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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"I'll join you." Viola said, quietly. Though, these people seemed kind of crazy. She just watched as people continued to yell, give away their identities, wake up from what looked like a short daze etc. etc. Gods, she'd been kidding about them all being idiots but they really were. She watched and crossed her arms, wondering if she should tell them how stupid they were being. It probably wasn't a good idea, considering they'd just met.
Jason dropped Max, "If you ever scare me like that again not even your father will stop me from tearing your a** up." He sat down and grudgingly let out a sigh of relief, "I assume that was Sam."
"Uh sure i don't see why not also may i ask what's exactly happening right now " she said looking at Jason then back to Ryan.
"Wait Don't-" Max said as Jason dropped him. "AAAAHHHGGGG!" Max shouted clutching his head. "Dude! The Hell!" He got up off the ground "And what are you talking about?"

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Pepper sighed softly, sometimes wondering who was older between her and Karan, her or karan, mostly because when Karan didn't get her way she would go and do stuff like this, with that she got up and debated going after Karan or staying and flying with the rest of them.
Jason sighed again, this time annoyed, "A blonde girl poofed just before I grabbed you, you seemed to be in a trance."
Ryan nodded at the quiet voice, "Follow me then". He walked into the hotel and used his hearing to track his way back to the group as he felt around him to avoid walking into obstacles. "What's happening right now? We're leaving" Ryan responded to one of the new members. "Alright guys lets get out of here" He thought for a while. "Some of us will wait for Adelina and Jack while the others proceed to our next location. I'm not saying where we're going since I have a feeling some people are listening to us anyway thanks to Karan" Ryan explained as a man walked into the hotel. "Ryanito estamos indo embora tão cedo? Eu estava esperando que você conhece" Rico asked having waited in his car to drop them off at the airport. "Rico estávamos prestes a ir. Quantas pessoas podem nos encaixamos?" Ryan responded to the man. "You still can't see huh? Eu posso encaixar oito se esmagá-los todos em" Rico replied walking back to his car. "Eight people squished let's go. The other's will wait for Adelina and Jack" Ryan waved his arms around. "Can someone please lead me to wherever Rico is going?" The demigod asked. Ryan wouldn't let the other demigods fly, travel by creature, or whatever letting them expose their location more.
Pepper looked towards Ryan before going over. "Here... I'll help since it's my friend's fault for getting us in this mess in the first place." she said as she took his arm and followed after the one known as Rico with Ryan in tow.
"Blond girl?" He asked Jason. Then he heard Ryan call. He followed after Ryan "I'm on that plane. After all I'm technically the pilot."

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Ryan shook his head at Max, "I meant riding in Rico's car. I won't let you guys expose yourselves just going to where your mom is". He didn't want to mention airport or else they would just be giving the locals hints about their next location. "We're going to need people who know Adelina and Jack to stay behind and wait for them until Rico comes back. Make sense? Max come with us since your mom will be there" Ryan explained. "Thank you Pepper" The demigod said as he felt her take his arm. 
"New members let's go on the first ride" Ryan said while counting how many of them there were in his head. "Max, two new members, Pepper, Karan...if she's still here, Alec, Ace, and I will get the area ready while Rico comes back for the twins, Kio, Adelina, Jack, Anthony, Jason, Helena, and Cupid. Am I missing anyone?" He questioned trying to be productive.
Serafina just simply listened this Karan person sounds like someone who would make great friends with Viola and someone she would want to 'poke' with her sword frostmourne also something that she nearly forgot about is the temperature around them is really cold and some passerby's were giving her a strange look since the ground around her feet were freezing. "Umm yea leet's hope no passerby's see the ground around my feet".
Pepper nodded a bit and smiled a bit as Ryan thanked her. "Your welcome Ryan... again I'm so sorry about Karan..." she said softly while waiting for him to tell her where to lead him next.
"If you could control your emotions. Instead of putting them on show for all to see." Viola said to Serafina, "Then, you would not be having this problem." She gestured to the ice at the girl's feet, "Just, get a grip on yourself already and it'll stop. Otherwise, you're going to get us all killed." She was not happy with Serafina's lack of control over her powers. She was also not happy that the other demigods were going to assume they were friends. Serafina was not her friend.
Rico sat waiting in the driver's seat while Ace got into shot gun because of his large size. "Good luck in the back losers" Ace commented looking through the windshield. Ryan furrowed his brows, "I'll just stay in the trunk then". "Ay no Ryanito! You can't breath ther!" Rico replied in rough English. "It's fine Pepper you don't need to apologize. Things were getting out of hand anyway" Ryan replied. "Ey where's everyone else? Rush it will you? Where's that dang Karan? Ryan you said she was getting in this too right?" Ace asked impatiently wanting to leave Brazil. "Yes Ace if she's around" Ryan responded. Ace jumped out of the car and went over to Karan, "Wasting my time woman". He slung her over his shoulder and put her in the car gently at the back row. "There you go" Ace said returning to his shotgun seat. "Now everyone get in! I hate this place as it is" He commanded. "Don't spehkeh bad bout meh country!" Rico yelled. "I meant the hotel. Let's go" Ace replied in a monotone voice. "Max do you want me to lift you into here too or what?" The demigod glared at the pilot.
Pepper held back a laugh as she watched Ace pick up Karan and put her into the car, she then lead Ryan over to the car and got in as well. "Alright... If you say so." she said while rubbing her arm.
"I'm coming! My Gods you're annoying!" He said as he jumped into the cab. "Happy Mr. Grumpy!?" He said as he flipped onto the floor in the back seat. "What is with use and cramming into vehicles!"

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Ryan slid into the car, "This...this is a five seater huh?" "Sim Ryanito!" Rico replied. "Max I don't think it would be wise to stay at the floor. People will step on you..especially with the way Rico can floor this. Sim Rico?" Ryan advised. Rico laughed, "Sim Ryanito! Sim!" "That's right Zeus kid two. Get in" Ace commented.
Raiko saw that a girl noticed him. Two girls actually. "Weirdness? What are you talking about weirdness? I'm perfectly normal, the occasional voice in my head but other than Fred, I'm normal." He tried to crack a joke. He smiled and looked down, too nervous to look at them. When he saw a pegasus enter the lobby he freaked out a little and reached for his gun. He didn't know what was going on when he saw Ace pick up Karan. "Wait so I'm going on the second ride to Greenland? Are we going to die because a part of me doesn't trust Max." Raiko said to Ryan.

((Sorry I'm responding so late I didn't get notifications from today))
Cupid thumped Raiko at the side of his head, "You're not supposed to say where we're going you smarty! No, we're on the second ride to Max's mom...seriously". The demigod sat back in the lobby waiting for the rest of the second car to show up. "Now, Raiko everything will be okay. Just relax will ya?" Cupid said crossing his arms and leaning back.
"I'm trying to make sure there's room for everyone. In this thing!" Max said as he sat on the floor if the cab. "If I get injured I don't care."

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"I MEAN WE'RE GOING TO ICELAND." Raiko said in a slightly louder voice. "See how I did that?" He whispered to Cupid, nudging him. "Are you sure we are going to live if Max takes us? I'd like to live a while longer. I don't know if we are going to live." He started to hyperventilate again.
"I don't need your lecturing at least not i'm plunging the world into an ice age " she said to Viola giving her a shut up you look.
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Ace looked outside the window at the two newest members, "Ey blondie's get in before we leave you and the scientists send reinforcements here to steal your powers yeah?" Cupid looked at Kio, "I'm alive now right? We'll be fine. We'll live because Max's mom will be there with Max in the cockpit. We'll all live".
Raiko patted Cupid's head multiple times and said, "Okay bud." He smiled and asked him what he asked Ryan earlier, "What kind of gun holster should I get? I asked Ryan and he told me his answer and now I want another person's thoughts so I can put them all together!" He pulled out his gun for a quick second to show Cupid then put it away so no one would see. Even if they did see Raiko has something that people didn't know he had. A police officer's badge, he stole it a while ago and put his picture on it.

((Didn't know what else to do :P ))
(So you ask the same writer who writes for Ryan...ha just kidding minor challenge accepted!)

Ryan moved over to make some space, "Sorry for squishing up". Cupid responded, "One made of different materials. Metal, leather, rubber, and stuff at different portions of your holsters to provide a much lighter feel even if you guys modify it like Ryan was saying".

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