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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Max looked up after thinking about who he had to go find and realized that Ryan had vanished. "Dammit Ryan!" Max said putting his hand on the bridge of his nose. "Whatever Ry, hopefully you're downstairs." Max walked down the hallway looking for the rooms of his friends. He came to Ash and Ray's room and knocked on the door. "Hey we're having a meeting downstairs in the lobby so get down there now!" Max shouted through the door. "Now for everyone else" Max went along and spread the message through the doors of Jason, Cupid, Helena and then walked back towards the elevator. "I better go get Ace… And then i have to go find Alec… Great… Ace first" Max said as He ran to the window and proceeded to vault over the windowsill. Max landed on the ground and ran over to the restaurant and saw Ace standing there. "Come on! Meeting Time Now. Food Later." Max said as he grabbed Ace and began to drag him back towards the Hotel

@LuckyANDKitty @Kai&\#039;zen Makaira @explosiveKitten
Karan stood behind Pepper and stared at the boy. He was Zeus' kid and he looked helpless. 'Disgraceful...' she said to herself and whisked up a current towards her and passed it underneath his feet forcing it forward to sweep him. Karan grinned and walked away to sit down on a couch in the lobby to avoid the confusion in the crowded lobby. 'Ooooops... heh'
"Ay Zeus kid two! I know how to use my two legs!" Ace yelled at Max shaking his arm away from him and finishing the last of his burger while he walked. Cupid heard the message and ran to the elevator. Finally there was something to do! He was a pretty energetic demigod who hated just resting. Yep, two hours of resting with open eyes was enough. As long as he had five hours of sleep, he was fine! Ryan raised an eyebrow at the girl's words, "Maybe we can converse about this enem-". Before he could finish his response, Ryan flipped over onto his back from the gust of wind that swept around his feet. "...ow" He said on his back sensing some people stepping around him. Did Max do that? Eh, whatever. Ryan stood back up, "..as I was saying. Maybe we can converse about this enemy?"
Pepper gave a look towards Karan as she looked back at him. "Sorry about that... that was my comrade, she... doesn't do well with new people... the enemy... are the scientists hunting down demigods which i am assume you are one.." she whispered softly while glancing around nervously.
Ryan raised an eyebrow, "It's fine". He nodded confirming their common opponents. "Is it okay if you lead me to the seats?" Ryan asked so that it would be more comfortable for him to converse there without feeling people shoulder their way through the lobby crowd. Cupid entered the elevator with a few old people in it. "How are you all doing?" Cupid smiled. The old people looked at him, "Bingo night!" Cupid nodded, "I love bingo!" Ace finished his burger then entered the hotel. "Ugh...great design and stuff, but I'm getting kind of sick of this place" He mumbled. Yep, Ace was hard to please.
Karan laughed when she saw Zeus' kid hit the floor and leaned against the couch's cushions and stared at the ceiling and bounced the soundwaves across the ceiling to listen to Pepper talk about her. She scoffed and whispered as the soundwaves carried to Pepper's ears, "Snitch... He doesn't deserve your help..." Karan fiddled with her red hair and bit her lip as she was disappointed with Zeus' kid. He was at camp for a short time so she never got a chance to ask him anything and when they had events, she saw nothing spectacular in him. Karan sat there and scanned the room to make sure she discerned the difference between people from camp and the cretins that tried to touch her. She cringed and brooded on the couch.
"Okay Then." Max said to Ace "Well grab Violet and Raiko from the lobby and take them to Ryan. We are having a meeting, and I need to find Alec." Max said as he turned around not realizing Ace had entered the hotel and ran towards the building "I think Alec was still on the roof" Max thought as he gathered the air behind him to give him a quick boost to the roof, but he tripped over the sidewalk sending the gust into the hotels wall shaking it a little. "Dammit this is why i hate being the freaking messenger boy." Max thought as he stood up and made the jump to the roof. "ALEC ARE YOU STILL UP HERE!" Max shouted as he caught his breath. "Never again am i doing this."

Pepper sighed and waved her hand slightly. "Of course. Do you mind if I..." she said lightly before putting a hand on his elbow to help him over to the couch before sitting him down. "I have a feeling that... they did this to you, right...?" she asked softly, not wanting to tread on hostile ground.
Alec looked out the window of his and Max's room, twisting his head to look up at Max on the roof, barely visible. "What is he doing? He's going to get himself killed and I will cry." He said, licking his lips nervously before leaning out a little and shouting, "MAX! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?"
"Kind of...well, actually a certain branch of them did this. It's a complex idea" Ryan responded. "I'm Ryan by the way" He smiled putting a hand out to her. "Son of Zeus" The teen added more silently as to not freak out the normal civilians around them. Cupid finally exited the elevator, "Good luck amigos. Have fun at your poker night". He looked around then walked to Ace, "So, how was that burger?" "Better than you could ever imagine. It had some Brazilian kick to it" Ace replied smiling.
Jason being twenty feet above the roof didn't hear Man's alert the only reason he was moved at all was because of the scene in front of him. He had just fallen through seaboard when he could swear he still had it under control, now it was swirling around oddly before making the word "HI" in water caps. Jason cocked an eyebrow and responded, "Uh..Dad?" the water rearranged itself into the words, "Lobby" and then "Now". Jason sighed, "A bit bushy aren't we." The water splashed him and he was actually wet for once good thing he was still on his swimsuit. "I'm not only your father but a God, now go you're needed, and no more pouting you must deal with your frustrations not lock them away." this time the words were much smaller and closer putting g themselves in paragraph form. "Alright then, ultra to remember that, now can I please get my board back?" the water vibrated and Jason heard the sound of laughter a mans and a girls, he was sure the mans was Poseidon which made sense but turned around to see Jerika chuckling above the elevator doors. "When did you get back and where the hell did you go?" Series shrugged off his question, "A girls got keep her secrets, now lets go." Jason rolled his eyes before forming his board and riding down to the lobby With a winged Jerika in tow. The two glided in to the lobby and Jason evaporated his board. "Look who decided to join us again." pointing at Jerika she just smiled and waved "Hey guys long time no see, what I miss." she sat in an open chair and Jason stood arms crossed against his chest as Ryan was assisted by a girl he never saw. "Who're you?" his tone indicated curiosity as opposed to aggression.

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Pepper smiled a bit and lightly shook his hand. "Pepper Williams... Daughter of Poseidon I believe." she said softly while looking around carefully, to avoid odd looks before glancing up at Jason and blinking. "Hello... I'm Pepper. Daughter of Poseidon..." she said again.
Ryan heard a familiar voice, "Hey Jason!" He turned back to Pepper, "So is it just you and your friend then joining our group?" Ryan figured that he would probably explain the little family relation he had within the scientists once they got on the plane to Greenland. It was somewhat important information. That, and the whole scientists duplicating powers thing.
Max heard Alec Below him and quickly fell down to his floor. "Come on. Meeting now. Downstairs in the lobby. Please check on Helena I don't think she heard me. Please" Max didn't wait for a response "Anyways thanks see you down there" Max dropped down to the bottom floor and landed softly on the ground. He made his way into the lobby and grabbed both Raiko and Violet "Lets go you two" Max said as he began dragging the two towards Ryan. "Hey I think i told everyone." Max said as he let go of both the demigods.

Ryan nodded at the direction of his brother's voice. "Alright, so Max do you have a plan? We're going to our next location now right? Is your mom ready? I wouldn't want to rush her. Sorry for all the questions" Ryan said putting a hand in his pocket. Cupid and Ace noticed the group at the other side of the lobby and decided to join them. "Hello my friends who never eat" Ace greeted noticing two new people at the side of his eyes. He nudged Cupid, "Hey who are they?" Cupid shrugged his shoulders, "I guess they just joined us?"
Pepper nodded slightly as she looked over them. "We did." she said softly. "I'm Pepper." She said while looking at them. "Pleasure to meet you." she said softly.
Jason smiled broadly, "I'm Jason Michaels son of Poseidon. Pleasure to meet you." He brightened up as he remembered his odd conversation with their father. "So that's what he meant eh?"

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"Hi. I'm Max, Son of Zeus." Max said to Pepper before looking to Ryan. "She should have the plane refueled, and should be waiting at the Airport. She will be ready to leave anytime, so we can take a day to rest or get food if we need too." Max's attention focused on the chick sitting a little ways away. He got a weird feeling from her. "It's up to you guys what we do."
"I say we travel now...if that's okay" Ryan suggested. He couldn't wait to take his other brother down. Ace scanned the area, "I want to go now". Cupid followed Ace's gaze, "I think we've been here long enough haven't we? Remember, we need to be careful. Scientists could be around us even at this very moment...disguised as some old person even!" An elderly woman stopped next to Cupid, "RUDE!" She slapped him on his face then carried on. "....well what were the chances" Cupid asked not expecting a response.
Helena and Alec soon appeared, Helena with her leather jacket on and hellhound walking beside her, her hand resting on his shoulder tentatively, Alec looked concerned for Helena, but didn't say anything. She seemed.. Changed, somehow. Like the emotional release from the outburst had done something to her. Of course she still sat by herself with her hellhound, but she didn't seem to be avoiding everyone, just lost in thought..
Jason grinned it was good to have a sibling again, "Do I have some tricks to show you, this is gonna be fun."

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Pepper gave a nod to Max. "Hello Max. Pleasure to meet you and that girl over there... is my comrade... Karan... Don't mind her... She's always like that... I wouldn't mind getting out of here..." she said softly before giving Jason a smile. "I have my own tricks too brother... Well half brother."
Raiko said from the corner very quietly, "Hi I'm Raiko. Nice to meet you." He waved and thought no one would notice him so he didnt say anything else. He just stared at them and continued being in the corner.
The hellhound looked away from his saddened owner and locked his eyes on a new girl with reddish hair. new! NEW GIRL! NEW SMELL! Smell new, smell like demigod! Demigods friends! NEW GIRL FRIEND! YAAAAAY! With that, the hellhound charged at Karan, jumping on her and knocking her down, then proceeded to give a proper face licking.

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