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Fandom Camp Half-Blood Redefined

Raiko had no idea of how to answer that question. What the hell did happen? Raiko felt a lot better but he felt like something was missing. "Good question. I'll leave that question for Max and Jason." Raiko turned his head slowly still in a little but of pain from whatever happened. I will come back for you little boy. The woman said in his head. "I'm not that little." Raiko responded out loud on accident. "Max, you okay? The drained plant should've healed you up pretty well."
"huh?" Max mumbled as he regained consciousness. He sat up and looked around wondering why he wasn't where he passed out. "Umm I'm fine." He said before noticing Violet. "huh? Oh, ummm. I don't know really. He just came downstairs and started firing bullets at… well at me mostly. The kid started talking in a women's voice and i got shot twice. So fun times." Max stood up "anyways i better go change… and probably shower, so bye." Max walked over to the elevator and pushed the button to take him to the floor where his room was. Then he began rapidly pressing the close doors button until it shut all the way and began moving up. "S*** what if someone comes is on the other side of the elevator?! i gotta quickly clean up." Max instantly pulled his bag off his back and rummaged around inside looking for what he needed. He pulled out two towels and a bottle of water. He took off his shirt and started to wash off the blood on his arms using one of the towels and some of the water. After the blood was washed off Max stuffed his shirt and the extra towel into the bag. Max wrapped the towel around his waist so that his shorts were hidden and completely unscrew the lid on the water bottle. He began to pour the water on himself when he saw the elevator stop at the floor below the one he needed. He quickly screwed the lid back on and put the bottle back into his bag. He straightened back up just as the door opened. On the other side of the door was a man with two kids, who all stared at Max weirdly. "Sorry sir, umm. My friends stole my cloths out of the pools changing room. Do you mind if i take the elevator up by myself?" Max said and smiled hoping his lie would work. The man nodded "Thank You sir, and uh sorry for the inconvenience." Max said as he pushed the close door button again. Max sighed deeply when the elevator opened on his floor, he quickly jumped out of the elevator and hurried to his room. When he was in he took off his bag and set the decoy towel next to it. He opened the bag and pulled out a black shirt with a purple stripe around the sleeve and another pair of dark green cargo shorts. Max walked into the bathroom and started the water. "Whelp lets get completely clean" He thought as he took off his remaining cloths and stepped into the shower.
Jason became bored with just sitting there and let his mind driftr until he remembered his father's words about the ocean meeting the sky. "As if water can fly" Jason's eyes widend and he turned to Bishop who had disappeared. "Oh great as usual you always miss my greatest discoveries." He hopped up and thought some more, "water flying eh. I got this." He jumped and just before he landed formed n oval of water about three inches thick which resembled a incomplete surfboard, he concentrated on increasing the hardness by imagining that it was solid while not being frozen. He watched his feet and saw that he was in fact standing on water. Jason smiled at his success and decided to go a bit further. "Alright now rise. As he focused on it rising he slipped up and got a face full of water and though he remained dry he had a look of disappointment on his face. "Let's try this again." He repeated the process this time rising a bit on the water before getting a feel for it and shooting up towards the roof. "Oh yeah!!! Now this is more like it, Lokks like thts one more flying demigod." Jason couldn't contain his excitement and did a few flips on his makeshift board before zipping around the building. "Thanks for the tip dad." he said grinning like a fool. He came in for a landing on the roof and sat there breathing a bit heavily from the adrenaline rush. "Gotta do that again."
"A woman's voice? I'm not really that feminine am I?" Raiko asked Jason. He had noticed Jason was flying on water and exclaimed, "Are you doing that in purpose? If so, wicked!" He stared at him flying and then noticed Violet was still there. "Oh hey. So ya I almost killed them. Sorry Jason and Max, but you left." Raiko felt like he was talking to nobody after that so he decided to be quiet. He tried to remember if anything had happened before he was possessed that was unusual but he couldn't remember.
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Max had just stepped out of the shower when he saw a shadow pass by his window followed by an excited 'woohoo'. "What the hell?!" Max said as he saw the weird spectacle happen before his eyes. "Was that Jason?" Max in a curious hurry put on the clothes he had laid out for himself and stepped out into the hallway. He thought about taking the elevator but decided it would be easier to take the stairs. he was halfway to the staircase when he realized he had forgotten his backpack in his room. After face palming he hurried back to the room and grabbed it off the floor. "God that could've been bad. I hate it when cleaning people go through my stuff." He opened the door to the staircase and started up towards the roof. He reached the door to the roof quickly hoping whatever had passed by his window had landed up there. He pushed through the door panting and found Jason standing there also out of breath. "How- how the hell you get up here so fast? I mean you can fly and i doubt you could've sprinted up the stairs that fast." Max said catching his breath. He sat down in front of the door and looked at his friend. "You in there or are you daydreaming again?
Jason snapped out of his excited daydream, "I exist, don't worry. But you totally missed it dude are you ready for this..I CAN FLY and its TOTALLY AWESOME! Dude how do you not get a rush after zoomin around the air like that." Jason took a step towards Max then decided to show him what he meant. Jason's next step started the board that he envisioned before and his step after completed it. Be started by just hovering towards Max, then went full speed towards him angling straight up at the last minute staying Max in the face with excess water. "You won't be the only airborne big three kid anymore." He grinned down at Max before he realized that with the increased surface tension of the water he was slipping off. He remedied this by making boots of ice and freezing the board remains in the air by contesting on moving it as he would a frozen projectile. Anyone swerved and hovered in front of Bishop, "So you're the pro, how do I get better at this."

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Max frowned at Jason as he wiped the water off of himself. "First off." He said "Don't splash your friend who could quite easily knock you out of the sky." Max crossed his arms "second your not technically flying." Max stepped forward and touched the water board "You're simply standing on floating water. If anything the water is flying, you're just riding it." Max jumped up into the air and floated there. "This is flying, I am not using any outside objects such as your water board to fly." Max bend his legs and looked as if he was sitting in an invisible floating chair, and pulled his bag off his back. He pulled out a small water proof case inside was a small notebook. "Now let's see" he said as he began to flip through the pages. "Whelp that helps" Max said closing the notebook and placing back in his pocket "Now that I remember the process I can help you 'fly'" Max said putting air quotes (no pun intended) around the word fly. " First off you're off balance." He said moving towards Jason. "Your feet say it all. The fact that you had to freeze your feet to the board say that you either need more practice standing vertically on water or that your angle if accent was to high." Max moved around Jason while floating "you should use this only for a short amount of time." Max said inspecting the board. "to much time in the air or a sudden lack of consentration could lead to me saving you from becoming a pancake." Max stopped in front of Jason "And third." Max said and he flicked his foot sending a small gust at Jason knocking him off the board. "I am the only one who should be able to fly, after my dad might see this and BAM! The monsters get some nice crispy Jason for dinner." Max landed next to Jason and out his hand out for him to grab. "And about your earlier question. I don't get a rush anymore, used to but after the third time it just stopped happening."
Jason glared at Max and let out an exasperated sigh, "I hate you, but whatever, eventually I'll work on only using water vapor but for now I'll stick with my board." Jason took Mac's hand and stood up but moved especially fast as he stood and rammed his forehead into Max's face. "I get all the other stuff, but if you think I give a flying f*** about your dad you can forget it." Jason hopped back on his board and looked off looping around the top and looking up another forty feet before dispelling his board and letting himself drop down onto one he made below flying around the hotel to find Helena's room, "Maybe aother big three kid will understand, but I miss Jaycee." Jason found Helen's room and knocked on the window. "Yo, lemme in! Please? this is getting difficult."

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A figure loomed in the window- Helena in a sports bra and sweatpants. She stared at Jason with a neutral expression then opened the window and stared some more. Of all things for this guy to do, suddenly he's floating in front of my window, she thought, then leaned forward bracing her hands on the windowsill and said, "Now what in the fresh hell are you doing floating outside my window?"
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Max sat there on the ground his head in pain from Jason's actions earlier. "Jesus Jay." Max thought rubbing his forehead "I was serious about my dad." Max stood up and crossed his arms. "You can be such a meat head at times. Fine see if i care, go and get fried!" "So i have you approval?" Max jumped at the sound of the new voice and turned around. "I thought i smelled ozone, What do you want dad!" "Nothing, just come to check on you." "Bullsh*t" "Now thats no way to speak with your fa-" "Cram it pops, since when do YOU ever visit me in person." Max said as he crossed his arms and stared angrily at Zeus. "You always send a note, or another Zeus kid, or one of your "helpers", or have my mother message me. You never EVER visit me in person." "You do know that I have a lot of kids Max" "Yeah and i bet they get a lot more personal visits from you! Why are you even here?" "Straight to the important stuff, ok then" Zeus crossed his arms in a similar fashion to Max and began "First off how much longer are you gonna keep transporting those other demigods through my skies." "How did i know. Most likely until we get rid of all the Scientist bases and stop this mess, why it ticking you off?" "Slightly. Regardless you know the only reason i have shot you out of the sky is because of your Mother…" "yes i know! You always loved here, and I know how many times you freaking visit her!" Max said angrily "Why do you even bother visiting me!" "It's because you are one of my child-" BULLSH*T! I'm probably one of your first children who you wish would just drop off the face of the earth and die!" "Max" "Shut It! You know my past and you probably think that i am another gods child. I have the temper of a Hades kid, I can steal things flawlessly like a hermes kid, and I'm great with metalwork like Hephaestus kids. You probably wonder how i could possibly be related to you!" "Thats Enough!" Zeus shouted with his voice booming like thunder. "It's true that i would rather have you dead, but you are still one of my children. You don't understand all i have done to help you throughout your life and you go on hating me like an abusive stepfather!" "What the HELL have you done to help m-" Max stopped as his fathers hand connected with his face sending shocks through Max's body. The sky darkened as if it where about to rain. "You ever wonder who helped the police find you when Sam kidnapped you, you wonder why i always send you weapons that can be easily modified, you wonder why i always visit your mother. Its because i care about you Max! I was the one who reported the location of Sam's torture house, I send you those weapons so you can keep you metalworking skills up, and i visit your mother constantly to make sure that you and your mother remain safe." Max's eye softened as he began to process all his father had said. The sky lightened slightly and it began to pour. Max stood there thinking about what his father said as he was covered with rain water. "Max, if i didn't care for you i wouldn't be standing here in front of you trying to inform you of whats going on." "What do you mean?" "As you know your brother Ryan is powerless, but there have been reports of demigods going missing and having normal mortals appear who have the powers of the missing demigods." Max's eye widened upon hearing this. "It appears as if the mortals wish to take the powers of the demigods away from them, thinking that children like you don't deserve to wield such powers and that they do." Max looked up at his father. "So are you saying that we might run into some scientist who has Ryan's powers?!" "Precisely, Which is why i am asking you to keep the group safe. Also the base you destroyed here was only an outpost for the scientists. There was only one thing of importance there and it was removed from the building along with the rest of the scientists." "So you're saying our victory was meaningless?" "No. You have destroyed a major site for the scientists and has dwindled their number a bit." "A bit yay" Max said sarcastically "Now we only have to deal with like thirty less scientists!" Zeus let out a small laugh "You actually have to deal with 35 less scientists. Helena killed five more than you did." "Well hooray for her, ill have to do better next time." Max said with false enthusiasm "Max i want you to be careful, you have had a few demigods go missing from your group and i don't want to lose you or your brother. Anyways i should be on my way now." Max's eyes sparked with a question "Wait you said a few have gone missing. Do you know if two demigods by the names of Mason and Evelyn are alive?" "Im sorry i wouldn't know that. Hades has locked himself in the Underworld, so the knowledge of who has and hasn't died isn't available." "Oh, well then" Max said as his worry returned to him. "But." Max looked up at his dad. "A child of Hades might know." And with that a bolt of lightning stuck down onto Max's father and he vanished. Max unshielded his eyes thought to himself. "A Child of Hades huh… Well i guess i should visit Helena." Max thought as he walked to the door to the stairs. Max took the bishop piece off his necklace and stared at it. "I guess you were looking out for me… Sorry dad" Max opened the door to Helena's floor and stepped into the hallway. Max stopped in front of Helena's room. "I think Alec said this was her room." Max said and he knocked on her door.
Helena rolled her head with a frustrated groan, grabbed Jason by his shirt collar and dragged him into her room before slamming the window closed, dumping Jason on the floor and trudging over to the door, grabbing her shirt and pulling on as she threw the door open and practically shouted, "WHAT. First Jason shows up floating outside of my window, and now your knocking on my door, what's next, Cupid comes up out of the toilet!?"
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Max stood there with his hand in air ready to knock again. "Umm. Are you okay?" Max asked Helena when she had finished shouting. "Umm i needed to ask you something… and i have something to tell you" Max looked down at his feet thinking about what his father had just told him. "Wait Why is Jason here?" Max said as he started to go into her hotel room. Max stopped. "Umm. Can i come in?"
Jaso rubbed his now injured face and spat out some carpet, "Note to self: No matter how good Helena looks, answer her questions before getting hurt." He stood up and looked at Max, "Why do you smell like ozone?" He then turned to Helena, "Oh and to answer your question I came to talk to you, and to get a rest from that board. BUT let's hear what Maxi pad has to say first."
Ryan walked around around the lobby. "Ryan! Ryan!" Cupid came running at the son of Zeus. "Ah! Get away!" Ryan yelled feeling around the area to quickly get away from the vibrations that Cupid's feet sent to the ground. "Ryan relax it's me Cupid" Cupid said reaching Ryan. "...ah! Get away!" Ryan continued saying while stepping away from Cupid. The teen bumped into a wall as Cupid reached for his shoulder. A big punch landed on Cupid's face when Ryan cam into contact with the wall. "Ow!" Cupid grabbed his cheek in pain. "I was just going to ask what you were up to!" The child of Aphrodite yelled. "...oh" Ryan said feeling the buttons near the elevator and pressing the top one, "I'm just going to my room. Sorry by the way". "Did you think I was going to attack you?" Cupid asked. "Well, I'm blind, you pick on me with your love power,...there's a list you know" Ryan responded entering the elevator while Cupid followed in.
Max scowled at Jason "never call me that again." Max said angrily "Anyways to answer your question I just had a little father-son chat with Zeus, and I got some pretty scary news. The scientist are stealing the powers from the demigods." Max said as to the others "Then they are somehow giving the stolen powers to there soldiers making them extremely deadly." Max looked up at the two demigods "They're creating super soldier, to rid the world of Demigods." Max then looked at Helena "and I need to ask you a question." Max's expression became worried "Are Evelyn and Mason dead?"
Helena suddenly seemed to calm down, staring wide eyed at Max, and opened her mouth to say something, when Alec came rushing in and stuffed a bikini into Helena's hands and said, "Here that's yours."

She stared at him, then down at her hands, "Why do you have my bathing suit?"

"You remember that one year in camp when I was dared to wear a bikini all day?"

"... You stole my bikini?"

"No, hahahaha who gave you that idea, ANYWAY!" He laughed, "Theres a pool on the ground floor, and there's nobody there, lets go swipe the place and have a f***ing pool party!"

".... A pool party."

"Yes! Everyone gets on their bathing suits and we all have a f***ing pool party with food and lemonade and sh*t!" He looked like an excited puppy, while Helena did not look amused, standing there with a bikini in her hands.
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Jason was happy for Alec interruption and decided to help, "Yeah sounds like a blast!!!" He hurried behind Helena pushing her into the bathroom "Hurry up and and get yo fine self in that suit." He turned on Max and Alec, "Ya'll too! c'mon shoo shoo." Jason dragged the others out of the room and ran off to his opening his door and slipping in. Once inside he took a deep breath and sighed. "Thank the Gods for Alec that was about to get wayyy dark." He now much more calmly went over to his bag and unzipped it gingerly removing his folded clothes until he came across his trunks. "Alright here we go." he grabbed a towel and a pair of flipflops and went into his bathroom to change. He felt silly knowing he didn't need it but would wear it for show. He quickly changed clothes and went to to his bag replacing his folded clothes and putting the street clothes he was wearing into a drawstring bag. "Alright that's about it." He turned and left making sure the room was locked before heading back to Helena's room figuring since Max and Alec would probably head down together he would pair up with her. Seeing her in her bikini was a plus though, he smiled as he reached the door then knocked hoping she hadn't gone down already.

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"I'm not going." She said from the other side of the door, after throwing the bikini down on the floor. She had absolutely no intention of going to a pool party, in a bikini no less. She felt no need to show off her scar ridden body, so she flopped back on her bed and stared upwards after opening the door to her room.

Alec smiled giddily and ran through the halls, spreading the word of the party and rushed to go put on his swim trunks.
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Max shook his head as he followed Alec to there room. "Ugh well I'm not gonna get an answer to my question about those two." Max thought as he got to the room and opened the door. Max threw his bag down by his bed and then proceeded to flop face first onto the hotel bed. "Too much stuff to process." Max rolled over and stared up at the ceiling "I need some time to think, and a pool party full of people screaming won't help me." Max bit his lip. "I could sneak out and head into town, or head onto the roof, or maybe go into the woods." Max turned towards the bathroom. "Alec is probably changing now." Max thought "I could sneak out now." Max chuckled "I wonder if anyone else doesn't want to go?" Max closed his eyes and laid there on the bed.
Jason slipped into Helena's room when Alec exited and stood next to the bed glaring down at her, "So you just gonna sit there or are we going swimming?" he move and grabbed her bikini throwing it so it landed on her face. "It's just a bit of fun, we need to get to know each other more yeah, so this is a great opportunity to. Plus I know it's not just me that's going to be disappointed if you don't show, Alec seems pretty pumped and I know he'd love for his best fried to be there."

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Helena stayed right where she was, then wiped the bikini off of her face, "Yes, actually, I AM going to sit here and do nothing, there is not way in hell I am going down there to swim, I don't do swimming, and the only way Alec will be disappointed is if MAX doesn't take his shirtless self down to the pool party! He hardly seems to care about anything else these past few days.." She said bitterly, and rolled to face away from Jason, with her eyes narrowed. Then her eyes fell on the bikini and she grumbled and stared some more, grumbled then shouted, "OH FINE! But I am not going in that f***ing pool!"
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Jason chuckled, "Oh I'll get you in there somehow, even if I die a horrid death." Jason went over to the door and stood arms crossed and started playing with water he condensed he found it in a circle and waited for Helena to be ready contemplating whether or not she'd kill him for splashing her or if he could somehow avoid it, either way it would help him pass the time as the boredom started to grow. "Oh come on it can't take THAT long to put on a bikini." His sighed and made an infinity symbol with his little airborne stream.

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"Well you certainly don't have to wait for me, you could just go by yourself.." She said bitterly, looking at herself in the mirror. The bikini was simple enough, a rich blood red color, but she still couldn't get over the massive amounts of scars on her stomach and back and- it just made someone less then happy with showing off their body. Tattoos swirled and crawled across her skin, melding into that big twenty four skulls tattoo on her shoulder, and she sighed before turning to look at Jason, still grumpy.
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Max opened his eyes his mind made up. He got up and stretched as he walked towards the door, but stopped when he went to grab the door handle. "No. If i go through the hallway Jason will stop me." Max went back to the desk in the room and pulled out a piece of paper. Max pulled out a pen and began to write a note. "Alec I'm gonna step out for some air. Be back later. -Max" Max set the pen down, grabbed his bag, and walked over to the window and opened it. Max threw his legs over the windowsill and sat there. "Sigh, Ill be back" Max said as he pushed himself out the window. He fell down to the ground and softened the landing using his abilities, and he walked off towards the town.

After walking for a few minutes Max turned around and looked back at the hotel in the distance. "Jeez, Alec is gonna kill me. Ill have to speed back so he doesn't get mad." Max turned a corner into a large market area and he smiled. "At least this place isn't loud, just a little noisy. It'll do." Max began to wander, letting his thoughts run wild in his head. "I can't believe this is happening. Why would they do this?! Its not like we're harming them in any way." Max looked around the market looking at all the food being sold. They were selling things from fruits to actual meals. Max smiled as his stomach rumbled. "I guess i could use something to eat." Max thought as he put his hand into his pocket and realized something "Sh*t I left my wallet in my other pants… Wait" Max smiled evilly as he realized where he was. "No cameras, no alarms, this should be fun." Max put his hands into his pockets and began to walk through the market. Max pretended to run into a man and slipped his hand into the mans pocket taking his wallet. "Sorry, Was a little distracted." Max said as the man murmured something under his breath. Max quickly dug through the wallet and pulled out the bills before dropping the wallet onto the ground. Max smiled and walked one to one of the stands and bought a handful of random fruits. He smiled as he walked out of the market, but it faded when he turned the corner. Standing there were two boys, and it was clear what was going on. Max sat down and listened in on the conversation. The two boys spoke in Portuguese which Max knew little of, and he couldn't really follow what was happening until the older boys took the younger ones food. The older kid said something which was in Max's vocabulary. "Thanks for the food." Before the older boy laughed and then walked away holding a basket of fruit. When the older boy had gone around the corner Max went to the boy. "Are you ok? Can you understand me?" The boy nodded. "Did he make you buy that with your own money?" The boy nodded again. "Well then, looks like i can pass some time." Max reached into his pocket and pulled out the remaining money that he had taken. "Here" Max said handing the boy the money. "Its not mine so don't feel bad, also her." Max put the remainder of his fruit into the boys hands. "Head home, and be safe." The boys eyes gave Max a look of kindness as he got up and hurried off. Max smiled as he watched the boy run off, but his expression hardened when he remembered what he was going to do. "Alright" max thought as he cracked his knuckles. "Lets teach a bully a lesson." Max reached into his bag and pulled out a purple bandana which he tied around his neck and ran off towards where the older kid had ran too. It took him a few minutes but he finally found the kid along with another kid around the same age. Max pulled the bandana over his mouth so his face was covered. "Hey can you help me i think I'm lost?!" Max shouted as he walked up to the two boys. "I just got done with a jungle walk and i can't remember which way my hotel is." The two boys looked at each other and smiled. "Sure We can show you the way." One of the boys said to Max the other one secretly pulled out a switchblade. "Oh thank the Gods." max said turning around "Now i think it was that way" Max pointed off into the distance. When the boys thought Max's guard was down the charged him, but Max was ready. He sidestepped into the boy without the knife and drove his elbow into the boys gut, and then proceeded to throws him onto the ground. The boy with the knife sped towards him and swung, but Max caught his hand mid swing. "You know if you want to mug someone you should probably check to see what they can do." Max said as he removed the knife from the boys hand :cause you could make a bad choice." Max dropped the knife onto the ground and planted his foot onto the kids face sending him crashing onto the ground in pain. The two boys got up and ran away from Max. Max took a deep breath "I just had to go into town didn't i?" he thought to himself as he took the bandana off and put it back in his bag. "I might as well just sit on the roof and think." And with that Max Jumped up and landed on the roof of the building next to him. "Everywhere i go i just make a mess of things. Might as well stay here for a bit." And Max laid down and began to think.
Jason turned to face Helena and felt his jaw drop, and his mind go blank. "Damn girl." He revealed himself and looked at her again, he walked around her to take in her appearance and stood in front of her his arms crossed and face locked in a reflective expression before he abruptly threw up both thumbs. "I like it, you look like the badass you are. Seriously and the bikini helps to." Jason's voice became playful and he gently nudged her shoulder a smile on his face. "And I would've left but I doubt I would've been very happy...I honestly hate being alone it's pretty awful and besides, someone has make sure you actually get yo fine self down there." He laughed and turned to the door, "Ready when you are."

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