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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Pepper moved over as well so that Max could sit down between her and Ryan, however that meant she would be squished between Karan and Max but she didn't mind since she was rather small.
((I wanted to see if you could have 2 different opinions on the same subject. :P ))

Raiko smile at Cupid and said, "Ok! Good point! Maybe metal at the bottom in case the gun goes off in the holster. Although rubber might make the gun stick when I take it out. But otherwise I could do that. Thanks!" He laughed and started rubbing his hands together diabolically.
"Are you sure Max? There's a spot right here" Ryan gestured. Ace looked over his shoulder, "Should I call Raiko to sub for Alec since Alec is no where around?" "Sounds good Ace" Ryan replied as Ace left the car again. Ace entered the hotel, "Raiko let's go. You're switching rides with Alec". The demigod turned around and began to make his way back to Rico's car again.
RyanJXavier said:
Ace looked outside the window at the two newest members, "Ey blondie's get in before we leave you and the scientists send reinforcements here to steal your powers yeah?" Cupid looked at Kio, "I'm alive now right? We'll be fine. We'll live because Max's mom will be there with Max in the cockpit. We'll all live".
Serafina sighed and got into the car (whatever their riding ;P) "what the flippin hell would they do with our powers? also i didn't even think they could steal a demigods powers".
Raiko poked his head up and looked towards Ace. "Huh? Oh. Okay." Raiko walked towards the car outside and when he got there he looked inside and said, "Am I going to fit? It doesn't look comfortable." When he saw Serafina he stopped and looked at her. "Who are you? I'm Raiko. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand to shake her hand. He didn't give her enough time to shake his hand before he got in the car. Why is it so cold? Raiko asked himself.
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"I'll be fine" Max said whilst on the floor. "Were gonna have three more people get in. So I want to be sure that everyone fits."

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"W-wow your cold" Ryan said as Serafina got in. He shivered a little, "They will use our powers and try to beat us". Ace sat back in his seat, "Alright we're all here everyone just needs to...GET IN!" Ryan looked at his brother, "Okay then". He scooted back to Pepper and clenched his teeth at the cold feeling. His sense of touch was enhanced as well so what did that mean? Extra coldness for the lucky demigod! Ryan didn't think about it though and just stayed silent.
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"Uh hi my names Serafina nice to meet you Raiko" she didn't want to shake his hand since well her hands are well pretty much below freezing so she shaked his hand.
Pepper blinked when she noticed Ryan scoot closer to her and tilted her head. "Uhm you alright there Ryan?" she said while putting a hand on his knee lightly, allowing him to know she was there.
Ryan bit his lip and nodded to prevent his teeth from chattering. Cupid looked around the lobby and snapped a few times. Wasn't it too late to travel at the time? Didn't some of the demigods feel tired? Cupid sighed and mumbled, "Well I guess since Karan announced who we are to the whole lobby, flying out might be one way to handle this all". Seemed illogical but it was for their safety right? He supposed they could have stayed at the hotel for the night but then be greeted by the scientists the next morning. Cupid shrugged the idea off. If something was completely wrong with the idea then Max could have made an objection from the start. Or that Adelina girl could have made another proposal. Where was she anyway? Maybe she could make her alternate proposal if she would just pop up already.
Pepper blinked and rubbed his arm lightly. "I hope this helps... cuz you look like you just touched an iceberg..." she said before glancing at Seraphina. "Hello." she said before looking back at Ryan, wondering how she could help possibly.
Ryan took Pepper's hand and put it on her lap, "It's f-fine. You don't need to do that. Thanks though". He smiled a little then folded his arms. Renato (my bad I thought it was Rico) began to start the car which sounded a poof then made a horrible noise. "Again?" Ryan questioned. "Sim Ryanito!" Renato put his hands to his head. "It's fine! Renato! We'll just leave tomorrow morning" Ryan said patting the driver's back.
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After Harry reached the bottom of their flight path he was delighted to see Adri laughing, something she didn't do often. Harry broke out in laughter from her contagious laugh , This was one of those beautiful moments that you wish would never end. Sadly like all other moments like this, it would have to. Harry began gaining altitude; he would have to hurry back as it was already getting very late, as he wasn't about to let himself be left behind in a foreign country, no matter how beautiful it is. As the two departed the falls they were left with a rainbow, maybe it was a good omen from Iris.

(@savagePEST )

Jack burst out of the doors of the Radisson in sweat , He just blacked out and woke up in his hotel bed with no memory's until after he was talking about a bionic arm for Violet. Perhaps it was from his exhaustion from his training that had caused him to black out. He started to look around frantically looking for his friends, "Ryan!? Helena!!? HARRY???" . He hoped he would be forgotten among the plethora of other new demigods . Jack started running up and down the street with his bags on his back and his pet griffin above circling around searching for his fellow demigods.
"Ryanito eu realmente sinto muito!" Renato apologized. "It's fine and late too. I'll help you fix this then you can go back home okay? Thank you for your time Renato" Ryan responded smiling. The demigod slid out the vehicle while Ace jumped out of it, "Waste of time...everything". The brute stomped back into the hotel then went up to his room. "Eh teach him some manners huh?" Renato said getting out of his car and popping the hood open. "I'm afraid that might be a bit impossible...but I can try I guess" Ryan replied feeling his way to the opened hood. Cupid blinked a couple of times noticing Ace stomp back in, "Hey Ace wh-". The sound of the elevator closing and bringing Ace to the upper level silenced Cupid who decided to follow him up. "Everrryone else I am really sorry por de delay. I promise I'll be beck tomorrow" Renato said in a thick accent.
Max squeezed himself out of the car and stood up. "Thanks for trying aways." He said and walked back into the hotel and upstairs. He opened the door and flopped onto the bed face first. "This is just great." He said as he rolled over. "First i find out Sam is screwing with me again, then apparently i talked with her, and now because of Karen about everyone on this hotel knows we're demigods… I wouldn't be surprised if we're all greeted by scientists tomorrow morning." He rolled onto his side. "Might as well get some sleep, considering the car is busted… wait…" Max sat up and ran over to the desk. He pulled out a piece of paper and wrote another note. 'Will be spending the night with my mother going to make sure everything is all set with the plane. Ill have the plane ready by the time you get here. Let everyone know, Okay- Max' And with that he set the pen down and hopped back out the window. "Lets go." He though as he rocketed towards the Airport.

Ryan paused hearing his name being yelled from a distance, "Renato...do you see something out of the ordinary?" The man nodded, "There's pizza in the hood!" "No..wait what? Can you take it out then? And I meant look around is there anything weird?" Ryan asked as Renato took the pizza out and tossed it in the trash can. "BIG BIRD THING!" Renato responded. "Quick describe the owner?" Ryan asked. "Cabelo castanho curto. Indivíduo branco. Cabelo bagunçado. Pelos faciais" Renato described eyeing the owner then his animal. "JACK!" Ryan yelled running toward the griffin's flapping noise.
Jack turned to see Ryan bounding toward him , relieved that he hadn't been left behind he wiped the sweat of his brow and put his bags down. Catching his breath he whistled for Marmore to come back, and almost instantly his robotic amigo flew down and perched on his shoulder. Jack smiled at Ryan saying, "what did I miss,I kinda blacked out there".
Serafina got out of the vehicle "uh well that was interesting so i guess we will leave tomorrow? kinda makes me a bit paranoid since you guys mentioned these 'scientist' " she said following Ryan.
Ryan stopped running when he heard Jack's voice, "We're leaving tomorrow morning. That's it I think. We also have some new members...they're pretty unique. One of them even announced who we were in the lobby. So, I've come up with the conclusion that we stay at the hotel tonight since our ride broke down. I'm going to put a chair out in the hall and sleep. I'll just use my senses to see if any scientists come". He turned the other voice and noticed the cold ambiance come up again, "Don't worry about them. Just rest okay? By the way, I never got your name. I'm Ryan son of Z-...Zack. Son of Zack". He changed his father's name once he heard some steps walk around them.
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Adriana's laughter became occasional giggles but a genuine smile was upon her face as they turned back in the direction of the hotel. "Well, that was a pleasant surprise,"she complimented, looking back towards the falls until it was out of sight,"Thanks for showing me. Really took my mind off things." And with that being said, her anxiety made itself known and she grew apprehensive in returning to the hotel; she could feel her smile falter. But, hey, what other option did she have? Like she told Harry, unless the other demigods were horrible at providing protection, sticking with them was her best option.

It had grown dark, so there wasn't much to see of the forest they flew over before. However, the absence of city lights allowed a clear view of the night sky, the stars shining without competition. She supposed that one good thing, although minor, that came out of being a deity's child was her privilege to viewing the night sky. Her 'family' were total city-folks and dared not do anything like camping or the like. Even so, it was amazing how entrancing city lights are, especially when you have a bird's eyeview of it. At this point, they came over [[forgot the city's name]] and she wondered whether her fellow peers were doing anything in this place.
RyanJXavier said:
Ryan stopped running when he heard Jack's voice, "We're leaving tomorrow morning. That's it I think. We also have some new members...they're pretty unique. One of them even announced who we were in the lobby. So, I've come up with the conclusion that we stay at the hotel tonight since our ride broke down. I'm going to put a chair out in the hall and sleep. I'll just use my senses to see if any scientists come". He turned the other voice and noticed the cold ambiance come up again, "Don't worry about them. Just rest okay? By the way, I never got your name. I'm Ryan son of Z-...Zack. Son of Zack". He changed his father's name once he heard some steps walk around them.
"Well my name's Serafina i'm the daughter of well i'l tell you later to avoid any trouble n such " she said cautiously looking around.
Max slowed down as he got away from the hotel, beginning to let the beautiful view of the town come into sight. He pulled out his Mp3 and shuffled through it. "Could use a little mood music here." he thought as he put his earbuds in. He looked around at the view of the city and wished he was just here on vacation instead of on a great quest. he looked over in the distance and watched as two demigods flew in over the town. He could see it was Harry and Adriana, they were coming back from where ever they were. Max smiled "I suck at remembering who's missing." he thought as he turned his attention back to his flight path. "Oh, i never started the music." He thought as he hit shuffle. He smiled as he flew listening to and whistling My Soul, Your Beats.
Pepper slid out of the car carefully and easily. "It's alright... These things normal happen to... People like us." She said softly, noting how everyone was being much more careful now and walked back inside.
Ryan nodded, "Nice to meet you Serafina. This here...somewhere here is Jack". He gestured in the direction Jack was at but not really were Jack was standing. "Jack, go back up and rest alright? Save the packing for tomorrow" Ryan rubbed his eyes then walked back to where Renato stood. "I think it got overheated. That or something else" Renato said looking into his hood. Ryan spent a few minutes helping Renato with his car, "Yep now that's better. Alright you'll have enough to reach home and enough to stop by a car place tomorrow morning before you pick us up. Adeus Renato". Ryan walked into the hotel and put his right hand on the wall to assist him to the elevator.
Max's mother was getting ready to fall asleep when Max touched down on the airstrip. She ran to the door of the plane and opened it letting the stairway up to the cabin come down. She walked down the steps and embraced Max before he could speak. He went to speak, but his mom stopped him. "Honey I know why you came. Come on in we'll check everything tomorrow morning." She smiled at him. "You must be tired." All Max could do was nod. The two retired back into the Plane and went to sleep.

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