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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Cupid began whispering something in Ace's ear. "I heard that" Ryan said from the other side of the group. "Heh..looks like your powers may be coming back then" Cupid stated shifting his position. "Wonderboy's going to be back? What great news!" Ace responded. Ryan smiled a little, "Wait a minute, what makes you say that?" "Um...I whispered to Ace and you heard what we said clear to the other side of the group" Cupid answered. Ryan was cheering on the inside. For sure, he would be able to see in no time.
Pepper gave Raiko a small smile. "Hello Raiko." she then looked at the hellhound in surprise as it leapt on Karan and laughs softly as it licked her friend's face. "Oh my..."
Alec smirked at the hellhound, then bowed like a proper gentleman to Pepper, "Hello, Madame Pepper, my name is Alec Grant. Son of Aphrodite." He said with a playful smile, then stood back up and stuck out a hand for Pepper to shake.

"FRED." The harsh call of the daughter of Hades came from the dark corner of the room, where Helena sat in a chair completely alone, and quite sheepishly the hellhound returned to her, laying at her feet with a whine. The young girl sighed and slouched in her chair.
"So, are we going to fly or what Mr. Pilot?" Ryan was referring to his half-brother Max. Cupid was busy looking at the two new members. Maybe he could shoot both of them as a little group initiation into the group. Ace looked at the new people, "I'm Ace son of Ares". "Romeo also known as Cupid, Son of Aphrodite" Cupid chimed in after snapping back to reality.
Max looked to Ryan "I guess we can go considering most everyone wants to go no- SON OF A!" Max suddenly cursed himself "I forgot Jack rrrgh!" Max hit his forehead in frustration. Max looked to everyone "Does anyone know where he might be?" Max asked as the thought of the Child of Hephaestus came to him "I don't want to leave anyone here."

Raiko smiled at Pepper, he was noticed! Raiko forgot to meantion, "Oh right! I'm a son of Thanatos. You don't see too many children of Thanatos so I'm lonely I guess." Raiko was holding back tears but he was used to it. The hellhound scared Raiko a little bit so he put his right hand on one of his guns. Then he noticed the hellhound was friendly. He sighed. "So what's the plan ladies and gentleman?"
"Right my bad. I thought everyone was here already...I obviously can't really tell at the moment" Ryan said facing away. "So Pepper what's your story? You and Karan's? Did your group get captured too while you two girls ran away from those scientists?" He asked moving one of his hand's through his hair.
Alec watched Helena from a distance, then inched closed to Jason and bumped with an elbow, glancing back and forth between him and Helena, hoping he'd get the message. "You're the one she had an outburst in front of, you go talk to her. She needs to talk to someone other then me..."
Pepper glances at Karan, hoping she would speak up but as the girl was still angry at her for helping Ryan, she turned to face him again. "Something like that... I was originally separated my group and ran into Karan when escaping, we decided to band together until we could find some others like us... Let's just say... it wasn't fun... But I'm sure some of you also have your own stories and that's pretty cool Raiko." she said softly.
Jason had noticed Helena sitting alone and it had bothered him, he had hoped she would come out of her shell a bit more but she seemed stuck. He wanted to go talk to her but he worried it would make her worse until Alex nudged him and whispered to him. "Alright, clue me in later. I can't seem to concentrate on anyth- never mind." he sighed and walked over to Helena, pulling a chair close to her and sat down quietly, "How are you feeling?" He turned his face to her eyes locked on hers, Helena was a large source of joy and worry for Jason but he would try not to show it.

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Violet was dragged into the lobby by Max. As the others talked, she leaned against the wall, then asked "Plan for what? Going after those scientists? Are you guys sure we're capable of that? We are just teenagers after all, albeit ones with some cool powers. They have, like,technology and shit. They even have portals! Speaking of tech, when am I getting that robotic hand?" Violet realized after she finished speaking that she sounded like a total dork, as usual.
Ryan nodded towards Pepper's direction then faced Bishop, "So then what should we do now?" Cupid looked at Ryan, "Maybe we can regroup again but just a little later?" "Has anyone been to Greenland? It sounds like a boring island filled with green stuff" Ace said out of no where. "It's not just a boring island with green stuff Ace. There's snow and polar bears. They even have people! What a shocker huh?" Ryan replied. "Whatever as long as they got good food that could fit my protein requirement, that green land is fine with me" Ace responded. "Hm...maybe we should chart down everyone's abilities and organize small groups in case it's needed for the next HQ attack. I'm pretty sure we can't just all go through one place together. They should have a much better security system than last time knowing that we may or may not be coming for them" Cupid suggested letting his bright side come out again. "Would this be the wisest location to do that in Cupid?" Ryan questioned. "Maybe not, but we could at least get a head start on it by writing all our names down" Cupid said looking at the Zeus kid. "Did you eat something different today Cuppy? Let me rephrase that, did you eat at all today?" Ace asked as Cupid rolled his eyes at him.
Pepper blinks as she raises a brow while looking at the son of Aphrodite before turning to face Ryan. "So Greenland huh? Sounds great... probably a lot colder then my hometown..." she mumbled slightly while rubbing her arm, missing her hometown slightly.
"Ace" Max said upon hearing his question "You know not all of us need food every two minutes too survive." Max rolled his eyes and decided to ignore the child of Ares "anyways if we plan to leave today we need to get everyone we came here with back on that plane. I'm not leaving a Demigod in Brazil. That means someone needs to find Jack and..." Max looked around "Has anyone seen Adelina? Cause I don't remember seeing her the entire time we were here."

Ryan shook his head, "That girl is always not around". "Is Jack alive still? Ah and what's his name? Harry! There you go...and the one girl that Harry always converse with.."Ace was saying. "Ofcourse he's still alive you idiot!" Cupid said hitting the side of Ace's head. A loud tone rang through Ryan's ears when Cupid yelled. "Quiet down a little please?" Ryan asked trying to adjust to his enhanced hearing again. "Sorry" Cupid said. "So Pepper what can you do? Control water?" Ryan asked trying to pass sometime as they waited for the rest of the group.
Pepper smiles a bit and brushes her bangs away from her eyes. "That's only part of what i can do with water, but yes, I can control water but I can also do something else. Fortunately I don't have to reveal that just yet because we don't need a mod of transportation right now.." she said softly wishing she could manipulate a bit of water right now.
Helena looked up at Jason as he sat next to her, and wasn't really sure how his question. How was she feeling? Better? Worse? She couldn't honestly tell...

"Well... First, I'm sorry for going off on you like that, it was totally unprecedented because you were only trying to help. I don't know what happened, it's like I turned the faucet on and couldn't turn it back off... Either way you didn't deserve that outburst."
Jason waved it off, "Psshh, it's whatever you had a lot on your mind so it's understandable I'm glad you're calmer now though." Jason turned his head toward the group and kept talking, "I hope we move soon before those nerds get a hold of Mason's powers, that would be devastating."

Jerika saw Jason go to Helena and smirked "Oh look at that seems like someone's made nice" Her thoughts were kept to herself though her smirk stayed even as she listened to the new Poseidon kid's power list. "Mode of transportation? interesting." these thought also stayed in her mind as opposed to being blurted out as some snide comment.
"Transportation?" Ryan paused to think for a moment. "You know what I've always wanted to do? Ride sharks! Did you mean that type of transportation or..bubble transportation?" He hoped she meant the first one. Bubbles were cool too, but sharks...SHARKS! Riding sharks! Sharks are awesome.
Pepper smiles a bit and laughs softly into her hand. "Sharks, dolphins, whales, hippocampis, you name it. Anything that lives in the sea really." She said while grinning.
"Actually the plural of hippocampus is hippocampi." Raiko interfered quietly. He didt mean for it to be rude but when he thought it might have seemed a bit rude so he said again, "Sorry. I didn't to be mean but umm." He was a little bit nervous now. He continued to be in the corner and be quiet.
Ryan smiled, "Yes! Can we ride sharks soon? Please?" He faced the direction of Raiko's voice, "Thanks for the info buddy!" The Zeus kid turned back to Pepper, "...did you say whales too? I always thought that riding whales would be like riding a water roller coaster". He leaned back on his seat, "I apologize for throwing out all my thoughts on you". Ryan smiled a little, "Sharks though...can I name one?" He laughed. The teen was amused by the idea of riding water animals. Too bad Ryan was blind at the moment. "Maybe we could ride them when I get my sight back and after we leave Greenland?" He suggested.
Pepper blinked in surprise at all his questions but smiled a bit shyly. "Sure... Of course we can. It will be fun. I just hope they don't try to buck you off since your the son of Zeus." She said and wrinkled her nose a bit in amusement.
The crowd in the lobby was dissipating and the kid she just tripped was introducing himself to Pepper. Ryan, son of Zeus. 'More like pathetic whelp. Ugh... can't believe I even wanted to join these kids.' Karan thought to herself as she twirled a strand of hair. She sat in the comfy couch away from everyone and the air began to vibrate more and Karan read the airwaves. 'More demigods joining us.' She learned more of the kids that joined up. Max, another son of Zeus. She wanted to see whether this kid would impress her over his 'brother. Jason, son of Poseidon, Pepper's half brother. Someone in the far end of the room introduced himself, Raiko. Karan looked to see if she could match the faces to the names and turned to see a giant mastiff like mutt come at her.

"Oh hell." The mutt knocked her over onto the flat of the couch. Slobbering all over and getting in her hair. She did NOT like that. She was close to knocking the mutt off her and strangling it before someone shouted after him. 'Fred!' The mutt left her and his slobber to scuttle over to who he was called to. She should've known that Hades' runt made it out in one piece. Karan didn't mind Helena back at camp since they never conversed. She was there for a short while after Karan made it there. But it was a surprise how well everyone got along with her now. Camp was a harsher place than the real world with ego's in the way.

Wiping off the gunk and fixing herself and her coat situated. She heard the loud ones add in their names. Ace, son of Ares, seemed like a meathead if anything. And Cupid, son of Aphrodite, a tart. Raiko was a son of Thanatos, and that she despised the most. She was getting irritated with the sounds now with her powers, so she decided to create a barrier to kill all the sound in her immediate area. She sat and pressurized the air around her. She felt at peace again. She looked out and couldn't hear anything. She saw people moving and doing their thing. Karan ran her fingers through her red hair and sighed a bit. She didn't know what she wanted but she did know she wanted to leave this place.

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