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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid eyed Karan and Pepper from his angle. It looked like Karan would kill him if he shot an arrow at her. Pepper on the other hand, was shy and stuff. Yeah, she'd be a nice shooting target to keep in mind...with his love arrows ofcourse. He wouldn't hurt his group members with his other arrows. Ace tapped his foot on the ground then folded his arms across his chest while observing the conversation around him. The child of Ares tilted his head when he notices Cupid's facial expression, "Another target?" The child of Aphrodite turned to face his friend, "...we'll see". Cupid also had other group members in mind and decided to predict the events after each person was picked. Some of his predictions led to serious injuries or deaths, causing him to cancel some of them out from his choices.
(Not very good at introduction post so yea)

Serefina was sitting on a bench drinking her chocolate smoothie she has been sitting there for a while now her cold powers kept the smoothie cold. She was wearing a white jacket and a baby pink scarf around her neck and under neat her jacket she was wearing a pink t shirt and black jeans.

She was glad that there's not much people around it made her a bit less nervous to say the least she was also glad no one was sitting right next to her because they'd definitely notice it's pretty cold she then looked down at the ground and noticed the ground around her ft were freezing since she's been sitting there for a while barely moving and taking her sweet time drinking chocolate smoothie which was just halfway finished.

She sighed she really missed her home in the countryside sure she lived and grew up with a family of rowdy noisy rednecks but she liked it, it was almost never a dull moment there and here she's pretty bored and a bit lonely.

"Man i wish my pet german shepard was here so i wont look like a complete lunatic talking to my self" she thought as she finished her smoothie and stood "maybe i should find a hotel or something before i attract unwanted attention" she thought.

(yea like i said not very good at introduction post)
Anthony say in the room sitting on the floor back against the bed. "Ain't no sunshine when she's gone." He mumbled to himself and set the photo down. " Why can't I be the happy one?" Anthony said before somebody knocked on his door. "Come in." Anthony said waving his now fine yet sore arm in front of the applejuice he was drinking. When damian walked in Anthony was holding a beer bottle. "What? I thought you didn't drink." Anthony laughed before waving his hand in front of the drink. "I can't have a applejuice? Remember i'm a modern day loki."
The closer she got to the peculiar looking girl, the colder she got- even with her jacket on. Viola crossed her arms tightly and resisted the urge to shiver from the sudden cold. She could not afford to look weak right now, not in front of this girl. If anything, the cold was proof. Proof that the girl was like her and that she had "powers" too. She approached her slowly and quietly, only speaking once she was directly in front of the girl.

"Are you like me?" Viola asked, quietly. Most people would start with hello but Viola was not most people- she was not even vaguely like most people. She was herself.

(@RevolverOshawott I'm talking to you BTW :) )
@Fallen from Heaven

Serafina gave Viola a blank stare what did she mean by like her? the air seemingly got colder around the two she didn't like the idea of telling a stranger she's a demigoddess she didn't want to get in trouble doing so or make herself look like a complete nutcase but for now she will take her chances "if you mean a demigoddess like you then yes...".
The temperature dropped dramatically very suddenly and Viola stepped backwards.

"That's what I meant." Viola said, "Though, you should not give your identity away so easily." She looked the girl over and began to pick out fears on instinct. If she had powers to do with ice, it was easy to assume that the girl would be rather alarmed at the sight of fire. But as to her other fears, Viola was unsure yet.

"My name is Viola." she continued, "And you are...?" She wanted to get the pleasantries over with quickly.
(I am getting a sense of Deja vu from this like my character was in a similar situation in another rp)

Serafina calmed down a bit and the temperature around seemingly got less cold "well my name's Serafina.... Nice to meet you Viola" she said somewhat nervously well she was glad she met another demigod someone that wouldn't do freaky experiments on her because of her ice powers.
"Serafina." Viola said, "Is that with a f or a ph?" She got a pen out of her pocket and looked at the icy girl expectantly. She needed to write the girl's name on her palm or else she'd forget within seconds. And she didn't want to have to ask the girl's name repeatedly.

"Hurry up, now. I don't have all day." Viola said. She stared intently at Serafina, waiting.
"It's pronounced Sara-fi-na" she said looking quite nervous now and the temperature around them got colder again why did she need to know how was her name pronounced and why is she writing it down on her palm? or maybe she was just paranoid yea she just needs to stop thinking about worse case scenarios.
"Okay." Viola said, writing it down on the palm of her hand. Who was Serafina the daughter of, she wondered? Viola did not know many gods or goddesses, let alone one associated with ice. She did have a list of them from her wrist to her elbow but no god of ice came up on there.

"Who is your godly parent?" Viola asked, curiously. She stared at the girl. She had very white hair and very blue eyes. Mentally, Viola made a note in case she lost the girl. She slid her pen back into her pocket.
"Eh well my godly parent is Khione or Chione however you pronounce it.... why are you writing this down? exactly just curious to know that's all" she said putting up a somewhat nervous smile she knows Viola is a demigoddess like her but she can never really trust anyone at this time.
"Khione." Viola said, "The minor goddess. Snow and ice." She supposed ice powers could come in useful at some point. Fire powers would have been much better but you can't have everything. The girl would do nicely as a companion. They would work together- well, more questing than working. She shrugged off the girl's question. She was just trying to process all the weird names but the girl wouldn't care about that. So, Viola just didn't answer. Instead, she just waited for the girl to ask who Viola's parent was.
"Max can you please tell me who we're missing again? Did any of them arrive yet?" Ryan asked putting his hands to his head. He wasn't used to having to depend so much on his hearing. The teen's head began to ache especially now that his enhanced hearing was coming back. Ryan shifted in his seat into a more comfortable position with his head leaning on the back rest, his arms folded across his chest, and his blind eyes blankly staring at the intricately designed ceiling. The pain began to increase. Was there some Tylenol anywhere? What about Aleve or Advil? He moved his hands through his hair again and rested his arms on the armrests. "I could fly them over here" Cupid said smiling as he remembered his new ability.
Pepper thought for a moment about maybe using her water to help heal Ryan's eyes, but thought better of it since it might make it worse or he might not want her help at all. Moving her hands slightly, she manipulated some water while thinking about what to do since Karan wanted to leave but she wanted to stay.
After a moment of silence, Ryan sat up in his seat, "Hey Raiko are you here? I heard that something went down earlier. You okay?" He recalled hearing something about his friend pulling out guns on the rest of the group, or at least some members of the group. Maybe he should signal some change of subject just in case Raiko felt uncomfortable about recalling the situation? "You looking forward to riding whales and stuff? Maybe we can shark race!" Ryan suggested excitedly forgetting about his headache at the moment.
Raiko jumped from someone saying his name. When he realized it was Ryan he said, "Oh ya I kinda shot at Max and Jason. It's ok they knocked me out and I was shot by some of my own bullets. Max was shot also. The girl didnt have good aim though. If it were me shooting I could've gotten Max right between the eyes." He stopped, took a breath, then yelled over to Max, "Sorry again Max!" Raiko had completely forgotten to tell them about the possession. He didnt even remember to tell him. "But sharks and whales are cool. I wanna see if whales go to the underworld through Thana- dad's doing. Undead whales. That's cool." Raiko noticed that he talked a lot in a short time. He put his head down and was quiet.
Pepper smiled a bit. "Well when we get to Greenland, we're having a water race on some of my aquatic friends. So maybe you can join us if you want, Raiko." she said softly and gave him a small smile.
Ryan stood up, "Did you guys get hurt?" He put his arms out and waved them around, "We can bring you to a hospital or something". Ryan paused for a moment then resumed, "And what do you mean the girl? Which girl?" The demigod wished he had his sight again so that he could see all the awesome people around him and see if they were alright or not. "Relax Ryan..." Cupid mumbled from the side.
Raiko propped his head up again. "Ya we're fine. I drained some plants. Oh and a girl possessed me. I don't know who or what but ya. Ok, Pepper. I was planning on draining one of them and seeing if I could bring it back to life as an undead animal. But that seems like fun too." He smiled like a crazy person. "I should get a cool holster for my guns. What do think I should get, Ryan?" He stopped smiling and stared Ryan down again.
Pepper raises a brow at Raiko. "Well... you could I suppose... one of the whales is getting old..." she said while manipulating water. "Plus.. if anyone was hurt... i could... help heal them with water... it's also part of my power..." she said softly.
Ashlynn walked into the room tiredly as her sister phased through the wall and sat down.

"So what did we miss?" Ray asked playing with a deck of cards she had found laying around. Ashlynn rolled her eyes attempting to shove her sister, but instead her arm just went through her.

"If you keep doing that I swear to the gods I'm gonna punch you." Ash hissed taking her arm out of her sister and rubbing it uncomfortably for a minute, before turning around to face the others as if nothing had happened. "So Ryan, Max said we were having a meeting?"
"Well who is your godly parent? " she asked Serafina can already tell she isn't too comfortable being around Viola she then looked down at the ground and noticed the ground around her ft had freeze she really needs better control of her ice powers luckily she isn't powerful enough to semmon blizzards at will or when she's angry or something yet at least.
Ryan blinked a couple of times and relaxed himself, "Like what kind of gun holster? Maybe the kind that could fire guns on its own. I was thinking you could strap some around your legs and arms then bang! You could shoot from them as well as the ones you just withdrew from the easier accessed holsters..make sense?" He nodded at the direction of one of the twin's voice, "Yep. Oh, and meet our new people. Pepper, and Karan".
Raiko nodded in agreement. "I've met Pepper but not Karan. Hi Karan. I'm Raiko son of Thanatos. But ya Ryan. I'll get one of those when I see it. Maybe in Greenland. Should I strap it to my legs or inside my jacket so it looks secretive and cops don't see me with them? Trust me I've been in enough trouble with the coppas." He waved to Karan and continued his conversation with Ryan. Raiko isn't good with people.
Ashlynn smiled at the two uncomfortably. She hadn't even gotten to know the other new editions, and now there were more.... Raylene just nodded her head in greeting as she made the playing cards phase through her hands before throwing them at a wall and making them stick deep into the wood. "So what exactly are we doing, and or waiting for?" Ash asked watching the others.

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