little more "He loves all this attention!" . Jack whistled a high pitch and Marmore returned to Jacks shoulder, weighing it down a bit as Marmore was about the size of a medium sized dog and was made of marble. "Well we better turn in for the night!" Jack said as he turned back to the Lobby and waited for "Sarah".
"It's not that easy,"she muttered more so to herself rather than in reply to Harry. Whatever light that shone in her darkness wasn't exactly bright and tended to flicker, where she had to rush to it before it burned out and more darkness flooded around her. It was to be expected, seeing as she wasn't exactly full of sunshine, happiness, and rainbows. She noticed she hadn't given an actual response to Harry, so she joked,"Don't get all philosophical on me here."

She released a sharp breath when his grip on her tightened, automatically thinking they were going to do another dive. But she noted the warmth he gave off as well as how numb her nose and lips felt. And when he grabbed her hand, she could feel the warmth pass on to her fingertips, as well. With her feet being wet, hopefully she wouldn't get frostbite in some way.

The hotel came into view and she said aloud,"There it is. Let's just land - no crazy aerobatics, got it?"
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soupninja said:
(to Pepper)Jack noticed how pretty the girl he was now facing was, not the type of pretty that most girls are. She was breathtaking like the ocean. Jack smiled thinking about this saying, "Thanks! , Im Jack by the way" , and He stuck his hand out to shake hers. (to Revolver) "I built him myself!" He said with pride, sticking his chest out a little more "He loves all this attention!" . Jack whistled a high pitch and Marmore returned to Jacks shoulder, weighing it down a bit as Marmore was about the size of a medium sized dog and was made of marble. "Well we better turn in for the night!" Jack said as he turned back to the Lobby and waited for "Sarah".
Pepper smiled a bit and shook his hand. "Nice to meet you Jack, I'm Pepper." she said softly while looking at Marmore. "Anyways it was nice meeting you, I'm going to go to bed.." she said and headed to the elevators before going up to the floor where all the demigods were staying and found an empty room for her and Karan, while getting into a bed and falling asleep.
Harry laughed at her teasing, not catching the first remark. As they started to descend Harry laughed at her remark saying "sure thing , But you know I'm getting a little tired!" with a yawn . He blinked his eyes a couple of times and they started to rapidly descend, only for about 10 feet and then jack leveled them out. "Gotcha!" He said cracking up as he found himself very funny.

They landed on the destroyed Radisson roof and Harry put down Adriana . He tucked his wings in and looked up at the bright moon that was shining. He looked at Adriana smiled and said, "Well I guess we better hit the hay.I can guarantee that you will have sweet dreams". As Harry looked at her He felt an urge to kiss her right there, but didn't want to push anything on Adri as she had enough on her mind already, after all. d
[[ >w< ]]

"That's very comforting fOR YOU TO SAY!"she replied, her voice rising towards the end of her sentence as Harry dived a bit. He leveled out towards the end and they slowly glided on top of the building; they were capable of walking lightly before fully landing. Once he released her, she gently shoved him,"Remind me to never let you fly me around again. You're a horrible pilot."

She scoffed as if she was angry at Harry, straightening her clothes before crossing her arms. She rolled her eyes but grinned,"More like nightmares of falling from the sky." A yawn crawled out of her throat, the day's events finally catching up to her."Well, goodnight, I guess. See ya tomorrow,"she sighed sleepily.

Adri gave Harry a small wave before turning away and heading towards the elevator; she would hold it open for him if he decided to join her down. She got off at her floor and went to her room, closing the door behind her and putting the bolt lock on out of habit. She would peel off her pants and fall face-first into the bed, her eyes fluttering before finally closing as she drifted off to sleep, not even her thoughts allowing her to stay up any later.
soupninja said:
(to Pepper)Jack noticed how pretty the girl he was now facing was, not the type of pretty that most girls are. She was breathtaking like the ocean. Jack smiled thinking about this saying, "Thanks! , Im Jack by the way" , and He stuck his hand out to shake hers. (to Revolver) "I built him myself!" He said with pride, sticking his chest out a little more "He loves all this attention!" . Jack whistled a high pitch and Marmore returned to Jacks shoulder, weighing it down a bit as Marmore was about the size of a medium sized dog and was made of marble. "Well we better turn in for the night!" Jack said as he turned back to the Lobby and waited for "Sarah".
"Sweet! you can make robots that's pretty cool but wouldn't it attract attention from civilians?" she said following Jack into the hotel lobby "man i wish for a pet wolf or something related to my powers which is a wolf but i'l just have to wait and see ".
Harry stayed up on the roof while Adri left, waving goodbye to her. He used his powers so that everyone in the group would get good rest and not be trouble by their worries. Harry walked to the elevator and pushed the button to his floor but before the doors opened he fell asleep in the elevator, to exhausted to walk to his room. Being a son of Hypnos sure had its disadvantages.

Jack Walked to his room, remarking "Damn you're fixated on wolves! why dont you get something a little less scary like , oh I don't know a DOG!!" with a laugh. As he went into his room he plopped down and fell asleep.
(Serafina now magically have her own room yay lol)

"Yea sure dogs maybe" she muttered as she walked into her room she then flopped down onto her bed and hopefully it wont be completely frozen when she wakes up and or be greeted by scientist she yawned and fell asleep.
Raiko got out of the car and walked into the hotel ignoring everything. He walked up the stairs because he was too lazy to wait for the elevator. He went into his room and opened up the window, reached in his back pocket and got out a pack of cigarettes. "5 left." He sighed and hit the bottom a few times. He pulled out a cigarette then his zippo lighter. He put the cigarette in his mouth an lit it. "Man I've been waiting for one of these for a while." After his 4th drag he tore out the embers and squished it between his fingers getting slightly burnt. He flicked the filter out the window and laid down on his bed. He eventually fell asleep after a short while.
Jason and Jerika watched the others leave one by one, Jason didn't feel tired but he figured a little extra rest couldn't hurt. Jerika on the other hand was happy to get some sleep, her little foray took a lot out of her ,especially after fighting three other sirens by herself. It pained her to be the one to send them to tht hell, but they insisted on attacking her calling her a traitor and such she was only too happy to hurry up to her room via elevator skirting around a sleeping Ryan and turning towards her room, stopping for a minute to turn around and give him a peck on the cheek before retreating into her room taking off all of her lethal jewelry and slipping into bed, watching her windows for a few minutes before the abyss of sleep overcame her.

As Jerika was doing this Jason decided to hop on Nautilus the two going for a quick flight outside Jason watching the streets for anything unusual, he wasn't about to be surprise attacked by some overzealous nerds and their dogs. When Jason was satisfied after nearly half-an-hour of self-imposed patrolling he settled feeling a bit safer. He had Nautilus land on the roof and said goodnight to his equine friend. For once he walked down stairs and gently opened the door sneaking past Ryan and slipping into his room where he laid down and was soon grabbed and dragged down by sleep
The doors were close by and Karan was smiling a white toothy grin until she heard the aggravated verbal assault from Pepper's half-brother. Karan smiled and kept walking towards the exit. 'Never been called a narcissistic b*tch before however, he knows nothing of what I can do.' she giggled and burst the doors open when she reached them. She exited the hotel and walked out front. The courtyard was extravagant- if it wasn't looking haphazard from what looked like the result of her explosive exit. She was having a fun time and she couldn't wait to do something and go places. She was always at camp and never left even when other went on their escapades. Karan looked around decided she was going to go look around. 'Maybe I can see if I can get a new ja---' she was cut off when Ace lifter her up over his shoulder and shoved her in the car.

'The meathead... he.... that bloody....'

Karan seethed in her rage and was cramped in the car. Her heart was pounding and she felt like she was going to explode. Everyone kept getting in and people laughed. It made her even more angrier and her face got flushed in fury. Her nails dig into her palms and she kept her eyes shut as she felt the presence of more people getting into the car.

'This.... space.... breath... don't scream..'

She was seeing red and her willpower was waning and giving into the screaming rage she was about to exhibit. The engine sputtered and died, leaving the kids crowding around her to whine and complain about what to do. Karan bit her lip and tasted the metallic tang that slowly secreted from her lip. She was among the first out of the vehicle and she stormed away before someone died. The wind followed her swiftly and the small shubbery that lined the streets and the trees the stood above her shook and danced with the breeze that blew as she passed. The brazilians that she passed were trying to keep their belongings from being taken by the sudden gust. Karan tried to slow her breathing as she was hyperventilating and started to shake from the rage and the cramped setting she was thrown in. 'And.. the... touching....' she thought as she held herself in her arms. Karan shook violently and stood in the center of the sidewalk before someone tapped her. She screamed out and the female passerby that tapped her to see if she was ok, was thrown ten yards away from her and procured several feather thin cuts on her body. She landed in a heap and tumbled away with the force of the wind.

Holding her head in her hands, Karan began to break down. She softly cried and slowly she began to giggle and laugh as the tears fell from her face. The blood on her lip began to flow off the corner and down her chin. She licked it and glided towards the woman. The witnesses around hid behind doors and benches as the wind grew rampant. Karan had her eyes on the woman that touched her. She landed gracefully paces away and lifted the woman with a torrent of wind that gathered around her body. Her hair was wild and a menacing bloody smile held as the tears flowed down. Her hand raised, she flicked her fingers in many directions, feather thin cuts lining the woman's body with each movement. The blood drops were falling where the wind sliced into her limp body. The floor slowly began to look like a canvas where red paint just dropped in timely intervals. Karan held her victim in the air and the wind's howling masked the screams. Hers or the witnesses, she couldn't tell. Karan was seeing red.

A minute passed and her rage was subsiding, Karan was done with the consecutive wind slices and dropped the body to the ground. The body splashed in the pool that amassed as all the blood spilled from the wounds. Karan looked around and saw the terror in everyone's faces and she closed her eyes. A white smile broke from the blood red lips, "Don't touch me, please." She bit her lip softly and fixed her hair into a tight bun and pinned her bangs to the side. She heard the sirens in the night sky, the vibrations carrying the wails across miles. She giggled and compressed air around her and released it behind her to accelerate her body ahead, manipulating the wind stream to glide through and around obstacles a couple yards above the ground. She turned the currents so she could circle around to the back of the hotel and landed half a mile away from the hotel. She landed and sighed. She hated not being able to fully fly. Gliding was about the closest she had to flying, every time she attempted something the counselors at camp scolded her. 'I'm not in camp anymore... hehe' she thought and playfully dusted off her clothing.

She walked the quarter mile without running into anyone and began to grow tired of all the walking. She turned the corner of a wall and saw the back entrance of the hotel. However, she didn't notice the man that was around the wall with a knife in his hand. He rushed up and Karan's instict was to kill. She flicked her wrist and held her palm over his face. She had no time to waste with him, she was fatigued and needed sleep. She pulled the air from his lungs and she heard his gasps and saw his hands go to his throat. He fell to his knees and clawed at his throat for air but did not succeed. Karan walked passed him, still facing him as she passed with her palm pointed as his face. She felt the blood racing throughout his body as it struggled to stay alive. The oxygen in his lungs not existent and his face turned purple from the lack of oxygen in his blood cells and she felt the organs vibrate as the failed inside him. He fell unconsious on the floor and a couple seconds later, he died from asphyxiation. She didn't like that death, reminded her of drowning. She couldn't decide which was worse, so she just shrugged and skipped the rest of the way to the hotel.

Once in the hotel, Karan skipped her way past the now empty lobby and ignored the gossip from the hotel staff. She went up the stairs and tried to find a room. She spent a while trying to find the room where Pepper would probably be in, sensing for patterns of breaths while asleep. She opened occupied rooms by solidifying the density of air in the opening mechanisms in the doors. Her giggling and laughing when she didn't find the right room almost woke up more than half of the occupants in their rooms. A couple she had to knock out because their shouts would've woke the entire hotel. She finally made it to the room where Pepper laid on a bed, that was the only one. So as she entered the room, she hummed as she undressed, leaving her clothing along the floor trailing to the bathroom. She jumped in the shower and washed herself off, some blood and the dirt from gliding and the sweat and grime of today's troubles.

She exited the shower a while after and grabbed a robe from the rack that was hanging on the door. Placed it on and lifted her hair over the back and left it down to dry. She walked to the edge of the bed and watched as Pepper slept. She blew some of her hair from her face and smiled a bit. She grew fond of the little person that accompanied her and apologized for everything she did. Karan didn't think someone would have stuck beside her all this time. But she didn't care if no one liked her, only if Pepper didn't hate her. So Karan sat on the bed beside Pepper and played with her hair with a wind that flowed over her, cool and fresh while humming to herself a sweet and slow tune.
Black role play under same section.

(Trying to get the tabs together. If you want to join the real rp though feel free to message me and I'll send you the link).
It didn't take long before Max was taken into a dream. He woke up strapped to a torture table and his heart sank. He knew where he was. He heard the familiar giggle come from his left. He looked over and saw Sam standing there laughing at him. "Let Me Go Sam. Please!" She only laughed as she made her way to the table. Max began struggling as Sam began to unpack a bag filled with torture supplies. "Don't worry Max, you'll thank me went this is over!" She said in her usual bubbly voice. Max watched as Sam picked up a needle filled with a mysterious fluid. "You'll be thankful form this." And she injected the liquid into his eyes and Max screamed. The pain was excruciating, burning, he couldn't see. Sam pulled out scalpel "You scream like a girl, silly boy!" She said as she drove the scalpel into his eye and she began to work and Max passed out.

Max felt someone shaking him awake and he thought his dream was over until she spoke. "
Wakey wakey sleepy boy!" Sam said as he heard her come down the stairs. "Come on open your eyes… Oh wait! I forgot! " She said as she broke into a maniacal laugh. "Eyes?! What did she Do!!" He said as he tried to open his eyes. He did feel any resistance but he couldn't see then he realized what she had done. "YOU B**** GIVE MY EYES BACK!!!!" She chuckled "You know i was planning on doing that… but i had to test something." Max began struggling again. "Oh stop" She said as she gave him a little smack "Im still gonna give you back your sight, but i made some small changes." She smiled. Max felt something move where his eyes were, then came the pain. "I hope you enjoy this… little present I'm giving you." Max started to try to break free. "Oh thats strike three, now you get to sleep. Shame i wanted to hear you scream." Then Max felt the needle and everything went black.

Max awoke suddenly and instantly his hands went to his face. He let out a sigh, as he found he still had his eyes. He sat there in the cockpit seat breathing heavily. "
What the hell was that!? I don't remember any of that happening when i was stuck there. " He thought as he calmed down. "Eyes? I wonder if that has anything to do with what Jason was talking about earlier." He rubbed his eyes and yawned "Ill think about it tomorrow." He thought to himself before falling back asleep.

Meanwhile watching over the plane. "
How much longer should we wait, my lady?" "Morning. Then we'll attack." "But wouldn't it be more wise to attack now?" "Shut it Grunt. You listen to me, and i say wait." "… Yes Lady Sammantha" "Good. Now go ready everyone. We will attack first." The man nodded and went off. Sam smiled and looked at the plane where Max was resting. "I wonder if my present has awoken yet?" She said before giggling in her usual manner.
Alec made his way back to his room with Helena, and once she was in her room, he could hear her hit the bed and fall asleep instantly. What he found made him frown; a note from Max. He had left before everyone else? That made him so sad... He worried that something was wrong with him, but what could he do? Talk pretty at him? Look into a mirror, have a vision, and then black out? What was he capable of doing? Nothing. It made him sigh and lean back on the bed, staring at the ceiling, before he crawled into bed and laid down, soon falling into a deep sleep...

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