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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

"Hmm maybe we can look for them in the uh Radisson Hotel? i have a feeling that some of them might be around there " she said she wasn't sure if she would be right but it was just a funny feeling she had that made her think their at The Hotel.

(Sorry if i was meta gaming here just wanted the two to meet up with the ground already).
Viola just shrugged and gestured for the girl to lead the way. There had been enough talking for now and the girl was beginning to bore her. Besides, if the girl was going to lead her straight to the other demigods, that would be useful. Then, perhaps, she could ditch Serafina for more interesting company. More intriguing company. And, if the first two reasons weren't enough, Viola didn't have any better ideas herself.
Ryan tilted his head as he listened to the conversation around him. Cupid eyed Ryan in his new, but true original face. "Jethro must be a genius to be able to get your real face back" Cupid mumbled. "Heard you loud and clear Cupid. He's an evil genius" Ryan corrected after Cupid jumped up at Ryan's words. He grabbed the arm rests and began to tighten his grip when Ace said, "He should have just eliminated you when he had the chance". Ryan stood up accidentally taking the arm rests out of the chair, "Join forces with him then. I wouldn't mind...". The demigod dropped the arm rests and moved his hands around locating his way toward the front desk, "Charge the damage to Air Force General Anderson please". "Well, at least his strength powers are coming back" Cupid said trying to avoid the previous topic. Ryan gave the person his stepfather's number. "Those arm rests were already wiggly" He lied to cover his abilities. "His son Ryan accidentally broke your weak arm rests" Ryan replied after the person asked what to say. Ace rolled his eyes at Cupid's attempt. Ryan made his way outside the hotel and leaned against the wall.
Pepper watched him go before looking at Ace and Cupid. "What do you mean by his r-real face...? Actually I shouldn't ask that, that's rude. It's n-not my business." she said softly and looking down, fiddling with her hands slightly while manipulating water.
Max was watching Ryan as he broke the arm rests. "Maybe he's different and could get his powers back." Max smiled, but that smile faded quickly faded as he saw something glimmer inside Ryan's pocket. He walked over and put his hand inside Ryan's pocket and pulled out the necklace that was inside. He stared at the necklace and grabbed onto his own necklace, but not his chess piece one. The one he hid. The necklace shaped like half a heart. He stared at the necklace he held in his hands then looked at Ryan. "Where did you get this!" He demanded his voice a mix of anger and fear. "Ryan who gave you this necklace!" He pulled Ryan's hand up and set the necklace in his hands "Was it a girl who gave it to you?"

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@Fallen from Heaven

Serafina of course lead the way she remained silent halfway through the journey before finally saying something "hey what kind of powers do you have? you can probably guess mine already" she said as they approached the hotel.

@RyanJXavier (now's the chance to meet the two :D .)
"I think we've done enough idle chatting, don't you think?" Viola said, giving Serafina a look. She did not want to brace the subject of powers with the girl. She preferred to keep her powers to herself and let others think that she had none. And, compared to the girl that had been leaving icy footprints behind, Viola's powers seemed very weak and pathetic in comparison.
Cupid looked at Pepper, "Ryan was burnt when he was a child. So, his mom's first husband gave him a new face. Recently, we took down the scientist HQ here in Brazil. Ryan's half-brother from his mother's side gave Ryan's original face back to him..... In other words, Ryan's face right now is his real face. How it should have been now if he hadn't been burnt years ago. So, you have nothing to worry about in terms of his face. That's his real face he was destined to have ever since he was a baby..get it? Anyway, aside from that, his brother took away his powers. I don't think that his brother knows that Ryan would start to get his powers back again". Ryan furrowed his brows as he felt the necklace in his hand, "Your cousin gave it to me. Are you mad? I didn't do anything bad to her".
Pepper blinked while listening and looking at Cupid. "Really...? Wow... It's horrible about what happened when he was a child but... I mean it's great that he got his face back... But I'm guessing his half brother thought... it would take his powers away completely...?" she asked softly while making different shapes with some water before putting it back into a plant pot.
"I'm pretty sure there's more to that as in his siblings genocidal intentions for its demigods but won't let him succeed will we." He smiled encouragingly to his sister wanting to reassure her.
"Hmm well you are Phobos's kid pretty sure being the demigoddess of fear wouldn't give you any cool powers or even good ones for that matter " she said with a smirk she had wanted to say that for a while now she didn't like Viola's attitude one bit.
She was going to say something about how Khione wasn't exactly the most exciting goddess and that she did virtually nothing but she decided against it.

"You think I want to be like my father?" Viola raised an eyebrow, "I detest him and will detest him until the day I die." She stopped outside the hotel front door, "After you."
(Switched Ryan's profile ((character sheet)) up a bit js)

"Yeah and he actually did inject some kind of thing in him to take away his powers. I don't know! Jethro has his own mind" Cupid responded. Ryan waited for his brother's response, "Are you protective of your girl cousins? Bro you know I can't see. I didn't even see my original face yet! Why are you so mad though? Do I look like a bad influence?" He put his hands on his face to try and feel the way he looks. Suddenly, Ryan heard a conversation regarding some gods, "Hey wait". The demigod turned at the direction he heard the topic being spoken about.
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Max cursed himself in his head. He grabbed the necklace out of Ryan's hands. "Thats not it Ryan…" He said turning towards the elevators. "Ryan i don't have a cousin." He looked at the elevators. "Ill be on the roof. Let me know what you guys decide." He said as he started to make his way to the elevators. He stepped inside and hit the button for the roof. he stared at the necklace. "Dammit Sam! Why do you have to continue to screw with my life." The doors opened and he stepped out onto the roof. He sat down and stared at the sun as he began to gather his thoughts. "What could she possibly want?!" He asked himself.

"Well I wanted to have a chat with you!" Max's blood froze upon hearing her voice. He stood up and turned around. Sam was standing there holding a strange device in her hands. "Hi Max! Hows my favorite demigod doing today!?" "What do you want!?" Max shouted at the Siren. Sam giggled and walked closer to him until she was right in front of him. "I wanted to ask you to do something for me?" "Like ill every do anything for yo-" His sentence cut off as Sam pulled him into a kiss. Max felt something inside him. Something that made him want to listen to her. Serve her. She released him from the Kiss. "Now that you're in a better mood. Id like you to do something for me." Max wanted to say no, he wanted to unsheathe his weapon and kill the demon who held him, but he couldn't say anything. His body wouldn't let him. "Asyou wish my dear Sam." Max said against his will. His mind being bent by her wishes. "Lovely! Id like you to meet me at the address in Greenland. And from there you'll accompany me to the HQ there, and you'll let me take your powers." she said as she slipped a piece of paper into his pocket. "As you wish my dear." He said dreamily. "And when you look at the paper you won't remember this conversation, but when you arrive in Greenland you'll have a strange feeling and go to the place." She kissed him again and let him fall onto the ground. "Bye bye my "dear"" She said as he used the device to teleport away leaving Max lying on the roof stuck in her trance.
Before Serafina could step into the hotel she heard someone yell hey wait she then quickly looked around "huh?" she said as she sayd Ryan.

(Yea i got confused on what to do lol)
Ryan replied, "Phobos kid demigod of fear. You think I want to be like my father?...I heard that. I have no clue if you said that in a loud voice or if my enhanced hearing picked up on your voices. Are you demigods?"
No, we're werewolves. That was what Viola was going to say. But instead she just stared at the boy with one eyebrow raised. Because, seriously, Serafina could not have been more obvious about it. She even used the word demigod. Come on. Great, were all other demigods complete idiots?
Jason was perturbed by Max's sudden desire to retreat to the roof and decided to follow him, forming his board not caring that he was still in the lobby he flew towards the front door zooming past Ryan and rising up quickly. Jason reached the top in time to see Max fall and some girl disappear into thin air. "What the hell, Max!!" His alarm was evident as herushed over and scooped him up. "With all that's happened you still go off alone fool." He flew down releasing his board and landing. "Ryan, I need some help with Bishop."
Karan snickered at the idiocy around the lobby. She stood up and opened her arms and shouted out in her Scottish accent, "Hey, every normal person in the room. As my companions have obviously pointed out, we are demigods and are being hunted by scientists. Mind letting them know we are here? Oh, and don't forget, we are dangerous and we can kill you. " she smiled and bit her lip as she saw people in the lobby starting at her. She giggled and turned over to Pepper, "Happy, doll? Now we're all out in the open." Karan walked towards the exit and blew a hotel guest out of her way with a gust and a laugh, " Idiots. The lot of them."
Ryan raised an eyebrow, "Hm? What's wrong with Max?" He faced the direction he heard Jason's voice come from. Suddenly, Karan's announcement from the inside of the hotel could be heard with his hearing. "Jason we need to get out here fast. Also, are you showing any sign of flying or playing with your water?" Ryan asked not being able to see anything still.
Pepper sighed softly and rubbed her forehead slightly. "Fantastic... just fantastic... I have a feeling we'll be leaving much sooner now because of this..." she said and closing her eyes to help with her oncoming headache.
"No were ghost's from another galaxy" she said sarcastically "yes we are demigods " the temperature around seemingly got colder.
Jason heard Karan's last comment and was instantly pissed of, "Kiss my a** you narcissistic b**** do you really think your better than us cus you can cause a a couple dust devils, how about doing something instead of standing around looking dumber than a box of rocks."

Jason turned to ryan speaking with a more civil tone, "All I saw was this girl poof and he fell, he's. Been limp and in lala land since."
Ryan felt reluctant about asking the two to join the group. "Okay then good to know" He began to walk away toward Jason's direction. The demigod looked over his shoulder, "Would you like to join us? I apologize for my stupid questions. But if this question is going to make you think I'm a retard, then just dismiss it". His mood was darkening as he began to sense that things were getting out of hand. Ryan turned back to Jason, "AY STOP JASON!"
Max was still in a daze, but he reached into his pocket and opened the note secretly. He read the address in his mind and smiled dreamily "as you wish my dear." He whispered to himself before snapping back into reality. "Huh, how did I get down here?!"

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